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72 lines (48 loc) · 3.82 KB

GitBook documentation for the 8Bit-Mixtape-Neo project.


Any changes made to the documentation will automatically get published to via Travis CI once the changes are merged into the source branch.


  • npm


First, install GitBook's CLI with the following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run docs:prepare


A local development server can be started with npm run docs:watch. This server will watch for local changes and reflect them in the build directory. The development server also hosts the website at localhost:4000.

Alternatively, a static site can be built by running npm run docs:build.

Branch Explanation

This repo has a slightly unconventional branching setup. This is leftover from when it was hosted on GitHub Pages:

Most GitHub Pages-based repos tend to use master for the source, and gh-pages for the rendered website. Because this repo is intended to host an organization webpage, then per GitHub's requirements the rendered website MUST appear on the master branch. Since the master branch can no longer be used to hold the source, a separate branch must be made for that, which in this case is called source.

How was this set up?

  • Clone repo
  • Run npm install
  • Go to Repository settings, make sure GitHub pages are enabled, and select the gh-pages branch
  • You should be able to access your repo using the address displayed by GitHub (something like [yourusername][repositoryname])
  • Enable this repository in Travis, from your Travis dashboard. If you don't have one, you'll have to create an account there. If you do, you might need to Sync account, so the repository shows up in the list. Then flick the switch on!
  • Generate and set up deploy keys for the repository (run these commands when inside the repo folder):
    • ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -t rsa -C "[email protected]" (when asked, leave the passphrase empty).
    • Add the contents of as a deploy key for your Github repository: in<your name>/<your repo>/settings/keys - make sure to allow 'write' access or Travis won't be able to push
    • Install Travis CLI client: gem install travis
    • Log into the CLI and encrypt the private key you generated, id_rsa:
      • travis login
      • travis encrypt-file id_rsa --add (will add the decrypt command to recreate id_rsa in the current folder as a before_install script in .travis.yml)
    • Delete id_rsa and rm id_rsa
    • Add id_rsa.enc to git and commit: git add id_rsa.enc; git commit -m 'add encrypted key'
  • Make sure the values in the env section in .travis.yml are correct, update where necessary

That should be it!

If you push a commit to GitHub and Travis runs the script successfully and a new version is published on the gh-pages branch, looks like you're in a good position to enable Travis' Cron from the project settings in Travis. And then the process will be run automatically for you.

Note that if you revoke the deploy key in GitHub, then Travis won't be able to push to the repo. You'll need to generate a new one again, encrypt it with the Travis client, and update, commit and publish the id_rsa.enc file.

Also note that we are copying the CNAME file to the output folder before publishing because we use a custom domain and for some obscure reason GitHub keeps forgetting it (or resetting it to blank) if the domain is not set in the repository's gh-pages branch.
