From 25f34a588b1ac0d26460c285f64181631c82e557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: winniehell <>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 10:29:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] tentatively remove old tests

 tests/specs/mock/content-type.spec.js      |  433 -------
 tests/specs/mock/delete-collection.spec.js |  967 ---------------
 tests/specs/mock/delete-resource.spec.js   |  628 ----------
 tests/specs/mock/edit-collection.spec.js   | 1302 --------------------
 tests/specs/mock/edit-resource.spec.js     |  696 -----------
 tests/specs/mock/helper.js                 |   68 -
 tests/specs/mock/mock.spec.js              |  322 -----
 tests/specs/mock/query-collection.spec.js  |  845 -------------
 tests/specs/mock/query-resource.spec.js    |  658 ----------
 tests/specs/mock/response-headers.spec.js  |  500 --------
 tests/specs/mock/response.spec.js          |  237 ----
 11 files changed, 6656 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/content-type.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/delete-collection.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/delete-resource.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/edit-collection.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/edit-resource.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/helper.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/mock.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/query-collection.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/query-resource.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/response-headers.spec.js
 delete mode 100644 tests/specs/mock/response.spec.js

diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/content-type.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/content-type.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d59e7d3..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/content-type.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper'),
-    fs         = require('fs');
-describe('Mock Content-Type header', function() {
-  'use strict';
-  var api;
-  beforeEach(function() {
-    api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-  });
-  describe('Object responses', function() {
-    it('should use "application/json" if no "produces" MIME types are defined',
-      function(done) {
-        delete api.produces;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces;
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/json" if the "produces" list is empty',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = [];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/json" if none of the "produces" MIME types are supported',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['text/html', 'image/jpeg', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/json" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['text/html', 'image/jpeg', 'application/json', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use the first "json" type in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['text/json', 'application/calendar+json', 'application/json', 'application/merge-patch+json'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, '{"Name":"Fido","Type":"dog"}')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "text/json" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['text/html', 'image/jpeg', 'text/json', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, '{"Name":"Fido","Type":"dog"}')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/calendar+json" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['text/html', 'image/jpeg', 'application/calendar+json', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/calendar+json; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, '{"Name":"Fido","Type":"dog"}')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
-  describe('Text responses', function() {
-    it('should use "text/plain" if no "produces" MIME types are defined',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        delete api.produces;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces;
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "text/plain" if the "produces" list is empty',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = [];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "text/plain" if none of the "produces" MIME types are supported',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "text/plain" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'text/plain', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use the first "text" type in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'text/cache-manifest', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'text/plain'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/cache-manifest; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "text/html" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'text/html', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "text/xml" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'text/xml', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/xml" if included in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'application/xml', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
-  describe('File responses', function() {
-    var photoBuffer = fs.readFileSync(files.paths.oneMB);
-    function isPhoto(res) {
-      if (res.body instanceof Buffer) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < photoBuffer.length; i++) {
-          if (res.body[i] !== photoBuffer[i]) {
-            return 'Invalid buffer contents (starting at position #' + i + ')';
-          }
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      else {
-        return (res.text === photoBuffer.toString()) ? false : 'Invalid file contents';
-      }
-    }
-    it('should use "application/octet-stream" if no "produces" MIME types are defined',
-      function(done) {
-        delete api.produces;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get.produces;
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido/photos', '/12345', photoBuffer);
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-              .expect(200)
-              .expect(isPhoto)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/octet-stream" if the "produces" list is empty',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get.produces = [];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido/photos', '/12345', photoBuffer);
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-              .expect(200)
-              .expect(isPhoto)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use the first MIME type in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get.produces = ['text/plain', 'image/jpeg', 'text/cache-manifest', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido/photos', '/12345', photoBuffer);
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-              .expect(200)
-              .expect(isPhoto)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "application/octet-stream" if it is first in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get.produces = ['application/octet-stream', 'image/jpeg', 'text/html'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido/photos', '/12345', photoBuffer);
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-              .expect(200)
-              .expect(isPhoto)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should use "image/jpeg" if it is first in the "produces" list',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get.produces = ['image/jpeg', 'application/xml', 'application/octet-stream'];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido/photos', '/12345', photoBuffer);
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-              .expect('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
-              .expect(200)
-              .expect(isPhoto)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/delete-collection.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/delete-collection.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ea06217..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/delete-collection.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,967 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Query Collection Mock', function() {
-  describe('DELETE', function() {
-    'use strict';
-    var api;
-    beforeEach(function() {
-      api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-      api.paths['/pets'].delete = _.cloneDeep(api.paths['/pets'].get);
-      api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].delete = _.cloneDeep(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].get);
-    });
-    it('should delete all resources in the collection',
-      function(done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that all resources were deleted
-                dataStore.getCollection('/api/pets', function(err, resources) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  expect(resources).to.have.lengthOf(0);
-                  done();
-                });
-              }));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should delete an empty collection',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets')
-            .expect(200)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the deleted resources if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-      function(done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200, [
-                {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-                {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-              ])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the first deleted resource if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[200].schema = {};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that all resources were deleted
-                dataStore.getCollection('/api/pets', function(err, resources) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  expect(resources).to.have.lengthOf(0);
-                  done();
-                });
-              }));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the deleted resources if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped array',
-      function(done) {
-        // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-        api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[200].schema = {
-          properties: {
-            code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-            message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-            error: {type: 'object'},
-            result: {type: 'array', items: _.cloneDeep(}
-          }
-        };
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200, {
-                code: 42,
-                message: 'hello world',
-                result: [
-                  {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-                  {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                  {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-                ]
-              })
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the first deleted resource if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped object',
-      function(done) {
-        // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-        api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[200].schema = {
-          properties: {
-            code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-            message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-            error: {type: 'object'},
-            result: _.cloneDeep(
-          }
-        };
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200, {code: 42, message: 'hello world', result: {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}})
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that all resources were deleted
-                dataStore.getCollection('/api/pets', function(err, resources) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  expect(resources).to.have.lengthOf(0);
-                  done();
-                });
-              }));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not return the deleted resources on a 204 response, even if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[204] = api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[200];
-        delete api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[200];
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(204, '')
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that all resources were deleted
-                dataStore.getCollection('/api/pets', function(err, resources) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  expect(resources).to.have.lengthOf(0);
-                  done();
-                });
-              }));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return an empty array if nothing was deleted',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets')
-            .expect(200, [])
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return nothing if nothing was deleted and the Swagger API schema is an object',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses[200].schema = {};
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets')
-            .expect(200, '')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return `res.body` if already set by other middleware',
-      function(done) {
-        function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-          res.body = {message: 'Not the response you expected'};
-          next();
-        }
-        helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets')
-            .expect(200, {message: 'Not the response you expected'})
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore open error occurs',
-      function(done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        dataStore.__openDataStore = function(collection, callback) {
-          setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-        };
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets')
-            .expect(500)
-            .end(function(err, res) {
-              if (err) {
-                return done(err);
-              }
-              expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-              done();
-            });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore update error occurs',
-      function(done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        dataStore.__saveDataStore = function(collection, data, callback) {
-          setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-        };
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets')
-              .expect(500)
-              .end(function(err, res) {
-                if (err) {
-                  return done(err);
-                }
-                expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-                done();
-              });
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    describe('different data types', function() {
-      it('should delete a string',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a string
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'string'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a string resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the string resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, ['I am Fido'])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete an empty string',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a string
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'string'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          // Create an empty string resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', '');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the string resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, [''])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a number',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a number
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'number'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a number resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 42.999);
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the number resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, [42.999])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a date',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a date
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'string',
-                format: 'date'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a date resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)));
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the date resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, ['2000-02-02'])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a Buffer (as a string)',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a Buffer
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'string'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a Buffer resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the Buffer resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, ['hello world'])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a Buffer (as JSON)',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a Buffer
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {}
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a Buffer resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the Buffer resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, [
-                  {
-                    type: 'Buffer',
-                    data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-                  }
-                ])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete an undefined value',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return an object
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {}
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a resource with no value
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the undefined resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, [null])    // <--- [undefined] is serialized as [null] in JSON
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a null value',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return an object
-          api.paths['/pets'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {}
-            }
-          };
-          // Create a resource with a null value
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', null);
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the null resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, [null])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete multipart/form-data',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return an object
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].delete.responses[200] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {}
-            }
-          };
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            // Save a pet photo (multipart/form-data)
-            supertest
-              .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-              .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-              .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-              .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-              .expect(201)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Delete the photo
-                supertest
-                  .delete('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                  .expect(200)
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal([
-                      {
-                        ID: res2.body[0].ID,
-                        Label: 'Photo 1',
-                        Description: 'A photo of Fido',
-                        Photo: {
-                          fieldname: 'Photo',
-                          originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                          name: res2.body[0],
-                          encoding: '7bit',
-                          mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                          path: res2.body[0].Photo.path,
-                          extension: 'jpg',
-                          size: 683709,
-                          truncated: false,
-                          buffer: null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    ]);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a file',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a file
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].delete.responses[200] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'file'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            // Save a pet photo (multipart/form-data)
-            supertest
-              .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-              .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-              .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-              .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-              .expect(201)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Delete the photo
-                supertest
-                  .delete('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                  .expect(200)
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    // It should NOT be an attachment
-                    expect(res2.headers['content-disposition']);
-                    // There's no such thing as an "array of files",
-                    // so we send back an array of file info
-                    expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal([
-                      {
-                        fieldname: 'Photo',
-                        originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                        name: res2.body[0].name,
-                        encoding: '7bit',
-                        mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                        path: res2.body[0].path,
-                        extension: 'jpg',
-                        size: 683709,
-                        truncated: false,
-                        buffer: null
-                      }
-                    ]);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should delete a file attachment',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a file
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].delete.responses[200] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {
-              type: 'array',
-              items: {
-                type: 'file'
-              }
-            },
-            headers: {
-              'location': {
-                type: 'string'
-              },
-              'content-disposition': {
-                type: 'string'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            // Save a pet photo (multipart/form-data)
-            supertest
-              .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-              .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-              .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-              .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-              .expect(201)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Delete the photo
-                supertest
-                  .delete('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                  .expect(200)
-                  // Since there are multiple files, Content-Disposition is the "file name" of the URL
-                  .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="photos"')
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    // There's no such thing as an "array of files",
-                    // so we send back an array of file info
-                    expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal([
-                      {
-                        fieldname: 'Photo',
-                        originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                        name: res2.body[0].name,
