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AER Line File

Line File Version Release Date Notes
v3.8.1 June 2021
  • Removed duplicate O2 lines.
v3.8 September 2020
  • The line parameters were updated to HITRAN 2016 with the following exceptions:
    • H2O line parameters:
      • The H2O parameters in aer_v_3.8 are the same as in aer_v_3.6 and aer_v_3.7.
      CO2 line parameters:
      • The CO2 parameters in aer_v_3.8 are the same as in aer_v_3.6 and aer_v_3.7.
      O3 line parameters:
      • Updated to HITRAN 2016 but with the line strengths scaled according to recent HITRAN recommendations.
      CH4 line parameters:
      • Updated to HITRAN 2016 with the addition of line coupling parameters for the v3 (3000 cm-1) and v4 (1300 cm-1) bands of the main isotopologue. The line coupling parameters were calculated using the HITRAN 2016 line parameters and the method of Tran et al., 2006.
      O2 line parameters:
      • Updated to HITRAN 2016 with the following exceptions:
        • 60 GHz O2 lines and the 120 GHz O2 line are from from Tretyakov et al. (2005), as implemented in MonoRTM v4.2.
        • 0 cm-1 "Debye line" for O2 is the same as in MonoRTM v4.2 and aer_v_3.2, all other O2 lines below 1.497951 cm-1 have been removed
        • The 53 'high J' lines in the 60 GHz band (25 for iso 1, 28 for iso 2) that were present in HITRAN 2008 and aer_v_3.2 but were not included in HITRAN 2012 were kept for aer_v_3.8
        • The self- and air-broadened widths of the lines at 834 GHz, 1466 GHZ, and 1525 GHz have been increased by 5% from the HITRAN 2012 value based on the analysis of SAO FTS (Paine and Turner, 2013) measurements taken at Cerro Toco, Chile, as part of the RHUBC-II campaign. See Mlawer et al. (2019).
        • A-band O2 line parameters as provided by OCO-2 ABSCO v5.1 were added. The modifications span 12847-13339 cm-1.
        • Added Schumann-Runge O2 lines from HITRAN 2012 UV line file 07_UV06.par.
v3.7 November 2019
  • O2 line parameters:
    • Added Schumann-Runge O2 lines from HITRAN 2012 UV line file 07_UV06.par. (M. Iacono)
v3.6 August 2017
  • H2O parameters:
    • A baseline water vapor dataset was established to reflect various databases in different spectral domains:
      • <6000 cm-1: HITRAN 2012
      • 6000-7925: HITRAN 2012 with Mikhailenko
      • 7925-9395: HITRAN 2012 with Regalia
      • 9395-12000: HITRAN 2012
      • >12000: HITRAN 2012
    • Additional modifications to line parameters were made to match TCCON observations.
  • O2 line parameters:
    • A-band O2 line parameters as provided by OCO-2 ABSCO v5.0 were added. The modifications span 12847-13339 cm-1.
  • CO2 line parameters:
    • Weak- and strong-band CO2 line parameters as provided by OCO-2 ABSCO v5.0 tables were added. Weak band modifications span 5929-6392 cm-1, and strong-band edits cover 4695-5019 cm-1.
v3.5 December 2016
  • H2O parameters:
    • Between 240-510 cm-1, the air-broadened half-widths of 59 H20 lines were modified based on the analysis of REFIR-PAD (Bianchini and Palchetti, 2008) measurements taken at Cerro Toco, Chile, as part of the RHUBC-II campaign, and a re-analysis of the AERI-ER measurements (for >400 cm-1) from the ARM NSA site (first analyzed in Delamere et al., (2010)).
    • Between 15-70 cm-1, the air-broadened half-widths of 16 H20 lines were modified based on the analysis of SAO FTS (Paine and Turner, 2013) measurements taken at Cerro Toco, Chile, as part of the RHUBC-II campaign.
