The Linkerd-Jaeger extension adds distributed tracing to Linkerd using OpenCensus and Jaeger.
You can run Linkerd on any Kubernetes 1.20+ cluster in a matter of seconds. See the Linkerd Getting Started Guide for how.
For more comprehensive documentation, start with the Linkerd docs.
Before installing the Linkerd Jaeger extension, The core control-plane has to be installed first by following the Linkerd Install Guide.
# To add the repo for Linkerd stable releases:
helm repo add linkerd
# To add the repo for Linkerd edge releases:
helm repo add linkerd-edge
The following instructions use the linkerd
repo. For installing an edge
release, just replace with linkerd-edge
helm install linkerd-jaeger -n linkerd-jaeger --create-namespace linkerd/linkerd-jaeger
- Check out Linkerd's source code at GitHub.
- Join Linkerd's user mailing list, developer mailing list, and announcements mailing list.
- Follow @linkerd on Twitter.
- Join the Linkerd Slack.
Kubernetes: >=1.20.0-0
Repository | Name | Version |
file://../../../charts/partials | partials | 0.1.0 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" |
Kubernetes DNS Domain name to use |
collector.config | string | see value.yaml for actual configuration |
OpenTelemetry Collector config, See the Configuration docs for more information |
collector.enabled | bool | true |
Set to false to exclude collector installation | | string | "otel/opentelemetry-collector" |
collector.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
collector.image.version | string | "0.27.0" |
collector.nodeSelector | object | {"":"linux"} |
NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
collector.resources.cpu.limit | string | nil |
Maximum amount of CPU units that the collector container can use |
collector.resources.cpu.request | string | nil |
Amount of CPU units that the collector container requests |
collector.resources.ephemeral-storage.limit | string | "" |
Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the collector container can use |
collector.resources.ephemeral-storage.request | string | "" |
Amount of ephemeral storage that the collector container requests |
collector.resources.memory.limit | string | nil |
Maximum amount of memory that collector container can use |
collector.resources.memory.request | string | nil |
Amount of memory that the collector container requests |
collector.tolerations | string | nil |
Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
enablePSP | bool | false |
Create Roles and RoleBindings to associate this extension's ServiceAccounts to the control plane PSP resource. This requires that enabledPSP is set to true on the control plane install. Note PSP has been deprecated since k8s v1.21 |
jaeger.args | list | ["--query.base-path=/jaeger"] |
CLI arguments for Jaeger, See Jaeger AIO Memory CLI reference |
jaeger.enabled | bool | true |
Set to false to exclude all-in-one Jaeger installation | | string | "jaegertracing/all-in-one" |
jaeger.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
jaeger.image.version | string | "1.19.2" |
jaeger.nodeSelector | object | {"":"linux"} |
NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
jaeger.resources.cpu.limit | string | nil |
Maximum amount of CPU units that the jaeger container can use |
jaeger.resources.cpu.request | string | nil |
Amount of CPU units that the jaeger container requests |
jaeger.resources.ephemeral-storage.limit | string | "" |
Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the jaeger container can use |
jaeger.resources.ephemeral-storage.request | string | "" |
Amount of ephemeral storage that the jaeger container requests |
jaeger.resources.memory.limit | string | nil |
Maximum amount of memory that jaeger container can use |
jaeger.resources.memory.request | string | nil |
Amount of memory that the jaeger container requests |
jaeger.tolerations | string | nil |
Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
linkerdNamespace | string | "linkerd" |
Namespace of the Linkerd core control-plane install |
linkerdVersion | string | "linkerdVersionValue" |
nodeSelector | object | {"":"linux"} |
Default nodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
tolerations | string | nil |
Default tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
webhook.caBundle | string | "" |
if empty, Helm will auto-generate this field, unless externalSecret is set to true. |
webhook.collectorSvcAccount | string | "collector" |
service account associated with the collector instance |
webhook.collectorSvcAddr | string | "collector.linkerd-jaeger:55678" |
collector service address for the proxies to send trace data. Points by default to the the linkerd-jaeger collector |
webhook.crtPEM | string | "" |
if empty, Helm will auto-generate these fields |
webhook.externalSecret | bool | false |
webhook.failurePolicy | string | "Ignore" |
| | string | "" |
webhook.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
webhook.image.version | string | "linkerdVersionValue" |
webhook.keyPEM | string | "" |
webhook.logLevel | string | "info" |
webhook.namespaceSelector | string | nil |
webhook.nodeSelector | object | {"":"linux"} |
NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
webhook.objectSelector | string | nil |
webhook.tolerations | string | nil |
Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.4.0