Simple Telegram bot to monitor Ethereum addresses. The bot is available @ETHWatchBot.
- /start - displays a greeting
- /watch (address) - starts monitoring an address
- /forget (address) - stops monitoring an address
- /list - lists the currently monitored addresses
The bot is using the Etherscan API. In order to avoid service abuse it checks the addresses every 1 minute. It stops watching an address after 24 hours.
This current version is a very barebone MVP, and there's a lot more to do:
Porting it to Web3.js so the API limitations don't apply.Turned out watching an address with Web3.js is a pain. - Moved from Ethplorer to Etherscan, as it has more generous API limits.
- Implementing a database, so the watchlist is not dropped every time the bot is restarted.
- Implementing a /forget command.
Released under CC-BY.