To contribute to this project, it's recommended to git clone it into your Winamp/WACUP skin directory.
It is recommended to have basic knowledge of wasabiXML and MAKI (Make A Killer Interface) and the usage of Winamp/WACUP as it is pretty much the only Modern Skin "IDE" out there to contribute to this project.
To create color themes, it is recommended to grab a copy of the Color Editor for Winamp5 (or use the one bundled with WACUP), though do note that once you create a new theme, everything will turn grey as it is by design to allow flexible emulation of color schemes the way that Windows does. Do note of the "Color Groups" box and memorize where the "Window" group is, then you must set it to a temporary color like Black or whatever fits your needs, then you may begin creating a new color theme.