\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linked_list.py b/linked_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..337e597a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linked_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# Defines a node in the singly linked list
+class Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, value=None, next_node=None):
+ self.__data = None # protected
+ self.next_node = next_node
+ self.__set_data_once(value)
+ def get_data(self):
+ if self.__data:
+ return self.__data
+ else:
+ return "Undefined"
+ def __set_data_once(self, value):
+ if self.__data == None:
+ self.__data = value
+ else:
+ return ("You may not modify data. Please add a node.")
+# Defines the singly linked list
+class LinkedList(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__head = None # keep the head private. Not accessible outside this class
+ def __retrieve_head(self):
+ return self.head
+ def __set_head(self, new_value):
+ self.head = new_value
+ # method to add a new node with the specific data value in the linked list
+ # insert the new node at the beginning of the linked list
+ def insert(self, data):
+ new_node = Node(value = data)
+ new_node.next_node = self.__head
+ self.__head = new_node
+ print ("inserting {}".format(data))
+ # method to find if the linked list contains a node with specified value
+ # returns true if found, false otherwise
+ def search(self, value):
+ current_node = self.__head
+ while current_node != None:
+ if current_node.get_data() == value:
+ return True
+ current_node = current_node.next_node()
+ return False
+ # method to return the max value in the linked list
+ # returns the data value and not the node
+ def find_max(self):
+ if self.__head == None:
+ return "None"
+ node = self.__head
+ max = node.get_data()
+ while node.next_node != None:
+ if node.get_data() > max:
+ max = node.get_data()
+ node = node.next_node
+ return(max)
+ # # method to return the min value in the linked list
+ # # returns the data value and not the node
+ def find_min(self):
+ if self.__head == None:
+ return "None"
+ node = self.__head
+ min = node.get_data()
+ while node.next_node != None:
+ if node.get_data() < min:
+ min = node.get_data()
+ node = node.next_node
+ return(min)
+ # # method that returns the length of the singly linked list
+ def length(self):
+ node = self.__head
+ counter = 0
+ while node != None:
+ counter += 1
+ node = node.next_node
+ return(counter)
+ # # method to return the value of the nth element from the beginning
+ # # assume indexing starts at 0 while counting to n
+ def find_nth_from_end(self, n):
+ if not self.__head:
+ return
+ curr_node = self.__head
+ curr_node_plus_n = self.__head.next_node
+ # initialize node_a_plus_n to n elements ahead of counter a
+ for i in range(n):
+ if curr_node_plus_n:
+ curr_node_plus_n = curr_node_plus_n.next_node
+ else:
+ return 'None'
+ while curr_node_plus_n:
+ curr_node = curr_node.next_node
+ curr_node_plus_n = curr_node_plus_n.next_node
+ return curr_node.get_data()
+ # # method to insert a new node with specific data value, assuming the linked
+ # # list is sorted in ascing order
+ def insert_ascing(self, value):
+ node = self.__head
+ if not(node) or node.get_data() > value:
+ self.insert(value)
+ return
+ while node.next_node and node.next_node.get_data() < value:
+ node = node.next_node
+ new_node = Node(value = value, next_node = node.next_node)
+ node.next_node = new_node
+ # method to print all the values in the linked list
+ def visit(self):
+ current_node = self.__head
+ while True:
+ print(current_node.get_data())
+ if current_node.next_node == None: break
+ current_node = current_node.next_node
+ # # method to delete the first node found with specified value
+ def delete(self, value):
+ node = self.__head
+ if not(node): return
+ if node.get_data() == value:
+ self.__head = node.next_node
+ while node.next_node:
+ if node.next_node.get_data() == value:
+ node.next_node = node.next_node.next_node
+ break
+ node = node.next_node
+ # # method to reverse the singly linked list
+ # # note: the nodes should be moved and not just the values in the nodes
+ def reverse(self):
+ if self.__head == None or self.__head.next_node == None:
+ return
+ node = self.__head
+ prev_node = None
+ while node != None:
+ # preserve next node for later use
+ next_node = node.next_node
+ # make node point to the value before it
+ node.next_node = prev_node
+ # move forward one node
+ prev_node = node
+ node = next_node
+ self.__head = prev_node
+ self.visit()
+ # ## Advanced Exercises
+ # # returns the value at the middle element in the singly linked list
+ def find_middle_value(self):
+ node = self.__head
+ if not node:
+ return
+ else:
+ mid_val = node.get_data()
+ while node.next_node and node.next_node.next_node:
+ mid_val = node.next_node.get_data()
+ node = node.next_node.next_node
+ return mid_val
+ # # find the nth node from the and return its value
+ # # assume indexing starts at 0 while counting to n
+ def find_nth_from_beginning(self, n):
+ if self.__head == None:
+ return "Undefined"
+ node = self.__head
+ for i in range(n):
+ if node.next_node:
+ node = node.next_node
+ else:
+ return "None"
+ return node.get_data()
+ # # checks if the linked list has a cycle. A cycle exists if any node in the
+ # # linked list links to a node already visited.
+ # # returns true if a cycle is found, false otherwise.
