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17dcffc · Sep 14, 2024


1776 lines (1198 loc) · 63 KB

File metadata and controls

1776 lines (1198 loc) · 63 KB


0.61.1 (2024-09-14)


  • Now local dependencies also could be created with :DEFER argument. (Thanks for the PR to Breinstew@github)

0.61.0 (2024-09-14)


0.60.0 (2024-07-28)

Incompatible Changed

  • JS function initiateFormAction now accepts four arguments instead of three. Second argument should be an event, third - the form object and fourth an options object.

This change allows to submit form using different buttons having their values passed to a lisp callback.

An examples/simple-form.lisp file was added to demonstrate how this feature works when form has Submit and Cancel buttons.

Note: if you've used Reblocks-UI system, then you'll need to update it to the newest version.

0.59.0 (2024-01-26)


  • Generic-function reblocks/widget:get-html-tag now can return a list like (list :input :onchange \"somevalue\") to change not only HTML tag of the widget node, but also to add some arguments to it.

0.58.0 (2024-01-13)


A new function reblocks/response:status-code was added as a replacement to reblocks/response:get-code. The new function is setfable. Now you can change HTTP status code of the currently rendered page. This is especially helpful when rendering "Not found" or error pages.

0.57.0 (2024-01-08)


  • Error about missing action now is continuable. In case if "continue" restart was selected, page is refreshed to update actions in the session.
  • Now it is possible to use symbol as an action and it will be funcalled to handle an action.

0.56.0 (2024-01-01)


  • Generic-function reblocks/page:body-classes was added and can be used to specify classes for HTML body. This can be helpful when making a site using frameworks like TailwindCSS.

0.55.0 (2023-12-05)


  • Optional argument :defer was added to javascript dependencies.
  • Argument BASE-URI was added to reblocks/response:make-uri function.
  • Now Reblocks responds with Server-Timing and this performance information can be viewed in the browser. Read more about this header at Mozilla's docs.
  • Generic-function reblocks/widget:update now has an optional argument REMOVED. You can set it to T to remove widget from the DOM tree.

0.54.0 (2023-10-22)


Function reblocks/request:get-remote-ip was added.


Now function reblocks/actions:make-action-url removed old action argument if it is present in the current URL. This fixes the case when you want to make an action url from the callback processing another action.

JavaScript function initiateFormAction now does not overwrites whole options.args object, but only replaces the keys corresponding to a form data fields.

0.53.0 (2023-06-20)


Now all commands added using reblocks/response:send-script or reblocks/commands:add-command during the call to reblocks/widget:update generic-function, are added after the command for updating DOM node on the frontend. This fixes a problem happened when you attach some JS handlers to the DOM node, but after the update these handlers are deleted.

0.52.0 (2023-06-08)


0.51.0 (2023-05-27)


  • Function reblocks/actions:make-js-action now accepts ARGS argument. If given, it will be serialized as a dictionary and embedded into the action calling code. This way you can pass the arguments back into your lisp callback.


  • Added includeCSS and includeJS command handlers. This makes it possible to send such kind of commands via a websocket.
  • Now all widgets rendered on a page are collected into a hash table and you can find them by dom-id using reblocks/page:find-widget-by-id function.

0.50.0 (2022-12-03)


Fixed a bug when session lock was written into the session itself instead of into the inner hash table.

Fixed error handling when debug-mode is off. Previously, the debugger was invoked before showing 500 error page to the user.

Now every response has "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" header to prevent caching of dynamic content in the browser. This fixes the issue when you did some changes using actions then went to another page and returned using "Back" button in the browser. Previously browser was able to show you an old content of the page.


Current page abstraction

Added a notion of the current page. Now all actions are bound to some page and pages can expire, clearing actions from the memory. This should prevent memory leak leading to posible DoS attack. Page expiration is controlled by two values:

  • A number of seconds while page should be considered alive. This prevents evil person from filling memory by creation of many separate sessions.
  • A maximum number of pages per session. This may be needed to protect from opening too many pages within one session.

Also, you can use reblocks/page:extend-expiration-time function to extend current page's expiration time.

When all pages in the session are expired, session is removed from the memory too.

Generic-function reblocks/page:on-page-refresh was added.

Cached widget dependencies

Another interesting feature is mixin class reblocks/cached-dependencies-mixin:cached-dependencies-mixin.


These functions were moved to separate package REBLOCKS/PAGE-DEPENDENCIES:

  • with-collected-dependencies
  • get-collected-dependencies
  • push-dependencies
  • already-loaded-p
  • page-dependencies

New generic-function reblocks/session:init-session was introduced. Define a method if you need to add something into the user's session when it is initialized. This function will be called once per user.

Generic function REBLOCKS/SESSION:INIT was replaced with reblocks/page:init-page and it will be called each time a user opens site in a new browser window or tab. When user refreshes the page it will not be called.