  • O2 line parameters:
    • The self- and air-broadened widths of the lines at 834 GHz, 1466 GHZ, and 1525 GHz have been increased by 5% based on the analysis of SAO FTS (Paine and Turner, 2013) measurements taken at Cerro Toco, Chile, as part of the RHUBC-II campaign.
  • See Mlawer et al. (2019)
v3.4.1 July 2016
  • H2O parameters were updated to follow HITRAN 2012 with the following exceptions:
    • H2O line intensities for 0.7417 cm-1 (22.233 GHz), 6.1145 cm-1 (183.3 GHz), 10.84 cm-1 (325 GHz) and 12.68 cm-1 (380 GHz) were replaced with the corresponding intensities from aer_v_3.4.
    • Between 0 and 630 cm-1, the air width, temperature dependence, and pressure shift parameters for H2O lines were replaced with corresponding aer_v_3.4 values. This includes the lines from Payne et al. (2008) and Delamere et al. (2010).
  • CO2 line parameters were also updated according to HITRAN 2012; line coupling parameters were updated as specified by Lamouroux et al. (2015); note the following exceptions:
    • The CO2 lines between 5970 cm-1 and 6400 cm-1 have been updated based on the work of Devi et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 242, 90-117, 2007a and Devi et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 245, 52-80, 2007b.
    • First order line coupling coefficients for the 30012←00001 and 30013←00001 bands of isotopologue 1 (bands 68←1 and 71←1 in the HITRAN 2000 formalism) were calculated from the tridiagonal relaxation matrix parameters of Devi et al., 2007a,b. Line coupling was set to zero for other bands between 5970 cm-1 and 6400 cm-1 to be consistent with the fits of Devi et al., 2007a,b, which did not include line coupling for those bands.
v3.4 February 2016 The current AER line parameter database aer_v_3.4 has been updated to follow HITRAN 2012 with the following exceptions and additions:
  • H2O line parameters
    • The H2O parameters in aer_v_3.4 are the same as those in aer_v_3.3.
  • CO2 line parameters
    • The CO2 parameters in aer_v_3.4 are the same as those in aer_v_3.3 and aer_v_3.2.
  • CH4 line parameters
    • The CH4 line parameters are updated to HITRAN 2012 with the addition of line coupling parameters for the v3 (3000 cm-1) and v4 (1300 cm-1) bands of the main isotopologue. The line coupling parameters were calculated using the HITRAN 2012 line parameters and the method of Tran et al., 2006.
  • O2 line parameters
    • The O2 lines were updated to match HITRAN 2012 with the following exceptions:
      • 60 GHz O2 lines and the 120 Ghz O2 line are from from Tretyakov et al. (2005), as implemented in MonoRTM v4.2.
      • 0 cm-1 "Debye line" for O2 same as in MonoRTM v4.2 and aer_v_3.2, all other O2 lines below 1.497951 cm-1 removed.
      • The 53 'high J' lines in the 60 GHz band (25 for iso 1, 28 for iso 2) that were present in HITRAN 2008 and aer_v_3.2 but were not included in HITRAN 2012 were kept for aer_v_3.4.
  • Species by species broadening parameters consistent with aer_v_3.4
    • co2_co2_brd_param → CO2 self broadening parameters based on calculations by R. Gamache of U. Mass. Lowell.
    • o2_h2o_brd_param → O2 transitions broadened by H2O based on Drouin et al. (2013).
    • co2_h2o_brd_param → CO2 transitions broadened by H2O based on Sung (2009)
    • wv_co2_brd_param → H2O transitions broadened by CO2 based on Brown et al. (2007).
  • Speed-dependent parameters consistent with aer_v_3.4
    • Speed-dependent Voigt line shape parameters for CO2 transitions in the bands 68←1 and 71←1 (i.e., 30012←00001 and 30013←00001) following Devi et al. (2007a,b).
    • Note that LBLRTM does NOT calculate speed-dependent line shapes.
v3.2 October 2012
  • CO2 line parameters
    • The CO2 lines between 5970 cm-1 and 6400 cm-1 have been updated based on the work of Devi et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 242, 90-117, 2007a and Devi et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 245, 52-80, 2007b.
