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+# Naychi Min - Project Portfolio Page
+**Project: CafeCRTL**
+## **Overview**
+CaféCTRL is a software engineering project for CS2113. The user interacts with the application through CLI. It has around 6 kLoC, and it is done in a team of 5.
+## **Value Proposition**
+CaféCRTL aims to optimize managing of inventory and cash flow in a restaurant. Our CLI platform empowers Café proprietors to streamline inventory and menu management.
+## **Target User**
+Café proprietors who prefer typing on CLI than any other interaction method and are seeking for a software solution to optimize the management of their café's operations.
+## Summary of Contributions
+### Code Contribution
+[Follow here to see code written by me](https://nus-cs2113-ay2324s1.github.io/tp-dashboard/?search=&sort=groupTitle&sortWithin=title&timeframe=commit&mergegroup=&groupSelect=groupByRepos&breakdown=true&checkedFileTypes=functional-code~test-code~docs&since=2023-09-22&tabOpen=true&tabType=authorship&zFR=false&tabAuthor=NaychiMin&tabRepo=AY2324S1-CS2113-T17-2%2Ftp%5Bmaster%5D&authorshipIsMergeGroup=false&authorshipFileTypes=functional-code~test-code~docs&authorshipIsBinaryFileTypeChecked=false&authorshipIsIgnoredFilesChecked=false)
+### Enhancements implemented
+#### Feature
+1. **List Ingredient**
+ - Function: Allow the user to view the ingredients of the desired dish from the menu.
+ - Command Format: `list_ingredient INDEX_OF_DISH_TO_LIST`
+ - Error Handling:
+ - If the specified index is out of range, to prevent index out of bounds error.
+ - If the specified index is of a wrong argument type to prevent number format exception.
+ - If the specified index is empty.
+ - Specific error messages will then be output to user along with recommended command format.
+2. **List Total Sales**
+ - Function: Allow the user to view the sale for each day across every day since the cafe has operated.
+ - Command Format: `list_total_sales`
+3. **Show Sale By Day**
+ - Function: Allow the user to view the sale for the desired day.
+ - Command Format: `list_sale day/DAY_TO_LIST`
+ - Error Handling:
+ - If the specified index is out of range, to prevent index out of bounds error.
+ - If the specified index is of a wrong argument type to prevent number format exception.
+ - If the specified index is empty or the argument tag is missing.
+ - Specific error messages will then be output to user along with recommended command format.
+4. **Data processing of 'add_order'**
+ - My group mate (Cazh1) did the parsing of the command, along with the implementation of needed classes such as Order, OrderList and Chef.
+ - My role was to handle the logic of the data being processed after an order was added to an orderList for the following purposes:
+ - Determine if the order can be completed
+ - Determine which ingredients need to be restocked
+ - This will be elaborated on in the section below.
+#### Enhancements
+1. **Pantry Class**
+ - Collaborated with my group mate (ShaniceTang) to develop the Pantry class.
+ - ShaniceTang focused on the buying and restocking of pantry ingredients, as detailed in her PPP.
+ - My role, outlined in point 4 above, involved implementing key functions, including:
+ - `isDishCooked`:
+ - Returns a boolean, indicating the success of the order.
+ - Manages the decrease and update of ingredient quantities in the Pantry Stock.
+ - `calculateDishAvailability`:
+ - Informs the user of the available quantity for each dish in the menu after each order.
+ - `calculateMaxDishes`:
+ - Handles the logic for calculating the number of dishes made.
+ - Manages the logic for determining restocked ingredients and their required quantities.
+ - Presents the information neatly in a table for the user.
+ - Initially unfamiliar with OOP concepts, this class's creation, which interacts with various classes (menu, order, chef, dish, and ingredients), presented a challenging learning opportunity.
+ - Explored the use of Java stream filter, a concept introduced in lectures.
+2. **Encoding of Sales**
+ - Implemented encoding for the Sales object, involving:
+ - Parsing through various attributes of the Sales object.
+ - Converting the data to a string with the delimiter '|'.
+ - Storing the data in a text file.
+3. **Decoding of Sales**
+ - Executed decoding for the Sales object, encompassing:
+ - Parsing through the text file and separating contents using the delimiter '|'.
+ - Using parsed attributes to instantiate the Sales object for use in other command classes.
+ - Implemented error handling during decoding:
+ - Nonexistent dishes are filtered out.
+ - Lines with missing delimiters or incorrect formatting in the text file are filtered out (collaboration with Cazh1).
+4. **Parser**
+ - Implemented parsing and error handling for the commands listed in the section above.
+### Contributions to UG
+1. List Ingredient
+2. List Total Sales
+3. List Sale by day
+### Contributions to DG
+1. Worked on ShaniceTang with the following:
+ - Architecture diagram and overall description of the architecture
+ - Sequence diagram of interactions of various components shown in the architecture diagram
+ - Data Component class diagram and description
+2. List Ingredient
+### Other Contributions to Team-based Task
+1. Maintain issue tracker