Function reblocks/debug:reset-latest-session now provides a convenient restart to enable debug mode.


Function reblocks/widgets/root:get was deleted. Use (page-root-widget (current-page)) instead. Also root-widget-key and corresponding package reblocks/widgets/root were removed.

0.49.0 (2022-11-26)

New functional was added which allows to control how does HTTP middlewares list is generated for the server. You might define your own reblocks/server:server class and a method for reblocks/server:make-middlewares generic-function. Inside this method, you might inject additional middlewares using reblocks/server:insert-middleware function.

Also, a variable reblocks/server:*default-samesite-policy* was introdiced, to control default value of the SameSite HTTP header.

As a bonus, loading of reblocks-docs system was fixed.

0.48.0 (2022-11-07)


Now Reblocks remembers which dependencies are already loaded into the page and will not fetch them again. This fixes issue when it fetched jQuery and broke it's extensions making further action calls made via GET instead of Ajax.

0.47.0 (2022-11-04)


Added ability to set cookie in response handler. You can do it in any render method.

Here is an example how to expire a cookie right now:

     (list :name "auth_token"
           :value ""
           :path "/"
           :expires (get-universal-time)
           :secure t
           :samesite :lax))

0.46.1 (2022-09-16)


  • Error page rendering was fixed. Now such variables as page description, tags and title are bound to their defaults while calling reblocks/error-handler:on-error generic-function.

0.46.0 (2022-07-03)


  • Generic-function reblocks/error-handler:on-error now accepts BACKTRACE argument which may contain a string with a backtrace. Previously, default method of this generic-function has rendered wrong backtrace when you aborted request in debugger.
  • Also, a function log4cl-extras/error:print-backtrace is used now to format a backtrace for error page and now it looks the same as backtrace in logs.
  • Plus, a backtrace now logged only once when unhandled error happens.


  • Macro WITH-HANDLED-ERRORS is not exported from REBLOCKS/ERROR-HANDLER package anymore.

0.45.3 (2022-06-25)


  • Fixed how reblocks/page:get-title and other similar functions change the state. Previously there was a bug and these functions have changed a global variables.

0.45.2 (2022-06-06)


  • Fixed loading of CSS styles for new widgets appearing on a page.
  • Fixed starting server in debug mode.

0.45.1 (2022-06-02)



  • Fixed the way how dependencies are rendered in AJAX action response. Previously, when many widgets of the same class were updated on one user action Reblocks sent a duplicate css/js dependencies.
  • Function reblocks/request:refresh-request-p was fixed and now works as expected.

0.45.0 (2022-02-14)


  • Interactive demos now are rendered just as code block into markdown documents. Such code block is followed by a link to HTML documentation if ASDF system defines a homepage.

0.44.0 (2022-02-09)


  • Fixed the way how welcome page app is started. Now it always started unless some other application does not use "/" prefix.
  • Also, fixed the way how application is choosen depending on request url path.
  • Function reblocks/server:stop now removes all application and routes from the server instance. This way when you'll start it again, server might serve another set of the applications.
  • Now if you redefine your app using reblocks/app:defapp macro and change AUTOSTART argument from T to NIL, this app will be removed from the list of applications to autostart.


  • Now macro reblocks/app:defapp supports DOCUMENTATION argument. Use it to add documentation to application's class.

0.43.0 (2022-02-07)


  • Argument CACHE-IN-MEMORY was added to reblocks/dependencies:make-dependency function. It allows to compile local dependency into the memory. This way you can build a standalone executable webserver without JS and CSS dependencies!
  • jQuery and some other dependencies now are cached in memory at compilation time.

0.42.0 (2022-02-06)


  • Now each app set's its own root widget. Root widgets is choosen depending on current application. and current application depends on the url path prefix. Previously site with multiple apps always shown the same root widget.
  • Fixed the error occured after you stopped the webserver and started it again using the same port. Previously Reblocks complained that the server is already running on this port.
  • Fixed the way how Reblocks signal an error on missing action. Now it does this by default from the default implementation of the reblocks/actions:on-missing-action generic-function. But if variable reblocks/variables:*ignore-missing-actions* is t, then error will not be signaled and user will be redirected to the application's previx path.


  • Documentation examples server was changed to render a list of ASDF systems for which documentation was built.
  • reblocks/preview:preview is able to accept a widget's class as a symbol.

0.41.0 (2022-01-05)


  • Function reblocks/utils/misc:asdf-system-directory. Use asdf:system-source-directory instead.

