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This branch is 2 commits ahead of, 511 commits behind apache/arrow-rs:main.


Apache Arrow Rust Integration Testing

See Integration Testing for an overview of integration testing.

This crate contains the following binaries, which are invoked by Archery during integration testing with other Arrow implementations.

Binary Purpose
arrow-file-to-stream Converts an Arrow file to an Arrow stream
arrow-stream-to-file Converts an Arrow stream to an Arrow file
arrow-json-integration-test Converts between Arrow and JSON formats
flight-test-integration-server Flight integration test: Server
flight-test-integration-client Flight integration test: Client

Notes on how to run Rust Integration Test against C/C++

The code for running the integration tests is in the arrow repository

Check out code:

# check out arrow
git clone [email protected]:apache/arrow.git
# link rust source code into arrow
ln -s <path_to_arrow_rs> arrow/rust

Install the tools:

cd arrow
pip install -e dev/archery[integration]

Build the C++ binaries:

Follow the C++ Direction and build the integration test binaries with a command like this:

# build cpp binaries
cd arrow/cpp
mkdir build
cd  build
cmake  -DARROW_BUILD_INTEGRATION=ON -DARROW_FLIGHT=ON --preset ninja-debug-minimal ..

Build the Rust binaries


# build rust:
cd ../arrow-rs
cargo build --all

Run archery

You can run the Archery tool using a command such as the following:

archery integration --with-cpp=true --with-rust=true

Above command will run producer and consumer for the matrix of enabled Arrow implementations (e.g. C++ and Rust), and compare the results.

In C++ Arrow repo's CI, for integration test, it also runs consumer test with golden files specified by --gold-dirs:

archery integration --with-cpp=true --with-rust=true --gold-dirs=/path/to/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/0.14.1 --gold-dirs=/path/to/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/0.17.1

Actually C++ Arrow repo's CI runs with more implementations other than just C++ and Rust. This is the command to reproduce test result of CI:

archery integration --run-flight --with-cpp=1 --with-csharp=1 --with-java=1 --with-js=1 --with-go=1 --gold-dirs=/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/0.14.1 --gold-dirs=/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/0.17.1 --gold-dirs=/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/1.0.0-bigendian --gold-dirs=/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/1.0.0-littleendian --gold-dirs=/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/2.0.0-compression --gold-dirs=/arrow/testing/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/4.0.0-shareddict

To debug an individual test scenario, it is also possible to run the binaries directly:

# Run cpp server
$ arrow/cpp/build/debug/flight-test-integration-server -port 49153

# run rust client (you can see file names if you run archery --debug
$ arrow/rust/target/debug/flight-test-integration-client --host localhost --port=49153 --path /tmp/generated_dictionary_unsigned.json