    • First order line coupling coefficients for the 30012←00001 and 30013←00001 bands of isotopologue 1 (bands 68←1 and 71←1 in the HITRAN 2000 formalism) were calculated from the tridiagonal relaxation matrix parameters of Devi et al., 2007a,b. Line coupling was set to zero for other bands between 5970 cm-1 and 6400 cm-1 to be consistent with the fits of Devi et al., 2007a,b which did not include line coupling for those bands.
  • O2 line parameters
    • O2 line list updated using HITRAN update for O2 (Nov 2009). This was a complete replacement of the HITRAN 2008 O2 linelist. See header of file 07_O2 and HITRAN webpage for more details.
    • The quadrupoles linelist from Iouli Gordon was merged into the above HITRAN file. These are 69 new lines between 7571 cm-1 and 8171 cm-1 for the main isotopologue. These parameters have been evaluated using TCCON spectra.
v3.1 November 2011
  • CO2 line parameters
    • The positions and intensities of CO2 lines have been corrected in aer_v_3.1 to match HITRAN 2008 outside the spectral range 597-2500 cm-1. The positions and intensities outside 597-2500 cm-1 in aer_v_3.0 were incorrectly taken from HITRAN 2004. Within 597-2500 cm-1, the positions and intensities are consistent with the Carbon Dioxide Spectral Database, maintained by S. Tashkun, Tomsk, as contained in aer_v_2.4, aer_v_3.0, and the hitran_mipas_pf3.2 line file (Flaud et al., 2003).
    • The first order line coupling parameters for CO2 in aer_v_3.1 have also been recalculated using the above positions and intensities and the CO2 line mixing database of Lamouroux et al., 2010, as described below for aer_v_3.0. Small changes were made to the Lamouroux code to maintain the sum rules when two lines in the same vibrational band are within 1.0e-4 cm-1 of each other.
  • SF6 and ClONO2 line parameters
    • These HITRAN 2008 line files are now included in aer_v_3.1. However, the line parameters for ClONO2 are not as complete as the cross section data, and so users are advised to use the cross-section data supplied with LBLRTM v12.1 instead of the line parameter data for this molecule.
v3.0 January 2011 The current AER line parameter database aer_v_3.0 includes 39 molecules, and has been updated to adopt HITRAN 2008 line parameters with the exceptions noted below. Additional details are provided in the headers of each linefile by molecule and in the total linefile.
  • H2O line parameters
    • The intensities for the lines at 0.7417 cm-1 (22.233 GHz), 6.1145 cm-1 (183.3 GHz), 10.84 cm-1 (325 GHz) and 12.68 cm-1 (380 GHz) are based on the work of S. A. Clough (1973).
    • The air-broadened half-widths, self-broadened half-widths, temperature dependence of the widths, and the shifts for the lines at 0.7417 cm-1 (22.233 GHz), 6.1145 cm-1 (183.3 GHz), 10.84 cm-1 (325 GHz) and 12.68 cm-1 (380 GHz) are described in Payne et al. (2008) and Koshelev (2007).
    • Line positions and intensities for the wavenumber range 10 to 2500 cm-1 are from Coudert et al. (2008). This AER line file contains both measured and calculated Coudert et al. values, while HITRAN 2008 includes measured values only, which stop at 1750 cm-1.
    • The air-broadened half-widths, temperature dependencies, and pressure shifts from 350-667 cm-1 are described in Delamere et al. (2010).
  • CO2 line parameters
    • CO2 line parameters were built using the CO2 line mixing database of Lamouroux et al., 2010. This database takes most of its line positions, intensities, and lower state energies from the HITRAN 2008 database, but the values for air-broadened half-widths and their temperature dependencies are adjusted from the HITRAN 2008 values to be consistent throughout the bands, and the air-induced pressure shifts (not given for a majority of transitions in HITRAN 2008) were added.
