diff --git a/docs/UserGuide.md b/docs/UserGuide.md
index 41ea758ccc4..dd4b253bf4a 100644
--- a/docs/UserGuide.md
+++ b/docs/UserGuide.md
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ Here’s an overview of what you can do with TutorConnect:
Sounds good, right? On top of these functionalities, we believe in bringing you the most efficient scheduling tool.
TutorConnect is **optimised for users who can type fast** and utilise the [Command Line Interface (CLI)](#glossary) to complete tasks using the keyboard faster than using the mouse.
@@ -55,6 +54,8 @@ need. Look out for these coloured boxes!
**:information_source: Tutor's name**
@@ -312,6 +324,8 @@ Voila! His phone number has now been updated to **87654321**.

##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -325,8 +339,8 @@ Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is ente
| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing TUTOR_INDEX. |
-| `The person index provided is invalid` | TUTOR_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors. |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `TUTOR_INDEX`. |
+| `The person index provided is invalid` | `TUTOR_INDEX` entered is not in the range of number of tutors. |
| `Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank` | Tutor name input was either invalid or blank. |
| `Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long` | Tutor phone number input was either invalid or blank. |
| `Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints` | Tutor email input was either invalid or blank[
2](#note2). |
@@ -360,6 +374,8 @@ Let's use the list tutor command to view the most updated list of tutors!
2. Let's say you have successfully found one tutor named John Doe.
3. Type in `list-t` and press enter to go back to view the full updated list of tutors.
**What you can expect to see**
Great job! You have found the full updated list of tutors.
@@ -392,11 +408,13 @@ If this has happened to you before, fret not! The find tutor command is here to
Type in `find-t john` and press enter.
**What you can expect to see**
Tada! You have found tutor **John Doe** (and any other tutors whose name contains John).

##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -409,9 +427,9 @@ Tada! You have found tutor **John Doe** (and any other tutors whose name contain
This command is relatively straight forward to use and has only 1 possible error:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | No search keyword was provided. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | No `KEYWORD` was provided. |
Learn more about the [search behaviour
1](#note1) and supercharge your search now!
@@ -451,19 +469,23 @@ Well done! You have deleted tutor **John Doe**.
**Command format**

**Errors you might encounter**
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing TUTOR_INDEX. |
-| `The person index provided is invalid` | TUTOR_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `TUTOR_INDEX`. |
+| `The person index provided is invalid` | `TUTOR_INDEX` entered is not in the range of number of tutors. |
You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about valid inputs.
[Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
### Schedule Related Features
As busy tuition centre coordinators, creating conflict-free schedules is no easy feat. Don't worry! TutorConnect has
you covered with our extensive list of features, all about creating and managing scheduling issues.
@@ -489,7 +511,16 @@ Type in `add-s 1 st/2023-12-01T09:00 et/2023-12-01T11:00` and press enter.
Wow! The new schedule for Bernice Yu has now been added to the list of schedules.

+**:information_source: Position of new schedule**
+Too many schedules? Don’t worry! Upcoming and past schedules are displayed as separate lists. Schedules are also sorted
+with those closest to the current date on top.
##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -500,7 +531,6 @@ Wow! The new schedule for Bernice Yu has now been added to the list of schedules
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
| Error Message | Reason |
| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid `TUTOR_INDEX` or some of the tags `st/`, `et/` is missing. |
@@ -525,8 +555,8 @@ Edits an existing schedule in TutorConnect.
-One day, tutor Bernice Yu requested to change the timing of a class on 15th September, so that it starts at 8am
-instead of 9am.
+One day, tutor **Bernice Yu** requested to change the timing of a class on **15th September**, so that it starts at **8am**
+instead of **9am**.
The edit schedule function is here for that!
@@ -536,13 +566,14 @@ The edit schedule function is here for that!
2. Let's say the schedule to be updated is in position 1.
3. Type in `edit-s 1 st/2023-09-15T08:00` and press enter.
**What you can expect to see**
Tada! The schedule has now been updated to 8am.

