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A workflow step represents a single step in the reviewing process, e.g. the accept/reject step.
All endpoints mentioned here require authentication, but no specific permissions.
The main endpoint is not implemented and a 405 error code is returned according to our general error response codes.
Provide detailed information about a specific workflow step. An example JSON response document:
"id": "editstep",
"type": "workflowstep",
"uniqueType": "config.workflowstep",
"_links": {
"workflowactions": {
"href": "<:step-name>/workflowactions"
"_embedded": {
"id": "editaction",
"options": [
"type": "workflowaction",
"uniqueType": "config.workflowaction",
It includes the list of workflow actions used in the workflow step. See Workflow Actions Endpoints for more details