Apart from generating a seed, only English, French, Spanish and Japanese currently packaged, but as WordList
is an interface and you can provide your own.
Use either of these repositories:
repositories {
Add dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'io.github.elseifn:Lib39:2018.02.14'
Using a StringBuilder
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
byte[] entropy = new byte[Words.TWELVE.byteLength()];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(entropy);
new MnemonicGenerator(English.INSTANCE)
.createMnemonic(entropy, sb::append);
try {
} catch (UnexpectedWhiteSpaceException e) {
} catch (InvalidWordCountException e) {
} catch (InvalidChecksumException e) {
} catch (WordNotFoundException e) {
Or if you have a list of words from a word list:
As does not use a word list, can be used now for any language.
byte[] seed = new SeedCalculator().calculateSeed(mnemonic, passphrase);
Or if you have a list of words from a word list:
byte[] seed = new SeedCalculator()
.calculateSeed(mnemonicWordsInAList, passphrase);
Note: it will work for words off of the word list, but it allows use of secure CharSequences if they match the wordlist, normalized or not (as they are never toString
Those examples both use SpongyCastle, if you don't need or want that dependency, you can use javax.crypto
like so:
byte[] seed = new SeedCalculator(JavaxPBKDF2WithHmacSHA512.INSTANCE).calculateSeed(mnemonic, passphrase);
That will not work on Android API < 26 https://developer.android.com/reference/javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.html and see Issue #17.