##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -556,8 +587,8 @@ Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is ente
| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX. |
-| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of schedules. |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `SCHEDULE_INDEX`. |
+| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | `SCHEDULE_INDEX` entered is not in the range of number of schedules. |
| `EndTime should only contain a valid date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", and it should not be blank` | The end time entered is not in the correct datetime format[
3](#note3). |
| `StartTime should only contain a valid date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", and it should not be blank` | The start time entered is not in the correct datetime format[
3](#note3). |
| `Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): st/` | More than 1 `st/` was given in the command. |
@@ -572,6 +603,8 @@ You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about val
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#### Listing all schedules: `list-s`
Displays a list of all schedules in TutorConnect. List can be filtered by tutors assigned or status.
@@ -581,7 +614,7 @@ Displays a list of all schedules in TutorConnect. List can be filtered by tutors
-You wish to view schedules assigned to tutor **Irfan Ibrahim** that have been marked as `COMPLETED`.
+You wish to view schedules assigned to tutor **Irfan Ibrahim** that have been marked as COMPLETED.
Use the list schedule function!
@@ -593,21 +626,23 @@ Use the list schedule function!
**What you can expect to see**
Tada! For step 2, the schedule list has now been updated to show schedules assigned to tutor Irfan Ibrahim that are
-marked as `COMPLETED`.
+marked as COMPLETED.

-**:bulb: Tip**
+**:bulb: `list-s` usage**
Good news! `list-s` command is equipped with various options to view a list of schedules that covers the following
- `list-s` : To show all schedules.
- `list-s TUTOR_INDEX` : To show schedules assigned to the tutor with index `TUTOR_INDEX`.
-- `list-s m/0` : To show all schedules marked as `MISSED`.
-- `list-s m/1` : To show all schedules marked as `COMPLETED`.
-- `list-s TUTOR_INDEX m/0` : To show schedules assigned to the tutor with index `TUTOR_INDEX` marked as `MISSED`.
+- `list-s m/0` : To show all schedules marked as MISSED.
+- `list-s m/1` : To show all schedules marked as COMPLETED.
+- `list-s TUTOR_INDEX m/0` : To show schedules assigned to the tutor with index `TUTOR_INDEX` marked as MISSED.
@@ -616,11 +651,11 @@ scenarios:
**Command format**
-**:warning: Optional inputs**
+**:information_source: Optional inputs**
`TUTOR_INDEX` and `m/` are optional fields. You don't need to include them. If you do, make sure that the
input is valid!
@@ -662,7 +697,7 @@ The find schedule function is here for that!
**What you can expect to see**
-Tada! The schedule list has now been updated to show schedules assign to tutors whose names contain the word "Bernice".
+Tada! The schedule list has now been updated to show schedules assigned to tutors whose names contain the word "Bernice".

@@ -680,9 +715,9 @@ Learn more about the [search behaviour
1](#note1) and supercharge your
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | No search keyword provided. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | No `KEYWORD` provided. |
You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about valid inputs.
@@ -709,6 +744,8 @@ Fret not, as you can do just that with the mark command.
2. Let's say the schedule is at position 1.
3. Type in `mark 1 m/1` and press enter.
**What you can expect to see**
Yay! The schedule has been marked as COMPLETED.
@@ -729,20 +766,22 @@ Yay! The schedule has been marked as COMPLETED.
* There are only two types of schedule status: MISSED or COMPLETED.
* To set the status of the specified schedule to MISSED, use `m/0` as 0 indicates the MISSED status.
* To set the status of the specified schedule to COMPLETED, use `m/1` as 1 indicates the COMPLETED status.
-* Any inputs other than 0 or 1 will result in an invalid status message displayed.
+* You can provide multiple values for the status field, e.g. `mark 1 m/0 m/0 m/1`. Only the last status field will be
+ used. In the example earlier, it will use m/1 and set the schedule status to be COMPLETED.
**Errors you might encounter**
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX or missing schedule status. |
-| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of schedules. |
-| `Status has to be either MISSED (m/0) or COMPLETED (m/1)` | Schedule status entered is not 0 or 1. |
-| `Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): m/` | More than 1 `m/` was given in the command. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `SCHEDULE_INDEX` or missing schedule status. |
+| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | `SCHEDULE_INDEX` entered is not in the range of number of schedules. |
+| `Status has to be either MISSED (m/0) or COMPLETED (m/1)` | Schedule status entered is not 0 or 1. |
You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about valid inputs.
@@ -768,6 +807,8 @@ Don't worry, as you can do just that with the unmark command.
2. Let's say the schedule to be unmarked is at position 1.
3. Type in `unmark 1` and press enter.
**What you can expect to see**
Phew! The schedule has now been unmarked.
@@ -785,15 +826,17 @@ Phew! The schedule has now been unmarked.
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX. |
-| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of schedules. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `SCHEDULE_INDEX`. |
+| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | `SCHEDULE_INDEX` entered is not in the range of number of schedules. |
You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about valid inputs.
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#### Deleting a schedule: `delete-s`
Deletes a schedule from TutorConnect.
@@ -819,6 +862,8 @@ Well done! You have deleted the schedule assigned to **Bernice Yu**.