-                        encoding: '7bit',
-                        mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                        path: res2.body[0].path,
-                        extension: 'jpg',
-                        size: 683709,
-                        truncated: false,
-                        buffer: null
-                      }
-                    ]);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-    });
-    describe('filter', function() {
-      var Fido = {
-        Name: 'Fido', Age: 4, Type: 'dog', Tags: ['big', 'brown'],
-        Vet: {Name: 'Vet 1', Address: {Street: '123 First St.', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 55555}}
-      };
-      var Fluffy = {
-        Name: 'Fluffy', Age: 7, Type: 'cat', Tags: ['small', 'furry', 'white'],
-        Vet: {Name: 'Vet 2', Address: {Street: '987 Second St.', City: 'Dallas', State: 'TX', ZipCode: 44444}}
-      };
-      var Polly = {
-        Name: 'Polly', Age: 1, Type: 'bird', Tags: ['small', 'blue'],
-        Vet: {Name: 'Vet 1', Address: {Street: '123 First St.', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 55555}}
-      };
-      var Lassie = {
-        Name: 'Lassie', Age: 7, Type: 'dog', Tags: ['big', 'furry', 'brown'],
-        Vet: {Name: 'Vet 3', Address: {Street: '456 Pet Blvd.', City: 'Manhattan', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 56565}}
-      };
-      var Spot = {
-        Name: 'Spot', Age: 4, Type: 'dog', Tags: ['big', 'spotted'],
-        Vet: {Name: 'Vet 2', Address: {Street: '987 Second St.', City: 'Dallas', State: 'TX', ZipCode: 44444}}
-      };
-      var Garfield = {
-        Name: 'Garfield', Age: 7, Type: 'cat', Tags: ['orange', 'fat'],
-        Vet: {Name: 'Vet 4', Address: {Street: '789 Pet Lane', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 66666}}
-      };
-      var allPets = [Fido, Fluffy, Polly, Lassie, Spot, Garfield];
-      var dataStore;
-      beforeEach(function(done) {
-        dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = {
-          return new swagger.Resource('/api/pets', pet.Name, pet);
-        });
-, done);
-      });
-      it('should filter by a string property',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Type=cat')
-              .expect(200, [Fluffy, Garfield])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fido, Polly, Lassie, Spot])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by a numeric property',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Age=4')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Spot])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Polly, Lassie, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by an array property (single value)',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Tags=big')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Lassie, Spot])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Polly, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, comma-separated)',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Tags=big,brown')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Lassie])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Polly, Spot, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, pipe-separated)',
-        function(done) {
-          _.find(api.paths['/pets'].delete.parameters, {name: 'Tags'}).collectionFormat = 'pipes';
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Tags=big|brown')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Lassie])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Polly, Spot, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, space-separated)',
-        function(done) {
-          _.find(api.paths['/pets'].delete.parameters, {name: 'Tags'}).collectionFormat = 'ssv';
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Tags=big%20brown')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Lassie])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Polly, Spot, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, repeated)',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Tags=big&Tags=brown')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Lassie])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Polly, Spot, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by multiple properties',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Age=7&Type=cat&Tags=orange')
-              .expect(200, [Garfield])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fido, Fluffy, Polly, Lassie, Spot])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by a deep property',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Vet.Address.State=NY')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Polly, Lassie, Garfield])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Spot])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should filter by multiple deep properties',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Vet.Address.State=NY&Vet.Address.City=New%20York')
-              .expect(200, [Fido, Polly, Garfield])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fluffy, Lassie, Spot])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should not filter by properties that aren\'t defined in the Swagger API',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Name=Lassie&Vet.Address.Street=123%20First%20St.')
-              .expect(200, allPets)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should only filter by properties that are defined in the Swagger API',
-        function(done) {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets?Age=4&Name=Lassie&Vet.Name=Vet%202&Vet.Address.Street=123%20First%20St.')
-              .expect(200, [Spot])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Verify that the right pets were deleted
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [Fido, Fluffy, Polly, Lassie, Garfield])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/delete-resource.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/delete-resource.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 41bffc5..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/delete-resource.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Edit Resource Mock', function() {
-  describe('DELETE', function() {
-    'use strict';
-    var api;
-    beforeEach(function() {
-      api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-    });
-    it('should delete a resource',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Create a new pet
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect(201)
-            .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-              // Delete the pet
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect(204, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                  // Confirm that it was deleted
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(404)
-                    .end(done);
-                }));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should delete a non-existent resource',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Delete a pet that doesn't exist
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-            .expect(204, '')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the deleted resource if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-      function(done) {
-        // Create a 200 response to return the deleted pet
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {}
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Create a new pet
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect(201)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-              // Delete the pet
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the remaining resources in the collection if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-      function(done) {
-        // Create a 200 response to return all pets in the collection
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {type: 'array', items: {}}
-        };
-        // Populate the collection
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            // Delete one of the pets
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect(200, [
-                // The deleted pet should NOT be returned.  Only the rest of the collection
-                {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-              ])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the deleted resource if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped object',
-      function(done) {
-        // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {
-            properties: {
-              code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-              message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-              error: {},
-              result: _.cloneDeep(
-            }
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Create a new pet
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect(201)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-              // Delete the pet
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect(200, {code: 42, message: 'hello world', result: {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return the remaining resources in the collection if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped array',
-      function(done) {
-        // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {
-            properties: {
-              code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-              message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-              error: {},
-              result: {type: 'array', items: _.cloneDeep(}
-            }
-          }
-        };
-        // Populate the collection
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resources = [
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}),
-          new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'})
-        ];
-, function() {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-            // Delete one of the pets
-            supertest
-              .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-              .expect(200, {
-                code: 42,
-                message: 'hello world',
-                result: [
-                  // The deleted pet should NOT be returned.  Only the rest of the collection
-                  {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                  {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-                ]
-              })
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not return the deleted resource on a 204 response, even if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-      function(done) {
-        // 204 responses cannot return data
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['204'].schema = {};
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Create a new pet
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect(201)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-              // Delete the pet
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect(204, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return nothing if nothing was deleted, even if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-      function(done) {
-        // Create a 200 response to return the deleted pet
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {}
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Delete a non-existent pet
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-            .expect(200, '')        // <--- empty results
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return an empty collection if nothing was deleted, even if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-      function(done) {
-        // Create a 200 response to return all pets in the collection
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {type: 'array', items: {}}
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          // Delete a non-existent pet from an empty collection
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-            .expect(200, [])
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return `res.body` if already set by other middleware',
-      function(done) {
-        // Create a 200 response to return the deleted pet
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-          description: '200 response',
-          schema: {}
-        };
-        function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-          res.body = ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected'];
-          next();
-        }
-        helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-            .expect(200, ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected'])
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore error occurs',
-      function(done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        dataStore.__openDataStore = function(collection, callback) {
-          setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-        };
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-            .expect(500)
-            .end(function(err, res) {
-              if (err) {
-                return done(err);
-              }
-              expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-              done();
-            });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    describe('different data types', function() {
-      it('should return a string',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a string
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.produces = ['text/plain'];
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'string'}
-          };
-          // Create a string resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the string resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return an empty string',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a string
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.produces = ['text/plain'];
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'string'}
-          };
-          // Create an empty string resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', '');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the string resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a number',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a number
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.produces = ['text/plain'];
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'number'}
-          };
-          // Create a number resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 42.999);
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the number resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, '42.999')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a date',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a date
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.produces = ['text/plain'];
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'string', format: 'date-time'}
-          };
-          // Create a date resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)));
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the date resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, '2000-02-02T03:04:05.006Z')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a Buffer (as a string)',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a Buffer
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.produces = ['text/plain'];
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'string'}
-          };
-          // Create a Buffer resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the Buffer resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, 'hello world')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a Buffer (as JSON)',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a Buffer
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {}
-          };
-          // Create a Buffer resource
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the Buffer resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, {
-                  type: 'Buffer',
-                  data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-                })
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return an undefined value',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return an object
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {}
-          };
-          // Create a resource with no value
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the undefined resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-                .expect(200, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a null value',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return an object
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses['200'] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {}
-          };
-          // Create a resource with a null value
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', null);
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Delete the null resource
-              supertest
-                .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, 'null')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return multipart/form-data',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return an object
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].delete.responses[200] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {}
-          };
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            // Save a pet photo (multipart/form-data)
-            supertest
-              .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-              .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-              .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-              .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-              .expect(201)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                // Delete the photo
-                supertest
-                  .delete(res1.headers.location)
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                  .expect(200)
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal({
-                      ID: res2.body.ID,
-                      Label: 'Photo 1',
-                      Description: 'A photo of Fido',
-                      Photo: {
-                        fieldname: 'Photo',
-                        originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                        name:,
-                        encoding: '7bit',
-                        mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                        path: res2.body.Photo.path,
-                        extension: 'jpg',
-                        size: 683709,
-                        truncated: false,
-                        buffer: null
-                      }
-                    });
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a file',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a file
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].delete.responses[200] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'file'}
-          };
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            // Save a pet photo (multipart/form-data)
-            supertest
-              .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-              .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-              .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-              .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-              .expect(201)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                // Delete the photo
-                supertest
-                  .delete(res1.headers.location)
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
-                  .expect(200)
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    // It should NOT be an attachment
-                    expect(res2.headers['content-disposition']);
-                    expect(res2.body);
-                    expect(res2.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a file attachment',
-        function(done) {
-          // Create a 200 response to return a file
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].delete.responses[200] = {
-            description: '200 response',
-            schema: {type: 'file'},
-            headers: {
-              'location': {
-                type: 'string'
-              },
-              'content-disposition': {
-                type: 'string',
-                default: 'attachment'
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            // Save a pet photo (multipart/form-data)
-            supertest
-              .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-              .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-              .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-              .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-              .expect(201)
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                // Get the file name from the "Location" HTTP header
-                var fileName = res1.headers.location.match(/\d+$/)[0];
-                // Delete the photo
-                supertest
-                  .delete(res1.headers.location)
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
-                  .expect(200)
-                  .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' + fileName + '"')
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    expect(res2.body);
-                    expect(res2.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/edit-collection.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/edit-collection.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1077512..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/edit-collection.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1302 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Edit Collection Mock', function() {
-  ['patch', 'put', 'post'].forEach(function(method) {
-    describe(method.toUpperCase(), function() {
-      'use strict';
-      var api;
-      beforeEach(function() {
-        api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-        api.paths['/pets'][method] = api.paths['/pets'].post;
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method] = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].post;
-      });
-      // Modifies the "/pets" schema to allow an array of pets
-      function arrayify() {
-        var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-        petParam.schema = {
-          type: 'array',
-          items: petParam.schema
-        };
-      }
-      describe('Shared tests', function() {
-        it('should add a new resource to the collection',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              // Create a new pet
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  // Retrieve the pet
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should add multiple resources to the collection',
-          function(done) {
-            arrayify();
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              // Create some new pets
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  // Retrieve a pet by name
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fluffy')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                      // Retrieve all the pets
-                      supertest
-                        .get('/api/pets')
-                        .expect(200, [
-                          {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-                          {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                          {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-                        ])
-                        .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should add zero resources to the collection',
-          function(done) {
-            arrayify();
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              // Save zero pets
