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TornadoCash Governance Takeover

NOTE This reproduction uses a new feature introduced by Coinspect into Foundry in PR 5033 and included in this nightly release

Make sure to update your foundry version with:

$ foundryup

Ensure that the installed version is the following or newer:

foundryup: installed - forge 0.2.0 (33f3fee 2023-05-26T00:09:41.611811000Z)

Step-by-step Overview

The Tornado Cash Governance system faced an attack that was initiated with what seemed to be a benign proposal. Yet, it contained a concealed instruction that allowed for its replacement. Once governance participants unknowingly approved this seemingly harmless proposal, the attacker overwrote the code at the same address with a new proposal implementation. This sequence of events resulted in the alteration of the Governance storage, followed by the unauthorized removal of TORN tokens.

Two accounts played pivotal roles in the incident: Attacker 2 (Proposal Handler) and Attacker 1 (Drainer Controller). Attacker 2 was responsible for managing the proposal's life cycle including its deployment, submission, destruction, re-deployment, and execution. Attacker 1, on the other hand, controlled the drainer contracts which facilitated the unlocking of TORN from Tornado Cash.

Stage 0: Initial Transactions [Proposal Handler]

Attacker 2 withdrawn 10 ETH from Tornado Cash and then swapped these into 1017 TORN through 1inch. Concurrently, a proposal factory, a middle or transient and a proposal contracts were deployed. Attacker 2 then locked the 1017 TORN into the Tornado Cash Governance, enabling proposal submission.

Stage 1: Proposal Submission [Proposal Handler]

With the TORN tokens now locked, Attacker 2 submitted the proposal to the Tornado Governance. This proposal was structured similarly to Proposal #16 but included a selfdestruct instruction within an emergencyStop function.

Stage 2: Account Creation [Drainer Controller]

Attacker 1 created 100 subsidiary accounts (minions), locking zero TORN balance in Tornado for each one. This last step is a pretty curious yet interesting one, as the attack could have succeeded even without any TORN approved and locked by those 100 subsidiary accounts.

Stage 3: Proposal Destruction [Proposal Handler]

Attacker 2 triggered the emergencyStop from the factory before the proposal execution, leading to the destruction of both the proposal and the transient contract. This resets the nonce of the transient contract, thus allowing the modification of the proposal's implementation.

Stage 4: Redeployment [Proposal Handler]

Attacker 2 then redeployed the transient and a new malicious proposal on the same addresses as before using create2 and create, relying on the nonce reset of the previous step (relevant for create) and on the deterministic deployments via create2. More details about this step in the next section.

Stage 5: Locked Balance Modification [Proposal Handler]

Upon proposal execution within the Tornado Cash's context (using delegatecall), Attacker 2 employed sstore instructions added into the new proposal's implementation to alter the lockedBalance mapping of the 100 accounts created by Attacker 1, assigning 10,000 locked TORN to each account.

Stage 6: Token Transfer [Drainer Controller]

Once the balance of each minion account was updated, Attacker 1 initiated the unlock and transfer of TORN tokens, directing all the funds to their own account.

Detailed Description

This attack relies on several important concepts such as different ways of deploying contracts (create2 and create), context of execution (proposals are executed with delegatecall), mapping slot calculation (implemented in the malicious proposal). We will dissect them in this section.

Deployments with create and create2

The attacker 2 managed to deploy, destruct and redeploy the proposal on the same address. This was possible thanks to the following process:

  1. Deploy a factory capable of:
    1. Storing or retrieving the creation code for the initial proposal and the malicious one.
    2. Deploying a transient contract with create2
    3. Triggering the destruction of the transient and the proposal
  2. The transient deployed, used create to deploy the proposal and its code was immutable. The attacker was able to deploy two different implementations of the proposal as this was coordinated by the main factory.

Using create2 to deploy the transient

The attacker leveraged from salted deployments of an immutable transient contract with create2:

        deployedTransientContract = address(new TransientContract{salt: _salt}());

This type of deployments where introduced in the EIP-1014 by Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin):

Adds a new opcode (CREATE2) at 0xf5, which takes 4 stack arguments: endowment, memory_start, memory_length, salt. Behaves identically to CREATE (0xf0), except using keccak256( 0xff ++ address ++ salt ++ keccak256(init_code))[12:] instead of the usual sender-and-nonce-hash as the address where the contract is initialized at.

initialisation_code = memory[offset:offset+size]
address = keccak256(0xff + sender_address + salt + keccak256(initialisation_code))[12:]

By not changing the implementation at any point of the transient contract, if the deployment is made passing the same salt, its address would be always the same, even after selfdestruct.

