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+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+    <title>Sai Samant</title>
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+        <h1>&lt; about &gt;</h1>
+      </div>
+      <div class="nav">
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+            <li><a href="index.html">home</a></li>
+            <li><a href="portfolio.html">code</a></li>
+            <li><a href="blog.html">other</a></li>
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+    </header>
+    <main >
+      <section class = "about">
+        <p>I am student at Ada Developers Academy where I am training to become a software engineer. We are learning Ruby, Rails, HTM & CSS, JavaScript, test-driven development, and agile and pair-programming practices. A major part of why Ada appeals to me is its <a href="http://adadevelopersacademy.org/program">social-justice mission</a> to help women and people of non-binary gender succeed in tech.</p>
+        <p>Coding and parenting take up most of my time these days, but I have been known to enjoy running on trails in Seattle's many beautiful parks, reading, watching sitcoms, following politics, knitting, eating french fries, and catching up on sleep.</p>
+        <p>I maintain a very spotty social media presence across too many platforms:</p>
+        <ul class = "social-media">
+          <li><a href="https://twitter.com/saisamant", target = "_blank"><img src="assets/twitter.svg" alt="twitter" height="40px"></a></li>
+          <li><a id="ravelry" href="http://www.ravelry.com/people/samtheant", target = "_blank"><img src="assets/ravelry.svg" alt="knit" height="40px"></a></li>
+          <li><a href="https://instagram.com/onestripedsock", target = "_blank"><img src="assets/instagram.svg" alt="insta" height="40px"></a></li>
+          <li><a href="https://facebook.com/ssamant", target = "_blank"><img src="assets/fb.svg" alt="fb" height="40px"></a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </section>
+    </main>
+    <footer>
+      <div class="disclaim">
+        <p>&copy;2017</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="contact">
+        <p>Get in touch: sai samant (@) gmail (dot) com</p>
+        <h2>&lt; good-bye. &gt;</h2>
+      </div>
+    </footer>
+  </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+    <title>Sai Samant</title>
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+        <h1>&lt; fun stuff &gt;</h1>
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+    <main>
+      <section class="all-interests">
+        <article class="interest">
+          <article class="podcasts">
+            <h4>Podcasts</h4>
+            <p>I spend more time than I should listening to podcasts. Below are some of my current favorites. Subscribe to these podcasts through your favorite podcast app (I use the native Podcast iphone app).</p>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/anotherround" target="_blank">Another Round with Heben and Tracy</a><p>Heben and Tracy interview so many interesting people and ask such good questions. They get to the point while being funny and sharp. Some highlights for me: #57 (with poet Jenny Zhang), #28 (with Hillary Clinton), and #3 (with Issa Rae, before her show Insecure came on). And a million others I won't list here (Ta-Nehisi Coates! Padma Lakshmi! Melissa Harris-Perry! Janet Mock!)</p></li>
+              <li><a href="https://gimletmedia.com/show/startup/all/season-1/" target="_blank">StartUp (Season One)</a><p>Alex Blumberg hosts this podcast which documents his efforts to start a podcast media company. So much great behind-the-scenes detail; the highlights for me were the interactions between Blumberg and his wife Nazanin Rafsanjani. Later seasons document other startups and companies and I did not find them as compelling but continued to listen (*spoiler alert*) so I could hear for updates on Gimlet (the media company Blumberg founded and now runs).</p></li>
+              <li><a href="http://www.npr.org/sections/monkeysee/129472378/pop-culture-happy-hour" target="_blank">Pop Culture Happy Hour</a><p>This was I think my gateway podcast. It's from NPR and a pretty lighthearted but thoughtful review of movies, tv, books, and sometimes music. They have a rotating cast who take turns filling in the fourth seat for their weekly roundtable discussions. Two of my faves are Audie Cornish and Barrie Hardymon </p></li>
+              <li><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/30/podcasts/the-daily-get-ready-for-the-daily-your-audio-news-report.html">The New York Times Daily</a><p>A daily look at major news events with an in-depth look at one main story. I listen to the Daily on my commute.</p></li>
+            </ul>
+          </article>
+          <article class="knitting">
+            <h4>Knitting</h4>
+                <p>someday</p>
+          </article>
+          <article class="sociolinguistics">
+            <h4>Sociolinguistics</h4>
+            <p>someday</p>
+          </article>
+          <article class="public-ed">
+            <h4>Fully fund public education</h4>
+              <p>someday</p>
+          </article>
+        </article>
+      </section>
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+      <div class="disclaim">
+        <p>&copy;2017</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="contact">
