Releases: A5H73Y/Carz
Releases · A5H73Y/Carz
Carz-SNAPSHOT.34: Code tidy up
Renamed config files
Fix build... whoops.
'': Added "/carz economy" to view Vault / Economy information.
Named shared classes to Carz specific (Updater / Help) Allowed the cost of Purchasables to be amended (will be used by signs) Updated documentation appearance
Carz-SNAPSHOT.27: First attempt at auto-climbing cars.
Fix for reapplying speed upgrades to stashed cars
Carz-SNAPSHOT.25: Various fixes from testing
#16 - Added damage to entities when driving
Carz-SNAPSHOT.23: Complete refactor of purchase system
Allow for Car Key to glow, set display name Tidied Utility classes #5 - Add Confirmation for purchases #13 - Made Key more interesting
Carz-SNAPSHOT.21: Fixed AutoTabCompleter
Improved CarType functionality with debug commands Various improvements
Carz-SNAPSHOT.19: Progress update:
* Use Spigot's PersistentDataContainer to store values to Vehicles * Various improvements and fixes
Improvements to documentation appearance
Carz-SNAPSHOT.15: Refactors Cars to inherit CarDetails, which are setup in the config.yml
Car Types are unique names which have an associated CarDetails (standard, racecar, etc.) Conversation to allow for creation of CarType Fixes and update dependencies