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build-ci Developer Documentation

This documentation is intended to give a rationale for design decisions, and a more in-depth look into the build-ci pipelines.

This repository contains three main pipelines:

  • Dependency Image Pipeline: uses dep-image-1-start.yml and dep-image-2-build.yml workflows.
  • Model Test Pipeline: uses model-1-build.yml workflow.
  • JSON Validate Pipeline: uses json-1-validate.yml workflow.

How they are used can be found in the CI Run Through section.

Inputs and Outputs

Dependency Image Build Pipeline


This pipeline has explicit inputs, defined in the on.workflow_call.inputs section:

  • spack-packages-version: A tag or branch of the access-nri/spack-packages repository. This allows provenance of the build process of models.
  • model: a coupled model name (such as access-om2 or access-om3) or all if we want to build dependency images for all coupled models defined in config/models.json.

It also indirectly uses:


This pipeline creates two docker image outputs:

  • base-spack Docker image: Of the form base-spack-<compiler name><compiler version>-<spack-packages version>:latest. A docker image that contains a spack install, access-nri/spack-packages repo at the specified version, and a site-wide compiler for spack to use to build dependencies. An example of this package is base-spack-intel2021.2.0-main.
  • dependency Docker image: Of the form build-<coupled model>-<compiler name><compiler version>-<spack-packages version>:latest: A docker image based on the above base-spack image, that contains all the model components dependencies (separated by spack envs), but not the models themselves. The models are added on top of the install in a different pipeline, negating the need for a costly install of the dependencies again (in most cases). An example of this package is build-access-om3-intel2021.2.0-main.

Model Test Pipeline


There are no explicit inputs to this workflow. The information required is inferred by the model repository that calls the model-1-build.yml workflow.

However, there are indirect inputs into this pipeline:

  • Appropriate dependency Docker images of the form:<coupled model>-<compiler name><compiler version>-<spack-packages version>:latest.
  • config/compilers.json: This is a data structure containing all the compilers we want to test against.
  • config/models.json: This is a data structure containing all the coupled models (and their associated model components) that we want to test against.


  • <env>.original.spack.lock: A spack.lock file from the spack env associated with the modified model repository (eg. mom5), before the installation of the modified model. If the install succeeds then this spack.lock file was unmodified during the installation and can be used to recreate this spack env. This file is uploaded as an artifact.
  • Optionally, a <env>.force.spack.lock: If the installation fails (namely, if installing the modified model would change the spack.lock file) we force a regeneration of the spack.lock file and upload this as an artifact as well.

JSON Validator Pipeline

This workflow finds all the JSON Schema files in the project, i.e. those with the '.schema.json' extension, and then runs jsonschema on the matching json files. e.g. config/models.json is validated against config/models.schema.json.


This pipeline has no explicit inputs.

However, there are indirect inputs into this pipeline:

  • *.json: All JSON files that need to be validated.
  • *.schema.json: All JSON schemas that validate the above *.json files.


There are no specific outputs from this pipeline. Only the normal output to the terminal and status checks reported by GitHub workflows.

CI Workflow Run Through

Dependency Image Build Pipeline

The rationale for this pipeline is the creation of a model-dependency docker image. This image contains spack, the spack envs, and the dependencies for the install of a model, but not the model itself. This allows modified models/model components to be 'dropped in' to the dependency image and installed quickly, without needing to install the dependencies again.

As an overview, this workflow, given a access-nri/spack-packages repo version and coupled model(s):

  • Generates a staggered compiler x model matrix based on the compilers.json and models.json. This allows generation and testing of multiple different compiler and model image combinations in parallel.
  • Uses an existing base-spack docker image (or creates it if it doesn't exist) that contains an install of spack, access-nri/spack-packages and a given compiler.
  • Using the above base-spack image, creates a spack-based model-dependency docker image that separates each model (and it's components) into spack envs. This has all the dependencies of the model installed, but not the model itself.

Pipeline Overview

There will be diagrams that seek to explain the calling and matrix structure of the pipeline, in parts. They will look like this:

workflow.yml [component comp1 comp2 comp3]
  |- [comp1] another-workflow.yml
  |- [comp2] another-workflow.yml
  |- [comp3] another-workflow.yml

In the above diagram, the first line means that we initially call workflow.yml. Within that workflow, we have a matrix strategy in which we call another-workflow.yml with each part of the component matrix in parallel (with these components being comp1, comp2 and comp3).

In the example we will be using for this pipeline, we have a compiler matrix with two compilers (c1, c2) and a model matrix with two (coupled) models (m1, m2).

The Beginning (dep-image-1-start.yml)

This pipeline begins at dep-image-1-start.yml:

dep-image-1-start.yml [compilers c1 c2]

This workflow is responsible for generating the matrix of compilers (from config/compilers.json) and the information necessary for creating a matrix of coupled models for a future matrix (from models.json).