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send([])
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  // Retrieve all the pets (empty array)
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets')
-                    .expect(200, [])
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should not return data if not specified in the Swagger API',
-          function(done) {
-            delete api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the new resource if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .expect(201, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the first new resource if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            arrayify();
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets')
-                  .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                  .expect(201, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the first new resource if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped object',
-          function(done) {
-            // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {
-              properties: {
-                code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-                message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-                error: {},
-                result: _.cloneDeep(
-              }
-            };
-            arrayify();
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets')
-                  .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                  .expect(201, {code: 42, message: 'hello world', result: {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}})
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the whole collection (including the new resource) if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'array', items: {}};
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .expect(201, [{Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the whole collection (including the new resources) if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-          function(done) {
-            arrayify();
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'array', items: {}};
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets')
-                  .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                  .expect(201, [{Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the whole collection (including the new resources) if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped array',
-          function(done) {
-            // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {
-              properties: {
-                code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-                message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-                error: {},
-                result: {type: 'array', items: _.cloneDeep(}
-              }
-            };
-            arrayify();
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets')
-                  .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                  .expect(201, {
-                    code: 42,
-                    message: 'hello world',
-                    result: [
-                      {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                      {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-                      {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-                    ]
-                  })
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return `res.body` if already set by other middleware',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'array', items: {}};
-            function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-              res.body = {message: 'Not the response you expected'};
-              next();
-            }
-            helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(201, {message: 'Not the response you expected'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should set the "Location" HTTP header to new resource\'s URL',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should set the "Location" HTTP header to the collection URL',
-          function(done) {
-            arrayify();
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should set the "Location" HTTP header to the collection URL, even though it\'s empty',
-          function(done) {
-            arrayify();
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send([])
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should not set the "Location" HTTP header if not specified in the Swagger API (single object)',
-          function(done) {
-            delete api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].headers;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers.location);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should not set the "Location" HTTP header if not specified in the Swagger API (array)',
-          function(done) {
-            delete api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].headers;
-            arrayify();
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send([{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}, {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}, {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}])
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers.location);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore open error occurs',
-          function(done) {
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            dataStore.__openDataStore = function(collection, callback) {
-              setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-            };
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(500)
-                .end(function(err, res) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-                  done();
-                });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore update error occurs',
-          function(done) {
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            dataStore.__saveDataStore = function(collection, data, callback) {
-              setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-            };
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(500)
-                .end(function(err, res) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-                  done();
-                });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('Determining resource names (by data type)', function() {
-        it('should support strings',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('I am Fido')
-                .expect(201, 'I am Fido')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/I%20am%20Fido')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support empty strings',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('')
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support very large strings',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              var veryLongString = _.repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 5000);
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send(veryLongString)
-                // The full value should be returned
-                .expect(201, veryLongString)
-                // The resource URL should be truncated to 2000 characters, for compatibility with some browsers
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/' + veryLongString.substring(0, 2000))
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // Verify that the full value was stored
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200, veryLongString)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support numbers',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'number'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'number'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('42.999')
-                .expect(201, '42.999')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/42.999')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support dates',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'string', format: 'date'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'string', format: 'date'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('2000-01-02')
-                .expect(201, '2000-01-02')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/2000-01-02')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support date-times',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'string', format: 'date-time'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'string', format: 'date-time'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('2000-01-02T03:04:05.006Z')
-                .expect(201, '2000-01-02T03:04:05.006Z')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/2000-01-02T03%3A04%3A05.006Z')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support Buffers (as a string)',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send(new Buffer('hello world').toString())
-                .expect(201, 'hello world')
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/hello%20world')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support Buffers (as JSON)',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].consumes = ['application/octet-stream'];
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-                .send(new Buffer('hello world').toString())
-                .expect(201, {
-                  type: 'Buffer',
-                  data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-                })
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // The "Location" header should be set to an auto-generated value,
-                  // since a Buffer has no "name" field
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d+$/);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support undefined values',
-          function(done) {
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {};
-            petParam.required = false;
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .expect(201, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\w+$/);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support multipart/form-data',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect(201)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/Fido\/photos\/\d+$/);
-                  expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                    ID: res.body.ID,
-                    Label: 'Photo 1',
-                    Description: 'A photo of Fido',
-                    Photo: {
-                      fieldname: 'Photo',
-                      originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                      name:,
-                      encoding: '7bit',
-                      mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                      path: res.body.Photo.path,
-                      extension: 'jpg',
-                      size: 683709,
-                      truncated: false,
-                      buffer: null
-                    }
-                  });
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should support files',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'file'};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect(201)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/Fido\/photos\/\d+$/);
-                  expect(res.body);
-                  expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('Determining resource names (by property names)', function() {
-        it('should determine the resource name from "Name" properties in its schema',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should determine the resource name from "Name" properties in its schema, even if they\'re not present in the data',
-          function(done) {
-            var schemaProps = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            schemaProps.ID = {type: 'integer'};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // An "ID" property should have been generated and used for the "Location" header
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d+$/);
-                  // Extract the ID from the "Location" HTTP header
-                  var petID = parseInt(res.headers.location.match(/\d+$/)[0]);
-                  expect(petID);
-                  expect(petID).to.satisfy(isFinite);
-                  // Verify that the ID property was set on the object
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200, {ID: petID, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should determine the resource name from "Name" properties in its data, even if they\'re not in the schema',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({ID: 12345, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})   // <--- "ID" is not in the schema. "Name" is.
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/12345')          // <--- "ID" is used instead of "Name"
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/12345')
-                    .expect(200, {ID: 12345, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a "byte" property in the schema as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            var schemaProps = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            schemaProps.ID = {type: 'string', format: 'byte'};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // An "ID" property should have been generated and used for the "Location" header
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d{1,3}$/);
-                  // Extract the ID from the "Location" HTTP header
-                  var petID = parseInt(res.headers.location.match(/\d+$/)[0]);
-                  expect(petID);
-                  expect(petID).to.satisfy(isFinite);
-                  // Verify that the ID property was set on the object
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200, {ID: petID, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a "boolean" property in the schema as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            var schemaProps = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            schemaProps.ID = {type: 'boolean'};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // An "ID" property should have been generated and used for the "Location" header
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/(true|false)$/);
-                  // Extract the ID from the "Location" HTTP header
-                  var petID = res.headers.location.match(/(true|false)$/)[0] === 'true';
-                  // Verify that the ID property was set on the object
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200, {ID: petID, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a "boolean" property in the data as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({ID: false, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/false')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/false')
-                    .expect(200, {ID: false, Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a "date" property in the schema as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            var schemaProps = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            schemaProps.Key = {
-              type: 'string',
-              format: 'date'
-            };
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200] = schemaProps;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Key: '2005-11-09', Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/2005-11-09')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/2005-11-09')
-                    .expect(200, {Key: '2005-11-09', Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a "date-time" property in the schema as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            var schemaProps = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            schemaProps.key = {
-              type: 'string',
-              format: 'date-time'
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({key: '2005-11-09T08:07:06.005Z', Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/2005-11-09T08%3A07%3A06.005Z')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/2005-11-09T08%3A07%3A06.005Z')
-                    .expect(200, {key: '2005-11-09T08:07:06.005Z', Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a Date property in the data as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({code: new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/2000-02-02T03%3A04%3A05.006Z')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/2000-02-02T03%3A04%3A05.006Z')
-                    .expect(200, {code: '2000-02-02T03:04:05.006Z', Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use a Date property that was added by other middleware as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-              if (req.method === method.toUpperCase()) {
-                req.body.Id = new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
-              }
-              next();
-            }
-            helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/2000-02-02T03%3A04%3A05.006Z')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/2000-02-02T03%3A04%3A05.006Z')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Id: '2000-02-02T03:04:05.006Z'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should NOT use object or array properties as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-   = 'object';
-            petParam.schema.required = ['Name'];
-            api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].schema.items = petParam.schema;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({ID: [1, 2, 3], Name: {fido: true}, Type: 'dog'})   // <-- Neither "ID" nor "Name" is a valid resource name
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A resource name was auto-generated, since ID and Name weren't valid
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d+$/);
-                  // Verify that the object remained unchanged
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets')
-                    .expect(200, [{ID: [1, 2, 3], Name: {fido: true}, Type: 'dog'}])
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('Determining resource names (by required properties)', function() {
-        it('should use the first required property as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            _.remove(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].parameters, {name: 'ID'}).type = 'string';
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido/photos/Photo%201')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/Photo%201')
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body);
-                      expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should NOT use object or array properties as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            _.remove(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].parameters, {name: 'ID'}).type = 'string';
-            var labelParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'Label'});
-            labelParam.type = 'array';
-            labelParam.items = {
-              type: 'string'
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'a, b, c')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido/photos/1MB.jpg')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/1MB.jpg')
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body);
-                      expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('Determining resource names (by file name)', function() {
-        it('should use the client-side file name as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            _.remove(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'Label'}).required = false;
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].parameters, {name: 'ID'}).type = 'string';
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido/photos/1MB.jpg')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido/photos/1MB.jpg')
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body);
-                      expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use the server-side file name as the resource name',
-          function(done) {
-            _.remove(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'Label'}).required = false;
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].parameters, {name: 'ID'}).type = 'string';
-            function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-              if (req.method === method.toUpperCase()) {
-                // Mimic the filename not being included in the Content-Disposition header
-                req.files.Photo.originalname = null;
-              }
-              next();
-            }
-            helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers.location)'/api/pets/Fido/photos/1MB.jpg');
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/Fido\/photos\/\w+\.jpg$/);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body);
-                      expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use an auto-generated resource name if no file was uploaded',
-          function(done) {
-            var params = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters;
-            _.remove(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(params, {name: 'Label'}).required = false;
-            _.find(params, {name: 'Photo'}).required = false;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A resource name was auto-generated, since no file was uploaded
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/Fido\/photos\/\d+$/);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(410)
-                    .end(done);
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use an auto-generated resource name if the body is empty',
-          function(done) {
-            var params = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters;
-            _.remove(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(params, {name: 'Label'}).required = false;
-            _.find(params, {name: 'Photo'}).required = false;
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].consumes = ['text/plain', 'multipart/form-data'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A resource name was auto-generated, since no file was uploaded
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/Fido\/photos\/\d+$/);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(410)
-                    .end(done);
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should use an auto-generated resource name if there is more than one file param',
-          function(done) {
-            var params = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].parameters;
-            _.remove(params, {name: 'ID'});
-            _.find(params, {name: 'Label'}).required = false;
-            _.find(params, {name: 'Photo'}).required = false;
-            params.push({
-              name: 'Photo2',
-              in: 'formData',
-              type: 'file'
-            });
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .attach('Photo2', files.paths.oneMB)       // <--- Only sending one file.  But there are 2 file params
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A resource name was auto-generated, since there are multiple file params
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/Fido\/photos\/\d+$/);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body);
-                      expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('Auto-generated resource names', function() {
-        it('should generate a unique ID if no "Name" property can be determined',
-          function(done) {
-            // The schema is an empty object (no "name" properties)
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}).schema = {};
-            api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({age: 42, dob: new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))})  // <--- No "name" properties
-                .expect(201, {age: 42, dob: '2000-02-02T03:04:05.006Z'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // The "Location" header should be set to an auto-generated value