0.40.0 (2022-01-03)


  • Added a welcome screen app on "/" that lists the active apps.
  • Generic-function reblocks/widget:create-widget-from now returns a more user-friendly error message, explaining that the widget is not of a good type, instead of "no applicable generic method".
  • A new function reblocks/preview:preview was added. Give it a widget and it will setup a server on a random port and show the widget in a browser!
  • Ability to run many web servers each on it's own HTTP port. Each server can have it's own set of applications.
  • Added a log in weblocks/app:start to show the prefix of the app that is started.
  • Changed (weblocks/debug:on) and off so they set the log level to debug and warn, respectively.
  • Changed a library used to log unhandled errors. Now log4cl-extras is used, because it is a successor of log4cl-json.
  • Function reblocks/server:stop now accepts optional interface and port arguments.
  • Function reblocks/action::function-or-action->action was renamed to reblocks/actions:make-action and made public. Old reblocks/action:make-action was renamed to reblocks/action::internal-make-action.
  • JS function initiateActionWithArgs now uses POST method by default.
  • Function reblocks/actions:make-action-url is exported now and it keeps query params by default.

New Functions


  • Package reblocks/widgets/base was removed. All code now is in the reblocks/widget package, which was a nickname previously.
  • reblocks/app:get-active-apps
  • reblocks/app:finalize-webapp
  • reblocks/app:app-active-p
  • reblocks/app:start
  • reblocks/app:stop
  • reblocks/app:restart
  • JS function initiateActionWithArgsAndDeferredCallback was removed because of leaky abstraction of a single deferred object per page.
  • JS functions initiateActionWithArgs and initiateActionWithArgsAndCallback were combined into a single initiateAction function.
  • JS functions initiateFormAction and initiateFormActionWithCallback were combined into a initiateFormAction function.

Also removed:

  • A variable *current-page-headers*, define an :AFTER method for reblocks/page:render-headers instead.
  • *approved-return-codes*
  • *current-page-keywords*
  • *current-page-title*
  • *style-warn-on-circular-dirtying*
  • *style-warn-on-late-propagation*
  • *rewrite-for-session-urls*
  • Functions reblocks/routes:add-route and reblocks/routes:add-routes were made internal.

Other changes

If local dependency can't be found relative to the given ASDF system, we try to search the same path relative to the current directory and throw error if file can't be found. This could happen if you've compiled the webserver into a binary and moved it to another container or machine.

reblocks/server:start function now accepts SAMESITE-POLICY argument which should be one of keywords: :LAX, :STRICT or :NONE. This parameter modifies SameSite part of the cookies sent to the client.

Hooks API was refactored in a backward incompatible manner. reblocks/hooks:defhook macro now requires to specify hook's arguments and all macros generated by the reblocks/hooks:defhook also require arguments specification.

jQuery was upgraded from 1.8.2 to 3.6.0. It's plugins and jquery-seq.js were turned off.

0.39.1 (2020-01-20)


  • Fixed processing of the value x-forwarded-port. Previously, when Weblocks was used along with lastest (after the 2019-09-07) Woo server, this header lead to the 500 error. Because behavior of the Woo was changed:


Now Woo does not parses numeric headers and Weblocks has to do it itself.

0.39.0 (2019-09-16)


It defines a handler for a given route. By default route should return a serialized JSON:

(defroute (app /api/data)
    "{\"my-data\": [1, 2, 3]}")

but you can redefine the content type:

(defroute (app /api/data :content-type "application/xml")

each route is associate with application class and these routes are added to the mapper when you call a start method.

0.38.1 (2019-08-02)

  • A small fix to make it work with weblocks-websocket.

0.38.0 (2019-07-07)

  • Unhandled error processing was fixed. There were numerous problems with error processing:
  • Previosly server stopped to work because clack tried to write into a closed stream.
  • Also, before this fix, error page didn't showed propertly.
  • Any error in the route lead to a server stop because there wasn't any handler at all. Now they are handled with on-error method as errors in block/page rendering.

All of them are fixed now.

0.37.0 (2019-06-01)

  • Removed check if :bordeaux-threads is in the *features*, because this does not work in runtime in precompiled binary.

0.36.0 (2019-05-03)

  • Added function weblocks/session:expire, which can be used to tell Weblocks to delete current session after request processing.
  • Also, now session middleware is created explicitly along with memory store. This made possible to add another two functions to gather some statistics about number of sessions:
  • weblocks/session:get-number-of-sessions;
  • weblocks/session:get-number-of-anonymous-sessions;
  • The function weblocks/widgets/base:get-html-tag was fixed to render tables correctly. If the widget's parent is a :table element, then this function returns :tr (instead of a :div). If it is :tr, it returns :td, and :div otherwise.
  • A new setting weblocks/html:*pretty-html* was created, to further control pretty printing of html both in code and in tests.

0.35.3 (2019-03-31)

  • Added a weblocks/response:add-retpath-to function, useful to add a retpath GET parameter to the URL.

For example, calling:

(add-retpath-to "/login" :retpath

  Will return:


Argument :retpath is optional. By default, function will take an URL of the current web page.

0.35.2 (2019-03-21)

  • Subsystem weblocks/utils/i18n was added to asd file, because otherwise system weblocks-ui can't be installed from the Ultralisp.