    • The CO2 line intensities and positions in the spectral range 597-2500 cm-1 are consistent with the Carbon Dioxide Spectral Database, maintained by S. Tashkun, Tomsk, as in aer_v_2.4 and as implemented in the hitran_mipas_pf3.2 line file (Flaud et al., 2003).
    • First order line coupling coefficients for the first seven isotopologues of CO2 were recalculated using the above parameters and the method of Niro et al., 2005.
  • CH4 line parameters
    • CH4 line parameters now include line coupling parameters for the v3 (3000 cm-1) and v4 (1300 cm-1) bands of the main isotopologue. The line coupling parameters were calculated using the HITRAN 2008 line parameters and the method of Tran et al., 2006.
  • O2 line parameters
    • The line widths, the temperature dependence of the widths, and the line coupling parameters for the 2 cm-1 (60 GHz) band and the 3.96 cm-1 (120 GHz) line of O2 are those of Tretyakov et al., 2005.
    • All oxygen lines above 0 cm-1 and below 1.49751 cm-1 have been removed from this file and replaced by a single line in the operation with a strength appropriate to the lines removed and a width reflecting the effects of line coupling. The lines removed are d604 and d601 lines.
v2.4 January 2010
  • The carbon dioxide line positions and intensities in this file are from the Carbon Dioxide Spectral Database, maintained by S. Tashkun, Tomsk, as implemented in the hitran_mipas_pf3.2 line file (Flaud et al., 2003). The CDSD parameters have been implemented in the spectral range 597-2500 cm-1, and the first order line coupling coefficients re-calculated using the formalism of Niro et al. (2005). The CDSD line parameters and coupling coefficients have been validated using AIRS and IASI data.
  • Water vapor line shifts and line-width temperature dependencies have been updated for numerous lines from 436 to 2396 cm-1 with calculations provided by R. R. Gamache (personal communication). These updated water vapor line parameters have been validated using data from AIRS, IASI and from the ARM NSA AERI-ER.
v2.2 June 2009
  • The line widths, line shifts and width temperature dependence on this file are from Gamache, email 2008/07/15. The Gamache parameters are for the main isotope only and have been used between 350-667 cm-1 where they have been validated with the ARM NSA AERI-ER.
  • The line widths and in some cases line shifts of selected lines in the far-IR have been adjusted to improve the agreement with downwelling spectral radiance data at the NSA ARM site. The results of this analysis will appear in a publication by J. Delamere et al. 2010.
  • Used the line position, line intensity, and Einstein A-Coefficient provided by L. Coudert (2008) for isotopologue 1 from 10 to 2500 cm-1. There were 7025 lines in the 01_hit06.par file, which provides the line parameters in this range. There are 6621 lines in the Coudert file. The lines not provided by Coudert were retained in this database. Data closely follows publication: Coudert et al., 2008, Vol. 251, pp. 339-351 (J. Molecular Spectroscopy).
v2.1 November 2007
  • The current AER version is aer_v_2.1 is the same as aer_v_2.0 with the addition of Methonal (CH3OH) from HITRAN2004
v2.0 July 2007
  • The current AER version is aer_v_2.0 is built from HITRAN2004 and includes updates up to 01/01/2007.
  • The line files have been converted from HITRAN f160 to HITRAN f100 format.
  • The line file aer_v_2.0 is the same as aer_v_1.1 except that Niro et al., (2005) P/Q/RCO2 line coupling/mixing parameters are included.
    • F. Niro, K. Jucks, J.-M. Hartmann, Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands. IV : Software and database for the computation of atmospheric spectra, (2005), J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer, 95, 469-481.
    • These coefficients corresponde to HITRAN2000 carbon dioxide line parameters.
For a detail description of the file contents refer to the header on the top of the files. The line list covers the full HITRAN spectral region and is provided both as one total line list (line_file/*) and as separate individual line lists for each molecule (line_files_By_Molecule/*)
  • F. Niro, K. Jucks, J.-M. Hartmann, Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands. IV : Software and database for the computation of atmospheric spectra, (2005), J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer, 95, 469-481.