##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -829,10 +874,10 @@ Well done! You have deleted the schedule assigned to **Bernice Yu**.
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX. |
-| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `SCHEDULE_INDEX`. |
+| `The schedule index provided is invalid` | `SCHEDULE_INDEX` entered is not in the range of number of tutors. |
You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about valid inputs.
@@ -847,7 +892,7 @@ Displays schedules on a specified day as a calendar view.
-After adding all your tutor's schedules, you would like to view the schedules on a given day as a calendar.
+After adding all your tutors' schedules, you would like to view the schedules on a given day as a calendar.
You're in luck with the calendar view command!
@@ -864,18 +909,19 @@ Woah look at that! The schedules are now being displayed in a calendar form.
**:bulb: Worried about having too many schedules to view?**
-* The calendar can show schedules for selected tutors only!
1. Simply use [`find-t`](#locating-tutors-by-name-find-t) to show the tutors first (e.g. `find-t John` to show all
tutors with the name John).
2. Now, just use the [`show`](#viewing-calendar-show) command to view their schedules in calendar view on a given date.
It's that simple!
-* Use [`list-t`](#listing-all-tutors-list-t) before [`show`](#viewing-calendar-show) to view the schedules for all
+**Note**: Use [`list-t`](#listing-all-tutors-list-t) before [`show`](#viewing-calendar-show) to view the schedules for all
tutors again.
##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -887,14 +933,14 @@ Woah look at that! The schedules are now being displayed in a calendar form.
This command might seem complicated, but it is easy to use with only 1 possible error:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing DATE. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | Invalid or missing `DATE`. |
**:warning: Calendar limitations**
-* Schedules with very short duration will be truncated (only the schedule's index will be displayed).
+* Schedules with very short duration may not be displayed correctly (the schedule's information will not be readable).
* Using any other commands will hide the calendar view. Use the `show` command to view calendar again.
@@ -903,6 +949,8 @@ You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about val
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### System Feature
Beyond just providing you with powerful features related to tutors and schedule tracking, TutorConnect offers some
@@ -928,7 +976,9 @@ Type in `theme blue`.
Wow! A whole new colour scheme.

##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -937,19 +987,34 @@ Wow! A whole new colour scheme.

+**:information_source: Extra `NEW_THEME` inputs are ignored**
+The theme command is a lenient one! Only the first input you provide is used. Any additional inputs thereafter will be
+For example:
+- `theme blue white`, is equivalent to `theme blue`.
+- `theme white blue`, is equivalent to `theme white` and will encounter an error message.
**Errors you might encounter**
Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:
-| Error Message | Reason |
-| `Invalid command format!` | New theme field was left blank and not specified. |
-| `Theme provided does not exist` | New theme field was not `dark`, `light` or `blue`. |
+| Error Message | Reason |
+| `Invalid command format!` | `NEW_THEME` field was left blank and not specified. |
+| `Theme provided does not exist` | `NEW_THEME` field was not `dark`, `light` or `blue`. |
You can also refer to [input information](#input-examples) for details about valid inputs.
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#### Clearing all data: `clear`
Clears all data in TutorConnect.
@@ -983,6 +1048,8 @@ That's it. It's all gone. TutorConnect should now display an empty address book.