+ def has_cycle(self):
+ if not self.__head:
+ return False
+ slow_loop = self.__head
+ fast_loop = self.__head.next_node
+ while fast_loop.next_node.next_node:
+ if fast_loop.next_node == slow_loop:
+ return True
+ slow_loop = slow_loop.next_node
+ fast_loop = fast_loop.next_node.next_node
+ return False
+ # Creates a cycle in the linked list for testing purposes
+ # Assumes the linked list has at least one node
+ def create_cycle(self):
+ if self.__head == None: return # don't do anything if the linked list is empty
+ # navigate to last node
+ current = self.__head
+ while current.next_node != None:
+ current = current.next_node
+ current.next_node = self.__head # make the last node link to first node
+## --- of class definitions --- ##
+# Create an object of linked list class
+my_linked_list = LinkedList()
+# Add some values to the linked list
+print("Adding 5, 3 and 1 to the linked list.")
+# print all elements
+print("Printing elements in the linked list:")
+# # Find the value at the nth node
+print("Confirming values in the linked list using find_nth_from_beginning method.")
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(2)
+if value != 5: print("BUG: Value at index 2 should be 5 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(1)
+if value != 3: print("BUG: Value at index 1 should be 3 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(0)
+if value != 1: print("BUG: Value at index 0 should be 1 and is {}".format(value))
+# # print all elements
+print("Printing elements in the linked list:")
+# # Insert ascing
+# "Adding 4 in ascing order."
+# check newly inserted value
+print("Checking values by calling find_nth_from_beginning method.")
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(2)
+if value != 4: print("BUG: Value at index 2 should be 4 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(3)
+if value != 5: print("BUG: Value at index 3 should be 5 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(1)
+if value != 3: print("BUG: Value at index 1 should be 3 and is {}".format(value))
+# # Insert ascing
+print("Adding 6 in ascening order.")
+# # print all elements
+print("Printing elements in the linked list:")
+# # validate length
+print("Confirming length of the linked list.")
+my_linked_list_length = my_linked_list.length()
+if my_linked_list_length != 5: print("BUG: Length should be 5 and not {}".format(my_linked_list_length))
+# # find min and max
+print("Confirming min and max values in the linked list.")
+min = my_linked_list.find_min()
+if min != 1: print("BUG: Min value should be 1 and not {}", format(min))
+max = my_linked_list.find_max()
+if max != 5: print("BUG: Max value should be 5 and not {}", format(max))
+# # delete value
+print("Deleting node with value 5 from the linked list.")
+# # print all elements
+print("Printing elements in the linked list:")
+# # validate length
+print("Confirming length of the linked list.")
+my_linked_list_length = my_linked_list.length()
+if my_linked_list_length != 4: print("BUG: Length should be 4 and not {}".format(my_linked_list_length))
+# # delete value
+print("Deleting node with value 1 from the linked list.")
+# print all elements
+print("Printing elements in the linked list:")
+# # validate length
+print("Confirming length of the linked list.")
+my_linked_list_length = my_linked_list.length()
+if my_linked_list_length != 3: print("BUG: Length should be 3 and not {}".format(my_linked_list_length))
+# # find middle element
+print("Confirming middle value in the linked list.")
+middle = my_linked_list.find_middle_value()
+if middle != 4: print("BUG: Middle value should be 4 and not {}".format(middle))
+# # reverse the linked list
+print("Reversing the linked list.")
+# print all elements
+print("Printing elements in the linked list:")
+# # verify the reversed list
+print("Verifying the reveresed linked list by calling find_nth_from_beginning method.")
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(2)
+if value != 3: print("BUG: Value at index 2 should be 3 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(1)
+if value != 4: print("BUG: Value at index 1 should be 4 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(0)
+if value != 6: print("BUG: Value at index 0 should be 6 and is {}".format(value))
+# # nth from the end
+print("Verifying find_nth_from_end method.")
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_end(0)
+if value != 3: print("BUG: Value at index 0 from end should be 3 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_end(1)
+if value != 4: print("BUG: Value at index 1 from end should be 4 and is {}".format(value))
+value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_end(2)
+if value != 6: print('BUG: Value at index 2 from end should be 6 and is {}'.format(value))
+# # check for cycle
+print("Checking the linked list for cycle.")
+if my_linked_list.has_cycle(): print("BUG: Should not have a cycle.")
+# # create cycle and then test for it
+print("Creating a cycle in the linked list.")
+print("Checking the linked list for cycle.")