+        <p>Get in touch: sai samant (@) gmail (dot) com</p>
+      </div>
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+    <title>Sai Samant</title>
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+        <h1>&lt; hello. &gt;</h1>
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+      </div>
+    </header>
+    <main>
+      <section class="welcome">
+        <p>Nice to have you here.  My name is Sai Samant. I am currently learning to code at <a href="http://www.adadevelopersacademy.org">Ada Developers Academy</a> in Seattle, WA. Check out some of my <a href="portfolio.html">projects</a>. I spend a lot of time listening to <a href="blog.html">podcasts</a>. And here is some other maybe <a href="about.html">fun stuff</a> about me.</p>
+      </section>
+    </main>
+    <footer>
+      <div class="disclaim">
+        <p>&copy;2017</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="contact">
+        <p>Get in touch: sai samant (@) gmail (dot) com</p>
+      </div>
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+  </body>
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+        <h1>&lt; code record &gt;</h1>
+      </div>
+      <div class="nav">
+        <nav>
+          <ul>
+            <li><a href="index.html">home</a></li>
+            <li><a href="blog.html">other</a></li>
+            <li><a href="about.html">me</a></li>
+          </ul>
+        </nav>
+      </div>
+    </header>
+    <main>
+      <section class = "projects-intro">
+          <p>Below is collection of projects I have completed while at Ada.  Currently these projects have developed my skills in Ruby and HTML & CSS. Additionally I have also learnt about version control and GitHub, pair programming and agile practices, and computer science fundamentals.</p>
+          <p>All links for Ada projects will take you to my GitHub page:  <a class = "social-media" href="https://github.com/ssamant", target = "_blank"><img src="assets/github.svg" alt="git" height="40px"></a></p>
+        <section class="projects-left">
+          <article class="project">
+            <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/Word-Guess", target="_blank">Word Guess</a></p>
+            <p>Implemented a word guess game. Practiced writing methods and calling methods from within other methods. First paired project where we applied agile pair programming techniques.</p>
+            <p>Language: Ruby</p>
+            <p>Pair Programming Project</p>
+          </article>
+          <article class="project">
+            <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/BankAccounts", target="_blank">Bank Accounts</a></p>
+            <p>In this project we worked with bank account classes to learn about the inheritance. We also used test-driven-development (TDD) to implement our solutions.</p>
+            <p>Language: Ruby</p>
+            <p>Individual Project</p>
+          </article>
+          <article class="project">
+            <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/Solar-System", target="_blank">Solar System</a></p>
+            <p>Implemented two classes to create planets and system of planets</p>
+            <p>Language: Ruby</p>
+            <p>Individual Project</p>
+          </article>
+          <article class="project">
+            <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/Random-Menu", target="_blank">Random Menu Generator</a></p>
+            <p>Implemented two classes to create planets and system of planets</p>
+            <p>Language: Ruby</p>
+            <p>Individual Project</p>
+          </article>
+        </section>
+          <section class="projects-right">
+            <article class="project">
+              <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/ride-share-two", target="_blank">Ride Share</a></p>
+              <p>In this project we created relationships between data associated with drivers, riders and trips in a hypothetical ride-share program. Skills applied include: using a design diagram to map cross-class and cross-method relationships, working with .csv data, and implementing argument errors and rescue blocks</p>
+              <p>Language: Ruby</p>
+              <p>Individual Project</p>
+            </article>
+            <article class="project">
+              <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/Scrabble", target="_blank">Scrabble</a></p>
+              <p>FILL THIS IN</p>
+              <p>Language: Ruby</p>
+              <p>Pair programming project</p>
+            </article>
+            <article class="project">
+              <p><a class = "project-link" href="https://github.com/ssamant/meowspace", target="_blank">Meowspace</a></p>
+              <p>Used css to design existing html for a social media platform for cats. Used float, inline-block, selectors and other css tools for layout that included header/footer, navigation, color-palette selection, and background images. </p>
+              <p>languages: HTML/CSS</p>
+              <p>individual project</p>
+            </article>
+      </section>
+    </main>
+    <footer>
+      <div class="disclaim">
+        <p>&copy;2017</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="contact">
+        <p>Get in touch: sai samant (@) gmail (dot) com</p>
+      </div>
+    </footer>
+  </body>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
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