diff --git a/eduaid_web/src/assets/aossie_logo_transparent.png b/eduaid_web/src/assets/aossie_logo_transparent.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb3749
Binary files /dev/null and b/eduaid_web/src/assets/aossie_logo_transparent.png differ
diff --git a/eduaid_web/src/pages/Output.jsx b/eduaid_web/src/pages/Output.jsx
index d494a72..28d91cd 100644
--- a/eduaid_web/src/pages/Output.jsx
+++ b/eduaid_web/src/pages/Output.jsx
@@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
-import { PDFDocument } from "pdf-lib";
+import { PDFDocument, rgb } from "pdf-lib";
import "../index.css";
import logo from "../assets/aossie_logo.png";
+import logoPNG from "../assets/aossie_logo_transparent.png";
const Output = () => {
const [qaPairs, setQaPairs] = useState([]);
const [questionType, setQuestionType] = useState(
+ const [pdfMode, setPdfMode] = useState("questions");
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
+ const dropdown = document.getElementById('pdfDropdown');
+ if (dropdown && !dropdown.contains(event.target) &&
+ !event.target.closest('button')) {
+ dropdown.classList.add('hidden');
+ }
+ };
+ document.addEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside);
+ return () => document.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside);
+}, []);
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
@@ -47,31 +63,14 @@ const Output = () => {
- if (qaPairsFromStorage["output_shortq"]) {
- qaPairsFromStorage["output_shortq"]["questions"].forEach((qaPair) => {
- combinedQaPairs.push({
- question: qaPair.Question,
- question_type: "Short",
- answer: qaPair.Answer,
- context: qaPair.context,
- });
- });
- }
- if (questionType === "get_mcq") {
+ if (qaPairsFromStorage["output_mcq"] || questionType === "get_mcq") {
qaPairsFromStorage["output"].forEach((qaPair) => {
- const options = qaPair.answer
- .filter((ans) => !ans.correct)
- .map((ans) => ans.answer);
- const correctAnswer = qaPair.answer.find(
- (ans) => ans.correct
- )?.answer;
- question: qaPair.question,
- question_type: "MCQ_Hard",
- options: options,
- answer: correctAnswer,
+ question: qaPair.question_statement,
+ question_type: "MCQ",
+ options: qaPair.options,
+ answer: qaPair.answer,
+ context: qaPair.context,
@@ -121,104 +120,228 @@ const Output = () => {
- const generatePDF = async () => {
+ const loadLogoAsBytes = async () => {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(logoPNG);
+ const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
+ return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error loading logo:', error);
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ const generatePDF = async (mode) => {
+ const pageWidth = 595.28;
+ const pageHeight = 841.89;
+ const margin = 50;
+ const maxContentWidth = pageWidth - (2 * margin);
+ const maxContentHeight = pageHeight - (2 * margin);
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create();
- let page = pdfDoc.addPage();
+ let page = pdfDoc.addPage([pageWidth, pageHeight]);
const d = new Date(Date.now());
- page.drawText("EduAid generated Quiz", { x: 50, y: 800, size: 20 });
- page.drawText("Created On: " + d.toString(), { x: 50, y: 770, size: 10 });
+ // Load and embed logo
+ const logoBytes = await loadLogoAsBytes();
+ let logoImage;
+ if (logoBytes) {
+ try {
+ logoImage = await pdfDoc.embedPng(logoBytes);
+ const logoDims = logoImage.scale(0.2); // Scale down the logo
+ page.drawImage(logoImage, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: pageHeight - margin - 30,
+ width: logoDims.width,
+ height: logoDims.height,
+ });
+ // Adjust title position to be next to the logo
+ page.drawText('EduAid generated Quiz', {
+ x: margin + logoDims.width + 10,
+ y: pageHeight - margin,
+ size: 20
+ });
+ page.drawText('Created On: ' + d.toString(), {
+ x: margin + logoDims.width + 10,
+ y: pageHeight - margin - 30,
+ size: 10
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error embedding logo:', error);
+ // Fallback to text-only header if logo embedding fails
+ page.drawText('EduAid generated Quiz', {
+ x: margin,
+ y: pageHeight - margin,
+ size: 20
+ });
+ page.drawText('Created On: ' + d.toString(), {
+ x: margin,
+ y: pageHeight - margin - 30,
+ size: 10
+ });
+ }
+ }
const form = pdfDoc.getForm();
- let y = 700; // Starting y position for content
+ let y = pageHeight - margin - 70;
let questionIndex = 1;
- qaPairs.forEach((qaPair) => {
- if (y < 50) {
- page = pdfDoc.addPage();
- y = 700;
- }
+ const createNewPageIfNeeded = (requiredHeight) => {
+ if (y - requiredHeight < margin) {
+ page = pdfDoc.addPage([pageWidth, pageHeight]);
+ y = pageHeight - margin;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
- page.drawText(`Q${questionIndex}) ${qaPair.question}`, {
- x: 50,
- y,
- size: 15,
+ const wrapText = (text, maxWidth) => {
+ const words = text.split(' ');
+ const lines = [];
+ let currentLine = '';
+ words.forEach(word => {
+ const testLine = currentLine ? `${currentLine} ${word}` : word;
+ // Adjust the multiplier to reflect a more realistic line width based on font size
+ const testWidth = testLine.length * 6; // Update the multiplier for better wrapping.
