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261 lines (199 loc) · 8.17 KB


This is a library by Marco Heisig. It is convenient to use when you want to decide which data structure to use or whether some function is too slow.

Of cause, you can measure execution time with the time macro. But in this case, you’ll have to select a number of iteration and to parse time’s output and do some time manipulation.

The-cost-of-nothing does everything for you. It runs given form in chunks, measures an execution time for each chunk, divides and calculates average execution time.

Let’s see how long does it take to access an element in the hash-table.

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (loop repeat 1000000000
                    do (gethash :foo h))))
Evaluation took:
  0.271 seconds of real time
  0.270554 seconds of total run time (0.270170 user, 0.000384 system)
  100.00% CPU
  597,543,804 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed

;; Now we have to calculate a speed of the
;; single operation:
POFTHEDAY> (/ 0.271

I had to guess a number of iteration to get meaningful execution time and also did some arithmetics after that.

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (gethash :foo h)))

;; You also can receive a human readable value:
POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (gethash :foo h)))
11.36 nanoseconds

Here we see result 11 nanoseconds, however with time macro we received only 0.271 nanoseconds. Probably this is because the overhead introduced by the-cost-of-nothing. It tries to subtract overhead time from the result, but seems it does works for very fast operations.

In case if you are measuring the cost of very fast operations it is better to make a loop even when using the-cost-of-nothing:

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
             (/ (the-cost-of-nothing:benchmark
                 (loop repeat 1000
                       do (gethash :foo h)))

How does benchmark macro work?

It has two parameters: timeout and min-sample-time. A tested form gets wrapped into the lambda function and executed in the loop a number of times to measure samples.

On each iteration, the form is executed in another loop where the number of iterations is automatically tuned to make this inner loop run no less than min-sample-time.

After that, an average overall sampled times is calculated and overhead time is subtracted. Overhead time is precalculated as the cost of nil form execution.

On my system, overhead value is 2.7e-9.

I tried to rewrite the function which measures a sample’s time to make the calculation fairer, but without significant result.

Here is what I’ve got:

(defun sample-execution-time-of-thunk (thunk min-sample-time)
  "Measure the execution time of invoking THUNK more and more often, until
the execution time exceeds MIN-SAMPLE-TIME."
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1)))
  (loop with started-at of-type integer = (get-internal-run-time)
        with run-until of-type integer = (+ started-at
                                             (round (* min-sample-time
        for iterations of-type integer = 1 then (* iterations 2)
        summing iterations into total-iterations
        do (loop repeat iterations
                 do (funcall thunk))
        when (>= (get-internal-run-time)
          do (return (/ (- (get-internal-run-time)

I removed a call to an additional function and to local-time:timestamp-difference, but result is not much better - only 10.71 nanoseconds.

Am I missing something? Maybe compiler does some optimizations, when it sees a gethash call in a loop which does not change the dict?

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (gethash :foo h)))
10.71 nanoseconds

Another interesting thing about the-cost-of-nothing is that it includes a benchmark which measures some the cost of some common operations.

Even if they are not precise, it is interesting to compare their relative values. Here are numbers received on my Macbook Pro.

Pay attention to how does cost grow for calling the function with multiple keyword arguments:

POFTHEDAY> (asdf:test-system :the-cost-of-nothing)

= The Cost Of Nothing =
Implementation: SBCL 2.0.2
Machine: X86-64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Hostname: art-2osx

== Memory Management ==
Cost of allocating a cons cell: 6.76 nanoseconds
Cost of garbage collection: 10.68 milliseconds
Cost of full garbage collection: 107.05 milliseconds

== Functions ==
FUNCALL with zero mandatory arguments: 2.71 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with one mandatory argument: 2.68 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with two mandatory arguments: 2.52 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with three mandatory arguments: 2.43 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with four mandatory arguments: 2.74 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with five mandatory arguments: 2.62 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with six mandatory arguments: 2.78 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with zero optional arguments: 2.71 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with one optional argument: 3.24 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with two optional arguments: 3.00 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with three optional arguments: 3.23 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with four optional arguments: 3.09 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with five optional arguments: 3.42 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with six optional arguments: 3.38 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with zero keyword arguments: 2.71 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with one keyword argument: 5.35 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with two keyword arguments: 5.76 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with three keyword arguments: 8.34 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with four keyword arguments: 12.45 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with five keyword arguments: 14.88 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with six keyword arguments: 17.58 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with zero rest arguments: 2.71 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with one rest argument: 2.65 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with two rest arguments: 2.53 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with three rest arguments: 2.48 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with four rest arguments: 2.79 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with five rest arguments: 2.91 nanoseconds
FUNCALL with six rest arguments: 2.66 nanoseconds

== Numerics ==
Flops (single-float): 4.25 gigaflops
Flops (double-float): 2.71 gigaflops

I think it would be great to make this library to output some statistics about collected samples - a number of samples, standard deviation, like IPython does:

Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar 10 2020, 15:43:33)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.14.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: d = {'what': 42}

In [2]: %timeit d['what']
35.7 ns ± 0.405 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

In [3]:


As @guicho271828 noted, SBCL is able to figure out that gethash’s results aren’t used in the loop and optimizes it away.

I’ve checked this hypothesis, and with gethash wrapped with a function results of “time” macro and “benchmark” macro are the same:

POFTHEDAY> (defun get-value (h)
             (gethash :foo h))

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (loop repeat 1000000000
                    do (get-value h))))
Evaluation took:
  12.968 seconds of real time
  12.966402 seconds of total run time (12.958497 user, 0.007905 system)
  99.98% CPU
  28,634,122,802 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
POFTHEDAY> (/ 12.968

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (get-value h)))

POFTHEDAY> (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
              (gethash :foo h)))