##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
@@ -998,7 +1065,7 @@ Opens a window with instructions for getting help.
-Unsure on how to use a command? Encountered an unknown error?
+Unsure of how to use a command? Encountered an unknown error?
Get help from within the app by using the help command!
@@ -1011,7 +1078,7 @@ Type in `help` and press enter.
Is that a bird? Is that a plane?
Nope, it's the help window!
@@ -1023,6 +1090,7 @@ The help window can also be accessed by the button in the menu bar (above the co
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#### Exiting the program: `exit`
@@ -1042,7 +1110,50 @@ TutorConnect closes and the program stops, going into deep slumber, disappearing
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+#### Saving the data
+All your data in TutorConnect is automatically saved in your computer. No more worrying about losing your unsaved data!
+##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
+**:warning: Exiting the app**
+To prevent any unexpected behaviour in TutorConnect, exit the app using only the [`exit command`](#exiting-the-program-exit) or
+the close window button.
+Do not stop the app from the command terminal (using [Windows](https://www.lifewire.com/open-command-prompt-in-a-folder-5185505) or [Mac](https://support.apple.com/en-sg/guide/terminal/trmlb20c7888/mac#:~:text=On%20your%20Mac%2C%20open%20a,window%3A%20Choose%20Open%20in%20Terminal)).
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+#### Editing the data
+##### :star::star::star: Experienced users
+TutorConnect supports manual edits to the data file created locally in your computer.
+Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.
+**:warning: Invalid edits to data file**
+If your changes make the data file invalid, TutorConnect will discard all data at the next run. This data
+cannot be recovered so proceed with caution!
+As such, TutorConnect highly recommends you to make a backup of the file before you edit it.
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## Frequently Asked Questions
Have some burning questions you want answered? Check out this FAQ section to find out if others have had the same
@@ -1068,9 +1179,9 @@ question!
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-## Known issues
+## Known Issues
TutorConnect is always looking to improve. Currently, there are a few known issues within the app that our
development team is working round the clock to solve. Don't worry, every version of TutorConnect released for you to
@@ -1085,7 +1196,7 @@ use is sure to solve your scheduling needs.
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## Glossary
@@ -1100,32 +1211,32 @@ Here are some descriptions of the words you might come across in the User Guide:
### Input Examples
-| Input Fields | ✅ | ❌ |
-| `n/NAME` | John Doe, John Doe123 | John@Doe |
-| `p/PHONE NUMBER` | 98765432, 987 | abc, 98 |
-| `e/EMAIL` | johnd@example.com,
jo@example123-example.com | johnd, johnd@p |
-| `st/START_TIME`
`et/END_TIME` | 2023-09-15T09:00,
2023-09-15T11:00 | 2023-09-15 09:00,
2023-09-15T09 |
-| `m/SCHEDULE STATUS` | 0, 1 | 3, abc |
`SCHEDULE_INDEX` | 1 | 0, abc |
-| `DATE` | 2023-09-15 | 2023-09-15T09:00 |
-| `NEW_THEME` | dark, light, blue | white, brown, black |
+| Input Fields | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
+| `n/NAME` | John Doe, John Doe123 | John@Doe |
+| `p/PHONE NUMBER` | 98765432, 987 | abc, 98 |
+| `e/EMAIL` | johnd@example.com,
jo@example123-example.com | johnd, johnd@p |
+| `st/START_TIME`
`et/END_TIME` | 2023-09-15T09:00,
2023-09-15T11:00 | 2023-09-15 09:00,
2023-09-15T09 |
+| `m/SCHEDULE STATUS` | 0, 1 | 3, abc |
`SCHEDULE_INDEX` | 1 | 0, abc |
+| `DATE` | 2023-09-15 | 2023-09-15T09:00 |
+| `NEW_THEME` | dark, light, blue | white, brown, black |
### Input Information
Here are some inputs you might come across in the User Guide:
-| Input | Description | Limitations |