+ if (testWidth > maxWidth) {
+ lines.push(currentLine);
+ currentLine = word;
+ } else {
+ currentLine = testLine;
+ }
- y -= 30;
+ if (currentLine) {
+ lines.push(currentLine);
+ }
+ return lines;
+ };
- if (qaPair.question_type === "Boolean") {
- // Create radio buttons for True/False
- const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(
- `question${questionIndex}_answer`
- );
- const drawRadioButton = (text, selected) => {
- const options = {
- x: 70,
- y,
- width: 15,
- height: 15,
- };
+ qaPairs.forEach((qaPair) => {
+ let requiredHeight = 60;
+ const questionLines = wrapText(qaPair.question, maxContentWidth);
+ requiredHeight += questionLines.length * 20;
- radioGroup.addOptionToPage(text, page, options);
- page.drawText(text, { x: 90, y: y + 2, size: 12 });
- y -= 20;
- };
+ if (mode !== 'answers') {
+ if (qaPair.question_type === "Boolean") {
+ requiredHeight += 60;
+ } else if (qaPair.question_type === "MCQ" || qaPair.question_type === "MCQ_Hard") {
+ const optionsCount = qaPair.options ? qaPair.options.length + 1 : 1;
+ requiredHeight += optionsCount * 25;
+ } else {
+ requiredHeight += 40;
+ }
+ }
- drawRadioButton("True", false);
- drawRadioButton("False", false);
- } else if (
- qaPair.question_type === "MCQ" ||
- qaPair.question_type === "MCQ_Hard"
- ) {
- // Shuffle options including qaPair.answer
- const options = [...qaPair.options, qaPair.answer]; // Include correct answer in options
- options.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); // Shuffle options randomly
+ if (mode === 'answers' || mode === 'questions_answers') {
+ requiredHeight += 40;
+ }
- const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(
- `question${questionIndex}_answer`
- );
+ createNewPageIfNeeded(requiredHeight);
- options.forEach((option, index) => {
- const drawRadioButton = (text, selected) => {
- const radioOptions = {
- x: 70,
- y,
- width: 15,
- height: 15,
- };
- radioGroup.addOptionToPage(text, page, radioOptions);
- page.drawText(text, { x: 90, y: y + 2, size: 12 });
- y -= 20;
- };
- drawRadioButton(option, false);
- });
- } else if (qaPair.question_type === "Short") {
- // Text field for Short answer
- const answerField = form.createTextField(
- `question${questionIndex}_answer`
- );
- answerField.setText("");
- answerField.addToPage(page, {
- x: 50,
- y: y - 20,
- width: 450,
- height: 20,
- });
- y -= 40;
- }
+ if (mode !== 'answers') {
+ questionLines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
+ const textToDraw = lineIndex === 0
+ ? `Q${questionIndex}) ${line}` // First line includes question number
+ : ` ${line}`; // Subsequent lines are indented
+ page.drawText(textToDraw, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: y - (lineIndex * 20),
+ size: 12,
+ maxWidth: maxContentWidth
+ });
+ });
+ y -= (questionLines.length * 20 + 20);
+ if (mode === 'questions') {
+ if (qaPair.question_type === "Boolean") {
+ const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ ['True', 'False'].forEach((option) => {
+ const radioOptions = {
+ x: margin + 20,
+ y,
+ width: 15,
+ height: 15,
+ };
+ radioGroup.addOptionToPage(option, page, radioOptions);
+ page.drawText(option, { x: margin + 40, y: y + 2, size: 12 });
+ y -= 20;
+ });
+ } else if (qaPair.question_type === "MCQ" || qaPair.question_type === "MCQ_Hard") {
+ const allOptions = [...(qaPair.options || [])];
+ if (qaPair.answer && !allOptions.includes(qaPair.answer)) {
+ allOptions.push(qaPair.answer);
+ }
+ const shuffledOptions = shuffleArray([...allOptions]);
+ const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ shuffledOptions.forEach((option, index) => {
+ const radioOptions = {
+ x: margin + 20,
+ y,
+ width: 15,
+ height: 15,
+ };
+ radioGroup.addOptionToPage(`option${index}`, page, radioOptions);
+ const optionLines = wrapText(option, maxContentWidth - 60);
+ optionLines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
+ page.drawText(line, {
+ x: margin + 40,
+ y: y + 2 - (lineIndex * 15),
+ size: 12
+ });
+ });
+ y -= Math.max(25, optionLines.length * 20);
+ });
+ } else if (qaPair.question_type === "Short") {
