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Rick Pernak edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 3 revisions
LNFL Version Release Date Notes
v3.2 November 2019
  • Changes were made to handle O2 lines (Schumann-Runge) that are broadened by predissociation (M. Iacono)
v3.1 August 2017
  • Added capability to read in the temperature dependence of the self widths and the self pressure shift for O2.
v3.0.1 March 2017
  • LNFL v3.0.1 only includes a bug fix to LNFL_v3.0, where the number of lines allowed in the extra broadening parameter files has been increased from the previous limit of 135,000.
v3.0 February 2016
  • LNFL_v3.0 is an update to MonoLNFL_v1.0, a line file code that was released with MonoRTM_v5.0 (see MonoLNFL_v1.0 release notes for a description); it includes the capability to handle all the transitions in the HITRAN 2012 line file, as well as the extra broadening and speed dependent parameters that were included in MonoLNFL_v1.0.
  • LNFL_v3.0 should only be used for:
    • LBLRTM_v12.4 or later versions
    • MonoRTM_v5.0 or later versions
  • Note that LBLRTM does NOT calculate speed dependent line shapes.
  • LNFL_v3.0 has been updated to handle all 47 molecules in the HITRAN 2012 line list, all of their isotopologues, and all of their vibrational states. MonoLNFL_v1.0 and LNFL_v2.6 will not pass many of these lines through to the TAPE3, so only LNFL_v3.0 should be used with HITRAN 2012.
  • LNFL_v3.0 now allows the TAPE1 file to be specified at the command line when the lnfl executable is called. See run_examples/run_example_infrared/run_lnfl to see how the new functionality works.
MonoLNFL_v1.0 October 2015 With MonoRTM v5.0
  • MonoLNFL is an update to LNFL_v2.6 made to include extra broadening and speed-dependent line parameters in the TAPE3 for use in MonoRTM v5.0 and later. LBLRTM v12.2 and earlier versions do not have the capability to use these parameters, so MonoLNFL should ONLY be used for MonoRTM v5.0 and later versions.
  • MonoLNFL_v1.0 now has the capability to read the following files containing extra broadening and speed-dependent line parameters (D. Weisenstein, K. Cady-Pereira, M. Alvarado):
    • co2_co2_brd_param -> CO2 self broadening parameters based on Lamouroux et al. (2012).
    • o2_h2o_brd_param -> O2 transitions broadened by H2O based on Drouin et al. (2013).
    • co2_h2o_brd_param -> CO2 transitions broadened by H2O based on Sung (2009).
    • wv_co2_brd_param -> H2O transitions broadened by CO2 based on Brown et al. (2007).
    • spd_dep_param -> Speed-dependent Voigt parameters for CO2 transitions in the bands 68<-1 and 71<-1 (i.e., 30012<-00001 and 30013<-00001) following Devi et al. (2007a,b).
  • These parameters in these files are consistent with the line file aer_v3.4.
v2.6 January 2011
  • Fixed minor issues associated with reading F160 line files and handling of default line rejection with coupled lines.
  • Simplified makefile system in the build directory; includes new platforms such as Windows and capability to easily add new platforms.
  • Updated lnfl_instructions.
v2.5 November 2007
  • Extended the molecule range in LNFL to include Methanol (CH3OH); HITRAN molecule number 39.
v2.4 July 2007
  • Same as LNFL_v2.3 with an improved directory structure to be more consistent with standard release packages. For example: The program is now compiled in a build directory instead of the top level; the executable file still get placed in the top level directory.
v2.3 June 2007
  • The major change in this version is that the internally stored line coupling information for oxygen and carbon dioxide is no longer written to TAPE2 for subsequent merging with TAPE1.
  • Line coupling information must be supplied explicitly by the user, either on TAPE2 or TAPE1.
  • The meaning of the NOCPL option has been changed such that, if it is invoked, all line coupling information from TAPE1 or TAPE2 will be suppressed on the output files, TAPE3 (unformatted) and TAPE7 (formatted).
  • Some modifications to the coding have been made for simplification.
  • Upgraded makefiles and corresponding utilities to include more compilers.
v2.1 February 2005
  • In the Vib.dat file available for HITRAN 2004 no entry exists for the vibrational state ' 2 3 0' for vibrational class 6. However, there is a deuterated water vapor line in HITRAN 2004 at 12657.367357 cm-1 with upper state quantum numbers 2 3 0. As an interim measure to address this problem '2 3 0' has been added to the vibrational table for vibrational class 6, h_vib(6,116), and n_lnvl_v(6) has been increased from 115 to 116. (S. A. Clough)
v2.0 October 2004
  • This is the first release of LNFL that accommodates the 160 character format adopted for HITRAN 2004. To facilitate this format change, some of the LNFL flags formerly on Record 3 have now been distributed to Records 3 and 4. On Record 3, the flags include those that are general for the LNFL run and also those that are specific to TAPE1. On Record 4, the flags include those specific to TAPE2. The default format for LNFL will remain the 100 character format. The rationale for this choice is that the vibrational data are more amenable to the LBLRTM Non-LTE calculation than those associated with the 160 character format for which the vibrational information had been expanded to facilitate association of the lines with the quantum mechanical vibrational designations.