-| `n/NAME` | Refers to the name of the tutor. | Only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and
not be blank. |
-| `p/PHONE NUMBER` | Refers to the phone number of the tutor. | Only contain numbers, and should be at least 3
digits long. |
-| `e/EMAIL` | Refers to the email address of the tutor. | Of the format local-part@domain[
2](#note2). |
-| `st/START_TIME` | Refers to the start time of the schedule. | Only datetime in `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm`[
3](#note3) format is accepted. |
-| `et/END_TIME` | Refers to the end time of the schedule. | Only datetime in `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm`[
3](#note3) format is accepted. |
-| `m/SCHEDULE STATUS` | Refers to the status of schedule in the list. | Only numerical inputs of 0 for MISSED status and 1 for COMPLETED status is accepted |
-| `TUTOR_INDEX` | Refers to the position of tutor in the list. | Only numerical input that ranges from 1 to the last tutor shown in the list of tutors. |
-| `SCHEDULE_INDEX` | Refers to the position of schedule in the list. | Only numerical input that ranges from 1 to the last schedule shown in the list of schedules. |
-| `DATE` | Refers to the date to view schedules for. | Only date in `yyyy-MM-dd` format is accepted. |
-| `NEW_THEME` | Refers to the name of the new theme to switch to. | Only `dark`, `light` and `blue` themes are supported. |
+| Input | Description | Limitations |
+| `n/NAME` | Refers to the name of the tutor. | Only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and should not be blank. |
+| `p/PHONE NUMBER` | Refers to the phone number of the tutor. | Only contain numbers, and should be at least 3 digits long. |
+| `e/EMAIL` | Refers to the email address of the tutor. | Of the format local-part@domain[
2](#note2). |
+| `st/START_TIME` | Refers to the start time of the schedule. | Only datetime in `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm`[
3](#note3) format is accepted. |
+| `et/END_TIME` | Refers to the end time of the schedule. | Only datetime in `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm`[
3](#note3) format is accepted. |
+| `m/SCHEDULE STATUS` | Refers to the status of schedule in the list. | Only numerical inputs of 0 for MISSED status and 1 for COMPLETED status is accepted |
+| `TUTOR_INDEX` | Refers to the position of tutor in the list. | Only numerical input that ranges from 1 to the last tutor shown in the list of tutors.
Additionally, the input cannot be greater than 2147483647. |
+| `SCHEDULE_INDEX` | Refers to the position of schedule in the list. | Only numerical input that ranges from 1 to the last schedule shown in the list of schedules.
Additionally, the input cannot be greater than 2147483647. |
+| `DATE` | Refers to the date to view schedules for. | Only date in `yyyy-MM-dd` format is accepted. |
+| `NEW_THEME` | Refers to the name of the new theme to switch to. | Only `dark`, `light` and `blue` themes are supported. |
1 `KEYWORD` Search Format and Behaviour**
@@ -1145,8 +1256,8 @@ Commands reference: [add-t](#adding-a-tutor-add-t), [edit-t](#editing-a-tutor-ed
2. This is followed by a '@' and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods.
The domain name must:
-* end with a domain label at least 2 characters long
-* have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters
+* end with a domain label at least 2 characters long.
+* have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters.
* have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.
@@ -1162,9 +1273,10 @@ Commands reference: [add-s](#adding-a-schedule-add-s), [edit-s](#editing-a-sched
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-## Command summary
+## Command Summary
| Action | Format, Examples |
diff --git a/docs/images/editTutor.png b/docs/images/editTutor.png
index f28d4c1dda7..bb764db5a3d 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/editTutor.png and b/docs/images/editTutor.png differ