0.35.1 (2019-02-02)

  • Previosly, when you called (weblocks/debug:off), subsequent call to (weblocks/debug:status) returned T, but should return NIL.

This was fixed now.

0.35.0 (2019-01-22)

Request handling pipeline was refactored.

The idea of this refactoring, is to separate roles of the functions which process requests. Now weblocks/server:handle-http-request prepares data received from the Clack and calls weblocks/request-handler:handle-request to do the real job.

In it's turn, weblocks/request-handler:handle-request should return an object of type weblocks/response:response containing a content, HTTP status code and headers of the response. Any error signal, thrown from the handle-request is considered by handle-http-request as an "unhandled error" and returned with 500 HTTP status code.

Here is a list of changes:

  • Macro weblocks/hooks:on-application-hook-handle-request was renamed to weblocks/hooks:on-application-hook-handle-http-request.
  • Generic-function weblocks/request-handler:handle-client-request was renamed to weblocks/request-handler:handle-request and now this function should return either string or an object of type response. Previously, it also made a non-local exit by throwing a tag, if request was aborted (for example to return a redirect response). But now it should only unwind a stack in case if some unhandled errow was thrown. Any condition of type weblocks/response:immediate-response will be catched inside a :around weblocks/request-handler:handle-request method and returned as usual response object.
  • Function weblocks/response:abort-processing was renamed to weblocks/response:immediate-return, symbols *code*, *headers* and *content-type are not exported anymore. Instead of these global variables, use newly exported functions get-content, get-code, get-headers, get-custom-headers and get-content-type to extract information from the response object.
  • Package weblocks/response does not export symbols *code* and *content-type* anymore, but exports a function make-response which can be used by a weblocks/request-handler:handle-reqiest to return response.

0.34.0 (2019-01-19)


  • Function weblocks/request:get-scheme was added and it is uses X-Forwarded-Proto header, if it is available.


  • Function weblocks/request:get-port now will use X-Forwarded-Port header if it is available.
  • Function weblocks/request:get-host now will use X-Forwarded-Host header if it is available.


  • Fixed issue introduced in 0.33.2 release - system lack-middleware-session was loaded successfully, but SBCL was unable to find lack-middleware-session package.
  • Now HTML is pretty-printed by default on all implementations.
  • Function weblocks/request:get-uri was fixed to work correctly when server is behind a reverse proxy which provides X-Forwarded-* headers.

0.33.2 (2018-12-06)


  • Added dependency on lack-middleware-session system because wee use it to store sessions.

0.33.1 (2018-11-24)


  • Now unhandled exceptions are logged with tracebacks if you are using log4cl-json library. To turn it on, just do:


  • Function response:redirect and it's JS counterpart was fixed and now work as expected.
  • Request processing was streamlined and now weblocks/server:handle-request does not contain non-local exits. This fixes usage of the handle-request hook, because previously, if you wrap some code around (call-next-hook), then part following call-next-hook was ignored.

For example:

  connect-to-database ()

  (let ((success nil))
    (unwind-protect (progn (setup-transaction)
                           (setf success t))
      (if success

Before this fix, rollback always called, because execution never hitted (setf success t). Now this is fixed.

0.33.0 (2018-11-22)


  • Removed external symbol weblocks/app:make-uri because it wasn't fbound to any function after some refactoring.

Use weblocks/response:make-uri instead.


  • A separate file widget.lisp was added to define a weblocks/widget package. This solves issues when ASDF package inferred loading is unable to find weblocks/widget system. Seems it plays badly when weblocks/widget is nickname for weblocks/widgets/base.

0.32.1 (2018-08-13)


  • A new hook was added - start-weblocks. It is called around the code in (weblocks/server:start) and can be used to setup some additional routes, for example.


  • Previosly, there was an error if you are using ASDF's package inferred system class and don't have explicit dependency on the weblocks page.

The error was raised during code loading:

` ;;; > Error: There is no applicable method for the generic function:

   when called with arguments:


Now it is fixed and package weblocks/js/jquery is a dependency of weblocks/server and always loads.

0.32.0 (2018-06-26)

  • Now weblocks system explicitly requires ASDF >= 3.1, because it uses package-inferred-system class.

0.31.1 (2018-06-16)

  • Fixed error about missing 'bool type under SBCL.

0.31.0 (2018-05-29)

  • We don't enforce *print-pretty* inside of weblocks/html:with-html macro. This hack was required because the bug in the spinneret, which was fixed at 2018-01-04:

0.30.1 (2018-05-20)

  • Error was fixed when you are trying to start a server which is already running. Now you have a "restart" to stop the old version of the server before starting the new one.

However, it does not work with Woo server, because C library libev crashes with error:

Assertion failed: (("libev: a signal must not be attached to two different loops", !signals [w->signum - 1].loop || signals [w->signum - 1].loop == loop)), function ev_signal_start, file ev.c, line 4082

0.30.0 (2018-05-19)

  • Fixed the order of commands for frontend. Now they are returned in the chronological order.