  • Note that no blocking for TAPE1 and TAPE2 is now the default, so that flags NBLK1 and NBLK2 are now ignored and are not necessary. They have been replaced with flags BLK1 and BLK2 to indicate the respective files in blocked format.
  • A module including for line coupling coefficients is included for use with HITRAN 2004. The carbon dioxide frequencies have been changed in this module to be consistent with HITRAN 2004 but no other parameters have been modified. In particular, the required constraints on the line coupled bands have NOT been checked.
  • In this release, the capability to accommodate the 160 character format is restricted to TAPE1.
  • HITRAN2004 reference: Rothman, L.S., D. Jacquemart, A. Barbe, D.C. Benner, M. Birk, L.R. Brown, M.R. Carleer, C. Chackerian, Jr, K. Chance, V. Dana, V.M. Devi, J.-M. Flaud, R.R. Gamache, A. Goldman J.-M. Hartmann, K.W. Jucks, A.G. Maki, J.Y. Mandin, S. Massie, J. Orphal, A. Perrin, C.P. Rinsland, M.A.H. Smith, R.A. Toth, J. Vander Auwera, P. Varanasi, G. Wagner, The HITRAN 2004 Molecular Spectroscopic Database, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat .Transfer, in press, 2005. (S.A. Clough)
v1.15 October 2003
  • Added a makefile and utility in order to run LNFL on LINUX INTEL. (M.W. Shephard and H. Nair)
v1.14 October 2003
  • The first order line coupling coefficients for oxygen have been scaled by a factor of 0.87. The second order line coupling coefficients for oxygen have been set to zero. This is based on the analysis of Cimini et al. using the scanning MWR data from ARM SGP. (K. Cady-Pereira and S.A. Clough)
  • Modified the first isotope from 0 to 1 and the E" to -1. for the first coupled oxygen line in LNFL (M.W. Shephard).
  • Modified LNFL to read over any header information at the top of the input spectroscopic line list. (S.A. Clough)
  • For H2O, the lower state energies with value of -1. have been replaced with a value of -300 cm<sup-1 outside of LNFL in the linefile (the negative value of the lower state energy indicates that the value is not known). This value is modified in the line file to achieve a more probable temperature correction. LNFL has been changed so that it DOES NOT change this E" value and passes the -300 directly to LBLRTM. (S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
  • Expanded maximum molecule number up to 38 molecules. (S.A. Clough)
  • Made changes to program to be consistent with TIPS 2002 implemented in LBLRTM. (S.A. Clough)
v1.8 March 2003
  • There was code implemented to report and skip ver spectral lines that cannot be handled properly by TIPS in LBLRTM. (H. Snell and S.A. Clough)
v1.7.1 February 2003
  • The revision number in the TAPE6 output comments was updated. (M.W.Shephard)
  • To reflect the increase portability of LBLRTM, makefiles and utilities are provided to run LNFL on the following platforms (S.A. Clough, M.W. Shephard, P. VanDelst, A. Goldman):
      System Manufacturer Compiler Single Precision
      IRIX SGI f90
      Solaris Sun f90, f77
      AIX IBM f90
      Linux PGI f90
      MacOS Apple Absoft f90
      MacOS Apple g77 (gnu) g77
v1.6 February 2002
  • Line coupling parameters for the CO2 Q branches in the v2 region (600-800 cm-1) have been updated to be consistent with the HITRAN_96 line parameters. [Includes first and second order coupling parameters
    • Hoke, .L., S.A. Clough, W.J. Lafferty, and B.W. Olson. Line coupling in oxygen and carbon dioxide. In J. Lenoble and J.F. Geleyn, editors, IRS 88: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, 368-371. A. Deepak Hampton, VA, 1989.
  • Line coupling parameters for the CO2 have been included (following Strow et al., 1994) at 1932, 2076, 2093, 2193 cm-1. [First order coupling only]
    • Strow, L.L, D.C. Tobin, and S.E. Hannon. A compilation of first-order line mixing coefficients for CO2 Q-branches. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 52, 281-294, 1994.
  • Capability to have molecule numbers large than 36 in the line file.
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