Wails and WebView don't supply full path when you drag and drop files. You can make drag and drop work with the following code, but not getting the full path is a problem.
function attachDragAndDropEvents() {
$(window).on('drop', function(e) {
// When drag event is attached to document, use
// e.dataTransfer.files instead of what's below.
for (let f of e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files) {
return false;
$(window).on('dragover', function(e) {
return false;
$(window).on('dragleave', function(e) {
return false;
$(window).on('dragend', function(e) {
return false;
console.log("Attached drag and drop events")
If we use a file browser, it must be cross-platform and must support multiple selections. Sqweek Dialog is cross-platform, but it supports single selection only. It uses CGO, which we want to avoid if possible.
Native File Dialog is written in C and would need to be wrapped. It also has some open issues that may prevent us from being able to use it.
Zenity looks good, but it has external system dependencies on Mac and Linux. Awaiting response from developer re: external dependencies.
Zenity is looking better, as users would need to install a runtime dependency on Linux/Unix only. See the response to the dependency quesion on GitHub.
The Fyne file dialog does not seem to support multiple selection. Single clicking opens a folder instead of selecting it. It's also ugly.
wxGo looks like it's a huge library to wrap.
Go QT looks to be quite heavy and daunting.
The best option at this point may be to display an in-app file tree. This could appear in the left pane, with a drop target in the right pane. Some users may be confused, however, thinking they could drop files from the desktop or file browser there.
We also don't know yet if external file systems will appear correctly. These include shared network drives and services like iCloud and Dropbox that appear in the normal finder as mounted drives.
Finally, the appearance should be familiar to Windows/Mac/Linux users. That is, instead of listing the file system from the root, list familiar folders like Home, Desktop, Documents, etc. Also list mounted/external drives below the local list, as on Windows/Mac/Linux.
Since we won't need to walk directories, we can use os.ReadDir.