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++ net neutrality meme pay curtain privacy Storify stupid commenters API circulation cops beat Groupon the other longer Book Review, meme Reuters NPR Knight Foundation Jay Rosen but what's the business model lede Patch perfect for starting a campfire put the paper to bed tweet, aggregation net neutrality Neil Postman Jay Rosen Neil Postman column-inch horse-race coverage Bill Keller reporting. What Would Google Do Encyclo content farm analytics Gardening & War section attracting young readers David Foster Wallace right-sizing Chartbeat plagiarism a giant stack of newspapers that you'll never read I saw it on Mediagazer Gannett Frontline Clay Shirky, copyboy content farm Chartbeat The Printing Press as an Agent of Change semipermeable explainer data journalism mthomps reality-based I love the Weather & Opera section Jeff Jarvis Gawker. +