participant User
participant LangChain Agent
participant LangChain Tool Fitment
participant LangChain Tool Inventory
participant LangChain Tool Price
participant LangChain Tool Human
participant Fitment API
participant Inventory API
participant Price API
Note over LangChain Agent, LangChain Tool Human: Initialize LangChain Agent
LangChain Tool Fitment->>LangChain Agent: Tool name "Fitment", instruction and required parameters "Maker", "Model", "Year"
LangChain Tool Inventory->>LangChain Agent: Tool name "Inventory", instruction and required parameters, "Tire", "Location"
LangChain Tool Price->>LangChain Agent: Tool name "Price", instruction and required parameters, "Tire", "Location"
LangChain Tool Human->>LangChain Agent: Tool name
Note over LangChain Agent,LangChain Tool Human: LangChain Agent initilization done
User->> LangChain Agent: I want to buy tires, my vehicle is Ford Focus 2014
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Agent: Thoughts: need to find tire information
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Tool Fitment: "Maker": "Ford", "Model": "Focus", "Year": "2014"
LangChain Tool Fitment ->> Fitment API: "Maker": "Ford", "Model": "Focus", "Year": "2014"
Fitment API ->> LangChain Tool Fitment: Tire A fits this vehicle
LangChain Tool Fitment ->> LangChain Agent: Tire A fits this vehicle
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Agent: Thoughts: need to find inventory information
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Tool Inventory: "Tire": "tire A"
LangChain Tool Inventory ->> LangChain Agent: Need location
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Agent: Thoughts: Need location, ask human
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Tool Human: Which store you are looking at
LangChain Tool Human ->> User: Which store you are looking at
User ->> LangChain Tool Human: Vancouver
LangChain Tool Human ->> LangChain Agent: Location is Vancouver
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Tool Inventory: "tire A", "location": "Vancouver"
LangChain Tool Inventory ->> Inventory API: "Tire": "tire A", "location": "Vancouver"
Inventory API ->> LangChain Tool Inventory: We have 20 in stock
LangChain Tool Inventory ->> LangChain Agent: We have 20 in stock
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Agent: Thoughts: Need to know price per tire
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Tool Price: "Tire": "tire A", "location": "Vancouver"
LangChain Tool Price ->> Price API: "Tire": "tire A", "location": "Vancouver"
Price API ->> LangChain Tool Price: $150 per tire
LangChain Tool Price ->> LangChain Agent: $150 per tire
LangChain Agent ->> LangChain Agent: Thoughts: Have enough information to reply to the user
LangChain Agent ->> User: Tire A fits this vehicle, at location Vancouver, each costs $150