- It is now possible to send more than 999 missiles
- Prevent fleet from starting if haven is deactivated
- Do not prevent building if 0 resources are missing
- Adjusted the market return factor to be more consistent
- Fix mouseover for ships in bunker
- Disable BBCode in planet and star names
- Demolition now shows the correct building level
- Fix the sorting by race of ships in the help section
- Allow ships requiring 0 pilots to start even if there are 0 people available
- Quest text updates
- Fix template rendering of quests
- Restore civil ships of the defender
- On reset universe also reset the player setup
- Ignore players in hmode for game stats
- Fix planet links in revolution/discovery design
- Fix several php errors
- Option to increase the number of star system/planets in an existing universe
- replace remaining smarty templates with twig
- fix several fatal errors on sectors, building and admin stats page
- adjust the teamspeak link to point to discord by default
- added info line
- added the option to switch the main planet once
- added option to mark ships as tradeable
- added work optimize functionality for building defense
- fixed background images for large screen sizes
- fixed the mouse over for the food cost on the defense page
- deactivated buildings can no longer be demolished
- emp attack now only targets buildings level 1 or higher
- fixed several compatibility issues with Mysql5.7
- replaced all game and most of the admin smarty templates with twig
- new ship-images
- fixed wrong production display at overview
- pumpkin cruiser added
- no more annoying scrollbar in chat after long messages
- scans don't show bunker ress anymore
- selection filter when choosing planet
- Various fixes to stay compatible with PHP 7.2
- Various fixes to stay compatible with PHP 7.2
- added aliens/NPC option to tool
- color for aliens/npc
- boost working with total points
- fix for display of people growth (e.g. "voll in:")
- fix for too long buildtime
- fix for early sign up
- fix for taking over planets when setting up account
- fix for selecting unhabitable planets as startplanet
- fix for mp filter
- fix for fake attacks
- fix for market->ships
- option to disable alliances
- fixed mp bug
- fixed deff text at help page
- fixed white page when session expired
- fixed capacity from ships
- added createable userlogs
- fixed fleetlog bug
- added log for debris splitting
- fixed periodic tasks
- fixed help for planets
- fixed some error msg at population
- fixed tutorial close
- added two-factor authentication for administrators
- heal-bug fixed where joint defending lead to overhealing
- fixed allianceattack bug where u could join without timelimit
- fixed bonuscapacity from myslis for capacity in flightoverview, fetch and collect actions
- fixed wrong error msg after trying to buy missles without enough ressources
- Heal limitation added, adjustable in the tool
- Logistic population growth added
- reservated ships will be shown at top of market now
- colorpicker for chatcolor
- added log for nickchange
- deleting request will trigger umode now
- fixed editing for already building ships
- fixed log-in problems caused by https
- fixed problem with lvl 1 buildings
- fixed krypto distance
- fixed start/landtime from vorgonia mysli when joining alli atk
- fixed wrong display of min buildtime in shipyard
- fixed missle distance
- fixed gen tech worker cannot be picked up anymore
- fixed spy attack has no effect on stats/elo anymore
- adding from alli techs
- added function to restore messages (reports will follow later)
- Backend eventhandler PID file can now be stored locally
- Cronjob can be set up automatically
- Fixed JavaSCript error on start-objects screen
- Fixed css class name for full crystal stora in small resource box
- Replace image filter script on building and research screens with CSS3 filter effects
- Fixed error related to mysql string escaping on admin overview page
- Fixed database error related to fleet start in haven (using more robust database queries)
- Fixed database error related to loading user properties for image path and type in haven
- Added missing ship gif images, fixed image size
- Fixed an issue with invalid variables which ocurred when a user who had not yet choosen a planet opened the planet selector
- Corrected number of users using the default design in the design statistics
- Default backup file retention time set to 7 days
- fixed ressource symbols for revolution design
- admins wont be shown in diplomacy rating anymore
- fixed defense bug
- fixed steal bug while gen was researching
- fixed some typos
- even if all ships are bunkered they will be still shown in tool
- sitting+multi edit
- search for dual in tool
- button to add all techs at once for 1 person
- showing time till storage is full
- message after creating Ticket
- increased popup size from rules
- fixed calculation for gen (used ppl for normal lab instead of genlab)
- fixed bug where u could use more workers than available
- fixed support from ships with 0 fuelcost
- fixed marketreservation
- fixed titles
- Changed message when sitting an acc
- Changed public memberlist to default true