0.29.0 (2018-05-05)

Backward incompatibilities

Class weblocks/dependencies:dependency now requires that type attribute shoulde be of type (member :css :js :png :jpg :gif)

Also, functions make-local-js-dependency, make-local-css-dependency, make-local-image-dependency, make-remote-js-dependency and make-remote-css-dependency were removed from package weblocks/dependencies. Use make-dependency function, it will figure out which dependency type to create itself.


A new function weblocks/debug:get-session-value was added. It can be used to get values from the last session seen by weblocks.

0.28.0 (2018-04-23)

Error handling was fixed. Previously it aborted Woo's worker thread and break the server.

Variable weblocks/variables::*catch-errors-p* was renamed to weblocks/variables::*invoke-debugger-on-error* and it's value was inverted. If this variable is True, then debugger will be invoked. Otherwise - Weblocks will return 500 error page.

Argument :invoke-debugger-on-errors of weblocks/debug:on function was renamed to :invoke-debugger-on-error.

Method weblocks/error-handler:on-error now is called when you abort request processing from the debugger. It is called with current app as the first argument and the nil instead of condition.

0.27.2 (2018-04-09)

Fixed a typo in string-widget and funcall-widget package definitions.

0.27.1 (2018-04-09)

Now string-widget and funcall-widget depends on weblocks/widgets/base instead of weblocks/widget.

0.27.0 (2018-03-11)

Reloading of the defapp definition now does not tries to restart an application. Previously, restart caused the problem – when there is only one application, whole Weblocks server was shut down. So, I've removed this implicit action.

Code which logs action result on the client-side was improved.

0.26.0 (2018-02-20)

Symbols add-application-hook, add-request-hook, add-session-hook, prepare-hooks and call-hook aren't exported from weblocks/hooks anymore. Use new macro defhook instead.

Here is how it works:

You use defhook as the toplevel form of your file if you want to define a new hook. This macro will create few other macroses in weblocks/hooks package and will export them. For example:

(defhook database-opened
   "This hook is called when your application opens a database.")

This code will add these macroses into the weblocks/hooks package: on-session-hook-database-opened, on-request-hook-database-opened, on-application-hook-database-opened, with-database-opened-hook and call-database-opened-hook.

You need to wrap code, which opens a database, with with-database-opened-hook:

(weblocks/hooks:with-database-opened-hook ()

And in any other piece of code, you can define callbacks, using one of other three macroses:

    log-database-opening ()

  (log:info "Database was opened"))

Usage of defhook macro gives more transparency to all defined hooks, because all of them now visible as external symbols in weblocks/hooks package.

0.25.2 (2018-02-04)

System weblocks/hooks now depends on log4cl and metatilities, because previously sometimes it was impossible to load weblocks.

0.25.1 (2018-02-04)

Old tests for widgets, removed from core framework were removed.

Tests for widget's MOP methods were ported to Rove.

Package weblocks/utils/close now loaded with main :weblocks system.

Few old widget tests were removed.

Added function weblocks/session:reset which resets current session.

0.25.0 (2018-01-31)

Good news, everyone!

Quickstart tutorial was fixed!

Widget related changes

Function render-widget was replaced with weblocks/widget:render :around method. Method implementation were moved to weblocks/widgets/render-methods.

Funcall-widget's package was refactored to conform package inferred requirements.

Actions processing

Function make-js-action was moved to weblocks/actions package.

Application and server restarting

Package weblocks/app now exports functions stop and restart. Previously they were internal and were called like stop-webapp and restart-webapp.

Package weblocks/server does not export start-weblocks and stop-weblocks functions. They were replaced with just start and stop. Also, it's internal generics start and stop were renamed and transformed to start-server and stop-server functions.

Session initialization changes

File default-application.lisp was removed, because now every application has default session initialization method.

File default-init.lisp was refactored. Now it provides default method for weblocks/session:init generic and :around method for same generic, which allows end user just to return a string or a function from his init method.

Now user can return any string or function from his method weblocks/session:init and it will be passed to a new generic weblocks/widget:create-widget-from to create a root widget. You can also define create-widget-from for you custom types.


Function weblocks/debug:on now turns on mode when Weblocks does not intercept unhandled conditions, but calls an interactive debugger.


  • session-name-string-pair this function was removed in previous releases, but didn't find it's way to the changelog, still used in some older tests not ported to the Rove.
  • Macro defrender was removed.

0.24.0 (2018-01-29)

All rendering code was refactored.

Macroses with-html and with-html-to-string replaced with weblocks.html:with-html and weblocks.html:with-html-string. Stream *weblocks-output-stream* was moved to weblocks.html::*stream* and is not external anymore. Please, don't use it directly.