Using create to deploy the transient

The legacy create opcode deploys contracts where the destination address is calculated as the rightmost 20 bytes (160 bits) of the Keccak-256 hash of the encoding of the sender address followed by its nonce:

address = keccak256(rlp([sender_address,sender_nonce]))[12:]

How all comes together after selfdestruct?

The selfdestruct opcode empties a contract account setting its balance and nonce to 0 as well as deleting its code (code size is also set to 0).

Using a constant implementation of the transient allowed the attacker to deploy via the factory with create2 the transient two times at the same address (before and after the destruction). Allowing the subsequent create call to also deploy two different proposals in the same address.

The attacker destroyed the transient to reset its nonce, allowing this contract to deploy the new malicious proposal to the same address as the sender will be always the same and the nonce will be reset to the same value as the current one when first deploying the initial proposal's implementation. Because the proposal is deployed using create, the attacker was able to change its implementation at will as create does not depend on the deployed bytecode.

Calculating the memory slots

Once the attacker is able to perform arbitrary modifications on the Governance's storage - because proposals are executed via delegatecall - they need to know which storage slots to manipulate.

The slot that a variable occupies in the storage is predictable and well documented. A variable is put into the position p following the order in which they were defined after applying C3-linearization. We also know that mapping keys are stored on the keccak256(h(k).p) slot (where h is a simple pad to 32-bytes).

The mapping to manipulate, lockedBalance, is not actually defined in Governance, but instead in Core, a contract the Governance indirectly inherits from (by inheriting from Delegation). Because inheritance is used, linearization order is actually important.

contract Governance is Initializable, Configuration, Delegation, EnsResolve {

At this point, the attacker has several options to calculate to find p, including some pen and paper. For us, the most reliable way was simply to go to the bytecode of the contract. We know there is a lockedBalance(address) method, as the mapping is public. We can calculate its signature using cast:

$ cast sig 'lockedBalance(address)'

Using a Solidity decompiler, we find the dispatch entry for that method in the bytecode:

    } else if (var0 == 0x9ae697bf) {
        // Dispatch table entry for lockedBalance(address)
        var1 = msg.value;
        if (var1) { revert(memory[0x00:0x00]); }
        var1 = 0x03b7;
        var2 = 0x063b;
        var3 =;
        var4 = 0x04;
        var2 = func_2982(var3, var4);
        var2 = func_063B(var2);
        goto label_03B7;

After some digging, we realize func_063B must be our candidate, and var2 must be the address used as input.

   function func_063B(var arg0) returns (var arg0) {
        memory[0x20:0x40] = 0x3b;
        memory[0x00:0x20] = arg0;
        return storage[keccak256(memory[0x00:0x40])];

That looks exactly like what we are after: it concatenates address | 0x3b and returns the storage at point storage[keccak256(h(address)|h(0x3b))].

So know we know that p is 0x3b and we can now write in the appropriate storage slots by doing an SSTORE.

Context of execution

Tornado Cash Governance executes proposals with delegatecall():

  function execute(uint256 proposalId) external payable virtual {
    require(state(proposalId) == ProposalState.AwaitingExecution, "Governance::execute: invalid proposal state");
    Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
    proposal.executed = true;

    address target =;
    require(Address.isContract(target), "Governance::execute: not a contract");
    (bool success, bytes memory data) = target.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("executeProposal()"));
    if (!success) {
      if (data.length > 0) {
      } else {
        revert("Proposal execution failed");

    emit ProposalExecuted(proposalId);

This opcode works by running the code of another contract (referred to as an external implementation) within the context of the initiating contract. While the operations are governed by the code of the external contract, any changes made during the execution, such as variable modifications and logical operations, directly impact the state of the initiating contract.

Because the call is executed in the context of Tornado Cash the attacker was able to write the mapping slots for each one of the minions with the process shown above by executing the malicious proposal with the additional sstore instructions:

    // For educational purposes, how to get the slot for a mapping key, knowing the mapping's slot
    function getStorageSlot(address account, uint256 slot) public pure returns (bytes32 hashSlot) {
        assembly {
            // Store account in memory scratch space
            mstore(0, account)
            // Store slot number in memory after the account
            mstore(32, slot)
            // Get the hash from previously stored account and slot
            hashSlot := keccak256(0, 64)

    // Write the slot for a mapping key, the initial mapping slot must be known (storage stack)
    function writeSlot(address account, uint256 value, uint256 slot) public {
        bytes32 slotHash = getStorageSlot(account, slot);
        assembly {
            sstore(slotHash, value)

Possible mitigations

  1. Governance contracts should check that the code that was voted is exactly the same that is going to be executed and revert otherwise.