- fixed admiral bug
- fixed html code at alliance
- fixed a bug where lab didnt count workers
- inactivity will now be displayed 7 days after registration
- added growing to asterio fields
- tutorial can now be reopend at configurations
- Fixed analyzing and collecting fuel
- Fixed birthrate
- Fixed typos
- Fixed bug where u couldnt destroy more than 999 missles at once
- Infra ships now dont give any exp at all anymore
- Exp gained from alliatk will now be divided by the amount of attackers
- Removed ' from planetnames to avoid sql problems
- Fixed problem with stealth from minbari mysli
- Fixed an exploit where u could see disabled buildings at helppage
- Fixed problem with readiness-lvl from vorgonia mysli
- Fixed bug after getting kicked out of umode because of inactivity
- Fixed wrong message when trying to kick an alliance member during allianceattack
- Added field for %-calculation at market
- Gentech counts as special tech now(allows researching of Gentech+other tech at same time)
- Crytocenter now shows more infos about target(e.g. distance, name, planet)
- Reworked 404-page
- Added optimizing button for each ship
- Market reservations for a person will now be displayed at top
- Players wont be able to join another alliance for x hours after leaving old one
- Bombing buildings is now only allowed at war
- New pictures for supra ships
- Added function to add all buildings at once
- Added function to add alliance buildings
- Added bounty-field to ships
- Fixed several spelling mistakes
- Optimizing function now uses the correct amount of workers
- Fixed shipcreation
- Missiles can't be bought anymore when the required tech is 0
- Cardassia Mysticum now displays the correct healvalue
- Architekt can't be discharged anymore after starting a building
- Admiral can't be discharged anymore after starting a fleet
- EMP now correctly disables market
- Added energy technology bonus (5% more per level starting from level 10)
- Collected resources will now be shown in userinfo
- Planetoverview displaying now right values in defense tab, including mysticum bonus
- Healing bonus from mysticums will now be included in planet overview
- Improvements of the chat frame representation in Revolution design
- Added the name and email address from dualplayers to the player overview page
- Active sitters will now be shown in multi detection
- Added collected resources from debris fields to user information
- Public and internal changelog can now be viewed (Overview -> Changelog)
- Fixed bugs in user research entry editor (status, time format)
- Added helper script for DB migration when using Microsoft Windows as development environment
- The Revolution design is now being used in the installation wizard
- The email sender address can now be changed in the admin contact form if a player is logged in
- Changed the colors which indicate an inactive or long inactive user, so that they can now be better distinguished
- Fixed planet circle position in overview screen
- Fixed invalid entity / planet ID in link to planets in user economy tab
- Fixed session APM calculation in user surveillance screen
- Properly regenerate session IDs on login and logout
- When clicking on an unknown space cell in the galaxy sector screen, an explorer fleet will be started (if available)
- Mobile defense systems can now be transhipped on the haven screen
- EMP attacks may deactivate the market instead of the missile silo
- Added recycling tech efficiency parameter to configuration
- Fixed user nick / alliance name autocomplete field in user search screen
- Added new default design "Revolution"
- Added tab for banner in user settings screen
- Added table of open sessions to login tab in user settings screen.
- Added architect specialist which reduces build time by 10%
- A password can now be specified when creating an account
- Added button to select a random race on first login
- Market offers can be reserved for a specified user
- Added persistent wormholes
- Add checks for valid buildlist item (#51)
- Do not check user's IP in session validation, but record user's IP when updating session. Fixes session problems with IPv6 dual-stack connections (#55)
- Fixed bug where assigned people could be set to idle while building was still working
- Fixed various sorting problems
- Input sanitization of various database queries
- Fixed various typos
- Fixed encoding issues
- Fixed multiple vulnerabilities which could have been exploited by XSS
- Fixed several issues in the Graphite design
- Removed BBcode tags in message preview
- Fixed calculation of available power in planet statistics screen
- Added new template variable ownFleetCount which indicates the number of the player's currently active fleets
- Added new template variable infoText which shows the ingame info message, if defined
- The button for demolishing a building is no longer shown so prominently
- Removed externally accessible pages gamestats, help, ladded and pillory to reduce code maintenance
- When registering a new account, the e-mail address has to be verified. Until verification is not complete, some features can not be used.