Widget refactorings

Procedure update-widget-tree was removed and not widgets can't change html header's tags, description, title, etc. If you need this, change them in the render method.

Macro root-widget was removed and replaced with function weblocks.widgets.root:get.

Request level

Functions post-action-redirect, post-render-redirect and initial-request-p were removed from weblocks package.

Function pure-request-p was moved to weblocks.request package.

Variable *json-content-type* was removed.

Variable *latest-request* was moved to weblocks.debug:*latest-request*.

Functions parse-location-hash, ajax-request-p were moved to weblocks.request package.

Function redirect was moved to weblocks.response:redirect. Functionality, related to opening another window instead of redirection or deferring redirection until the end of action or rendering was removed.

Request handler

Functions remove-duplicate-dirty-widgets, update-location-hash-dependents and update-widget-tree were removed.

Call to weblocks::update-dialog-on-request from handle-client-request was commented.

Error handler

Generic method weblocks/error-handler:on-error now accepts two arguments - application object and condition.

Application level

All code from uri-parameters-slotmap.lisp was removed.

All code, related to application class, was moved to the package Base aplication class was renamed to, and macro for definition of the new application was renamed to

All code related to application's metaclass, was moved to the package Metaclass was renamed to

Application's slot html-indent-p and corresponding accessor weblocks-webapp-html-indent-p were removed because now spinneret generates non indented code.

Slot init-user-session was completely removed and replace with a generic weblocks.session:init.

These dependency related slots and accessors were removed:

  • application-dependencies
  • weblocks-webapp-application-dependencies
  • bundle-dependency-types
  • version-dependency-types
  • gzip-dependency-types

And macro for defining a special readers for them was removed as well: def-debug-p-slot-readers.

Also, these arguments to defapp was removed: :ignore-default-dependencies, :dependencies

Function update-thread-status and method webapp-update-thread-status were removed.

Function get-webapps-for-class was renamed to app-active-p and now returns t if application of given class is already active.

Function start-webapp was renamed to

Function get-webapp was renamed to get-active-app and optional argument error-p was renamed to keyword argument signal-error.

Function find-app was removed.

Function in-webapp was moved to weblocks.debug:in-app.

Variable *default-webapp* was removed.

Variable *active-webapps* was renamed to*active-apps* and made internal. Use function.

Reader weblocks-webapp-prefix was renamed to

Slot default-store-name and its accessor webapp-default-store-name were removed.

Variable *current-webapp* was moved to weblocks.variables::*current-app*.

Functions compute-webapp-public-files-uri-prefix, compute-webapp-public-files-uri-prefix, compute-webapp-public-files-path, make-webapp-public-file-uri, weblocks-webapp-public-files-cache-time and variable *default-public-files-path* were removed because now there is another way to serve static.

Function webapp-serves-hostname was renamed to and now accepts app as the first argument and hostname as the second.

Variable *uri-tokens* was removed and weblocks does not set 'last-request-uri session value to all uri tokens anymore.

Macro with-webapp was moved to

Function webapp-permanent-action was moved to

Function add-webapp-permanent-action was moved to and remove-webapp-permanent-action to

Macroses define-permanent-action and define-permanent-action/cc were moved to and

Function make-webapp-uri was removed, use weblocks/response:make-uri instedad.

Accessor webapp-js-backend was renamed to get-js-backend

These functions were moved into the separate package weblocks.current-app and renamed:

  • webapp-prefix -> get-prefix;

Actions and commands

Function weblocks.actions:add-command was moved to weblocks.commands.

Function weblocks:get-request-action was moved to weblocks/actions:get-request-action

Keyword argment :action was removed from action calls.


Package weblocks.js was renamed to weblocks/js/base.

Functions escape-script-tags, %js and macroses with-javascript, with-javascript-to-string were moved to the package weblocks/js/base.


These variables were moved from weblocks package to weblocks/variables:

  • *current-page-title*
  • *current-page-keywords*
  • *current-page-headers*
  • *rewrite-for-session-urls*
  • *default-content-type*
  • *ignore-missing-actions*

Symbols moved from :weblocks to other packages

To :weblocks/widgets/dom

  • dom-object-mixin
  • dom-id

To :weblocks/utils/uri

  • request-uri-path
  • add-get-param-to-url
  • remove-parameter-from-uri

To :weblocks/linguistic/grammar

  • pluralize
  • singularize
  • proper-number-form
  • vowelp
  • consonantp
  • proper-indefinite-article
  • articlize
  • *current-locale*
  • current-locale
  • russian-proper-number-form
  • noun-vocative-to-genitive
  • *debug-words-forms*
  • *debug-words-genders*
  • determine-gender

To weblocks/utils/warn

  • style-warn
  • webapp-style-warning renamed to style-warning.
  • non-idempotent-rendering
  • misunderstood-action

To weblocks/actions

  • function-or-action->action
  • make-action
  • generate-action-code


To make Weblocks core smaller, many files were removed: views, widgets, html-parts, utilities.

