Learning Basic React Topics
- Intro to react
- Components
- Functional components
- Class components
- Props
- state
- setState
- Destructuring props and state
- Event handling
- Binding event handler
- Methods as props
- Conditional rendering
- List rendering
- Lists and keys
- Index as key Anti-pattern
- Styling and CSS basics
- Basics of form handling
Learning Intermediate React Topics
- Component lifeCycle methods
- Component mounting lifeCycle methods
- Component updating lifeCycle methods
- Fragments
- Pure components
- memo
- Refs
- Refs with class components
- Forwarding refs
- Portals
- Error Boundary
- Higher order components part 1
- Higher order components part 2
- Higher order components part 3
- Render props part 1
- Render props part 2
- Context part 1
- Context part 2
- Context part 3
- Http and react
- Http get request
- Http post request
Learning React Hook
- Intro to Hooks
- useState Hook
- useState with previous state
- useState with object
- useState with array
- useEffect Hook
- useEffect after render
- Conditionally run effects
- Run effect only once
- useEffect with cleanup
- useEffect with incorrect dependency
- Fetching data with useEffect part 1
- Fetching data with useEffect part 2
- Fetching data with useEffect part 3
- useContext Hook part 1
- useContext Hook part 2
- useContext Hook part 3
- useReducer Hook
- useReducer (simple state, action)
- useReducer (complex state, action)
- Multiple useReducers
- useReducer with useContext
- Fetching data with useReducer part 1
- Fetching data with useReducer part 2
- useState vs useReducer
- useCallback Hook
- useMemo Hook
- useRef Hook part 1
- useRef Hook part 2
- Custom Hooks
- useDocumentTitle custom Hook
- useCounter custom Hook
- useInput custom Hook
Learning Unit testing
React Redux Unit & Integration testing using Jest and Enzyme #1
React Redux Unit & Integration testing using Jest and Enzyme #2
- From m0 - m10
- From m11 - m20
- From m21 - m30
- From m31 - m40
- From m41 - m50
- From m51 - m60
React Redux Unit & Integration testing using Jest and Enzyme #2