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83 lines (63 loc) · 4.25 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (63 loc) · 4.25 KB

SysLib is a CLI Library Management software for system librarians especially those who are fast typists. Given below are instructions on how to use it.

Setting up in Intellij

Prerequisites: JDK 11 (use the exact version), update Intellij to the most recent version.

  1. Ensure Intellij JDK 11 is defined as an SDK, as described here -- this step is not needed if you have used JDK 11 in a previous Intellij project.
  2. Import the project as a Gradle project, as described here.
  3. Verify the set up: After the importing is complete, locate the src/main/java/seedu/syslib/ file, right-click it, and choose Run Syslib.main(). If the setup is correct, you should see something like the below:
Data directory does not exist. Creating now...
Storage file does not exist. Creating now...
Loaded 0 resources and 0 events!
         .@. @-=%=            *#-+%                 
         :@  @+-  :----------. .=#%                 
         :@  @.  *%----------@-  =%                 
         :@  @.  #*          @=  =%                 
         :@  @.  #*          *:  :+                 
         :@  @.  *%-----.  .=+****+-.               
         :@  @.   :-----.-#*-.   .:-*#-             
         :@  @.        .%+.     .@*#+.*%.           
         :@  @:        %=       %*  +@.=%           
         :@  @*#*.    -@      *###***+. @-          
         :@ .@:.=@... -@ .+*#*####      @-          
         :@#*++++++++. %=.%+  +#       +%           
         :@. =++++++++-.%*.+%*@.      *%.           
          %+  ........   =#*-::   .-*%=             
           =*************. .=+****+-.               
 ____            _     _ _        ____ _     ___    
/ ___| _   _ ___| |   (_) |__    / ___| |   |_ _|   
\___ \| | | / __| |   | | '_ \  | |   | |    | | 
 ___) | |_| \__ \ |___| | |_) | | |___| |___ | |  
|____/ \__, |___/_____|_|_.__/   \____|_____|___| 

Hello! What would you like to do?

Type some word and press enter to let the execution proceed to the end.

Build automation using Gradle

  • This project uses Gradle for build automation and dependency management. It includes a basic build script as well (i.e. the build.gradle file).
  • If you are new to Gradle, refer to the Gradle Tutorial at


I/O redirection tests

  • To run I/O redirection tests (aka Text UI tests), navigate to the text-ui-test and run the runtest(.bat/.sh) script.

JUnit tests


CI using GitHub Actions

The project uses GitHub actions for CI. When you push a commit to this repo or PR against it, GitHub actions will run automatically to build and verify the code as updated by the commit/PR.


/docs folder contains a skeleton version of the project documentation.

Steps for publishing documentation to the public:

  1. If you are using this project template for an individual project, go your fork on GitHub.
    If you are using this project template for a team project, go to the team fork on GitHub.
  2. Click on the settings tab.
  3. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section.
  4. Set the source as master branch /docs folder.
  5. Optionally, use the choose a theme button to choose a theme for your documentation.