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iJungleboy edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 21 revisions

2sxc Documentation Overview

2sxc is very flexible and can be used for almost any kind of content-management needs or app development needs. Because of this, different documentations help you work with different things. Here's the overview:

  1. Getting started tutorials are found in the Learn section of
    includes installation, basic instructions, creating your first content-type and similar tutorials & it also include instructions how to export/import data, working with the image resizer and more.
  2. A list of features, concepts and examples can be found in the Docs section of, including things not specifically code related
  3. Many solutions and recommendations are found in the Blog on
  4. Many demo, template and tutorial Apps are found in the App Catalog on
  5. The general Roadmap
  6. App folder structure and special files
  7. Style Guide (beta) best-practices draft

General View/Template Features

  1. In-Page Content-Editing
  2. Auto-Optimization of JS/CSS Assets
  3. View-switching based on url-params
  4. Security protecting views like admin-views
  5. Inner Content / Very-Rich-Text
  6. Data types and Field types (ca. 25% documented)

API Documentation

  1. C# / Razor API Documentation - ca. 75%
  2. JavaScript and HTML API Documentation - ca. 75%
  3. REST API to get/edit/delete content-items and WebApi - ca. 50%
  4. Data Sources - all and more APIs - ca. 90%
  5. Json data format V1 for 2sxc v9.4+
  6. setting up 2sxc / eav for development

Concepts (work in progress)

  1. How DNN modules map to the data items
  2. Hiding advanced features
  3. DNN / Evoq Page Publishing / Versioning Workflow in 2sxc 9.5
  4. file system provided content-types in 2sxc 9.7

ToDo: Next topics to document

  • LINQ examples on working with relationships, filtering etc. (2rm)
  • sxc-controller (JS) docs
  • REST api for data, and opening access for external access

More API Documentation - huge TODO

  1. URL and REST API for retrieving / changing data (todo)

  2. ADAM - the Automatic Digital Asset Manager (todo) and AsAdam(...)

  3. Enhancing 2sxc with custom extensions

  4. Custom input field-types

  5. Custom data-types

  6. Custom templating engines

  7. Custom JS connectors to other libraries

  8. ...

  9. Future topics, lower priority

  10. Angular2 and 2sxc (todo)

  11. React and 2sxc (todo)

  12. Knockout and 2sxc (todo)

  13. jQuery with 2sxc (todo) etc.

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