is a function not cunstructor!
that wraps ANY
module to create staggered animations. You can treat stagger
function as a prism
is mounted on top of modules and splits input properties evenly between them:
// wrap shape in stagger
const Shapes = mojs.stagger( mojs.Shape );
// now you can have staggered syntax on the shape and create multiple shapes at once. the next code will produce 5 shapes
const shapes = new Shapes({
// quantifier defines number of modules to create
quantifier: 5,
// each module will have the same scale transition
scale: { 1: 0 }
You can use array
to specify property value for each shape:
// wrap shape in stagger
const StaggeredShape = mojs.stagger( mojs.Shape );
// now you can have staggered syntax on the shape and create multiple shapes at once. the next code will produce 5 shapes
const shapes = new StaggeredShape({
// quantifier defines number of modules to create
quantifier: 5,
// each module will receive value from this array. if array is smaller than amount of modules (4 vs 5), the stagger prism will loop on the array, thus `5th` item will receive value by `index = 0`, `6th` item will receive value by `index = 1` and so on. This is called `property map` because it maps properties array to modules inside stagger.
scale: [{ 0: 1 }, {0: 1.25}, { 0: 1.5 }, { 0: 2 }],
You can use stagger
string incremental properties:
// wrap shape in stagger
const StaggeredShape = mojs.stagger( mojs.Shape );
// now you can have staggered syntax on the shape and create multiple shapes at once. the next code will produce 5 shapes
const shapes = new StaggeredShape({
// quantifier defines number of modules to create
quantifier: 5,
// the value of the property will be increased for each module with specified `step`(.25), starting from the `initial value`(1). Step could be `positive` or `negative`.
scale: 'stagger(1, .25)'
The initial value
could be omitted - it will fallback to 0
// wrap shape in stagger
const Shapes = mojs.stagger( mojs.Shape );
// now you can have staggered syntax on the shape and create multiple shapes at once. the next code will produce 5 shapes
const shapes = new Shapes({
// quantifier defines number of modules to create
quantifier: 5,
// this means stagger with step of `50` starting from `0`
x: 'stagger(50)'
strings can be used inside deltas
and can contain rand
// wrap shape in stagger
const StaggeredShape = mojs.stagger( mojs.Shape );
// now you can have staggered syntax on the shape and create multiple shapes at once. the next code will produce 5 shapes
const shapes = new StaggeredShape({
// quantifier defines number of modules to create
quantifier: 5,
// animate scale from `0` to staggered value (`1` for 1st module, `1.25` for 2nd, `1.5` for 3rd etc.)
scale: { 0: 'stagger(1, .25)' },
// random value in range from `0` to staggered value (`200` for 1st module, `400` for 2nd, `600` for 3rd etc.)
x: 'stagger(-300, rand(100, 200))'
const shape = new mojs.Shape({
// how many modules to create. {Number, String} [amount of modules, property name]
// if `string` is set instead of `number` it is treated as `property name` pointer - the number of modules will be inferred on value of that property, for instance if `quantifier` is set to `el` and `el` property has `array like` as it's value - quantifier will be set to length of that array.
quantifier: 'el',
// options for timeline that controls all modules
timeline: {},
Module's properties and callbacks, depends on what module has been wrapped into stagger, please see wrapped module API reference.
Creates next state transition chain.
@param options {Object} Next shape state.
.then({ /* next state options */ })
Tunes start state with new options.
@param options {Object} New start properties.
.tune({ /* new start properties */ })
Regenerates all randoms in initial properties.
Starts playback.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.play( shift = 0 )
Starts playback in backward direction.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.playBackward( shift = 0 )
Pauses playback.
Restarts playback.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.replay( shift = 0 )
Restarts playback in backward direction.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.replayBackward( shift = 0 )
Resumes playback in direction it was prior to `pause`.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.resume( shift = 0 )
Sets progress of the tween.
@param progress {Number} Progress to set [ 0..1 ].
.setProgress( progress )
Sets speed of the tween.
@param speed {Number} Progress to set [ 0..∞ ].
setSpeed ( speed )
/* Stops and resets the tween. */
reset ( speed );