Systems weblocks-util, weblocks-testutils were removed.

Accessor dom-class and generic function dom-classes were removed and replaced with generic function weblocks/widget:get-css-classes.

Generic function weblocks:handle-error-condition was removed.

Variable *dirty-widgets* was removed along with render-dirty-widgets function.


Rendering of remote (non cached) dependencies was fixed.

0.23.0 (2018-01-11)

  • Symbol weblocks.routes:*routes* is not external anymore. Use weblocks.routes:add-route and weblocks.routes:get-route to add new routes and to search a route matched on a path.
  • Fixed getting the rendered widgets in weblocks.widget:update method when making :update-widget or :insert-widget (before) commands.
  • Temporary added method weblocks::child-of-p for new type of widget. This should fix some issues, with widgets updating.

0.22.2 (2018-01-07)

  • Class weblocks.widget:widget was exported, to make possible to define widgets based on it and some mixins.

0.22.1 (2018-01-07)

  • Code broken in previos release was fixed.

0.22.0 (2018-01-06)

Most functions from weblocks.request were refactored and renamed:

  • request-parameters -> get-parameters;
  • request-parameter -> get-parameter;
  • request-header -> get-header;
  • remove-request-header -> remove-header;
  • request-server-name -> get-host;
  • request-server-port -> get-port;
  • request-uri -> get-uri (and now it returns full URI with scheme, host and port;
  • request-path-info -> get-path (and now it has keyword argument with-params to copy behaviour of old request-uri and return strings like /some/path?with=parameters;
  • request-method -> get-method.

All these function now accept keyword argument :request. Previously it was &optional.

Another change is a new function weblocks.response:make-uri. It can be used to build new uri, based on the uri of the current request. This can be useful when embedding links into emails, for example.

Warning! These changes require a newer version of Lack.

I've made a pull request fukamachi/lack#31 it is not merged yet, so, alternative version of Lack can be used, by installing it using Qlot, from here:

0.21.0 (2018-01-01)

  • Macro weblocks.session:get-value was replaced with a regular function.
  • Function weblocks.session:set-value was removed and replaced with a setter (setf get-value).

0.20.1 (2017-12-20)

  • Removed debug these debug messages from client-side JS:
  • Starting AJAX;
  • Stopping AJAX progress;
  • Some AJAX error;
  • Action success.

0.20.0 (2017-12-15)

  • Package weblocks.debug now does not export *on variable, but provides three functions on, off and status.
  • New method weblocks.server:serve-static-file was introduced. It can be used to create static routes which will respond with file's content. For example, you could add this to your app's initialize-instance method:
   (asdf:system-relative-pathname :app "favicon.png"))

0.19.2 (2017-11-29)

  • Now weblocks rebinds *random-state* to itself for each request to allow it to use setf and change *random-state* until the end of request processing.

0.19.1 (2017-11-23)

  • Dirty widgets rendering was fixed.

0.19.0 (2017-11-13)

  • Variable *expired-action-handler*, method expired-action-handler and function default-expired-action-handler were replaced with method weblocks.actions:on-missing-action.
  • Now we are trying to call action only if action's name was given.
  • Old method weblocks:handle-client-request ((app weblocks-webapp)) was removed. Look at it's newer version in weblocks.request-handler.

0.18.0 (2017-11-12)

  • Commented out call to update-widget-tree inside of (setf widget-children), because it breaks on (get-widgets-by-type 'selector :root obj) sometimes. Seems this is because I've removed selector's code previously.

Warning! Probably parent/children handling code will be removed soon.

  • Backtrace printing code was replaced with direct usage of trivial-backtrace:print-backtrace.
  • Call to prepare-hooks was moved from weblocks.request-handler:handle-client-request to the the weblocks.server:handler-request, to fix session hooks processing when :process-request hook is called.

0.17.2 (2017-11-11)

  • Error handling code was fixed. It was broken in 0.17.1 and prevented system loading.

0.17.1 (2017-11-11)

  • Fixed error handling when debug mode is "off". Now weblocks returns result of (weblocks.error-handler:on-error app) call.

0.17.0 (2017-11-11)

  • Added a weblocks.actions package.
  • Also, a commands were introduced. Commands describe remote calls which have to be applied on a client as a result of action's execution. Previously, weblocks used similar technic to replace dirty widgets and to execute some javascript code before or after replacement. The new mechanism of "commands" is more generic and uses the JSON-RPC to pass function name and parameters from backend to client-side.
  • Added weblocks.session:in-session-p function which returns t if session data can be retrived or stored without error.
  • Now function initiateActionWithArgsAndCallback send arguments as JSON payload. This allows to send any datastructures as action's params.
  • Function weblocks.response:send-script was changed to use new mechanizm with commands. When you send script from the action, it will add a command :execute-code to the stack. All commands are executed in same order as they were added. If you want some code to be executed before widget update, just execute send-code before weblocks.widget:update.