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d+$/);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should generate a string value for the resource\'s "Name" property, if not set',
-          function(done) {
-            // Make "Name" property optional
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema.required = [];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Type: 'dog', Age: 4})    // <--- The "Name" property isn't set
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A "Name" should have been generated, and used as the resource's URL
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\w+$/);
-                  // Extract the pet's Name from the "Location" header
-                  var petName = res.headers.location.match(/([^\/]+)$/)[0];
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Type: 'dog',
-                        Age: 4,
-                        Name: petName
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should generate a string value for the resource\'s "Name" property, even if the body is empty',
-          function(done) {
-            // Make all data optional
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.required = false;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')      // <--- No data was sent at all
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A "Name" should have been generated, and used as the resource's URL
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\w+$/);
-                  // Extract the pet's Name from the "Location" header
-                  var petName = res.headers.location.match(/([^\/]+)$/)[0];
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Name: petName   // <--- A "Name" property was generated and added to an empty object
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should generate an integer value for the resource\'s "Name" property, if not set',
-          function(done) {
-            // Make the "Name" property optional, and an integer
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema.required = [];
-   = 'integer';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = petParam.schema;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Type: 'dog', Age: 4})    // <--- The "Name" property isn't set
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A "Name" should have been generated, and used as the resource's URL
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d+$/);
-                  // Extract the pet's Name from the "Location" header
-                  var petNameAsString = res.headers.location.match(/([^\/]+)$/)[0];
-                  var petNameAsInteger = parseInt(petNameAsString);
-                  expect(petNameAsInteger);
-                  expect(petNameAsInteger).to.satisfy(isFinite);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Type: 'dog',
-                        Age: 4,
-                        Name: petNameAsInteger
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should generate a date value for the resource\'s "Name" property, if not set',
-          function(done) {
-            // Make the "Name" property optional, and an integer
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema.required = [];
-   = 'string';
-   = 'date';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = petParam.schema;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Type: 'dog', Age: 4})    // <--- The "Name" property isn't set
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A "Name" should have been generated, and used as the resource's URL
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d$/);
-                  // Extract the pet's Name from the "Location" header
-                  var petNameAsString = res.headers.location.match(/([^\/]+)$/)[0];
-                  var petNameAsDate = new Date(petNameAsString);
-                  expect(petNameAsDate.valueOf());
-                  expect(petNameAsDate.valueOf()).to.satisfy(isFinite);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Type: 'dog',
-                        Age: 4,
-                        Name: petNameAsString
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should generate a date-time value for the resource\'s "Name" property, if not set',
-          function(done) {
-            // Make the "Name" property optional, and an integer
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema.required = [];
-   = 'string';
-   = 'date-time';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get.responses[200].schema = petParam.schema;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Type: 'dog', Age: 4})    // <--- The "Name" property isn't set
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A "Name" should have been generated, and used as the resource's URL
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d\%3A\d\d\%3A\d\d\.\d\d\dZ$/);
-                  // Extract the pet's Name from the "Location" header
-                  var petNameAsString = decodeURIComponent(res.headers.location.match(/([^\/]+)$/)[0]);
-                  var petNameAsDate = new Date(petNameAsString);
-                  expect(petNameAsDate.valueOf());
-                  expect(petNameAsDate.valueOf()).to.satisfy(isFinite);
-                  supertest
-                    .get(res.headers.location)
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                      expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Type: 'dog',
-                        Age: 4,
-                        Name: petNameAsString
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should NOT generate an array value for the resource\'s "Name" property, if not set',
-          function(done) {
-            // Make the "Name" property optional, and an integer
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema.required = [];
-   = 'array';
-   = {type: 'string'};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets')
-                .send({Type: 'dog', Age: 4})    // <--- The "Name" property isn't set
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // A "Name" property should have been auto-generated, but it should NOT be an array
-                  expect(res.headers.location).to.match(/^\/api\/pets\/\d+$/);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/edit-resource.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/edit-resource.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c18364..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/edit-resource.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Edit Resource Mock', function() {
-  ['put', 'patch', 'post'].forEach(function(method) {
-    describe(method.toUpperCase(), function() {
-      'use strict';
-      var api;
-      beforeEach(function() {
-        api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-        var operation = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].patch;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].patch;
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method] = operation;
-        operation = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].post;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].post;
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method] = operation;
-      });
-      describe('Shared tests', function() {
-        it('should create a new resource',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown']})
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown']})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should create a new resource at the specified URL, even if the primary key is different',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')              // <-- The URL is "Fido"
-                .send({Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'})    // <-- The pet name is "Fluffy"
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  // Verify that "/api/pets/Fido" was created
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                      // Verify that "/api/pets/Fluffy" was NOT created
-                      supertest
-                        .get('/api/pets/Fluffy')
-                        .expect(404)
-                        .end(done);
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should create a new resource using default value in the JSON schema',
-          function(done) {
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.required = false;
-            petParam.schema.default = {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'};
-   = 'fluffy,brown';
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown']})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should create a new resource using default property values in the JSON schema',
-          function(done) {
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema.required = [];
-   = 'Fido';
-   = 'dog';
-   = 'fluffy,brown';
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Age: 4})
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Age: 4, Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown']})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should create a new resource using data tha was added by other middleware',
-          function(done) {
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.required = false;
-            function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-              if (req.method === method.toUpperCase()) {
-                req.body = {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'};
-              }
-              next();
-            }
-            helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        /**
-         * This test is different than the "merge vs. overwrite" tests that we do later for "PUT vs. PATCH".
-         * Here, all we're doing is verifying that it doesn't create two resources with the same URL.
-         */
-        it('should replace an existing resource at the URL',
-          function(done) {
-            // Create a pet at the URL "/api/pets/Fido"
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-                // Create another pet at the URL "/api/pets/Fido"
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'})
-                  .expect(200)
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                    // Make sure there's only ONE "/api/pets/Fido" resource
-                    supertest
-                      .get('/api/pets')
-                      .expect(200, [{Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}])
-                      .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                  }));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should not return data if not specified in the Swagger API',
-          function(done) {
-            delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(200, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the saved resource if the Swagger API schema is an object',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the whole collection if the Swagger API schema is an array',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema = {type: 'array', items: {}};
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .expect(200, [{Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the saved resource if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped object',
-          function(done) {
-            // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema = {
-              properties: {
-                code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-                message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-                error: {},
-                result: _.cloneDeep(
-              }
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(200, {code: 42, message: 'hello world', result: {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the whole collection if the Swagger API schema is a wrapped array',
-          function(done) {
-            // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema = {
-              properties: {
-                code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-                message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-                error: {},
-                result: {type: 'array', items: _.cloneDeep(}
-              }
-            };
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .expect(200, {
-                    code: 42,
-                    message: 'hello world',
-                    result: [
-                      {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'},
-                      {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}
-                    ]
-                  })
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return `res.body` if already set by other middleware',
-          function(done) {
-            function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-              res.body = ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected'];
-              next();
-            }
-            helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect(200, ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected'])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore error occurs',
-          function(done) {
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            dataStore.__saveDataStore = function(collection, data, callback) {
-              setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-            };
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .expect(500)
-                  .end(function(err, res) {
-                    if (err) {
-                      return done(err);
-                    }
-                    expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-                    done();
-                  });
-              }
-            );
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('Data type tests', function() {
-        it('should return an object',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a string',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('I am Fido')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, 'I am Fido')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return an empty string response',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {type: 'string'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a number',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'number';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {type: 'number'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('42.999')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, '42.999')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a date',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.format = 'date-time';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {type: 'string', format: 'date-time'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].consumes = ['text/plain'];
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-                .send('2000-01-02T03:04:05.006Z')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, '2000-01-02T03:04:05.006Z')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a Buffer (as a string)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].consumes = ['application/octet-stream'];
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-                .send(new Buffer('hello world').toString())
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, 'hello world')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a Buffer (as JSON)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].consumes = ['application/octet-stream'];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-                .send(new Buffer('hello world').toString())
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(200, {
-                  type: 'Buffer',
-                  data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-                })
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return an undefined value',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var petParam = _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'});
-            petParam.schema = {};
-            petParam.required = false;
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-                .expect(200, '')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return multipart/form-data',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[201].schema = {};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-                .expect(201)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.body).to.deep.equal({
-                    Label: 'Photo 1',
-                    Description: 'A photo of Fido',
-                    Photo: {
-                      fieldname: 'Photo',
-                      originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                      name:,
-                      encoding: '7bit',
-                      mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                      path: res.body.Photo.path,
-                      extension: 'jpg',
-                      size: 683709,
-                      truncated: false,
-                      buffer: null
-                    }
-                  });
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a file',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'file'};
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos/12345')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .expect('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
-                .expect(201)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  // It should NOT be an attachment
-                  expect(res.headers['content-disposition']);
-                  expect(res.body);
-                  expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a file attachment',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].parameters, {name: 'ID'}).type = 'string';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[201].schema = {type: 'file'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[201].headers = {
-              'content-disposition': {
-                type: 'string'
-              }
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  [method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos/Photo%20Of%20Fido.jpg')
-                  .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                  .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                  .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                  .expect('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
-                  .expect(201)
-                  // `res.sendFile` automatically sets the Content-Disposition header,
-                  // and includes a safe UTF-8 filename, since our filename includes spaces
-                  .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="Photo%20Of%20Fido.jpg"; filename*=UTF-8\'\'Photo%2520Of%2520Fido.jpg')
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                    expect(res.body);
-                    expect(res.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }
-            );
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('PUT tests', function() {
-        if (method !== 'put') {
-          return;
-        }
-        it('should overwrite the existing resource rather than merging it',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].put.parameters, {name: 'PetData'}) = [];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                .put('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown'], Vet: {Name: 'Vet Name'}})
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  supertest
-                    .put('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .send({
-                      Name: 'Fido', Type: 'cat', Tags: ['furry'], Vet: {
-                        Address: {Street: '123 First St.', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 12345}
-                      }
-                    })
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                      // The original resource
-                      expect(res1.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Name: 'Fido',
-                        Type: 'dog',
-                        Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown'],
-                        Vet: {
-                          Name: 'Vet Name'
-                        }
-                      });
-                      // The new resource
-                      expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Name: 'Fido',
-                        Type: 'cat',
-                        Tags: ['furry'],
-                        Vet: {
-                          Address: {
-                            Street: '123 First St.',
-                            City: 'New York',
-                            State: 'NY',
-                            ZipCode: 12345
-                          }
-                        }
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore error occurs',
-          function(done) {
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            dataStore.__openDataStore = function(collection, callback) {
-              setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-            };
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  .put('/api/pets/Fido')
-                  .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-                  .expect(500)
-                  .end(function(err, res) {
-                    if (err) {
-                      return done(err);
-                    }
-                    expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-                    done();
-                  });
-              }
-            );
-          }
-        );
-      });
-      describe('PATCH/POST tests', function() {
-        if (method !== 'patch' && method !== 'post') {
-          return;
-        }
-        it('should merge the new resource with the existing resource',
-          function(done) {
-            _.find(api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].parameters, {name: 'PetData'}) = [];
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog', Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown'], Vet: {Name: 'Vet Name'}})
-                .expect(200)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  supertest
-                    [method]('/api/pets/Fido')
-                    .send({
-                      Name: 'Fido', Type: 'cat', Tags: ['furry'], Vet: {
-                        Address: {Street: '123 First St.', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 12345}
-                      }
-                    })
-                    .expect(200)
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                      // The original resource
-                      expect(res1.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Name: 'Fido',
-                        Type: 'dog',
-                        Tags: ['fluffy', 'brown'],
-                        Vet: {
-                          Name: 'Vet Name'
-                        }
-                      });
-                      // The merged resource
-                      expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        Name: 'Fido',
-                        Type: 'cat',
-                        Tags: ['furry', 'brown'],
-                        Vet: {
-                          Name: 'Vet Name',
-                          Address: {
-                            Street: '123 First St.',
-                            City: 'New York',
-                            State: 'NY',
-                            ZipCode: 12345
-                          }
-                        }
-                      });
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/helper.js b/tests/specs/mock/helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d6a63d3..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-var swagger = require('../../../'),
-    helper  = require('../../fixtures/helper'),
-    util    = require('../../../lib/helpers/util'),
-    _       = require('lodash');
-_.extend(exports, helper);
- * Helper function for Mock tests.