  • These coefficients corresponde to HITRAN2000 carbon dioxide line parameters.
v1.1 June 2007
  • The current AER version is aer_v_1.1 is built from HITRAN2004 and includes updates up to 01/01/2007.
  • The line files have been converted from HITRAN f160 to HITRAN f100 format.
  • Differences from HITRAN 2004 are:
    • H2O line parameters:
      • The intensities for the lines at 0.7417 cm-1 (22.233 GHz) and 6.1145 cm-1 (183 GHz), based on the work of S.A. Clough 2002
      • The widths, temperature dependence of the widths, and the shifts for the lines at 0.7417 cm-1 (22.233 GHz) and 6.1145 cm-1 (183 GHz), based on the work of Bob Gamache (2007) see V. Payne et al., 2007.
    • HITRAN 2000 CO2 lines are used to be consistent with line coupling parameters.
    • O2 line parameters:
      • All oxygen lines above 0 cm-1 and below 1.497951 have been removed from this file and replaced by a single line in the merge operation with a strength appropriate to the lines removed and a width reflecting the effects of line coupling. The lines removed are d604 and d601 lines.
    • Line Coupling
      • For CO2 ONLY Q-BRANCH LINE COUPLING (MIXING) PARAMETERS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS LINE FILE at 618 cm-1, 667 cm-1, 720 cm-1, 721 cm-1, 742 cm-1 AND 792 cm-1.
      • Includes first and second order Q-branch line coupling parameters from Hoke et al., 1989.
      • Includes first order Q-branch line coupling parameters at 1932, 2076, 2093, 2193 cm-1 from Strow et al., 1994.
v1.0 May 2004 This AER version is built from HITRAN2000 with the updates from 2001 available as of 08/2003 (last update 09/2001). The line file also includes additional updates to CH4, CO, O3, and HCOOH, which are being considered to be included in HITRAN updates in the near future:
  • CH4: (Linda Brown, JPL) : Provided to HITRAN and MIPAS (corrected section from 922.65 to 1678.33 cm-1)
  • CO: (Linda Brown, JPL) : Provided to HITRAN (widths (self- and air-), temperature dependence and air- shifts)
  • O3: (Wagner et al. 2002, JGR, 107, D22, 2002) : Provided to HITRAN
  • HOOCH: (Perrin A, Rinsland CP, Goldman A., JGR, 104, 18661-66, 1999) : Provided to HITRAN
  • O2: Oxygen-17 band line parameters from Camy-Peyret (IRS, 2000) for isotopes other than the main isotope
The line list covers the full HITRAN spectral region and is provided both as one total line list (line_file/aer_v_1.0) and as separate individual line lists for each molecule (line_files_By_Molecule/*).
aer_hitran_2000_updat_01.1 February 2002 The line parameter database designated aer_hitran_2000_updat_01.1 contains the following base set of line parameters and associated updates:
  • "HITRAN 2000 update_01" denotes updates as indicated in the hitran database update document
    • oxygen update 1/2001
    • methane update 2/2001
    • water update 4/2001
  • "updat_01.1" denotes an update in which the Oxygen-17 band isotopic line parameters have been changed to those reported by Camy-Peyret (IRS, 2000).

TES Line File

Line File Version Release Date Notes
v1.5 November 2009
  • The carbon dioxide line positions and intensities in this file are from the Carbon Dioxide Spectral Database, maintained by S. Tashkun, Tomsk, as implemented in the hitran_mipas_pf3.2 line file (Flaud et al., 2003). The CDSD parameters have been implemented in the spectral range 597-2500 cm-1, and the first order line coupling coefficients re-calculated using the formalism of Niro et al. (2005). The CDSD line parameters and coupling coefficients have been validated using AIRS and IASI data.
  • Water vapor line shifts and line-width temperature dependencies have been updated for number lines from 436 to 2396 cm-1 with calculations provided by R. R. Gamache (personal communication). These updated water vapor line parameters have been validated using data from AIRS, IASI and from the ARM NSA AERI-ER.