+if not my_linked_list.has_cycle(): print("BUG: Should not have a cycle.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linked_list.rb b/linked_list.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf81853..00000000
--- a/linked_list.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Defines a node in the singly linked list
-class Node
- attr_reader :data # allow external entities to read value but not write
- attr_accessor :next # allow external entities to read or write next node
- def initialize(value)
- @data = value
- @next = next
- end
-# Defines the singly linked list
-class LinkedList
- def initialize
- @head = nil # keep the head private. Not accessible outside this class
- end
- # method to add a new node with the specific data value in the linked list
- # insert the new node at the beginning of the linked list
- def insert(value)
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to find if the linked list contains a node with specified value
- # returns true if found, false otherwise
- def search(value)
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to return the max value in the linked list
- # returns the data value and not the node
- def find_max
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to return the min value in the linked list
- # returns the data value and not the node
- def find_min
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method that returns the length of the singly linked list
- def length
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to return the value of the nth element from the beginning
- # assume indexing starts at 0 while counting to n
- def find_nth_from_beginning(n)
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to insert a new node with specific data value, assuming the linked
- # list is sorted in ascending order
- def insert_ascending(value)
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to print all the values in the linked list
- def visit
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to delete the first node found with specified value
- def delete(value)
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # method to reverse the singly linked list
- # note: the nodes should be moved and not just the values in the nodes
- def reverse
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- ## Advanced Exercises
- # returns the value at the middle element in the singly linked list
- def find_middle_value
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # find the nth node from the end and return its value
- # assume indexing starts at 0 while counting to n
- def find_nth_from_end(n)
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # checks if the linked list has a cycle. A cycle exists if any node in the
- # linked list links to a node already visited.
- # returns true if a cycle is found, false otherwise.
- def has_cycle
- puts "Not implemented"
- end
- # Creates a cycle in the linked list for testing purposes
- # Assumes the linked list has at least one node
- def create_cycle
- return if @head == nil # don't do anything if the linked list is empty
- # navigate to last node
- current = @head
- while current.next != nil
- current = current.next
- end
- current.next = @head # make the last node link to first node
- end
-## --- END of class definitions --- ##
-# Create an object of linked list class
-my_linked_list = LinkedList.new()
-# Add some values to the linked list
-puts "Adding 5, 3 and 1 to the linked list."
-# print all elements
-puts "Printing elements in the linked list:"
-# Find the value at the nth node
-puts "Confirming values in the linked list using find_nth_from_beginning method."
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(2)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 2 should be 5 and is #{value}" if value != 5
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(1)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 1 should be 3 and is #{value}" if value != 3
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(0)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 0 should be 1 and is #{value}" if value != 1
-# print all elements
-puts "Printing elements in the linked list:"
-# Insert ascending
-puts "Adding 4 in ascending order."
-# check newly inserted value
-puts "Checking values by calling find_nth_from_beginning method."
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(2)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 2 should be 4 and is #{value}" if value != 4
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(3)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 3 should be 5 and is #{value}" if value != 5
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(1)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 1 should be 3 and is #{value}" if value != 3
-# Insert ascending
-puts "Adding 6 in ascening order."
-# print all elements
-puts "Printing elements in the linked list:"
-# vaidate length
-puts "Confirming length of the linked list."
-my_linked_list_length = my_linked_list.length
-puts "BUG: Length should be 5 and not #{my_linked_list_length}" if my_linked_list_length != 5
-# find min and max
-puts "Confirming min and max values in the linked list."
-min = my_linked_list.find_min
-puts "BUG: Min value should be 1 and not #{min}" if min != 1
-max = my_linked_list.find_max
-puts "BUG: Max value should be 5 and not #{max}" if max != 6
-# delete value
-puts "Deleting node with value 5 from the linked list."
-# print all elements
-puts "Printing elements in the linked list:"
-# validate length
-puts "Confirming length of the linked list."
-my_linked_list_length = my_linked_list.length
-puts "BUG: Length should be 4 and not #{my_linked_list_length}" if my_linked_list_length != 4
-# delete value
-puts "Deleting node with value 1 from the linked list."
-# print all elements
-puts "Printing elements in the linked list:"
-# validate length
-puts "Confirming length of the linked list."
-my_linked_list_length = my_linked_list.length
-puts "BUG: Length should be 3 and not #{my_linked_list_length}" if my_linked_list_length != 3
-# find middle element
-puts "Confirming middle value in the linked list."
-middle = my_linked_list.find_middle_value
-puts "BUG: Middle value should be 4 and not #{middle}" if middle != 4
-# reverse the linked list
-puts "Reversing the linked list."
-# print all elements
-puts "Printing elements in the linked list:"
-# verify the reversed list
-puts "Verifying the reveresed linked list by calling find_nth_from_beginning method."
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(2)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 2 should be 3 and is #{value}" if value != 3
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(1)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 1 should be 4 and is #{value}" if value != 4
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_beginning(0)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 0 should be 6 and is #{value}" if value != 6
-# nth from the end
-puts "Verifying find_nth_from_end method."
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_end(0)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 0 from the end, should be 3 and is #{value}" if value != 3
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_end(1)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 1 from the end, should be 4 and is #{value}" if value != 4
-value = my_linked_list.find_nth_from_end(2)
-puts "BUG: Value at index 2 from the end, should be 6 and is #{value}" if value != 6
-# check for cycle
-puts "Checking the linked list for cycle."
-puts "BUG: Should not have a cycle." if my_linked_list.has_cycle
-# create cycle and then test for it
-puts "Creating a cycle in the linked list."
-puts "Checking the linked list for cycle."
-puts "BUG: Should not have a cycle." if !(my_linked_list.has_cycle)