- *
- * @param   {}         [express]   - The Express App to use for the test
- * @param   {DataStore}     [dataStore] - The DataStore to use for the test
- * @param   {function[]}    [fns]       - Middleware functions to add to Express
- * @param   {object}        api         - The Swagger API for the test
- * @param   {function}      test        - The actual unit test
- */
-exports.initTest = function(express, dataStore, fns, api, test) {
-  switch (arguments.length) {
-    case 2:
-      test = arguments[1];
-      api = arguments[0];
-      fns = undefined;
-      dataStore = undefined;
-      express = undefined;
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      test = arguments[2];
-      api = arguments[1];
-      if (arguments[0] instanceof swagger.DataStore) {
-        dataStore = arguments[0];
-        fns = undefined;
-        express = undefined;
-      }
-      else if (util.isExpressRouter(arguments[0])) {
-        express = arguments[0];
-        dataStore = undefined;
-        fns = undefined;
-      }
-      else {
-        fns = arguments[0];
-        dataStore = undefined;
-        express = undefined;
-      }
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      test = arguments[3];
-      api = arguments[2];
-      fns = arguments[1];
-      dataStore = arguments[0];
-      express = undefined;
-  }
-  express = express ||;
-  var supertest = helper.supertest( || express);
-  swagger(api, express, function(err, middleware) {
-    express.use(
-      middleware.metadata(),
-      middleware.CORS(),
-      middleware.parseRequest(),
-      middleware.validateRequest(),
-      fns || [],
-      middleware.mock(dataStore)
-    );
-    test(supertest);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/mock.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/mock.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 203c393..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/mock.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Mock middleware', function() {
-  'use strict';
-  it('should do nothing if no other middleware is used',
-    function(done) {
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, function(err, middleware) {
-        var express =;
-        helper.supertest(express)
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .end(helper.checkSpyResults(done));
-        express.get('/api/pets', helper.spy(function(req, res, next) {
-          expect(req.swagger);
-          expect(res.swagger);
-        }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should do nothing if the Metadata middleware is not used',
-    function(done) {
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, function(err, middleware) {
-        var express =
-          middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(), middleware.validateRequest(), middleware.mock()
-        );
-        helper.supertest(express)
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .end(helper.checkSpyResults(done));
-        express.get('/api/pets', helper.spy(function(req, res, next) {
-          expect(req.swagger);
-          expect(res.swagger);
-        }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should do nothing if the API is not valid',
-    function(done) {
-      swagger(files.parsed.blank, function(err, middleware) {
-        var express =
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(), middleware.mock()
-        );
-        helper.supertest(express)
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .end(helper.checkSpyResults(done));
-        express.get('/api/pets', helper.spy(function(req, res, next) {
-          expect(req.swagger).to.deep.equal({
-            api: {
-              "swagger": "2.0",
-              "info": {
-                "title": "Test Swagger",
-                "version": "1.0"
-              },
-              "paths": {}
-            },
-            pathName: '',
-            path: null,
-            operation: null,
-            params: [],
-            security: []
-          });
-          expect(res.swagger);
-        }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should do nothing if "mock" is disabled in Express',
-    function(done) {
-      var express =;
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, express, function(err, middleware) {
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(),
-          middleware.validateRequest(), middleware.mock()
-        );
-        // Disable the mock middleware
-        express.disable('mock');
-        helper.supertest(express)
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .end(helper.checkSpyResults(done));
-        express.get('/api/pets', helper.spy(function(req, res, next) {
-          expect(req.swagger).to.deep.equal({
-            api: files.parsed.petStore,
-            pathName: '/pets',
-            path: files.parsed.petsPath,
-            operation: files.parsed.petsGetOperation,
-            params: files.parsed.petsGetParams,
-            security: []
-          });
-          expect(res.swagger);
-        }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('can be passed an Express Application',
-    function(done) {
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, function(err, middleware) {
-        var express =;
-        var supertest = helper.supertest(express);
-        // NOTE: Only passing the Express App to the mock middleware
-        // All other middleware will always default to case-insensitive
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(),
-          middleware.validateRequest(), middleware.mock(express)
-        );
-        supertest
-          .post('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(201, '')
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-            // Change the case-sensitivity setting.
-            express.enable('case sensitive routing');
-            // Now this request will return nothing, because the path is not a case-sensitive match
-            supertest
-              .get('/API/PETS')
-              .expect(200, [])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('can be passed a data store',
-    function(done) {
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, function(err, middleware) {
-        var express =;
-        var supertest = helper.supertest(express);
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(),
-          middleware.validateRequest(), middleware.mock(dataStore)
-        );
-        supertest
-          .post('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(201, '')
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-            // Remove the item from the data store
-            dataStore.delete(new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/fido'), function() {
-              // Now this request will return nothing, because the resource is no longer in the data store
-              supertest
-                .get('/API/PETS')
-                .expect(200, [])
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('can be passed an Express App and a data store',
-    function(done) {
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, function(err, middleware) {
-        var express =;
-        var supertest = helper.supertest(express);
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        // NOTE: Only passing the Express App to the mock middleware
-        // All other middleware will always default to case-insensitive
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(),
-          middleware.validateRequest(), middleware.mock(express, dataStore)
-        );
-        supertest
-          .post('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(201, '')
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-            // Change the case-sensitivity setting.
