New traits will be indicated with a carat (^) and are linked to their explanation.
Traits Uncommon, Powered^, Technology^
Level 6; Price 280 gp; Usage worn; Bulk L; Capacity 10; Power Use 1/hour; Craft DC 28
Traits Uncommon, Bomb, Consumable, Grenade^, Poison, Technology^
Level 3; Price 10 gp; Hands 1; Bulk L; Craft DC 20
A gas grenade functions like any other Grenade^.
Upon detonation the grenade emits a 20-foot emananation of gas that persists for 5 rounds where it falls. Creatures that enter or start their turn within this area must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sickened 1. Creatures inside the emanation cannot reduce their sickened condition, and those that succeeded on the initial save are not immune.
Traits Rare, Artifact, Technology^
Removing an installed memory facet is a 3-action activity that requires passing a DC 25 Force Open or a DC 30 Disable a Device check.
There are 3 types of facets in this adventure path:
- Aggression Facet: When installed an aggression facet grants a +2 item bonus to all attack and damage rolls to robots the AI are controlling.
- Ego Facet: When installed an ego facet grants a +2 item bonus to Fortitude saving throws and Demoralise actions. Any robots the AI is controlling also gain temporary hit points equal to the robot's level.
- Inhibitor Facet: When installed, an inhibitor facet makes the AI stupefied 2 and sickened 2. The AI cannot reduce the values of these conditions until the inhibitor facet is removed.
Level 7; Price 450 gp; Damage 1d4 mental; Bulk 1; Hands 1; Range 20 feet;
Category Advanced; Ammunition Nanite Canisters; Group Firearms; Traits Uncommon, Mental, Technology^
Capacity 10; Power Use 1 charge; Craft DC 28
On a successful hit, the creature struck by the mind burner must make a DC 21 Will Save
- Failure The creature becomes stupefied 1;
- Critical Failure The creature becomes stupefied 2;
Traits Alchemical, Consumable, Contact, Drug, Poison
Level 3; Price 10 gp; Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk -; Craft DC 20
Activate (1 action) Interact;
Saving Throw DC 19 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 1 hour; Stage 1 regain 1d8 Hit Points, immune to bleed and anytime you gain the frightened condition, reduce its value by 1 (1 minute); Stage 2 stupefied 1 (1 hour)