+ const answerField = form.createTextField(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ answerField.setText("");
+ answerField.addToPage(page, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: y - 20,
+ width: maxContentWidth,
+ height: 20
+ });
+ y -= 40;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode === 'answers' || mode === 'questions_answers') {
+ const answerText = `Answer ${questionIndex}: ${qaPair.answer}`;
+ const answerLines = wrapText(answerText, maxContentWidth);
+ answerLines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
+ page.drawText(line, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: y - (lineIndex * 15),
+ size: 12,
+ color: rgb(0, 0.5, 0)
+ });
+ });
+ y -= answerLines.length * 20;
+ }
- y -= 20; // Space between questions
- questionIndex += 1;
+ y -= 20;
+ questionIndex += 1;
- // Save PDF and create download link
const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();
- const blob = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: "application/pdf" });
- const link = document.createElement("a");
+ const blob = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
+ const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.download = "generated_questions.pdf";
- };
+ document.getElementById('pdfDropdown').classList.add('hidden');
return (
@@ -291,12 +414,37 @@ const Output = () => {
Generate Google form
- Generate PDF
+ >
+ Generate PDF
+ generatePDF('questions')}
+ >
+ Questions Only
+ generatePDF('questions_answers')}
+ >
+ Questions with Answers
+ generatePDF('answers')}
+ >
+ Answers Only
diff --git a/extension/src/assets/aossie_logo.png b/extension/src/assets/aossie_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb3749
Binary files /dev/null and b/extension/src/assets/aossie_logo.png differ
diff --git a/extension/src/pages/question/Question.jsx b/extension/src/pages/question/Question.jsx
index d988471..1234d37 100644
--- a/extension/src/pages/question/Question.jsx
+++ b/extension/src/pages/question/Question.jsx
@@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
-import { PDFDocument } from 'pdf-lib';
+import { PDFDocument, rgb } from 'pdf-lib';
import "../../index.css";
import logo from "../../assets/aossie_logo.webp";
+import logoPNG from "../../assets/aossie_logo.png";
function Question() {
const [qaPairs, setQaPairs] = useState([]);
const [questionType, setQuestionType] = useState(
+ const [pdfMode, setPdfMode] = useState("questions");
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
+ const dropdown = document.getElementById('pdfDropdown');
+ if (dropdown && !dropdown.contains(event.target) &&
+ !event.target.closest('button')) {
+ dropdown.classList.add('hidden');
+ }
+ };
+ document.addEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside);
+ return () => document.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside);
+}, []);
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
@@ -48,31 +63,14 @@ function Question() {
- if (qaPairsFromStorage["output_shortq"]) {
- qaPairsFromStorage["output_shortq"]["questions"].forEach((qaPair) => {
- combinedQaPairs.push({
- question: qaPair.Question,
- question_type: "Short",
- answer: qaPair.Answer,
- context: qaPair.context,
- });
- });
- }
- if (questionType === "get_mcq") {
+ if (qaPairsFromStorage["output_mcq"] || questionType === "get_mcq") {
qaPairsFromStorage["output"].forEach((qaPair) => {
- const options = qaPair.answer
- .filter((ans) => !ans.correct)
- .map((ans) => ans.answer);
- const correctAnswer = qaPair.answer.find(
- (ans) => ans.correct
- )?.answer;
- question: qaPair.question,
- question_type: "MCQ_Hard",
- options: options,
- answer: correctAnswer,
+ question: qaPair.question_statement,
+ question_type: "MCQ",
+ options: qaPair.options,
+ answer: qaPair.answer,
+ context: qaPair.context,
@@ -122,77 +120,217 @@ function Question() {
- const generatePDF = async () => {
+ const loadLogoAsBytes = async () => {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(logoPNG);
+ const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
