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1Password Connect

Deploying 1Password Connect

Installing the Helm Chart with default configurations will deploy 1Password Connect in your default Namespace. However, Using 1Password Connect in Kubernetes requires that a 1password-credentials.json file be stored as a Kubernetes Secret. This credentials file can be saved as a Kubernetes secret by setting the file in your helm install command:

helm install connect 1password/connect --set-file connect.credentials=<path/to/1password-credentials.json>

More information about 1Password Connect and how to generate a 1password-credentials.json file can be found at

1Password Connect Kubernetes Operator

Deploying 1Password Connect Kubernetes Operator

In order to deploy the 1Password Connect Kubernetes Operator along side 1Password Connect --set operator.create=true in your install command.

Please note the following:

This operator expects that a secret containing an API token for 1Password Connect is saved to the configured namespace. Creation of a secret for the token can be automated by the Helm Chart by using --set operator.token.value=<token>.

If you would prefer to create the token secret manually, the token can be saved as a Kubernetes secret using the following command:

kubectl create secret generic <token-name> --from-literal=token=<OP_CONNECT_TOKEN> --namespace=<namespace>

More information about 1Password Connect and how to generate a 1Password Connect API token can be found at

To deploy the Kubernetes operator without also deploying 1Password Connect (for example, to deploy multiple operators on a single cluster), use --set connect.create=false in your install command.

Configuration Values

The 1Password Connect Helm chart offers many configuration options for deployment. Please refer to the list below for information on what configuration options are available as well as what the default configuration options are.

From the Official Helm Install Guide:

To override values in a chart, use either the '--values' flag and pass in a file or use the '--set' flag and pass configuration from the command line, to force a string value use '--set-string'. In case a value is large and therefore you want not to use neither '--values' nor '--set', use '--set-file' to read the single large value from file.

For example:

helm install -f myvalues.yaml connect ./connect


helm install --set connect.applicationName=connect connect ./connect


Key Type Default Description
connect.create boolean true Denotes whether the 1Password Connect server will be deployed
connect.replicas integer 1 The number of replicas to run the 1Password Connect deployment
connect.applicationName string "onepassword-connect" The name of 1Password Connect Application string "onepassword-connect" The name of 1Password Connect Host
connect.api.imageRepository string "1password/connect-api The 1Password Connect API repository string "connect-api" The name of the 1Password Connect API container
connect.api.resources object {} The resources requests/limits for the 1Password Connect API pod
connect.api.httpPort integer 8080 The port the Connect API is served on when TLS is disabled
connect.api.httpsPort integer 8443 The port the Connect API is served on when TLS is enabled
connect.api.logLevel string info Log level of the Connect API container. Valid options are: trace, debug, info, warn, error.
connect.credentials jsonString Contents of the 1password-credentials.json file for Connect. Can be set be adding --set-file connect.credentials=<path/to/1password-credentials.json> to your helm install command
connect.credentials_base64 string Base64-encoded contents of the 1password-credentials.json file for Connect. This can be used instead of connect.credentials in case supplying raw JSON to connect.credentials leads to issues.
connect.credentialsKey string "1password-credentials.json" The key for the 1Password Connect Credentials stored in the credentials secret, the credentials must be encoded as a base64 string
connect.credentialsName string "op-credentials" The name of Kubernetes Secret containing the 1Password Connect credentials string "shared-data" The name of the shared volume used between 1Password Connect Containers
connect.dataVolume.type string "emptyDir" The type of the shared volume used between 1Password Connect Containers
connect.dataVolume.values object {} Desribes the fields and values for configuration of shared volume for 1Password Connect
connect.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The 1Password Connect API image pull policy
connect.imagePullSecrets array [] List of secret names to use as image pull secrets. Secrets must exist in the same namespace.
connect.ingress.annotations object {} The 1Password Connect Ingress Annotations
connect.ingress.enabled bool false The boolean value to enable/disable the 1Password Connect
connect.ingress.extraPaths list [] Additional Ingress Paths
connect.ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local" The 1Password Connect Ingress Hostname
connect.ingress.hosts[0].paths list [] The 1Password Connect Ingress Path
connect.ingress.ingressClassName string "" Optionally use ingressClassName instead of deprecated annotation.
connect.ingress.labels object {} Ingress labels for 1Password Connect
connect.ingress.pathType string "Prefix" Ingress PathType see docs
connect.ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS see docs
connect.nodeSelector object {} Node selector stanza for the Connect pod
connect.priorityClassName string "" priorityClassName to apply to the Connect API deployment resource.
connect.affinity object {} Affinity rules for the Connect pod
connect.hpa.enabled boolean false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling for the Connect pod
connect.hpa.annotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the HPA Connect
connect.hpa.minReplicas integer 1 Minimum number of replicas for the Connect pod
connect.hpa.maxReplicas integer 3 Maximum number of replicas for the Connect pod
connect.hpa.avgMemoryUtilization integer 50 Average Memory utilization percentage for the Connect pod
connect.hpa.avgCpuUtilization integer 50 Average CPU utilization percentage for the Connect pod
connect.hpa.behavior object {} Defines the Autoscaling Behavior in up/down directions
connect.pdb.enabled boolean false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling for the Connect pod
connect.pdb.annotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the PDB Connect
connect.pdb.maxUnavailable integer 1 Number of pods that are unavailble after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
connect.pdb.minAvailable integer 0 Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
connect.probes.readiness boolean true Denotes whether the 1Password Connect API readiness probe will operate and ensure the pod is ready before serving traffic
connect.probes.liveness boolean true Denotes whether the 1Password Connect API will be continually checked by Kubernetes for liveness and restarted if the pod becomes unresponsive
connect.annotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the Connect API deployment resource.
connect.labels object {} Additional labels to be added to the Connect API deployment resource.
connect.podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the Connect API pods.
connect.podLabels object {} Additional labels to be added to the Connect API pods.
connect.serviceType string NodePort The type of Service resource to create for the Connect API and sync services.
connect.serviceAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the service.
connect.sync.imageRepository string "1password/connect-sync" The 1Password Connect Sync repository string "connect-sync" The name of the 1Password Connect Sync container
connect.sync.resources object {} The resources requests/limits for the 1Password Connect Sync pod
connect.sync.httpPort integer 8081 The port serving the health of the Sync container
connect.sync.logLevel string info Log level of the Connect Sync container. Valid options are: trace, debug, info, warn, error.
connect.tls.enabled boolean false Denotes whether the Connect API is secured with TLS
connect.tls.secret string "op-connect-tls" The name of the secret containing the TLS key (tls.key) and certificate (tls.crt)
connect.tolerations list [] List of tolerations to be added to the Connect API pods.
connect.customEnvVars array [] Custom Environment Variables for the 1Password Connect container.
connect.version string {{.Chart.AppVersion}} The 1Password Connect version to pull
operator.autoRestart boolean false Denotes whether the 1Password Operator will automatically restart deployments based on associated updated secrets.
operator.create boolean false Denotes whether the 1Password Operator will be deployed
operator.replicas integer 1 The number of replicas to run the 1Password Operator deployment
operator.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The 1Password Operator image pull policy
operator.imagePullSecrets array [] List of secret names to use as image pull secrets. Secrets must exist in the same namespace.
operator.imageRepository string "1password/onepassword-operator" The 1Password Operator repository
operator.nodeSelector object {} Node selector stanza for the operator pod
operator.affinity object {} Affinity rules for the Operator pod
operator.hpa.enabled boolean false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling for the Operator pod
operator.hpa.annotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the HPA Operator
operator.hpa.minReplicas integer 1 Minimum number of replicas for the Operator pod
operator.hpa.maxReplicas integer 3 Maximum number of replicas for the Operator pod
operator.hpa.avgMemoryUtilization integer 50 Average Memory utilization percentage for the Operator pod
operator.hpa.avgCpuUtilization integer 50 Average CPU utilization percentage for the Operator pod
operator.hpa.behavior object {} Defines the Autoscaling Behavior in up/down directions
operator.pdb.enabled boolean false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling for the Operator pod
operator.pdb.annotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the PDB Operator
operator.pdb.maxUnavailable integer 1 Number of pods that are unavailble after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
operator.pdb.minAvailable integer 0 Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
operator.annotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the Operator deployment resource.
operator.labels object {} Additional labels to be added to the Operator deployment resource.
operator.logLevel string info Log level of the Operator container. Valid options are: debug, info and error.
operator.podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to be added to the Operator pods.
operator.podLabels object {} Additional labels to be added to the Operator pods.
operator.pollingInterval integer 600 How often the 1Password Operator will poll for secrets updates.
operator.priorityClassName string "" priorityClassName to apply to the Operator pods.
operator.clusterRole.create boolean {{.Values.operator.create}} Denotes whether or not a cluster role will be created for each for the 1Password Operator string "onepassword-connect-operator" The name of the 1Password Operator Cluster Role
operator.clusterRoleBinding.create boolean {{.Values.operator.create}} Denotes whether or not a Cluster role binding will be created for the 1Password Operator Service Account
operator.roleBinding.create boolean {{.Values.operator.create}} Denotes whether or not a role binding will be created for each Namespace for the 1Password Operator Service Account string "onepassword-connect-operator" The name of the 1Password Operator Role Binding
operator.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the 1Password Connect Service Account
operator.serviceAccount.create boolean {{.Values.operator.create}} Denotes whether or not a service account will be created for the 1Password Operator string "onepassword-connect-operator" The name of the 1Password Conenct Operator
operator.tolerations list [] List of tolerations to be added to the Operator pods.
operator.version string "1.8.0" T 1Password Operator version to pull
operator.token.key string "token" The key for the 1Password Connect token stored in the 1Password token secret string "onepassword-token" The name of Kubernetes Secret containing the 1Password Connect API token
operator.token.value string "onepassword-token" An API token generated for 1Password Connect to be used by the Connect Operator
operator.watchNamespace list [] A list of namespaces for the 1Password Operator to watch and manage. Use the empty list to watch all namespaces.
operator.resources object {} The resources requests/limits for the 1Password Operator pod
operator.customEnvVars array [] Custom environment variables for the 1Password Operator container that are not specified in this helm chart.

Custom Environment Variables

Some containers support additional environment variables beyond those explicitly defined in the Helm chart. These can be defined using a key map for each custom variable. An example of adding custom variables to the connect container is shown below:

    - name: "CUSTOM_ENV_VAR1"
      value: "customvar2"
    - name: "CUSTOM_ENV_VAR2"
      value: "customvar2"


By default, the chart will also install the OnePasswordItem CRD. To disable this, you can run helm install with the --skip-crds flag.