CO2201 Semester 2 Group 14 Repository
- Java JDK newest stable version
- Spring Tools Suite
- MySQL Workbench
- MySQL community server (setup below)
- Firefox Browser, Desktop (preferably, most tested)
How to setup database?
- Open MySQL Workbench
- Create schema 'CO2101db'
- Create user 'co2101' with password 'password'
- Give that user all priviliges for CO2101db
- These are default settings and can be changed in the '' of the project
How to run the project?
- Clone the project
- Open Spring Tools Suite
- Set workspace as ...\scrum-14\Database
- Click import->gradle->existing gradle project
- Set project root directory to ...\scrum-14\Database\co2201
- Click 'finish'
- Refresh the project and wait to download any library updates
- Use 'Gradle tasks' and run task 'bootRun'
- Wait for tables to be created
- Open browser, and type in 'localhost:8443/'
- You should see landing page. Open login page
- Use one of default provided test logins or create a new one
- Test logins can be looked up in ''
Database - This folder contains spring application with all of the content of the website and code that runs it.
Designs - This folder contains old prototypes and Designs
Meetings - QnA sessions with client, and team meeting notes
Scrum_Board_Screenshots - Screenshots of scrum process
Sprint_Retrospection - As the name suggests
Sprint_Zero - Notes from sprint zero
users - Folder with student IDs of team members
Project_Description - Copy of description from blackboard
updatedDOD - Definition of done that we used on user stories