  • The line widths, line shifts and width temperature dependence on this file are from Gamache, email 2008/07/15. The Gamache parameters are for the main isotope only and have been used between 350-667 cm-1 where they have been validated with the NSA AERI-ER.
  • The line widths and in some cases line shifts of selected lines in the far-IR have been adjusted to improve the agreement with downwelling spectral radiance data at the NSA ARM site. The results of this analysis will appear in a publication by J. Delamere et al. 2010.
  • Used the line position, line intensity, and Einstein A-Coefficient provided by L. Coudert (2008) for isotopologue 1 from 10 to 2500 cm-1. There were 7025 lines in the 01_hit06.par file, which provides the line parameters in this range. There are 6621 lines in the Coudert file. The lines not provided by Coudert were retained in this database. Data closely follows publication: Coudert et al., 2008, Vol. 251, pp. 339-351 (J. Molecular Spectroscopy).
v1.4 November 2007
  • The CO2 line parameters are from HITRAN2000 as they are the most recent lines in which Niro et al. have created line coupling/mixing coefficients.
  • The number of CO2 bands that contain line coupling parameters provided by Niro et al., 2005 was extended (consistent with aer_v_2.0).
  • Updated H2O lines to include the updated HITRAN2004 water vapor lines.
  • Added CH3OH (methonal) to the TES line file.
  • F. Niro, K. Jucks, J.-M. Hartmann, Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands. IV : Software and database for the computation of atmospheric spectra, in J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer. Vol. 95, 2005, pp. 469-481
v1.3 May 2006
  • The CO2 line parameters were modified from the hitran2000 base on reducing the residuals between the forward model and observations. For further information see the header comments at the top of the line files
  • In addition to the Q-branch line coupling previously provide, new line coupling parameters are provided for the CO2 P and R branches (Niro et al., 2005): 618 cm-1, 667 cm-1, 720 cm-1, 740 cm-1
  • F. Niro, K. Jucks, J.-M. Hartmann, Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands. IV : Software and database for the computation of atmospheric spectra, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer., 95, 2005, pp. 469-481
v1.2 October 2004
  • The only change from tes_v_1.1 is the inclusion of hitran2004 HNO3 lines. Since all the other molecules in the TES linefile are presently in hitran2000 f100 format instead of the new f160 format of hitran2004, we used LNFL to convert the HNO3 file from F160 back to F100 format for this update.
v1.1 October 2003 In order to keep generality for cross-platform comparisons, and incorporate recent spectroscopic line parameter improvements, the TES (tes_v_1.1) spectroscopic line file is built from HITRAN2000 with the updates from 2001 available as of 08/2003 (last update 09/2001). The TES line file also includes additional updates to CH4, CO, O3, and HCOOH, which are expected to be included in HITRAN updates in the near future:
  • CH4 (Linda Brown, JPL) : Provided to HITRAN and MIPAS (corrected section from 922.65 to 1678.33 cm-1)
  • CO (Linda Brown, JPL) : Provided to HITRAN (widths (self- and air-), temperature dependence and air- shifts)
  • **O3 (Wagner et al. 2002, JGR, 107, D22, 2002) : Provided to HITRAN
  • HOOCH (Perrin A, Rinsland CP, Goldman A., JGR, 104, 18661-66, 1999) : Provided to HITRAN
The line list covers the spectral region from (500-3500 cm-1) and is provided both as one total line list (line_file/tes_v_1.1) and as seperate individual line lists for each molecule (line_files_By_Molecule/*). In addition, three individual H2O line files have been provided (i.e for HDO retrievals):
  • all water lines (line_files_By_Molecule/01_H2O/01_H2O)
  • all water lines without deuterium (line_files_By_Molecule/01_H2O/01_h2o_no_deuterium)
  • deuterium only lines (line_files_By_Molecule/01_H2O/01_h2o_deuterium_only)
Note: the strengths for lines with a deuterium atom were scaled by the deuterium abundance. A file containing line-coupled lines for the (500-3500 cm-1) spectral region is also provided (line_file/tes_v_1.1_lncpl_lines).
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