diff --git a/_data/settings.yml b/_data/settings.yml
index 15e8c24..ee4392f 100644
--- a/_data/settings.yml
+++ b/_data/settings.yml
@@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ hub-section-contact: "Are you interested to become a member? Get in contact with
# LEAD Section
-lead-title: "LEAD
Local Experts Action Directory"
-lead-description: "The #ASKnet Local Expert Action Directory (LEAD) is a growing and functioning tool to connect people who have specific expertise and skills in media, ICT, and a range of various technologies - be they device repair, software programming, or mechanical skills with potential clients. \n \n The directory makes it easier for organizations be they international donors and non-governmental agencies, local, national, and international governmental organizations, local companies, etc., - to contact and commission #ASKnet media and technology experts in the region. \n \n The LEAD directory allows professionals, and individuals with special skills in South Sudan and refugee-hosting regions to develop profiles, share their expertise, and promote themselves both locally and internationally. We require experts to add references/links to their work to allow partners and/or future clients to access the experts' previous work and portfolios in order to create confidence and credibility. \n \n Consider hiring an #ASKnet LEAD Expert for your local training or development project!"
+lead-title: "#ASKlead"
+lead-description: |
+ Many of the #ASKnet members and their communities have undergone training of trainer programs and peer-to-peer learning in self-taught formats, developed collaboratively through workshops and programs run by the initiative.
+ The #ASKnet Local Expert Action Directory (LEAD) is a growing and functioning tool to connect people who have specific expertise and skills in media, ICT, and a range of various technologies with important backgrounds on local and regional contexts - be they storytelling, videography, device repair, software programming, or mechanical skills with potential clients, other community members, and all those seeking advice and information about youth-led South Sudanese innovation culture.
lead-button-title: "Go to LEAD"
lead-button-link: "https://lead.asknet.community/"
@@ -196,5 +200,12 @@ client-slider-items:
# Contact-Section
contact-title: Contact Info
-contact-email: info@asknet.community
+contact-text: |
+ For general information about the network please contact our #ASKnet – Network Coordination in Juba by email: coordinator@asknet.community.
+ #ASKnet is supported by r0g_agency (Berlin, Germany) and Hive Colab (Kampala, Uganda) as implementing partners.
+ #ASKnet 2022-2025 is funded by the German Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ).
+contact-email: coordinator@asknet.community
formspree-path: f/myylarkr
diff --git a/_includes/contact-section.html b/_includes/contact-section.html
index 6ba88ec..84521c8 100644
--- a/_includes/contact-section.html
+++ b/_includes/contact-section.html
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@