-            express.enable('case sensitive routing');
-            // Now this request will return nothing, because the path is not a case-sensitive match
-            supertest
-              .get('/API/PETS')
-              .expect(200, [])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Remove the item from the data store
-                dataStore.delete(new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido'), function() {
-                  // Now this request will return nothing, because the resource is no longer in the data store
-                  supertest
-                    .get('/api/pets')
-                    .expect(200, [])
-                    .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                });
-              }));
-          }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should get the data store from the Express App',
-    function(done) {
-      var express =;
-      var supertest = helper.supertest(express);
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, express, function(err, middleware) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        // Setting the "mock data store" on the Express App
-        express.set('mock data store', dataStore);
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(), middleware.parseRequest(),
-          middleware.validateRequest(), middleware.mock()
-        );
-        // Add a resource to the data store
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          // Make sure the Mock middleware is using the data store
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .expect(200, [{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}])
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should get the data store from the Express App instead of the param',
-    function(done) {
-      var express =;
-      var supertest = helper.supertest(express);
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, express, function(err, middleware) {
-        var dataStore1 = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var dataStore2 = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        // Set the "mock data store" to data store #1
-        express.set('mock data store', dataStore1);
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(),
-          middleware.parseRequest(), middleware.validateRequest(),
-          // Pass data store #2
-          middleware.mock(dataStore2)
-        );
-        // Add different resources to each data store
-        var resource1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          var resource2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-, function() {
-            // Make sure the Mock middleware is using data store #1
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200, [{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should detect changes to the data store from the Express App',
-    function(done) {
-      var express =;
-      var supertest = helper.supertest(express);
-      swagger(files.parsed.petStore, express, function(err, middleware) {
-        var dataStore1 = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var dataStore2 = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        express.use(
-          middleware.metadata(), middleware.CORS(),
-          middleware.parseRequest(), middleware.validateRequest(),
-          // Start-out using data store #1
-          middleware.mock(dataStore1)
-        );
-        // Add different resources to each data store
-        var resource1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-          var resource2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-, function() {
-            // Switch to data store #2
-            express.set('mock data store', dataStore2);
-            // Make sure the Mock middleware is using data store #2
-            supertest
-              .get('/api/pets')
-              .expect(200, [{Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}])
-              .end(helper.checkResults(done, function() {
-                // Disable data store #2, so data store #1 will be used
-                express.disable('mock data store');
-                // Make sure the Mock middleware is using data store #1
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .expect(200, [{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}])
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }));
-          });
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/query-collection.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/query-collection.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b34e1bf..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/query-collection.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-var swagger = require('../../../'),
-  util = require('../../../lib/helpers/util'),
-  expect = require('chai').expect,
-  _ = require('lodash'),
-  files = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-  helper = require('./helper');
-describe('Query Collection Mock', function () {
-  var availableContentTypes = _.intersection(files.parsed.petStore.consumes, files.parsed.petStore.produces);
-  availableContentTypes.forEach(function (contentType) {
-    ['get', 'head', 'options'].forEach(function (method) {
-      describe(contentType, function () {
-        describe(method.toUpperCase(), function () {
-          testCases(contentType, method);
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  });
-function testCases (contentType, method) {
-  'use strict';
-  var contentTypePattern = new RegExp('^' + contentType + '; charset=utf-8');
-  var api, noBody, noHeaders;
-  beforeEach(function () {
-    api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-    noBody = method === 'head' || method === 'options';
-    noHeaders = method === 'options';
-    // Change the HTTP method of GET /pets
-    var operation = api.paths['/pets'].get;
-    delete api.paths['/pets'].get;
-    api.paths['/pets'][method] = operation;
-    // Change the HTTP method of GET /pets/{PetName}/photos
-    operation = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].get;
-    delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].get;
-    api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method] = operation;
-  });
-  it('should return an empty array if there is no data in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-        var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-        noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 2);
-        noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-        request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : []);
-        request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return a single-item array if there is one item in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function () {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 30);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [{Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'}]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return a single-item array containing the root item in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets', '/', 'This is the root resource');
-, function () {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 29);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['This is the root resource']);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return an array of all items in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var res1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-      var res2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/String', 'I am Fido');
-      var res3 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Buffer', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, res2, res3, function () {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 112);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [
-            {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-            'I am Fido',
-            {
-              type: 'Buffer',
-              data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-            }
-          ]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return a wrapped array of all items in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-      api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema = {
-        properties: {
-          code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-          message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-          error: {},
-          result: {type: 'array', items: _.cloneDeep(}
-        }
-      };
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var res1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-      var res2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/String', 'I am Fido');
-      var res3 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Buffer', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, res2, res3, function () {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 157);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {
-            code: 42,
-            message: 'hello world',
-            result: [
-              {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-              'I am Fido',
-              {
-                type: 'Buffer',
-                data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-              }
-            ]
-          });
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return an array of all items in the collection, including the root resource',
-    function (done) {
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var res1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-      var res2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets', '/', 'This is the root resource');
-      var res3 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'});
-, res2, res3, function () {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 89);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [
-            {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'},
-            'This is the root resource',
-            {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'}
-          ]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should not return anything if no response schema is specified in the Swagger API',
-    function (done) {
-      delete api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema;
-      helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-        var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-        request.expect(200, '');
-        request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function (res) {
-          expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.satisfy(function (contentLength) {
-            // This is the difference between returning an empty array vs. nothing at all
-            return contentLength === undefined || contentLength === '0';
-          });
-          done();
-        }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return `res.body` if already set by other middleware',
-    function (done) {
-      function messWithTheBody (req, res, next) {
-        res.body = {message: 'Not the response you expected'};
-        next();
-      }
-      helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function (supertest) {
-        var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-        noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 43);
-        noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-        request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {message: 'Not the response you expected'});
-        request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return the default value instead of an empty array',
-    function (done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.default = ['The default value'];
-      helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-        var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-        noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 21);
-        noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-        request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['The default value']);
-        request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should return the example value instead of an empty array',
-    function (done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.example = ['The example value'];
-      helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-        var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-        noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 21);
-        noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-        request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['The example value']);
-        request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should set the Last-Modified date to Now() if the results are empty',
-    function (done) {
-      var before = new Date();
-      api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-        'Last-Modified': {type: 'string'}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {// Wait 1 second, since the "Last-Modified" header is only precise to the second
-        setTimeout(function () {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 2);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function (res) {
-            if (!noHeaders) {
-              var lastModified = new Date(res.headers['last-modified']);
-              expect(lastModified);
-            }
-            done();
-          }));
-        }, 1000);
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should set the Last-Modified date to the ModifiedOn date of the only item in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-        'Last-Modified': {type: 'string'}
-      };
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets', '/', 'This is the root resource');
-, function () {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {// Wait 1 second, since the "Last-Modified" header is only precise to the second
-          setTimeout(function () {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 29);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Last-Modified', util.rfc1123(resource.modifiedOn));
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          }, 1000);
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should set the Last-Modified date to the max ModifiedOn date in the collection',
-    function (done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-        'Last-Modified': {type: 'string'}
-      };
-      var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      // Save resource1
-      var resource1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function () {
-        setTimeout(function () {
-          // Save resource2
-          var resource2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-, function () {
-            setTimeout(function () {
-              // Update resource1
-     = 'bar';
-    , function () {
-                helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-                  setTimeout(function () {
-                    var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-                    noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 73);
-                    noHeaders || request.expect('Last-Modified', util.rfc1123(resource1.modifiedOn));
-                    noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-                    request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-                  }, 1000);
-                });
-              });
-            }, 1000);
-          });
-        }, 1000);
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  if (method !== 'options') {
-    it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore error occurs',
-      function (done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        dataStore.__openDataStore = function (collection, callback) {
-          setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-        };
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-          request.expect(500);
-          request.end(function (err, res) {
-            if (err) {
-              return done(err);
-            }
-            // The content-length will vary slightly, depending on the stack trace
-            expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(/^\d{4,5}$/);
-            if (!noBody) {
-              expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-            }
-            done();
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  }
-  describe('different data types', function () {
-    it('should return a string',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'string'};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 13);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['I am Fido']);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return an empty string',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'string'};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', '');
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 4);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['']);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a number',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'number'};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 42.999);
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 8);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [42.999]);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a date',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'string', format: 'date'};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)));
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 14);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['2000-02-02']);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a date-time',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'string', format: 'date-time'};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)));
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 28);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['2000-02-02T03:04:05.006Z']);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a Buffer (as a string)',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'string'};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 15);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['hello world']);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a Buffer (as JSON)',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 71);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [
-              {
-                type: 'Buffer',
-                data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-              }
-            ]);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a null value',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {};
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido');
-, function () {
-          helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 6);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [null]);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return multipart/form-data',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-            .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-            .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-            .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function (res) {
-              var photoID = parseInt(res.headers.location.match(/(\d+)$/)[0]);
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos').set('Accept', contentType);
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function (res) {
-                noHeaders || expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(/^\d{3}$/);
-                if (noBody) {
-                  expect(res.body);
-                  expect(res.text);
-                }
-                else {
-                  request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-                  expect(res.body).to.deep.equal([
-                    {
-                      ID: photoID,
-                      Label: 'Photo 1',
-                      Description: 'A photo of Fido',
-                      Photo: {
-                        fieldname: 'Photo',
-                        originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                        name: res.body[0],
-                        encoding: '7bit',
-                        mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                        path: res.body[0].Photo.path,
-                        extension: 'jpg',
-                        size: 683709,
-                        truncated: false,
-                        buffer: null
-                      }
-                    }
-                  ]);
-                }
-                done();
-              }));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a file',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'file'};
-        helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-            .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-            .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-            .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-            .expect(201)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function () {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos').set('Accept', contentType);
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-              noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-              request.expect(200);
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function (res) {
-                noHeaders || expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(/^\d{3}$/);
-                // It should NOT be an attachment
-                expect(res.headers['content-disposition']);
-                if (noBody) {
-                  expect(res.body);
-                  expect(res.text);
-                }
-                else {
-                  // There's no such thing as an "array of files",
-                  // so we send back an array of file info
-                  expect(res.body).to.deep.equal([
-                    {
-                      fieldname: 'Photo',
-                      originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                      name: res.body[0].name,
-                      encoding: '7bit',
-                      mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                      path: res.body[0].path,