+ return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error loading logo:', error);
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ const generatePDF = async (mode) => {
+ const pageWidth = 595.28;
+ const pageHeight = 841.89;
+ const margin = 50;
+ const maxContentWidth = pageWidth - (2 * margin);
+ const maxContentHeight = pageHeight - (2 * margin);
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create();
- let page = pdfDoc.addPage();
+ let page = pdfDoc.addPage([pageWidth, pageHeight]);
const d = new Date(Date.now());
- page.drawText('EduAid generated Quiz', { x: 50, y: 800, size: 20 });
- page.drawText('Created On: ' + d.toString(), { x: 50, y: 770, size: 10 });
+ // Load and embed logo
+ const logoBytes = await loadLogoAsBytes();
+ let logoImage;
+ if (logoBytes) {
+ try {
+ logoImage = await pdfDoc.embedPng(logoBytes);
+ const logoDims = logoImage.scale(0.2); // Scale down the logo
+ page.drawImage(logoImage, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: pageHeight - margin - 30,
+ width: logoDims.width,
+ height: logoDims.height,
+ });
+ // Adjust title position to be next to the logo
+ page.drawText('EduAid generated Quiz', {
+ x: margin + logoDims.width + 10,
+ y: pageHeight - margin,
+ size: 20
+ });
+ page.drawText('Created On: ' + d.toString(), {
+ x: margin + logoDims.width + 10,
+ y: pageHeight - margin - 30,
+ size: 10
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error embedding logo:', error);
+ // Fallback to text-only header if logo embedding fails
+ page.drawText('EduAid generated Quiz', {
+ x: margin,
+ y: pageHeight - margin,
+ size: 20
+ });
+ page.drawText('Created On: ' + d.toString(), {
+ x: margin,
+ y: pageHeight - margin - 30,
+ size: 10
+ });
+ }
+ }
const form = pdfDoc.getForm();
- let y = 700; // Starting y position for content
+ let y = pageHeight - margin - 70;
let questionIndex = 1;
- qaPairs.forEach((qaPair) => {
- if (y < 50) {
- page = pdfDoc.addPage();
- y = 700;
+ const createNewPageIfNeeded = (requiredHeight) => {
+ if (y - requiredHeight < margin) {
+ page = pdfDoc.addPage([pageWidth, pageHeight]);
+ y = pageHeight - margin;
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ const wrapText = (text, maxWidth) => {
+ const words = text.split(' ');
+ const lines = [];
+ let currentLine = '';
+ words.forEach(word => {
+ const testLine = currentLine ? `${currentLine} ${word}` : word;
+ // Adjust the multiplier to reflect a more realistic line width based on font size
+ const testWidth = testLine.length * 6; // Update the multiplier for better wrapping.
+ if (testWidth > maxWidth) {
+ lines.push(currentLine);
+ currentLine = word;
+ } else {
+ currentLine = testLine;
+ }
+ });
+ if (currentLine) {
+ lines.push(currentLine);
+ }
+ return lines;
+ };
+ qaPairs.forEach((qaPair) => {
+ let requiredHeight = 60;
+ const questionLines = wrapText(qaPair.question, maxContentWidth);
+ requiredHeight += questionLines.length * 20;
- page.drawText(`Q${questionIndex}) ${qaPair.question}`, { x: 50, y, size: 15 });
- y -= 30;
+ if (mode !== 'answers') {
+ if (qaPair.question_type === "Boolean") {
+ requiredHeight += 60;
+ } else if (qaPair.question_type === "MCQ" || qaPair.question_type === "MCQ_Hard") {
+ const optionsCount = qaPair.options ? qaPair.options.length + 1 : 1;
+ requiredHeight += optionsCount * 25;
+ } else {
+ requiredHeight += 40;
+ }
+ }
- if (qaPair.question_type === "Boolean") {
- // Create radio buttons for True/False
- const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
- const drawRadioButton = (text, selected) => {
- const options = {
- x: 70,
- y,
- width: 15,
- height: 15,
- };
+ if (mode === 'answers' || mode === 'questions_answers') {
+ requiredHeight += 40;
+ }
- radioGroup.addOptionToPage(text, page, options);
- page.drawText(text, { x: 90, y: y + 2, size: 12 });
- y -= 20;
- };
+ createNewPageIfNeeded(requiredHeight);
- drawRadioButton('True', false);
- drawRadioButton('False', false);
- } else if (qaPair.question_type === "MCQ" || qaPair.question_type === "MCQ_Hard") {
- // Shuffle options including qaPair.answer
