diff --git a/docs/DeveloperGuide.md b/docs/DeveloperGuide.md
index bac62aac33a..cc43c43478c 100644
--- a/docs/DeveloperGuide.md
+++ b/docs/DeveloperGuide.md
@@ -176,6 +176,12 @@ The following sequence diagram shows how the above steps for add tutor operation

+:information_source: **Note:**
+The lifeline for `AddTutorCommandParser` should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML,
+the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.
#### Design rationale
@@ -778,6 +784,16 @@ the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.
- Cons: Typing out schedule status in words are case-sensitive. This means that users need to accurately input the
schedule status with the correct capitalization, which can add an extra layer of precision required from the user.
+**Aspect: Number of `m/` tags accepted**
+- **Alternative 1 (current choice):** Users input more than one `m/` tags and only the last `m/` tag is taken.
+ - Pros: Users who are fast typists can easily correct earlier mistakes without deleting text.
+ - Pros: There are less erroneous behaviours that will result in failure of the command (e.g. entering `m/0 m/0
+ m/1` will result in the schedule being marked as `completed`, as opposed to encountering an error).
+ - Cons: Some users may be confused about the behaviour of the command especially if tags provided are conflicting.
+- **Alternative 2:** Users input only one `m/` tag. Multiple tags will result in an error.
+ - Pros: The command is unambiguous to use, since multiple (hence conflicting) tags are not accepted.
+ - Cons: It is inconvenient for fast typists to have to go back to previously typed commands to edit fields.
### Unmark schedule feature
The "Unmark Schedule" feature allows users to unmark a schedule that was previously marked as completed or missed.
@@ -1440,15 +1456,13 @@ testers are expected to do more *exploratory* testing.
Adding a tutor while all tutors are being shown
- 1. Prerequisites: List all tutors using the `list-t` command. Multiple tutors in the list.
- 2. Test case: `add-t n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com`
+ 1. Test case: `add-t n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com`
Expected: The tutor is added at the end of tutor list. Details of the added tutor shown in the status message.
- 3. Test case: `add-t n/Jonny p/12345678`
+ 2. Test case: `add-t n/Jonny p/12345678`
Expected: No tutor is added. Error details shown in the status message.
- 4. Other incorrect add tutor commands to try: `add-t`, `add-t n/abc`, `add-t n/abc p/1 e/abc@example.com`,
+ 3. Other incorrect add tutor commands to try: `add-t`, `add-t n/abc`, `add-t n/abc p/1 e/abc@example.com`,
`add-t n/abc p/12345678 e/abc`
Expected: Similar to previous.
@@ -1474,7 +1488,7 @@ Editing a tutor while all tutors are being shown
1. Prerequisites: List all tutors using the `list-t` command. Multiple tutors in the list.
- 2. Test case: `edit-t 1 n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com`
+ 2. Test case: `edit-t 1 n/John Dong p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com`
Expected: First tutor's name, phone number and email updated in tutor list. Details of edited tutor shown in
the status message.
@@ -1519,7 +1533,7 @@ Finds a tutor while all tutors are being shown
Adds a schedule while all schedules are being shown
- 1. Prerequisites: List all schedules using the `list-s` command. At least 1 existing schedule in the list.
+ 1. Prerequisites: List all tutors using the `list-t` command. At least 1 existing tutor in the list.
2. Test case: `add-s 1 st/2023-05-05T09:00 et/2023-05-05T11:00`
Expected: New schedule for the first tutor in tutor list is added into the schedule list. Details of the added
@@ -1539,7 +1553,7 @@ Edits a schedule while all schedules are being shown
1. Prerequisites: List all schedules using the `list-s` command. At least 1 existing schedule in the list.
- 2. Test case: `edit-s 1 st/2023-05-05T09:00 et/2023-05-05T11:00`
+ 2. Test case: `edit-s 1 st/2023-05-05T11:00 et/2023-05-05T13:00`
Expected: First schedule start and end time updated. Details of edited schedule shown in the status message.
3. Test case: `edit-s 1 st/2023-05-05T05:00`
@@ -1617,7 +1631,7 @@ Marks a schedule as missed or completed while all schedules are being shown
Unmarks a schedule while all schedules are being shown
- 1. Prerequisites: List all schedules using the `list-s` command. At least 1 existing schedule in the list.
+ 1. Prerequisites: List all schedules using the `list-s` command. At least 1 existing marked schedule in the list.
2. Test case: `unmark 1`
Expected: Status of first schedule is removed. Details of the unmarked schedule is shown in the status message.
@@ -1663,19 +1677,25 @@ Displays schedule on a specified day as a calendar view
Changes the theme of TutorConnect
- 1. Prerequisites: List all schedules using the `list-s` command. At least 1 existing schedule in the list.
- 2. Test case: `theme light`
+ 1. Test case: `theme light`
Expected: The theme of TutorConnect is changed to light colour scheme. Details of the changed theme is shown
in the status message.
- 3. Test case: `theme white`
+ 2. Test case: `theme white`
Expected: No theme change in TutorConnect. Error details shown in status message.
- 4. Other incorrect theme commands to test: `theme`, `theme abc`, `theme Light`
+ 3. Other incorrect theme commands to test: `theme`, `theme abc`, `theme Light`
Expected: Similar to previous.
