BWA and BWA-SW are tools for aligning short (less than 100 bp) and long (less than 1 Mbp) reads to a large reference. BWA BWA-sw
Input: Large reference and set of short reads.
Output: Alignment of the short reads and the reference.
You can use reference as the reference for BWA and align reads to it.
Input: Large reference and set of long reads.
Output: Alignment of the long reads and the reference.
You can use reference as the reference for BWA and align reads to it.
To find inexact matches of string W (ends with A/C/G/T) in reference X (ends with $) the following steps need to be taken:
1- Calculate BWT string for reference string X
Note: You can use the BWT implementation for excercise 33
2- Calculate array C(.) and O(.,.) from B
Note: C(a) is the number of symbols in X[0, n-2] that are lexicographically smaller than a and O(a,i) is the number of occurance of a in B[0,i]
3- Calculate BWT string B' for the reverse reference
4- Calculate array O'(.,.) from B'
You can then calculate inexact matches of string W with referece X with no more than z differences (missmatches or gaps) by Following below algorithm.
Algorithm 1 gives a recursive algorithm to search for the SA intervals of substrings of X that match the query stringW with no more than z differences (mismatches or gaps). Essentially, this algorithm uses backward search to sample distinct substrings from the genome. This process is bounded by the D(·) array where D(i) is the lower bound of the number of differences in W[0,i]. The better the D is estimated, the smaller the search space and the more efficient the algorithm is.Anaive bound is achieved by setting D(i)=0 for all i, but the resulting algorithm is clearly exponential in the number of differences and would be less efficient.
The CalculateD procedure in the algorithm gives a better, though not optimal, bound. It use the BWT of the reverse (not complemented) reference sequence to test if a substring of W is also a substring of X.
To understand the role of D, look at example of searching for W =LOL in X=GOOGOL$ figure below. If you set D(i)=0 for all i and disallow gaps (removing the two star lines in the algorithm), the call graph of InexRecur, which is a tree, effectively mimics the search route shown as the dashed line in the figure. However, with CalculateD, you know that D(0)=0 and D(1)=D(2)=1.We can then avoid descending into the ‘G’ and ‘O’ subtrees in the prefix trie to get a much smaller search space.
BWA-SW builds FM-indices for both the reference and query sequence. It implicitly represents the reference sequence in a prefix trie and represents the query sequence in a prefix directed acyclic word graph, which is transformed from the prefix trie of the query sequence. A dynamic programming can be applied between the trie and the DAWG, by traversing the reference prefix trie and the query DAWG, respectively. This dynamic programming would find all local matches if no heuristics were applied, but would be no faster than BWTSW.
The prefix trie of string X is a tree with each edge labeled with a symbol such that the concatenation of symbols on the path from a leaf to the root gives a unique prefix of X. The concatenation of edge symbols from a node to the root is always a substring of X, called the string represented by the node. The SA interval of a node is defined as the SA interval of the string represented by the node. Different nodes may have an identical interval, but recalling the definition of SA interval, we know that the strings represented by these nodes must be the prefixes of the same string and have different lengths. The prefix DAWG, of X is transformed from the prefix trie by collapsing nodes having an identical interval. Thus in the prefix DAWG, nodes and SA intervals have an one-to-one relationship, and a node may represent multiple substrings of X, falling in a sequence where each is a prefix of the next as is discussed in the previous paragraph. Figure below gives an example.
(A) Prefix trie. Symbol ‘∧’ marks the start of a string. The two numbers in a node gives the SA interval of the node. (B) Prefix DAWG constructed by collapsing nodes with the identical SA interval. For example, in the prefix trie, three nodes has SA interval [4,4]. Their parents have interval [1,2], [1,2] and [1,1], respectively. In the prefix DAWG, the [4,4] node thus has parents [1,2] and [1,1]. Node [4,4] represents three strings ‘OG’, ‘OGO’ and ‘OGOL’ with the first two strings being the prefix of ‘OGOL’.
For aligning prefix trie against prefix DAWG construct a prefix DAWG G(W) for the query sequence W and a prefix trie T (X) for the reference X. The dynamic programming for calculating the best score between W and X is as follows. Let Guv=Iuv=Duv=0 when u is the root of G(W) and v the root of T (X). At a node u in G(W), for each of its parent node u', calculate
where v' is the parent of v in T (X), function S(u' ,u;v' ,v) gives the score between the symbol on the edge (u' ,u) and the one on (v' ,v), and q and r are gap open and gap extension penalties, respectively. Guv, Iuv and Duv are calculated with:
where pre(u) is the set of parent nodes of u. Guv equals the best score between the (possibly multiple) substrings represented by u and the (one) substring represented by v. We say a node v matches u if Guv>0. The dynamic programming is performed by traversing both G(W) and T(X) in the reverse post-order (i.e. all parent nodes are visited before children) in a nested way. Noting that once u does not match v, u does not match any nodes descending from v, we only need to visit the nodes close to the root of T (X) without traversing the entire trie, which greatly reduces the number of iterations in comparison to the standard Smith–Waterman algorithm that always goes through the entire reference sequence.