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266 lines (209 loc) · 5.56 KB

Funker Selector JSON Character

File metadata and controls

266 lines (209 loc) · 5.56 KB

The JSON Format

As of v1.2.0, a new JSON format has been introduced in Funker Selector. This deprecates the old charSelectList.txt method and allows for a bit more flexibility when adding characters! The mod queries data/funkerSelector/ at runtime and parses the JSON files in there, then takes the variables and passes it through the CharacterSelectSubState SubState to set up the Character.


  "version": "1.0.0",
  "characterID": "bf",
  "characterType": "bf",
  "description": {
    "text": "The main protagonist of Friday Night Funkin', sporting his iconic blue hair and red-blue cap. Girlfriend loves him, her parents on the other hand..."
    "position": [150, 250],
    "scale": 1,
    "isPixel": false,
    "flipX": false,
    "selectedAnim": "hey"

Now, you don't have to include every variable in here. In fact, here are only the essential ones you need:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "characterID": "bf",
  "characterType": "bf",
  "mustUnlock": false

It won't look very pretty in the Character Selection screen, though...


"version": "1.0.0"

This is the version of the JSON Format, self explanatory.

"characterID": "bf"

The Character ID to use, this is needed or else the character will not show up in the menu!

"characterType": "bf"

The character type, accepted values are: bf, gf, dad, player, speaker, and opponent. (player, speaker, and opponent are just aliases for bf, gf, and dad respectively.)

"mustUnlock": false

Wether or not you need to unlock the character first in order for them to be playable. You'll have to specify an unlock method.

"voiceID": "bf"

The ID to use for Vocal Replacement, defaults to the character ID.

"introSwapFrame": 4

The frame where the turntable stops moving and the character appears in the Freeplay DJ's intro animation. This is used for swapping out DJs. The default value is 3.

Unlock data

"unlockMethod": {
  "type": "playableCharacter"

This is the unlock method used to determine if the character should be unlocked. There are 3 methods:

Method 1: Playable Character
"type": "playableCharacter"

The character ID's associated Playable Character has to be unlocked.

Method 2: Song
"type": "song"

A song has to be beaten, this has 2 associated properties:

"songID": "spookeez"

The song ID.

"difficultyList": ["erect", "nightmare"]

The required difficulties, defaults to ["easy", "normal", "hard"].

Method 3: Story Week
"type": "storyWeek"

A week in story mode has to be beaten, this has 2 associated properties:

"levelID": "weekend1"

The level ID.

"difficultyList": ["hard"]

The required difficulties, defaults to ["easy", "normal", "hard"].

Suffix data

"suffixes": {
  "gameOverMusic": "-pico",
  "blueBall": "-pico",
  "pauseMusic": "-pico"
"gameOverMusic": "-pico"

The music suffix used in the Game Over screen.

"blueBall": "-pico"

The blue ball suffix used in the Game Over screen.

"pauseMusic": "-pico"

The music suffix used in the Pause Menu.

You can use pretty much any suffix for these three as long as it's valid (exists in the files, either through a mod or the game's assets). For example, Boyfriend (Pixel) uses -pixel, while Pico (Playable) uses -pico.

Description data

"description": {
  "text": "The main protagonist of Friday Night Funkin', sporting his iconic blue hair and red-blue cap. Girlfriend loves him, her parents on the other hand..."

This is a short description of the character, with a few properties:

"text": "The main protagonist of Friday Night Funkin', sporting his iconic blue hair and red-blue cap. Girlfriend loves him, her parents on the other hand..."

The text itself.

"unlockCondition": "Beat WeekEnd 1 to unlock."

The unlock condition that's shown if the character is locked. This overrides the description text!

Character Sprite data

This is responsible for character appearance in the menu!

  "position": [150, 250],
  "scale": 1,
  "isPixel": false,
  "flipX": false,
  "selectedAnim": "hey"
"position": [150, 250]

The X and Y coordinates of the character.

"scale": 1

The scale / size of the character.

"isPixel": false

Multiplies the scale by 6 and disables anti-aliasing.

"selectedAnim": "hey"

The animation to use when the character is selected. The default animation is "hey"!

Character Variation data

characterVariations is an array that can contain character variations for specific songs.

"characterVariations": [
    "songID": "senpai",
    "characterID": "bf-pixel"
    "songID": ["cocoa", "eggnog", "winter-horrorland"],
    "characterID": "bf-christmas"
"songID": "senpai"

The song ID we are targeting. You can have multiple song IDs by utilizing an Array like so:

"songID": ["cocoa", "eggnog", "winter-horrorland"]
"characterID": "bf-pixel"

The character ID we want to use.

"songVariation": "erect"

The song's variation ID we want to use.

Funker Selector will prioritize character variations over the base character ID. If no variations exist, the base character ID you set will be used instead.


That's pretty much it! Adding a JSON Character should be relatively simple.