- const options = [...qaPair.options, qaPair.answer]; // Include correct answer in options
- options.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); // Shuffle options randomly
+ if (mode !== 'answers') {
+ questionLines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
+ const textToDraw = lineIndex === 0
+ ? `Q${questionIndex}) ${line}` // First line includes question number
+ : ` ${line}`; // Subsequent lines are indented
+ page.drawText(textToDraw, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: y - (lineIndex * 20),
+ size: 12,
+ maxWidth: maxContentWidth
+ });
+ });
+ y -= (questionLines.length * 20 + 20);
- const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ if (mode === 'questions') {
+ if (qaPair.question_type === "Boolean") {
+ const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ ['True', 'False'].forEach((option) => {
+ const radioOptions = {
+ x: margin + 20,
+ y,
+ width: 15,
+ height: 15,
+ };
+ radioGroup.addOptionToPage(option, page, radioOptions);
+ page.drawText(option, { x: margin + 40, y: y + 2, size: 12 });
+ y -= 20;
+ });
+ } else if (qaPair.question_type === "MCQ" || qaPair.question_type === "MCQ_Hard") {
+ const allOptions = [...(qaPair.options || [])];
+ if (qaPair.answer && !allOptions.includes(qaPair.answer)) {
+ allOptions.push(qaPair.answer);
+ }
+ const shuffledOptions = shuffleArray([...allOptions]);
+ const radioGroup = form.createRadioGroup(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ shuffledOptions.forEach((option, index) => {
+ const radioOptions = {
+ x: margin + 20,
+ y,
+ width: 15,
+ height: 15,
+ };
+ radioGroup.addOptionToPage(`option${index}`, page, radioOptions);
+ const optionLines = wrapText(option, maxContentWidth - 60);
+ optionLines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
+ page.drawText(line, {
+ x: margin + 40,
+ y: y + 2 - (lineIndex * 15),
+ size: 12
+ });
+ });
+ y -= Math.max(25, optionLines.length * 20);
+ });
+ } else if (qaPair.question_type === "Short") {
+ const answerField = form.createTextField(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
+ answerField.setText("");
+ answerField.addToPage(page, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: y - 20,
+ width: maxContentWidth,
+ height: 20
+ });
+ y -= 40;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- options.forEach((option, index) => {
- const drawRadioButton = (text, selected) => {
- const radioOptions = {
- x: 70,
- y,
- width: 15,
- height: 15,
- };
- radioGroup.addOptionToPage(text, page, radioOptions);
- page.drawText(text, { x: 90, y: y + 2, size: 12 });
- y -= 20;
- };
- drawRadioButton(option, false);
+ if (mode === 'answers' || mode === 'questions_answers') {
+ const answerText = `Answer ${questionIndex}: ${qaPair.answer}`;
+ const answerLines = wrapText(answerText, maxContentWidth);
+ answerLines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
+ page.drawText(line, {
+ x: margin,
+ y: y - (lineIndex * 15),
+ size: 12,
+ color: rgb(0, 0.5, 0)
+ });
- } else if (qaPair.question_type === "Short") {
- // Text field for Short answer
- const answerField = form.createTextField(`question${questionIndex}_answer`);
- answerField.setText("");
- answerField.addToPage(page, { x: 50, y: y - 20, width: 450, height: 20 });
- y -= 40;
+ y -= answerLines.length * 20;
- y -= 20; // Space between questions
+ y -= 20;
questionIndex += 1;
- // Save PDF and create download link
const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();
const blob = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
const link = document.createElement('a');
@@ -201,6 +339,8 @@ function Question() {
+ document.getElementById('pdfDropdown').classList.add('hidden');
@@ -282,12 +422,38 @@ function Question() {
Generate Google form
- Generate PDF
+ >
+ Generate PDF
+ generatePDF('questions')}
+ >
+ Questions Only
+ generatePDF('questions_answers')}
+ >
+ Questions with Answers
+ generatePDF('answers')}
+ >
+ Answers Only
@@ -295,4 +461,4 @@ function Question() {
-ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"));
+ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"));
\ No newline at end of file