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Calibrate PID constants for motion library

Prakhar Agarwal edited this page Jun 29, 2016 · 1 revision
Thruster calibration should be done before calibrating PID constants

Calibrating PID for upward motion

It is done by using pressure sensor. Run rosrun motion_upward upward and rosrun motion_upward upwardTest. After that run rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure to run dynamic reconfig and change PID constants using GUI.

Calibrating PID for turn motion

It is done by using IMU and same procedure is followed as for upward motion.

Calibrating PID for sway motion

It is done using buoy detection task. In task_buoy we first set the center of the buoy as goal and move camera center toward it. For this we do upward and sideward motion simultaneously followed by forward motion. As upward motion has already been calibrated using pressure sensors, we will place the bot at the same height as buoy center and calibrate sway PID using dynamic reconfigure.

Calibrating PID for forward motion

This will be the last set of constants to be calibrated and will be done only after doing all the rest. Using task_buoy we will place varun such that camera center corresponds to buoy center. The bot will move forward using distance from buoy center. Using this we will calibrate PID for forward motion.