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02. Compute: Nova

AJ NOURI edited this page Mar 24, 2017 · 17 revisions


1. (Keypair) From demo account, generate a public keypair named mypubkey1 for use with openstack instances

nova keypair-add key1 > key1.pem  
chmod 600 key1.pem  
nova keypair-list

2. (Flavor) From admin account, create a new flavor named m1.extra_tiny with

  • RAM: 64mb
  • Root disk size: 0
  • cpu: 1
nova flavor-list  
nova flavor-create m1.extra_tiny auto 64 0 1 --rxtx-factor 1.0

3. Allow the tenant (project) "demo" to access the flavor

openstack project list  
nova flavor-access-add m1.extra_tiny <demo>  

additional help
delete get flavor id to delete

nova flavor-list  

delete flavor

nova flavor-delete <flavor-id>

4. Add new rules to the default security group "default" to allow access instances from internet through SSH, http and ICMP.

openstack security group rule create --proto icmp --src-ip default
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --src-ip --dst-port 22 default
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --src-ip --dst-port 80 default


nova secgroup-list    
nova secgroup-list-rules default    
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22    
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 80 80    
nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1    

or using openstack unified client:

openstack security group list  
openstack security group rule create e8b3525e-dcae-47f0-b090-a1b62aa95a9c --protocol icmp  --ingress  
openstack security group rule create e8b3525e-dcae-47f0-b090-a1b62aa95a9c --protocol tcp --dst-port 80:80 --ingress  
openstack security group rule create e8b3525e-dcae-47f0-b090-a1b62aa95a9c --protocol tcp --dst-port 22:22 --ingress  

5. Provision the following instance

  • image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec
  • flavor: m1.tiny
  • keypair: key1
  • security group: default
nova boot instance2   
--image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.tiny --key-name key1 --security-group default  

6. Create a pair key with ssh-keygen (we want to have a keypair created outside of openstack). Now, add the created key with openstack with name "mykey1"

ssh-keygen -q -f <ssh-key>

This will generate a keypair:

  • ssh-key: private key
  • public key

Using nova client:

nova keypair-add --pub-key mykey1

Using openstack client:

openstack keypair create --pub-key mykey1

7. This time, create a pair key directly with openstack and name it "mykey2"

Using openstack client:

openstack keypair create mykey2 > mykey2.pem

Using nova client:

nova keypair-add mykey2 > mykey2.pem

8. Provision the following instance

name: instance7
image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec
flavor: m1.tiny
keypair: mykey1
security group: default

openstack server create --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.tiny --security-group default --key-name mykey1 --nic net-id=41c0a2ee-e780-4efe-beba-05abbb658b52 instance7


nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --key-name mykey1 --security-groups default --nic net-id=41c0a2ee-e780-4efe-beba-05abbb658b52 instance7

9. Log to the machine console using the keypair mykey1

Get the instance IP address from nova list command

ssh -i mykey1.pem ubuntu@<ip>


1. Make sure tenant demo have the following limits

  • 15 backups
  • 15 000 gigabytes
  • 15 networks
  • 15 subnets

2. Make sure user demo from tenant demo have the following limits

  • 15 cpu cores 15

  • floating ips

openstack project list

cinder quotas-usage <project-id>
cinder quotas-update --backups 15 --gigabytes 15 000 <project-id>

neutron quota-show
neutron quota-update --tenant <teanant-id> --network 15 --subnet --15

nova quota-show --tenant <tenant-id>
nova quota-update --tenant <tenant-id> --cpu <15> --floating_ips <15>

nova limits --tenant <tenant-id>

3. Using p1_user1/openstack, check that project1 cannot create more instances

4. Make sure that users in project1 can create 2 more instances

openstack quota set --instances 1 project1

5. Check that the new quotas is also applied for user=p1_user2,pass=openstack

6. We want user=p2_user1,pass=openstack is able to create only 2 floating ips, but 5 floating ips for p2_user2/openstack

nova quota-update --user p1_user1 --floating-ips 2 project2
nova quota-update --user p1_user2 --floating-ips 5 project2
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