Total Number of Transactions |
/wallet/:address/total-transactions |
Count all transactions associated with the wallet. |
Basic transaction count. |
S (Small) |
Send vs. Receive Analysis |
/wallet/:address/send-vs-receive |
Compare the total amount sent and received by the wallet and indicate if the wallet sent more than received, or vice versa. |
Straightforward analysis of inflow vs. outflow for the wallet. |
S (Small) |
Chain Duration |
/wallet/:address/chain-duration |
Calculate the time elapsed since the wallet's first transaction. |
Requires querying the first transaction timestamp for the wallet. |
S (Small) |
Largest Transaction |
/wallet/:address/largest-transaction |
Query all transactions for the wallet and find the one with the highest amount. |
Use on-chain data to calculate the largest transaction amount. |
M (Medium) |
Most Active Transaction Days |
/wallet/:address/active-days |
Aggregate transactions by date and return the day(s) with the highest count of transactions. |
Useful for identifying the most active dates of the wallet user. |
M (Medium) |
Unique Wallet Transfers |
/wallet/:address/unique-transfers |
Count distinct wallet addresses involved in sending/receiving transactions with the wallet. |
Helps in understanding interaction diversity. |
M (Medium) |
Top Interaction Wallet |
/wallet/:address/top-interaction-wallet |
Find the wallet address with the highest number of interactions (sends or receives) with the target wallet. |
Track user engagement with other wallets. |
M (Medium) |
Token Portfolio Performance |
/wallet/:address/token-performance |
Analyze token transactions to identify holdings, best-performing tokens, and duration of holding. |
Requires tracking token value over time and calculating performance metrics like gains or losses. |
L (Large) |
Transactions by Category |
/wallet/:address/transaction-categories |
Categorize transactions into swaps, transfers, token interactions, etc., and return counts for each category. |
On-chain metadata analysis required to classify transactions. |
L (Large) |
Most Used Protocols or dApps |
/wallet/:address/top-protocols |
Analyze transactions to identify the protocols, anchors, or dApps most frequently interacted with. |
Requires protocol mapping logic to associate transaction metadata with specific dApps or protocols. |
XL (Extra Large) |
P&L and Fee Savings |
/wallet/:address/profit-loss |
Calculate profit/loss for tokens based on buy/sell activity and compare to what would have been spent in gas fees. |
Needs token price history and gas cost benchmarks for comparison. |
XL (Extra Large) |
NFTs Overview |
/wallet/:address/nft-overview |
Analyze NFT transactions to summarize collections, costs, and best profit from sales. |
NFT-specific metadata analysis required. |
XL (Extra Large) |