To patch an exe you with Python patcher you obviously need Python interpreter. Install newest version here.
You will need GCC and Clang compilers.
Clang compiler installation:
- Goto github releases of llvm
- Download clang+llvm-18.1.8-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.xz
- Unpack into preferred location
- You need path to
GCC compiler installation:
- Install MSYS2
- Install GCC x32/x64 via MSYS console:
- x32: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc
- x64: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
- You need paths to
After everything installed you need to clone patches repo (right now only 4z0t's fork is compatible).
Now you can setup build script:
python [Path to patches folder] [Path to clang++.exe] [Path to ld.exe] [Path to g++.exe]
After you successfully build, you have to test what you've got somehow. You have 2 options:
- Running patched game with files from FAF client gamedata
- Running patched game with files from FAF repo
In both cases for better testing results you have to use debugger.
For creating of patches Visual Studio Code is used with ms-vscode.cpptools
extension, which can be installed with Extensions tab.
In preferences set default C++ formatter to ms-vscode.cpptools