+:warning: **Manual edits to JSON file:**
+For advanced users who wish to make manual edits to the JSON file, incorrect edits to the datafile can result in
+unexpected behaviours. Please proceed only if you are confident.
## **Appendix: Planned enhancements**
Given below are the planned enhancements for future iterations of the app.
@@ -1749,16 +1769,25 @@ prefix `d/` which will parse user input in the `yyyy-MM-dd` format into a `Date`
For example, any command that uses the `st/` or `et/` prefix will now use `... d/yyyy-MM-dd st/HH:mm et/HH:m` instead.
-### Enhance flexibility of datetime inputs
-In the current implementation, users can only enter datetime in this `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm` format. This format can be
-restrictive as it requires leading zeroes and `-` as a separator. To enhance user experience, the input for datetime
-related parameters should be able to handle most frequently used formats like `2023/1/1` and `10:00pm`.
+### Tutor and schedule information view
+In the current implementation, tutors and schedules with long fields of over 40 characters are truncated. They can
+be seen by resizing the window. To improve user experience, the information should be able to be viewed by users
+without the window resizing.
**Proposed implementation**
-The parser handling date and time should be updated to handle different date and time formats. This can be achieved by
-having a list of acceptable datetime formats and checking the users input against each one of them. If the user input
-does not match any of the acceptable formats, we should throw a `ParseException`.
+In the `PersonListCard` and `ScheduleListCard`, the column constraints should be removed. This will add a horizontal
+scroll bar in the event the information to be displayed is too long.
+### Calendar row view
+In the current implementation, schedule details cannot be viewed in the calendar for schedules that are shorter than
+45min long. The additional details are truncated. These details cannot be viewed even with resizing the window and
+can only be viewed in the `list-s` view.
+**Proposed implementation**
+In the `CalendarRow`, the column constraints should be removed. This will add a horizontal scroll bar in the event
+the information to be displayed is too long.
### Switching back to list view from calendar view
In the current system, when executing any commands, including actions like marking, unmarking, or deleting schedules
@@ -1797,48 +1826,23 @@ find and locate a particular schedule.
The schedules would be sorted first by `StartTime`, then by `EndTime`, and finally alphabetically by the tutor's name.
This would make the schedule list more organised, making it easier to use and navigate for the user.
-### Help window flickering when displayed
-After moving the help window to the left, subsequent display of the help window will have a flickering animation before
-the window settles in the center of the screen.
-**Proposed implementation**
-In `HelpWindow.java`, the window should be centred on instantiation with `getRoot().centerOnScreen()`.
-Additionally, the `show` method should be modified, to center first before showing the window, essentially swapping the
-order of the two.
-### Allow partial name search for find command
-The `find-t` and `find-s` commands should allow users to search for tutors without having to input their full names.
-The current two `find` commands only allow searching for tutor when a full word in their names matches the user
-input exactly. We plan to change search to match partial words instead of only a full word match.
-This would allow users to search for tutors without knowing the tutors' exact name. They can search using just a few
-characters of the name.
-For example: `find-t john` will now match: `john`, `JOHN123` and `johnetta`.
+### Accepting one input for theme change
+In the current implementation, the `theme` command disregards any other input after the first. For example, `theme
+dark blue` is regarded as `theme dark`. This may cause confusion for some users.
**Proposed implementation**
-A new method `containsPartialWordIgnoreCase` can be added in `StringUtil` that will be used by
-`NameContainsKeywordsPredicate` and `TutorNameContainsKeywordsPredicate` to test for a match.
-This method will call `String::contains` instead of `String::equals` to match partial words too.
-Depending on the command prefix, the parse method of the `findTutorCommandParser` or `findScheduleCommandParser` will
-create the `find` command object with the updated predicate.
-This would then be used in the `execute` method of the `find` command object to get the filtered tutor
-or schedule list with part of their names matching the user input.
+Within the parsing of the input in `ThemeCommandParser`, a `ParseException` would be thrown when more than one word
+after the command word is detected. This means that `theme dark blue` would result in a `ParseException` and only one
+word after the command word `theme` is accepted.
### List schedule by pending status
In our current implementation, `list-s` only filters schedule by `COMPLETED` or `MISSED` status. Any schedules that have
not been assigned one of these statuses are categorised as unmarked, and it's important to include them in the list-s results.
**Proposed implementation**:
1. Update `list-s` command and `m/` parameter value to accept an additional value for unmarked status to filter by, such as `m/u`.
2. This can be done by modifying `ListScheduleCommandParser.java` and `Status.java` to map an integer to enum `Status` that represents umarked status.
3. When `ListScheduleCommand:execute` runs, the command should accept another input from `m/` parameter that represents the umarked status, such as `m/u`.
4. Then `Model::updateFilteredScheduleList` will take in `StatusPredicate.java` to filter schedules based on unmarked status.
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.puml b/docs/diagrams/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.puml
index 194190aea57..eb026fe19e1 100644
--- a/docs/diagrams/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.puml
+++ b/docs/diagrams/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.puml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
!include style.puml
skinparam ArrowFontStyle plain
box Ui UI_COLOR_T1
-participant ":Ui" as Ui UI_COLOR
+participant ":MainWindow" as Ui UI_COLOR
end box
box Logic LOGIC_COLOR_T1
diff --git a/docs/images/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.png b/docs/images/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.png
index 2bab26d2668..01ba060c121 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.png and b/docs/images/ChangeThemeSequenceDiagram.png differ