- add list and grid layouts for pdf overview by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#109
- revamped settings by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#107
- minor ui adjustments to detail pages by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#109
- Revamp overview by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#97
- Revamp admin area and shared overview by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#101
- make overview sorting settings persistant by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#102
- Activiate nested tags directly in overview by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#103
- Load additional items without changing pages in the overviews by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#104
- filter pdfs by fuzzy searching by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#89
- adjust the viewer navbar so it compliments the normal one by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#87
- add theme support to viewer navbar by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#87
- fix: Set navbar background so the navbar does not get overwritten when scrolling by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#87
- fix: handle not present user in the health endpoint by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#87
- Improve demo startup time by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#80
- Set postgres user and db name via env variables by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#81
- Make sure the pdf overview gets reloaded when closing the viewer. This why the progress bars get automatically refreshed by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#81
- Fix: Always show the latest edits in the pdf viewer. Previously, because of browser caching occasionally a non up to date version was shown by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#81
- Open preview when clicking on thumbnail by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#81
- Minor adjustments to helm chart by @mrmn2 in mrmn2#81
- adjust location of demo pdf file, so k8s empty dir can be used more easily in demo mode
- add creme theme
- improved navigation bar design
- update PdfDing logo
- fix: adjusted background colors for the sidebar on mobile devices as the table of contents was not readable.
- fix: adjust dropdown open button color in the viewer
- PDFs can be starred and archived. Starred and archived PDFs can be quickly accessed in the overview. Archived PDFs are hidden from the default overview.
- Add PDF previews. The first page of each PDF can be shown in the overview without entering the viewer.
- Support thumbnails in the overview. The first page of each PDF will be shown as a thumbnail in the overview. Thumbnails are disabled by default and can be activated in the user settings.
- Specify multiple host names via the
env variable.
- Add markdown notes to PDFs. The notes can be shown in the PDF overview.
- Add healthz endpoint. This endpoint is primarily used for restarting the demo instance
minutes. - Improve design of view shared PDF prompt page
- Introduce demo mode
- Add hover tooltips to the buttons of the viewer
- make parent-children relationships for tags in tree mode clearer by adding guiding lines
- Add PDF ID to details page
- minor UI improvements for PDF details page
- fix: Adjust viewer navigation bar for mobile devices
- fix: Display correct version in admin area. This did not work due to the migration from woodpacker to gh actions.
- Add editing functionality to the PDF viewer. Users can add annotations, highlighting and drawings to PDFs and save them. More information can be found here.
- Show pdf name as the site title.
- Update dependencies
- Add tree mode for tags. Pdfs can now be organized with hierarchical tags. Instructions can be found here.
- Minor UI improvements
- Due to the internal workings of the tree mode for tags, naming of tags had to be restricted. From now on tags can only contain letters, numbers, '/', '-' and '_'. Furthermore, names cannot start or end with '/' and consecutive occurrences of '/' are also not allowed. These restrictions are only enforced for newly created tags. For existing tags users will need to activate normal mode for tags and manually adjust the tags, so they are valid. Otherwise, tree mode will not work.
- Add consumption directory as an alternative way for adding PDF files
- Show user ID in the header dropdown menu
- Fix: set extension to ".pdf" when downloading a PDF
- Only display the progress bar if a PDF's number of pages are valid
- Set the current page in the reading progress to 0 if it is unopened
- Slight refactoring for getting the number of pages in a PDF. Hopefully, this will fix some problems regarding this topic.
- Fix: Use prod settings file
- Fix: Set correct overview queries after renaming or deleting tag
- Update django to address vulnarabilities
Migrating from woodpecker CI to gh actions resulted in a faulty publish pipeline. The publish workflow did not use the .dockerignore file which caused the dev settings to be used.
- Searches and applied tags are now displayed as filters. Closing the filter will remove the respective search / tag from the filtering.
- Optional progress bars show the reading process for each PDF at a quick glance on the overview
- Tags can be renamed and deleted
- Add option to skip existing files when bulk uploading
- Add date tooltips to admin overview
- Add environment variable for setting the log level
- Inverted color mode for reading PDFs
- Bulk uploading for PDFs
- Use file name when uploading individual PDFs
- Add date tooltips in the PDF and shared PDF overviews
- Add loading spinners to PDF uploads
- Clean up shared PDFs with a deletion date in the past on container start
- Bug Fix: Backup QR code svgs
- Bug Fix: Adjust base.html, so that x-cloak of Alpine JS works on all themes. Did only work on custom theme colors after introducing that feature.
- Bug Fix: Adjust 404.html so that it hsa correct font colors in dark mode
- Sort PDFs by recently viewed
- Disable user signup via the env variable
- Add about page
- Add footer
- Only execute backups if at least 1 user and 1 pdf present
- Add functionality to use custom theme colors
- Set the default theme via env variables
- Add functionality to share PDFs with an external audience via a link or a QR Code
- Shared PDFs can be password protected and access can be controlled with a maximum number of views and an expiration date
- Update dependencies
- Add option to encrypt the PDFs and the Sqlite database when performing backups
- Bug Fix: Setting the Postgres host to something different from
was not possible beforehand
- Revamp the tag sidebar section, so that tags will be grouped by their starting character
- Add a new version available banner in admin section
- Further image size reduction by over 30% by switching to alpine
- Update dependencies
- Fix backup functionality by re-adding setuptools to virtual environment
- Reduce image size by almost 20%
- Add PDFs per page setting: control how many PDFs are shown in the PDF overview
- removing setuptools from virtual environment broke backup functionality
- Add periodic backups to S3 compatible storage
- Add new Admin Area - admins can delete users and grant + remove admin rights
- Remove standard Django Admin Area
- Add
environment variable for enabling SSO via OIDC
- In order to use SSO via OIDC the environment variable
needs to be set toTRUE
. For more information refer to the configuration section of the README.
- Add theme colors
- Add view counter for PDFs
- Change profile icon
- Add dark mode
- Update dependencies
- Browser based PDF viewing
- Organize PDFs with tags
- Clean and responsive UI Remembers current position - continue where you stopped reading
- SSO support via OIDC
- Every user can upload its own PDFs. There is no admin curating the content.