-                      extension: 'jpg',
-                      size: 683709,
-                      truncated: false,
-                      buffer: null
-                    }
-                  ]);
-                }
-                done();
-              }));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should return a file attachment',
-      function (done) {
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].responses[200].schema.items = {type: 'file'};
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-          'Content-Disposition': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function (supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-            .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-            .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-            .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-            .expect(201)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function () {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos');
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-              request.expect(200);
-              // Since there are multiple files, Content-Disposition is the "file name" of the URL
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="photos"');
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function (res) {
-                noHeaders || expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(/^\d{3}$/);
-                if (noBody) {
-                  expect(res.body);
-                  expect(res.text);
-                }
-                else {
-                  // There's no such thing as an "array of files",
-                  // so we send back an array of file info
-                  expect(res.body).to.deep.equal([
-                    {
-                      fieldname: 'Photo',
-                      originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                      name: res.body[0].name,
-                      encoding: '7bit',
-                      mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                      path: res.body[0].path,
-                      extension: 'jpg',
-                      size: 683709,
-                      truncated: false,
-                      buffer: null
-                    }
-                  ]);
-                }
-                done();
-              }));
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
-  describe('filter', function () {
-    var Fido = {
-      Name: 'Fido', Age: 4, Type: 'dog', Tags: ['big', 'brown'],
-      Vet: {Name: 'Vet 1', Address: {Street: '123 First St.', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 55555}}
-    };
-    var Fluffy = {
-      Name: 'Fluffy', Age: 7, Type: 'cat', Tags: ['small', 'furry', 'white'],
-      Vet: {Name: 'Vet 2', Address: {Street: '987 Second St.', City: 'Dallas', State: 'TX', ZipCode: 44444}}
-    };
-    var Polly = {
-      Name: 'Polly', Age: 1, Type: 'bird', Tags: ['small', 'blue'],
-      Vet: {Name: 'Vet 1', Address: {Street: '123 First St.', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 55555}}
-    };
-    var Lassie = {
-      Name: 'Lassie', Age: 7, Type: 'dog', Tags: ['big', 'furry', 'brown'],
-      Vet: {Name: 'Vet 3', Address: {Street: '456 Pet Blvd.', City: 'Manhattan', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 56565}}
-    };
-    var Spot = {
-      Name: 'Spot', Age: 4, Type: 'dog', Tags: ['big', 'spotted'],
-      Vet: {Name: 'Vet 2', Address: {Street: '987 Second St.', City: 'Dallas', State: 'TX', ZipCode: 44444}}
-    };
-    var Garfield = {
-      Name: 'Garfield', Age: 7, Type: 'cat', Tags: ['orange', 'fat'],
-      Vet: {Name: 'Vet 4', Address: {Street: '789 Pet Lane', City: 'New York', State: 'NY', ZipCode: 66666}}
-    };
-    var allPets = [Fido, Fluffy, Polly, Lassie, Spot, Garfield];
-    var dataStore;
-    beforeEach(function (done) {
-      dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-      var resources = (pet) {
-        return new swagger.Resource('/api/pets', pet.Name, pet);
-      });
-, done);
-    });
-    it('should filter by a string property',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Type=cat').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 350);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fluffy, Garfield]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by a numeric property',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Age=4').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 336);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Spot]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by an array property (single value)',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Tags=big').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 514);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Lassie, Spot]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, comma-separated)',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Tags=big,brown').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 346);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Lassie]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, pipe-separated)',
-      function (done) {
-        _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'Tags'}).collectionFormat = 'pipes';
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Tags=big|brown').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 346);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Lassie]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, space-separated)',
-      function (done) {
-        _.find(api.paths['/pets'][method].parameters, {name: 'Tags'}).collectionFormat = 'ssv';
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Tags=big%20brown').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 346);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Lassie]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by an array property (multiple values, repeated)',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Tags=big&Tags=brown').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 346);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Lassie]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by multiple properties',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Age=7&Type=cat&Tags=orange').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 172);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Garfield]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by a deep property',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Vet.Address.State=NY').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 687);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Polly, Lassie, Garfield]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should filter by multiple deep properties',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Vet.Address.State=NY&Vet.Address.City=New%20York').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 509);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Fido, Polly, Garfield]);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not filter by properties that aren\'t defined in the Swagger API',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-          var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Name=Lassie&Vet.Address.Street=123%20First%20St.').set('Accept', contentType);
-          noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 1033);
-          noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-          request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : allPets);
-          request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should only filter by properties that are defined in the Swagger API',
-      function (done) {
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function (supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets?Age=4&Name=Lassie&Vet.Name=Vet%202&Vet.Address.Street=123%20First%20St.').set('Accept', contentType);
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 169);
-            noBody || request.expect('Content-Type', contentTypePattern);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : [Spot]);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          }
-        );
-      }
-    );
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/query-resource.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/query-resource.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76395e2..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/query-resource.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-var swagger   = require('../../../'),
-    util      = require('../../../lib/helpers/util'),
-    expect    = require('chai').expect,
-    _         = require('lodash'),
-    files     = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper    = require('./helper'),
-    isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform);
-describe('Query Resource Mock', function() {
-  ['head', 'options', 'get'].forEach(function(method) {
-    describe(method.toUpperCase(), function() {
-      'use strict';
-      var api, noBody, noHeaders;
-      beforeEach(function() {
-        api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-        noBody = method === 'head' || method === 'options';
-        noHeaders = method === 'options';
-        // Change the HTTP method of GET /pets/{PetName}
-        var operation = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].get;
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method] = operation;
-        // Change the HTTP method of GET /pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}
-        operation = api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get;
-        delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'].get;
-        api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method] = operation;
-      });
-      it('should return only the requested resource',
-        function(done) {
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var res1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-          var res2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-          var res3 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'});
-, res2, res3, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fluffy');
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 30);
-              request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return a wrapped resource',
-        function(done) {
-          // Wrap the "pet" definition in an envelope object
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema = {
-            type: 'object',
-            properties: {
-              code: {type: 'integer', default: 42},
-              message: {type: 'string', default: 'hello world'},
-              error: {type: 'object'},
-              result: _.cloneDeep(
-            }
-          };
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var res1 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-          var res2 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fluffy', {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'});
-          var res3 = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Polly', {Name: 'Polly', Type: 'bird'});
-, res2, res3, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fluffy');
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 75);
-              request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {code: 42, message: 'hello world', result: {Name: 'Fluffy', Type: 'cat'}});
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should not return anything if no response schema is specified in the Swagger API',
-        function(done) {
-          delete api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema;
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-              request.expect(200, '');
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.satisfy(function(contentLength) {
-                  // This is the difference between returning an empty array vs. nothing at all
-                  return contentLength === undefined || contentLength === '0';
-                });
-                done();
-              }));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return `res.body` if already set by other middleware',
-        function(done) {
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function() {
-            function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-              res.body = ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected'];
-              next();
-            }
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-              noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 41);
-              request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected']);
-              request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return `res.body` instead of a 404',
-        function(done) {
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.default = {default: 'The default value'};
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.example = {example: 'The example value'};
-          function messWithTheBody(req, res, next) {
-            res.body = ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected'];
-            next();
-          }
-          helper.initTest(messWithTheBody, api, function(supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 41);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : ['Not', 'the', 'response', 'you', 'expected']);
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return the default value instead of a 404',
-        function(done) {
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.default = {default: 'The default value'};
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.example = {example: 'The example value'};
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 31);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {default: 'The default value'});
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should return the example value instead of a 404',
-        function(done) {
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.example = {example: 'The example value'};
-          helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-            var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-            noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 31);
-            request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {example: 'The example value'});
-            request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      it('should set the Last-Modified date to the ModifiedOn date of the resource',
-        function(done) {
-          api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-            'Last-Modified': {type: 'string'}
-          };
-          var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am fido');
-, function() {
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-              // Wait 1 second, since the "Last-Modified" header is only precise to the second
-              setTimeout(function() {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 11);
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Last-Modified', util.rfc1123(resource.modifiedOn));
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              }, 1000);
-            });
-          });
-        }
-      );
-      if (method !== 'options') {
-        it('should throw a 404 if the resource does not exist',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-              request.expect(404);
-              request.end(function(err, res) {
-                if (err) {
-                  return done(err);
-                }
-                // The content-length will vary slightly, depending on the stack trace
-                expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(/^\d{3,4}$/);
-                done();
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a 500 error if a DataStore error occurs',
-          function(done) {
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            dataStore.__openDataStore = function(collection, callback) {
-              setImmediate(callback, new Error('Test Error'));
-            };
-            helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                request.expect(500);
-                request.end(function(err, res) {
-                  if (err) {
-                    return done(err);
-                  }
-                  // The content-length will vary slightly, depending on the stack trace
-                  expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(/^\d{4,5}$/);
-                  if (!noBody) {
-                    expect(res.text).to.contain('Error: Test Error');
-                  }
-                  done();
-                });
-              }
-            );
-          }
-        );
-      }
-      describe('different data types', function() {
-        it('should return an object',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 28);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a string',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 'I am Fido');
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 9);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : 'I am Fido');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return an empty string response',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', '');
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', '0');
-                request.expect(200, '');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a number',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'number';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', 42.999);
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 6);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : '42.999');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a date',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.format = 'date-time';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)));
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 24);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : '2000-02-02T03:04:05.006Z');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a Buffer (as a string)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'string';
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].produces = ['text/plain'];
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 11);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : 'hello world');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a Buffer (as JSON)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', new Buffer('hello world'));
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 69);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {
-                  type: 'Buffer',
-                  data: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
-                });
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return an undefined value',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido');
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json');
-                request.expect(200, '');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.satisfy(function(contentLength) {
-                    // This is the difference between returning an empty array vs. nothing at all
-                    return contentLength === undefined || contentLength === '0';
-                  });
-                  done();
-                }));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the default value instead of undefined',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.default = {default: 'The default value'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.example = {example: 'The example value'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido');
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 31);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {default: 'The default value'});
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return the example value instead of undefined',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.example = {example: 'The example value'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido');
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 31);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : {example: 'The example value'});
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a null value',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-            var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', null);
-  , function() {
-              helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-                var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-                noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 4);
-                request.expect(200, noBody ? '' : 'null');
-                request.end(helper.checkResults(done));
-              });
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return multipart/form-data',
-          function(done) {
-            // Set the response schemas to return the full multipart/form-data object
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos'].post.responses[201].schema = {type: 'object'};
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[200].schema.type = 'object';
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  var photoID = parseInt(res1.headers.location.match(/(\d+)$/)[0]);
-                  var request = supertest[method]('/api/pets/Fido/photos/' + photoID);
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
-                  request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    if (noBody) {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                      expect(res2.body).to.deep.equal({
-                        ID: photoID,
-                        Label: 'Photo 1',
-                        Description: 'A photo of Fido',
-                        Photo: {
-                          fieldname: 'Photo',
-                          originalname: '1MB.jpg',
-                          name:,
-                          encoding: '7bit',
-                          mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
-                          path: res1.body.Photo.path,
-                          extension: 'jpg',
-                          size: 683709,
-                          truncated: false,
-                          buffer: null
-                        }
-                      });
-                    }
-                    done();
-                  }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a file',