0.16.0 (2017-11-04)

  • New package was introduced - weblocks.widget it contains a new widget class with simplified rendering based on spinneret templating library.
  • Now class route is exported from weblocks.routes and should be used instead of routes:route.
  • New package weblocks.error-handler was introduced. It contains a on-error generic method which is called when some unhandled error raise by application.
  • Fixed issue of adding multuple routes mapped to the same path. Now if url mapper already have a route all subsequent attempts to add a route with same path are ignored.
  • Fixed error:

Undefined function WEBLOCKS:WEBAPP-SESSION-KEY called with arguments (#<APP::APP #x3020052F01DD>)

  • Fixed Content-Type of the default 500 page. Previously it was plain/text and browser didn't undestand that and downloaded the file.

Now Content-Type is text/plain.

0.15.0 (2017-11-03)

  • Now weblocks does not checks if all tokens from URL were consumed by app during root widget rendering. Previously it returned 404 if some token weren't consumed. Implement this logic in your app if needed.
  • Macro assert-hooks-called was changed to return hooks in the order they were called. Also, now it waits hooks description as a DSL, like:

lisp (assert-hooks-called (:fact-created contact "[email protected]") (:fact-removed contact "[email protected]"))

  • New system weblocks-testutils was introduced. It compiles weblocks.t.utils package which macroses useful for unittesting.

Also, a new macro catch-hooks was added to check if some hooks were called during a unittest.

  • Now weblocks does not open a new tab or window on 500 error during an action execution.

0.14.4 (2017-10-07)

  • No more declaim optimize in different places. These declarations changed compiler's settings at unexpected moments.
  • Fixed error happened when "File not found", and now with-hook macro returns the value of the last form's evaluation.

0.14.3 (2017-09-23)

  • Default method of render-page was fixed to really wrap page with <html>... block.
  • Fixed a way how weblocks.debug:latest-session is processed.
  • Function weblocks.request:remove-request-header now returns a new instance of request object and does not modify the original request. This fixes issue in weblocks-websocket.

0.14.2 (2017-09-22)

  • Added package weblocks.debug and keeping latest session was rewritten using :process-request hook.

0.14.1 (2017-09-22)

  • Added function weblocks.request:remove-request-header.
  • Added a hook (:reset-session session), which is called around a code for clearing given session. Right now it is called only from weblocks.sessions:reset-latest-session.

0.14.0 (2017-09-20)

  • html, menu, suggest and repl utilities were excluded.
  • Code which was in request-handler.lisp, was excluded from build and partly moved to request-handler2.lisp.
  • Added :stop-weblocks hook.
  • Misc helper for repl were removed: sessions, in-session and pt. May be the will be restored in separate package.
  • Page boilerplate rendering method render-page now does not use complex templating with contextes.
  • Symbols refactoring:
  • *style-warn-on-circular-dirtying* variable -> weblocks.variables;
  • *style-warn-on-late-propagation* variable -> weblocks.variables;
  • gen-id function -> weblocks.session;
  • send-script function -> weblocks.response;
  • with-html-form macro -> weblocks-ui;
  • *approved-return-codes* variable -> weblocks.variables;
  • handle-ajax-request method -> weblocks.request-handler;
  • update-location-hash-dependents function -> weblocks.request-handler.
  • render-link function was moved to weblocks-ui.form in separate system.

0.13.11 (2017-09-12)

  • Added weblocks.hooks:call-hook helper.
  • Now call-next-hook is called automatically if it wasn't called explicitly.

0.13.10 (2017-09-06)

  • Added :handle-request dynamic hook called around request handling code.

Called when weblocks.request:*request* and weblocks.session:*session* are already bound.

0.13.10 (2017-09-06)

  • Added :handle-request dynamic hook called around request handling code.

Called when weblocks.request:*request* and weblocks.session:*session* are already bound.

0.13.9 (2017-09-02)

  • Added integrity field for remove javascript dependencies. Also, get-cross-origin and :cross-origin were removed to get-crossorigin and :crossorigin, to conform the html attibute's spelling.

0.13.8 (2017-09-02)

  • Fixed error on (weblocks:redirect...) call.
  • Fixed dependency handling in ajax requests.
  • Now if unhandled exception occure, Woo's handler remains working. Previously, handler's thread shut down on any unhandled exception.
  • Ajax progress now does not inserted into the document, but if element with id ajax-progress is present, it will be shown and hidden by jQuery's .show and .hide methods. Also, they take optional speed parameters from data-* attributes data-show-speed and data-hide-speed.
  • Reformatted documentation. Started to keep a changelog.

0.13.7 (2017-04-15)

  • Previous history wasn't tracked.

[generated by 40ANTS-DOC]