Rather than doing the compiler x model matrix at the beginning of the workflow, we do the model matrix later in a staggered approach. We do this because it removes duplication of effort and effectively uses the cache, rather than thrashing it. The differences between a compiler x model and a staggered compiler then matrix model strategy are explained below.

Imagine we have a compiler x model matrix with 2 compilers c1, c2 and two models m1, m2. The matrix strategy would be:

[compiler x model] --- [c1, m1] --- base-spack-c1 image --- dep-c1-m1 image
                    |- [c1, m2] --- base-spack-c1 image --- dep-c1-m2 image
                    |- [c2, m1] --- base-spack-c2 image --- dep-c2-m1 image
                    |- [c2, m2] --- base-spack-c2 image --- dep-c2-m2 image

The two copies of base-spack-c1 and base-spack-c2 images are created in parallel, which duplicates effort and makes the cache unusable. Instead, if we stagger the creation of the matrix, as noted below:

[compiler] --- [c1] --- base-spack-c1 image --- [model] --- [m1] --- dep-c1-m1 image
            |                                            |- [m2] --- dep-c1-m2 image
            |- [c2] --- base-spack-c2 image --- [model] --- [m1] --- dep-c2-m1 image
                                                         |- [m2] --- dep-c1-m2 image

We instead only create one copy of base-spack-c1 and base-spack-c2, leveraging the various caches we use.

After the compiler matrix is created, we call the dep-image-2-build.yml workflow on each of the compilers, parallelizing the pipeline like so:

dep-image-1-start.yml [compilers c1 c2]
    |- [c1] dep-image-2-build.yml
    |- [c2] dep-image-2-build.yml
Creation of base-spack and dependency images (dep-image-2-build.yml)

In this workflow, given the specs for a given compiler, a spack-packages version, and a list of models for a future model matrix strategy, we seek to:

  • Check that a suitable base-spack image doesn't already exists. This would be one that has the same compiler and same version of spack-packages.
  • If it doesn't exist, create and push it using the access-nri/actions docker-build-push action.
  • After those steps, create the aforementioned model matrix strategy for each of the models. At this point, the pipeline looks like this:
dep-image-1-start.yml [compilers c1 c2]
    |- [c1] dep-image-2-build.yml
    |   |- access-nri/actions docker-build-push (base-spack-c1)
    |   |- dependency-image [models m1 m2]
    |- [c2] dep-image-2-build.yml
        |- access-nri/actions docker-build-push (base-spack-c2)
        |- dependency-image [models m1 m2]

In the dependency-image job, we:

This leads to a final pipeline looking like the following:

dep-image-1-start.yml [compilers c1 c2]
    |- [c1] dep-image-2-build.yml
    |   |- access-nri/actions docker-build-push (base-spack-c1)
    |   |- dependency-image [models m1 m2]
    |       |- [m1] access-nri/actions docker-build-push (dep-image-c1-m1)
    |       |- [m2] access-nri/actions docker-build-push (dep-image-c1-m2)
    |- [c2] dep-image-2-build-base.yml
    |   |- access-nri/actions docker-build-push (base-spack-c2)
    |   |- dependency-image [models m1 m2]
    |       |- [m1] access-nri/actions docker-build-push (dep-image-c2-m1)
    |       |- [m2] access-nri/actions docker-build-push (dep-image-c2-m2)

Model Test Pipeline

This workflow seeks to build upon the Dependency Image Pipeline as explained above by taking an appropriate dependency image and attempting to install a modified (most likely from a PR) model over the top. This allows further testing and runs of a modified model without the excessive overhead of installing dependencies from scratch.


Model repositories that implement the model-build-test-ci.yml starter workflow (such as the access-nri/MOM5 repo) will call build-cis model-1-build.yml workflow.

This workflow begins by inferring the 'appropriate dependency image' based on a number of factors, mostly coming from the name of the dependency image (which is of the form build-<coupled model>-<compiler name><compiler version>-<spack-packages version>:latest).

In order to find:

  • spack-packages version: In the setup-spack-packages job, we take the latest tagged version of the access-nri/spack-packages repo.
  • coupled model: In the setup-model and setup-build-ci jobs, we use the name of the calling repository (eg. cice5) and build-cis config/models.json to infer the overarching coupled model name.
  • compiler name/compiler version: In the setup-build-ci job, we use all compilers from the config/compilers.json file. This would mean that another matrix strategy would be in order.

Given those inferences, we are able to find the appropriate dependency images to use to build the modified models .

We then use those containers to upload the original spack.lock files (also known as lockfiles) and then attempt to install the modified model in the appropriate spack env. If this fails, we force a recreation of the lockfile and upload this one as well, for reference.

JSON Validator Pipeline

This is a relatively simple pipeline (found in json-1-validate.yml) that looks for *.schema.json files in a config directory and matches them up with their associated *.json files and tests that they comply with the given schema.