Alright so just a heads up, this does no parsing of the frameworks in dyld_shared_cache
, nor does it parse any MachO files, and I don't actually plan on having this project do that. I think that it's at an EOL before it has even released because I want to make a tool that does that and more separately. I hope all of you understand.
With that out of the way, lets get into usage.
If someone wants to PR to fix this broken thing, that would make my day.
You need to make sure that you are on swift >= 5.5 as this uses a newer version of SPM
To dump the interface of an obj-c class, just pop the class into the ClassInfo
struct like this:
let classNameString: UnsafePointer<CChar> = NSString("SomeObject").UTF8String
let ourClass: AnyClass? = objc_getClass(classNameString) as? AnyClass
guard ourClass != nil else {
// Throw whatever error here because the class needs to be loaded into memory
let classInfo: ClassInfo = ClassInfo(withClass: ourClass!)
Then pop the info of the class into an InterfaceWrapper
like so:
let wrapper: InterfaceWrapper(withInfo: classInfo)
You can now use the header and print it out by calling wrapper.stringRepresentation
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there are preferences too. They are under DumpOptions.shared
Feel free to explore!
A bit sliced because this represented that it can handle pretty much anything in memory
(base) ➜ ~ decaf brew -m --private Admin
@interface Group : DSRecord {
NSNumber *mGUIDNumber; // offset: 40
NSMutableArray *mUsers; // offset: 48
NSMutableArray *mUserGUIDs; // offset: 56
NSMutableArray *mNestedGUIDs; // offset: 64
BOOL mGUIDChecked; // offset: 72
BOOL mHasGUID; // offset: 73
NSString *mUUIDString; // offset: 80
NSString *mRealNameString; // offset: 88
+ (id) findGroupByName:(id)arg1;
+ (long long) nextFreeGroupID;
+ (id) createGroupWithName:(id)arg1 realName:(id)arg2 gid:(long long)arg3 inNode:(id)arg4;
+ (id) findGroupByID:(long long)arg1;
+ (id) adminGroup;
+ (id) findGroupByName:(id)arg1 node:(id)arg2;
+ (long long) nextFreeGroupIDInRange:(_NSRange)arg1;
+ (id) allLocalGroups;
+ (id) createGroupWithName:(id)arg1 gid:(long long)arg2 inNode:(id)arg3;
+ (id) findGroupByGUID:(CFUUID *)arg1;
+ (id) wcCreateGroupWithName:(id)arg1 realName:(id)arg2;
- (void) dealloc;
- (long long) gid;
- (void) refresh;
- (BOOL) addMember:(id)arg1;
The command decaf
requires that xcode + command line tools are installed to /Applications/
There are two subcommands included:
list List available frameworks.
brew Dump a frameworks classes.
Note: Each flag has a short version too
USAGE: decaf brew [--macos] [--ios] [--tvos] [--watchos] [--private] [--info] [<framework-name>]
You use the dump
command to dump a framework from a path you have already seen using the list
USAGE: decaf list [--macos] [--ios] [--tvos] [--watchos] [--private] [--all] [--custom <custom>] [--limit <limit>]
You can use the list
command to see the frameworks available to dump (Doesn't check if they are broken or not)
It will also print out the version and bundle ID of the framework.
- View more info about a certain Framework:
- List MacOS Frameworks:
-m, --macos
- List iOS Frameworks:
-i, --ios
- List tvOS Frameworks:
-t, --tvos
- List WatchOS Frameworks:
-w, --watchos
- Look inside of the
directory:-p, --private
- Limit the output of the list:
--limit <limit> (default: 50)
- List all frameworks:
-a, --all
- Use a custom framework path:
--custom <custom path>