To add a pre-defined breakpoint just call its function on the breakpoints
If you want to debug a custom object you have to pass in the object and property you want to debug.
var obj = {test: "value"}
breakpoints.debugPropertySet(obj, "test")
obj.test = "hi" // Pauses execution
You can use the following three functions:
- debugPropertyGet to pause when a value is read, e.g. just running
- debugPropertySet to pause when a value is set, e.g.
obj.test = "hi"
- debugPropertyCall to pause when a value is called, g..
The pre-defined breakpoints are just combinations of these calls. For example:
Is equivalent to:
breakpoints.debugPropertyCall(localStorage, "setItem")
breakpoints.debugPropertyCall(localStorage, "clear")
If you don't pass any additional parameters into the functions above they will pause execution when the breakpoint is hit.
However, you can also simply show a trace message without interrupting execution, by passing in "trace" as a third argument:
breakpoints.debugPropertySet(obj, "test", "trace")
Or, for pre-defined breakpoints, passing in "trace" as the first parameter:
Instead of "trace" you can also pass in a custom function that should be called when the breakpoint is hit
// do whatever here
console.log("In debugScroll callback with details:", details)
The details will vary depending on the breakpoint, but generally will have this information:
- object a reference to the object being debugged
- propertyName the name of the property being debugged
- callArguments when using debugPropertyCalls this will contain the arguments the function is being called with
- thisArgument when using debugPropertyCalls this will be the execution context the function is called with.
You can either use breakpoints.resetLastBreakpoint()
to reset the most recently
created breakpoint, or use breakpoints.resetAllBreakpoints()
to reset all breakpoints
added using JS Breakpoint Collection.