- Radius discovered by fleet control expands at every second level of the fleet control
- Minimal build time for ships and defenses is now 1 second
- Removed the ugly progessbars in building and research screen until a better solution has been found
- Added page displaying all user banners
- Added "Error Log" screen and possibility to remove error log and database error log
- Added system info page to admin menu
- Added possibility to discover specific coordinates or the complete map for any user
- Added screen which shows executed and pending database schema migrations
- Show changed config values on "restore defaults" page
- Time clock in header is now also ticking every second
- A lot of market parameters can be configured in the settings
- Crypto center cooldown can be configured in the settings
- Missile silo parameters can be configured in the settings
- Added possibility to manage backend daemon (start / stop)
- Allow to select radius when changing user map discovery
- Manual updates page moved to "Eventhandler" -> "Periodic tasks" menu item
- Every periodic task can now be executed on its own
- Open each user surveillance session table in separate screen
- Changed layout of detailed config editor
- If no backup directory is defined, a default path will be used
- Backend status, current market rates and last statistics update timestamp are stored in new runtime_data storage table
- Updated layout of imagepacks page and fixed several small bugs
- Limited number of entries in user observation log (#57)
- Fixed error messages appearing in cronjob output generated by admin session cleanup mechanism (#59)
- Limit number of displayed chat lines in admin log (#56)
- Check if user or alliance profile image directory exists before listing images for verification
- Forward to correct page in URL query string after login
- User banners of non-existent users will now be removed when banners are being updated
- Truncate user_surveillance table when resetting universe
- Links to internal pages in messages no longer open new tab (#24)
- Added boost system for resource production and building speed (#8)
- Crypto center (alliance building) cooldown is now individual for each user (#10)
- Number of alliance members can now be limited (defaults to 7) (#16)
- New mysticum feat: Reduce launch and landing time (Readiness) (#9)
- Added tutorial system (#18)
- BBcode-[url]-links open in a new tab (#13)
- Noob protection minimal attackable threshold points implemented (#21)
- Added text format help link to various text fields
- Fixed "Query error" message if holiday mode gets enabled (#2)
- Minbari mysticum no longer hides whole alliance fleet (#11)
- Fixed "msg_send fail" on specialist activation (#5)
- Fixed broken link in admin ticket system (#25)
- Fixed fuel/food doubling on support abort (#7)
- Fixed "banned" instead of "kicked" message in Chat (#30)
- Fixed a DB query bug with single quotes in alliance names in the alliance founding process
- Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerabilities in notepad class
- Fixed race detail page in help
- User and allinace profile image directories are now being created created if they not exist
- Improved text management (#20)
- Changelogs page added
- User- and game stats page combined
- Alliance battle system can now be disabled in configuration
- Alliance battle system can now be restricted to alliances at war only in configuration (#19)
- Fixed coordinate selector (position) on galaxy screen
- Keybinds hinzugefügt
- Cleanup der Konfiguration (defaults.xml)
- PNs lesen und schreiben ist nun auch während dem Urlaubsmodus möglich
- Spezialist wird nun während den Urlaubsmodus pausiert
- User werden nun benachrichtigt bei Nachrichten von Admins im Ticketsystem
- Kryptobericht wird gespeichert
- Accounts im Urlaubsmodus werden nach einer Maximaldauer inaktiv
- Accounts im Urlaubsmodus erscheinen nicht mehr in der Statistik
- Flottenfavoriten anlegen unter IE nicht möglich
- Allianzplaneten / Galaxieübersicht: fehler bei allianzlosen spielern
- Fehlermeldung beim Senden von Nachrichten
- Dollarzeichen wird von Statistik-Suchfunktion ignoriert
- Distanz unterschiedlich bei Hin- und Rückflug
- Beim Forschen werden die Bewohner fürs Lab auf allen Planeten blockiert
- Umlaut wird nicht korrekt dargestellt
- xajax-generierte Inputs und keybinds vertragen sich nicht
- Ressourcenmenge in Berichten übersteigt uint16_max-Grenze
- Datenbankfehler bei Allianztag mit Backslash
- Wings können ausgeschaltet werden
- Galaxiekarte im tool aufdecken
- Chatadmin-Funktionen gehen nicht, wenn der User ein Leerzeichen im Namen hat
- Inaktive User werden nicht automatisch gelöscht, gleiches bei Löschantrag
- Admintool: Flotten verlieren Ladung