-          function(done) {
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.PDF)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  var request = supertest[method](res1.headers.location);
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 263287);
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
-                  request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    // It should NOT be an attachment
-                    expect(res2.headers['content-disposition']);
-                    if (noBody) {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text).to.have.lengthOf(258441);
-                    }
-                    done();
-                  }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a file attachment (using the basename of the URL)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-              'content-disposition': {
-                type: 'string'
-              }
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.text)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  var photoID = parseInt(res1.headers.location.match(/(\d+)$/)[0]);
-                  var request = supertest[method](res1.headers.location);
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', isWindows ? 95 : 87);      // CRLF vs LF
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
-                  // The filename is set to the basename of the URL by default
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' + photoID + '"');
-                  request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    if (noBody) {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text).to.have.lengthOf(isWindows ? 95 : 87);    // CRLF vs LF
-                    }
-                    done();
-                  }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a file attachment (using the default filename in the Swagger API)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-              'content-disposition': {
-                type: 'string',
-                default: 'attachment; filename=""'
-              }
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-              supertest
-                .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                .attach('Photo', files.paths.PDF)
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                  var request = supertest[method](res1.headers.location);
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 263287);
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
-                  // The filename comes from the Swagger API
-                  noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=""');
-                  request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                    if (noBody) {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                      expect(res2.body);
-                      expect(res2.text).to.have.lengthOf(258441);
-                    }
-                    done();
-                  }));
-                }));
-            });
-          }
-        );
-        it('should return a file attachment (using the basename of the URL when there\'s no default filename in the Swagger API)',
-          function(done) {
-            api.paths['/pets/{PetName}/photos/{ID}'][method].responses[200].headers = {
-              'content-disposition': {
-                type: 'string',
-                default: 'attachment'   // <--- No filename was specified
-              }
-            };
-            helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-                supertest
-                  .post('/api/pets/Fido/photos')
-                  .field('Label', 'Photo 1')
-                  .field('Description', 'A photo of Fido')
-                  .attach('Photo', files.paths.oneMB)
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res1) {
-                    var photoID = parseInt(res1.headers.location.match(/(\d+)$/)[0]);
-                    var request = supertest[method](res1.headers.location);
-                    noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Length', 683709);
-                    noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg');
-                    // The filename is the basename of the URL, since it wasn't specified in the Swagger API
-                    noHeaders || request.expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' + photoID + '"');
-                    request.end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res2) {
-                      if (noBody) {
-                        expect(res2.text);
-                        if (method === 'options') {
-                          expect(res2.body);
-                        }
-                        else {
-                          expect(res2.body);
-                        }
-                      }
-                      else {
-                        expect(res2.body);
-                        expect(res2.body.length).to.equal(683709);
-                      }
-                      done();
-                    }));
-                  }));
-              }
-            );
-          });
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/response-headers.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/response-headers.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bf089f..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/response-headers.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Mock response headers', function() {
-  'use strict';
-  var api;
-  beforeEach(function() {
-    api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-  });
-  it('should set headers to the default values specified in the Swagger API',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-        location: {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'hello world'
-        },
-        'Last-Modified': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'hi there'
-        },
-        'Set-cookie': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'foo=bar;biz=baz'
-        },
-        'Content-disposition': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'attachment'
-        },
-        'pragma': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'no-cache'
-        },
-        'myMadeUpHeader': {
-          type: 'integer',
-          default: 42
-        }
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect('Location', 'hello world')
-          .expect('Last-Modified', 'hi there')
-          .expect('Set-Cookie', 'foo=bar;biz=baz')
-          .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment')
-          .expect('Pragma', 'no-cache')
-          .expect('MyMadeUpHeader', '42')
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should not override headers that were already set by other middleware',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-        location: {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'hello world'
-        },
-        'Last-Modified': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'hi there'
-        },
-        'Set-cookie': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'foo=bar;biz=baz'
-        },
-        'Content-disposition': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'attachment'
-        },
-        'pragma': {
-          type: 'string',
-          default: 'no-cache'
-        },
-        'myMadeUpHeader': {
-          type: 'integer',
-          default: 42
-        }
-      };
-      var express =;
-      express.use(function(req, res, next) {
-        res.set('location', 'foo');
-        res.set('last-modified', 'bar');
-        res.set('set-cookie', 'hello=world');
-        res.set('content-disposition', 'not-an-attachment');
-        res.set('pragma', 'cache-money');
-        res.set('mymadeupheader', 'forty-two');
-        next();
-      });
-      helper.initTest(express, api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect('Location', 'foo')
-          .expect('Last-Modified', 'bar')
-          .expect('Set-Cookie', 'hello=world')
-          .expect('Content-Disposition', 'not-an-attachment')
-          .expect('Pragma', 'cache-money')
-          .expect('MyMadeUpHeader', 'forty-two')
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should generate sample values for headers that have no values',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-        'pragma': {
-          type: 'string'
-        },
-        'myMadeUpHeader': {
-          type: 'number'
-        },
-        'content-length': {
-          type: 'integer'
-        },
-        'expires': {
-          type: 'string',
-          format: 'date-time'
-        },
-        'date': {
-          type: 'string',
-          format: 'date'
-        }
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-            var floatRegExp = /^-?\d+\.\d+(e[+-]\d+)$/;
-            var integerRegExp = /^-?\d+$/;
-            var dateTimeRegExp = /^\w{3}, \d{2} \w{3} \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} GMT/;
-            var dateRegExp = /^\w{3}, \d{2} \w{3} \d{4} 00:00:00 GMT/;
-            expect(res.headers.pragma)'string').and.not.empty;
-            expect(res.headers.mymadeupheader).to.match(floatRegExp);
-            expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.match(integerRegExp);
-            expect(res.headers.expires).to.match(dateTimeRegExp);
-            expect(;
-            done();
-          }));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  describe('Location header', function() {
-    it('should set the Location header to the newly-created resource',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect('Location', '/api/pets/Fido')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Location header to the existing resource',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          location: {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .expect('Location', '/api/pets')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Location header to the newly-created resource for a nested router',
-      function(done) {
-        var app =;
-        var router1 = helper.router();
-        var router2 = helper.router();
-        app.use('/nested/path/', router1);
-        router1.use('/deeply/nested/path', router2);
- = app;
-        helper.initTest(router2, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/nested/path/deeply/nested/path/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect('Location', '/nested/path/deeply/nested/path/api/pets/Fido')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Location header to the existing resource for a nested router',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          location: {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        var app =;
-        var router1 = helper.router();
-        var router2 = helper.router();
-        app.use('/nested/path/', router1);
-        router1.use('/deeply/nested/path', router2);
- = app;
-        helper.initTest(router2, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/nested/path/deeply/nested/path/api/pets')
-            .expect('Location', '/nested/path/deeply/nested/path/api/pets')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not set the Location header if not specified in the Swagger API',
-      function(done) {
-        delete api.paths['/pets'].post.responses[201].headers;
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-              expect(res.headers.location);
-              done();
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
-  describe('Last-Modified header', function() {
-    it('should set the Last-Modified header to the current date/time if no data exists',
-      function(done) {
-        var before = new Date( - 1000); // one second ago
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'Last-modified': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-              var lastModified = new Date(res.headers['last-modified']);
-              expect(lastModified);
-              expect(lastModified) Date());
-              done();
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Last-Modified header to the date/time that the data was created',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].post.responses[201].headers = {
-          'Last-modified': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'Last-modified': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect(201)
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-              var dateCreated = new Date(res.headers['last-modified']);
-              // Wait 1 second before re-querying the data,
-              // to make sure the Last-Modified header isn't just the current date/time
-              setTimeout(function() {
-                supertest
-                  .get('/api/pets')
-                  .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                    var lastModified = new Date(res.headers['last-modified']);
-                    expect(lastModified).to.equalTime(dateCreated);
-                    done();
-                  }));
-              }, 1000);
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Last-Modified header to the date/time that the data was last modified',
-      function(done) {
-        var dataStore = new swagger.MemoryDataStore();
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'Last-modified': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(dataStore, api, function(supertest) {
-          var resource = new swagger.Resource('/api/pets/Fido', {Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'});
-, function(err) {
-            if (err) {
-              return done(err);
-            }
-            // Remove the milliseconds, since the Last-Modified header is only precise to the second
-            resource.modifiedOn.setUTCMilliseconds(0);
-            // Wait 1 second before re-querying the data,
-            // to make sure the Last-Modified header isn't just the current date/time
-            setTimeout(function() {
-              supertest
-                .get('/api/pets')
-                .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-                  var lastModified = new Date(res.headers['last-modified']);
-                  expect(lastModified).to.equalTime(resource.modifiedOn);
-                  done();
-                }));
-            }, 1000);
-          });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not set the Last-Modified header if not specified in the Swagger API',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-              expect(res.headers['last-modified']);
-              done();
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
-  describe('Content-Disposition header', function() {
-    it('should set the Content-Disposition header to basename of the Location URL',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].post.responses[201].headers = {
-          'content-disposition': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .post('/api/pets')
-            .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-            .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="Fido"')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Content-Disposition header to basename of the request URL',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'content-disposition': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="pets"')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Content-Disposition header to the basename of the request URL for a nested router',
-      function(done) {
-        var app =;
-        var router1 = helper.router();
-        var router2 = helper.router();
-        app.use('/nested/path/', router1);
-        router1.use('/deeply/nested/path', router2);
- = app;
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'content-disposition': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(router2, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/nested/path/deeply/nested/path/api/pets')
-            .expect('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="pets"')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not set the Content-Disposition header if not specified in the Swagger API',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-              expect(res.headers['content-disposition']);
-              done();
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
-  describe('Set-Cookie header', function() {
-    it('should set the Set-Cookie header to a random value',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'Set-Cookie': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done, function(res) {
-              expect(res.headers['set-cookie']).to.have.lengthOf(1);
-              expect(res.headers['set-cookie'][0]).to.match(/^swagger=random\d+/);
-              done();
-            }));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should set the Set-Cookie header to the same value, if it already exists',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'Set-Cookie': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .set('Cookie', 'swagger=foo')
-            .expect('Set-Cookie', 'swagger=foo; Path=/')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not set the Set-Cookie header if already set by other middleware',
-      function(done) {
-        api.paths['/pets'].get.responses[200].headers = {
-          'Set-Cookie': {
-            type: 'string'
-          }
-        };
-        var express =;
-        express.use(function(req, res, next) {
-          res.cookie('myCookie', 'some value');
-          next();
-        });
-        helper.initTest(express, api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .expect('Set-Cookie', 'myCookie=some%20value; Path=/')
-            .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    it('should not set the Set-Cookie header if not specified in the Swagger API',
-      function(done) {
-        helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-          supertest
-            .get('/api/pets')
-            .end(function(err, res) {
-              expect(res.headers['set-cookie']);
-              done(err);
-            });
-        });
-      }
-    );
-  });
diff --git a/tests/specs/mock/response.spec.js b/tests/specs/mock/response.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4711ad9..0000000
--- a/tests/specs/mock/response.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-var swagger    = require('../../../'),
-    expect     = require('chai').expect,
-    _          = require('lodash'),
-    files      = require('../../fixtures/files'),
-    helper     = require('./helper');
-describe('Mock Response', function() {
-  'use strict';
-  var api;
-  beforeEach(function() {
-    api = _.cloneDeep(files.parsed.petStore);
-  });
-  it('should use the 200 response, if it exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '204': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '300': {description: ''},
-        '200': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect(200)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use the lowest 2XX response that exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '204': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '203': {description: ''},
-        '201': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''},
-        '404': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect(201)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use the lowest 3XX response that exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '304': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '302': {description: ''},
-        '303': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect(302)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use the lowest 1XX response that exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses = {
-        '102': {description: ''},
-        '404': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '101': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        '504': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect(101)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use a 200 response if "default" exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].get.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .get('/api/pets')
-          .expect(200)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use a 201 response for POST operations if "default" exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].post.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .post('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(201)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should not use a 201 response for POST operations if "default" does not exist',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].post.responses = {
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .post('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(102)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use a 201 response for PUT operations if "default" exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].put = api.paths['/pets'].post;
-      api.paths['/pets'].put.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .put('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(201)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should not use a 201 response for PUT operations if "default" does not exist',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets'].put = api.paths['/pets'].post;
-      api.paths['/pets'].put.responses = {
-        '101': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .put('/api/pets')
-          .send({Name: 'Fido', Type: 'dog'})
-          .expect(101)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should use a 204 response for DELETE operations if "default" exists',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses = {
-        '100': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        'default': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-          .expect(204)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );
-  it('should not use a 204 response for DELETE operations if "default" does not exist',
-    function(done) {
-      api.paths['/pets/{PetName}'].delete.responses = {
-        '101': {description: ''},
-        '400': {description: ''},
-        '402': {description: ''},
-        '500': {description: ''},
-        '102': {description: ''}
-      };
-      helper.initTest(api, function(supertest) {
-        supertest
-          .delete('/api/pets/Fido')
-          .expect(101)
-          .end(helper.checkResults(done));
-      });
-    }
-  );