- convenience
- mi6 as a reference of Raku
- Getopt::Long is more than welcome - standardization?
- "killer features":
- Cro as a reference of Raku
- Red as a reference of Raku
- we have some momentum with ML
- Leon's idea is worth considering: GIR
- SpitSH is an outstanding idea, don't let it be wasted!
- Terminal fun
- lessons to learn from
- Terminal::Print module could be more maintained
- NCurses/PDCurses for better multiplatform support
- MUGS - what's the state of it?
- lessons to learn from
- the old ecosystem (and modules site) used to be a social place - let's try to keep the good parts
- confer [[Squashathon reborn]]
- let's try to reach out to authors
- RakuNavigator by bscan: let's help him!
- repurpose as a general grammar repository
- Github/Linguist tracks it
- maybe VSC also will, bscan++
Content and communication:
- books
- content should be abstracted
- different domain name?
- even if there are no new books, this should be a top-level management category for the best possible representation
- revive Richard's Citation Index:
- is the original module
- Ecosystem module by Liz++
- release-date already present in the meta folder in REA - let's retrieve it?
- can we go back in time? retrospectively filling the graph
- new site by CIAvash?
- old site?
- Bootstrap update
- gradually moving from Perl can still be desirable
- content could be taken from CIAvash
- universal content considerations
- better description of IRC
- better description of ecosystem-related stuff
- making it clear what is official-ish (core approved)
- zef
- Cro, mi6... whatever we are proud of
- versioning
- advertise continuous development
- compatibility guarantees
- documentation guarantees?
- making it clear what is official-ish (core approved)
- favor FOR NOW
- in the long run, migrate to Cro, inspiration can be taken from
- website based on Richard's Collection backend
- content maintained at
- known issues of keeping content up-to-date
- the Weeklies are good - make them louder
- same for the weekly challenges
- "fan-made", unofficial content needs to be appreciated
- part of the story: Raku CCR project - good idea, let's take it seriously
- bring weekly challenge reviews back? Maybe Bruce has an idea
- tutorials
- "first language Raku" series? [[First language Raku tutorial]]
- some really-really good materials about containers in Raku would be essential
Means to facilitate and stimulate activity:
- Raku as a great academic-yet-pragmatic learning opportunity for students
- "working groups"
- Like Raku noise gang
- perhaps cannot be enforced - it's all up to user demand
- let's try to bring people with similar interests together
- shared ownership of content could also be considered
- [[Squashathon reborn]]
Language and implementation:
- design and specification
- stuff is definitely outdated
- still useful for documentation! loads of details
- Raku should not become Rakudo as-it-is
- "undefined behavior" is also undesirable imo
- Roast is not sufficient, better standard needed
- stuff is definitely outdated
- 6.e is being discussed by RSC
- up-to-date JVM and JS backend would be welcome
- standalone executable would be welcome
- better Windows AND Mac support (hate to say it...)
- ecosystem logic
- modules (unit of dependency) versus distributions (unit of publishing)
- the situation needs to get clearer
- either make distributions the unit of dependency
- or raise awareness of this "Perlish" situation with the following measures
- disadvising namespace-looking distribution names
- better ecosystem support for per-module actions
- better site support for module lookup
- profiler
- an up-to-date viewer is needed