diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md index 13b1d15fab7..e790b75de96 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ V následujících příkladech se předpokládá, že požadavky jsou odesílá :::caution Omezení -In [AdGuard for Chrome MV3][ext-mv3], `regexp` and `any_tld_domain` entries are not supported. +V [AdGuardu pro Chrome MV3][ext-mv3] nejsou podporovány domény s `regexp` a `any_tld_domain`. ::: @@ -4771,7 +4771,6 @@ Následující skriptlety lze také použít pro účely ladění: [ext-mv3]: #what-product "AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3" [ext-mv3]: #what-product "Rozšíření prohlížeče AdGuard pro Chrome MV3" [ext-mv3]: #what-product "AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3" -[ext-mv3]: #what-product "AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3" [ext-ff]: #what-product "AdGuard Browser Extension for Firefox" [ios-app]: #what-product "AdGuard for iOS and AdGuard Pro for iOS" [ios-app]: #what-product "AdGuard for iOS and AdGuard Pro for iOS" diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md index 7114cdb7932..5f26fba5a6f 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ --- -title: Stealth Mode (Tracking protection) +title: Režim utajení (Ochrana před sledováním) sidebar_position: 4 --- -Mnoho webových stránek shromažďuje informace o svých návštěvnících, například jejich IP adresu, nainstalovaný prohlížeč a operační systém, rozlišení obrazovky a dokonce i stránku, ze které byl návštěvník přesměrován. Některé webové stránky používají soubory cookies k označení prohlížeče a uložení vašich osobních nastavení, uživatelských preferencí nebo k vašemu "rozpoznání" při příští návštěvě. *Stealth Mode* (or *Tracking protection* in AdGuard for Windows and AdGuard Browser Extension) safeguards your personal information from such data- and statistics-gathering systems. +Mnoho webových stránek shromažďuje informace o svých návštěvnících, například jejich IP adresu, nainstalovaný prohlížeč a operační systém, rozlišení obrazovky a dokonce i stránku, ze které byl návštěvník přesměrován. Některé webové stránky používají soubory cookies k označení prohlížeče a uložení vašich osobních nastavení, uživatelských preferencí nebo k vašemu "rozpoznání" při příští návštěvě. *Režim utajení* (nebo *ochrana před sledováním* v aplikacích AdGuard pro Windows a Rozšíření prohlížeče AdGuard) chrání vaše osobní údaje před takovými systémy shromažďujícími data a statistiky. Práci Režimu utajení můžete flexibilně upravit: můžete například zakázat webové stránce přijímat požadavky na vyhledávání, které jste použili k jejímu nalezení na internetu, automaticky odstranit soubory cookies třetích stran i vlastní soubory cookies webové stránky, vypnout sdílení zeměpisné polohy prohlížeče, které lze použít ke sledování vaší polohy a skrýt svou skutečnou IP adresu nebo ji dokonce nahradit libovolnou adresou. @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ Některé možnosti nemusí být v závislosti na konkrétním produktu dostupn ## Obecné {#general} -### Hide search queries {#searchqueries} +### Skrýt vyhledávací dotazy {#searchqueries} Když jste přesměrováni na webovou stránku z vyhledávače Google, Yahoo nebo jiného vyhledávače, tato možnost skryje vyhledávací dotaz, který jste použili k nalezení dané webové stránky. -### Send signals to opt out of tracking {#donottrack} +### Odeslat signály k zrušení sledování {#donottrack} Odesílá webovým stránkám, které jste navštívili signály [Global Privacy Control](https://globalprivacycontrol.org/#gpc-spec) a [Do Not Track](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Not_Track). -### Remove tracking parameters from URLs {#removetracking} +### Odebrat sledovací parametry z URL {#removetracking} Pokud tuto možnost povolíte, AdGuard odstraní z adres URL parametry sledování, jako je `utm_*` a `fb_ref`. ### Metody sledování {#tracking-methods} -### Delete third-party cookies {#3p-cookie} +### Smazat soubory cookies třetích stran {#3p-cookie} Webové stránky používají soubory cookies k ukládání vašich informací a preferencí, jako je zvolený jazyk, vaše poloha nebo seznam položek v nákupním košíku. Když se vrátíte na webovou stránku, váš prohlížeč odešle zpět soubory cookies patřící dané webové stránce, což mu umožní "zapamatovat si" vaše údaje. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Toto nastavení odstraní všechny soubory cookies třetích stran, včetně inf ::: -### Delete first-party cookies (not recommended) {#1p-cookie} +### Smazat vlastní cookies (není doporučeno) {#1p-cookie} Nastavte dobu (v minutách), po jejímž uplynutí budou všechny soubory vlastních cookies zničeny. Pro úplné zablokování nastavte časovač na 0. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Tuto možnost nedoporučujeme povolovat, protože může vážně narušit prác ::: -### Block ETag and If-None-Match headers {#3p-cache} +### Blokovat záhlaví ETag a If-None-Match {#3p-cache} Když prohlížeč osloví stránku, server jí přiřadí značku ETag. Značka ETag používá prohlížeč k ukládání obsahu stránky do mezipaměti. Při dalších požadavcích prohlížeč odešle ETag příslušnému serveru, čímž mu umožní zjistit identitu návštěvníka. Dokud jsou soubory webu uloženy v mezipaměti, je značka ETag odesílána pokaždé, když se váš prohlížeč obrátí na tento web. Pokud je na webu vložen obsah z jiného serveru (například obrázek nebo iframe), může tento server sledovat vaše aktivity bez vašeho vědomí. @@ -97,23 +97,23 @@ Všimněte si, že aby bylo možné filtrovat provoz, aplikace AdGuard "zachycuj Naopak, vzhledem k povaze všech rozšíření prohlížeče funguje Rozšíření prohlížeče AdGuard "uvnitř" prohlížeče. Hned na místě změní referenční ID, takže nástroje pro vývojáře budou zobrazovat požadované referenční ID pro vaše požadavky. -### Hide User-Agent {#useragent} +### Skrýt User-Agent {#useragent} Když navštívíte webovou stránku, váš prohlížeč odešle své informace na server. Vypadá jako textový řádek, který je součástí požadavku HTTP začínajícího slovy "User-Agent:". Obvykle obsahuje název a verzi prohlížeče, operační systém a nastavení jazyka. Omezili jsme User-Agent od identifikačních údajů, aby jej inzerenti nemohli získat. Můžete také nastavit libovolnou hodnotu User-Agent zadáním do pole Vlastní User-Agent. Chcete-li použít User-Agent, ponechte pole prázdné. -### Mask IP address {#ip} +### Maskovat IP adresu {#ip} Režim utajení nemůže skrýt vaši IP adresu. Můžeme ji však skrýt, takže navštívené webové stránky si budou myslet, že jste proxy server. Někdy to pomůže a webové stránky vaši skutečnou IP adresu ignorují. Můžete nastavit libovolnou IP adresu, kterou chcete, aby ostatní vnímali jako vaši, a to tak, že ji jednoduše zadáte do příslušného pole. Chcete-li použít výchozí IP adresu, ponechte pole prázdné. -### Remove X-Client-Data header {#xclientdata} +### Odstranit X-Client-Data hlavičku {#xclientdata} Zakazuje prohlížeči Google Chrome odesílat informace o verzi a modifikaci s požadavky na domény Google (včetně DoubleClick a Google Analytics). -### Protect against DPI {#dpi} +### Ochrana proti DPI {#dpi} Deep Packet Inspection je systém hloubkové analýzy a filtrování provozu podle obsahu paketů a shromažďování statistických údajů. Pomocí této technologie mají poskytovatelé internetových služeb možnost kontrolovat procházející provoz a omezovat přístup k obsahu pro své klienty. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md index 9ff2b88bb07..14c7d641425 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Dieser Artikel behandelt AdGuard für Android, einem multifunktionalen Werbebloc ::: -In an effort to improve user privacy, Google has expanded the restriction settings in Android 15. Für die Aktivierung weiterer Einstellungen, wie z. B. _Zugang zur Nutzung von Apps_, ist nun eine zusätzliche Berechtigung erforderlich. Since the _[Firewall](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall)_ and _[Detect Samsung Pay](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea)_ features require the _App usage access_ setting to be enabled for them to work properly, you may have experienced problems using them. To resolve these issues, please follow the steps below: +In dem Bemühen, die Privatsphäre der Nutzer zu verbessern, hat Google die Beschränkungseinstellungen in Android 15 erweitert. Für die Aktivierung weiterer Einstellungen, wie z. B. _Zugang zur Nutzung von Apps_, ist nun eine zusätzliche Berechtigung erforderlich. Da für die Funktionen _[Firewall](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall)_ und _[Samsung Pay erkennen](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea)_ die Einstellung _Zugriff auf App-Nutzung_ aktiviert sein muss, damit sie ordnungsgemäß funktionieren, kann es zu Problemen bei der Verwendung kommen. Um diese Probleme zu beheben, führen Sie bitte die folgenden Schritte aus: :::note @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ AdGuard verfolgt eine strikte Politik das nicht protokolliert wird, was bedeutet ::: -1. On your Android device, open the **Settings app**. +1. Öffnen Sie auf Ihrem Android-Gerät die App **Einstellungen**. 2. Tippen Sie auf **Apps**. 3. Tippen Sie auf **AdGuard** diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md index 20da757b43b..b7810352aae 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Moving the CA certificate to the system store on rooted devices +title: Verschieben von CA-Zertifikaten in den Systemspeicher auf gerooteten Geräten sidebar_position: 14 --- @@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ Dieser Artikel behandelt AdGuard für Android, einem multifunktionalen Werbebloc ::: -AdGuard for Android can [filter encrypted HTTPS traffic](/general/https-filtering/what-is-https-filtering), thus blocking most ads and trackers on websites. Auf gerooteten Geräten können Sie mit AdGuard auch den HTTPS-Datenverkehr in Apps filtern. Für die HTTPS-Filterung muss das CA-Zertifikat von AdGuard in die Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Zertifikate aufgenommen werden. +AdGuard für Android kann [verschlüsselten HTTPS-Verkehr filtern](/general/https-filtering/what-is-https-filtering) und damit die meisten Anzeigen und Tracker auf Websites sperren. Auf gerooteten Geräten können Sie mit AdGuard auch den HTTPS-Datenverkehr in Apps filtern. Für die HTTPS-Filterung muss das CA-Zertifikat von AdGuard in die Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Zertifikate aufgenommen werden. -On non-rooted devices, CA certificates can be installed to the **user store**. Only a limited subset of apps (mostly browsers) trust CA certificates installed to the user store, meaning HTTPS filtering will work only for such apps. +Auf nicht gerooteten Geräten können CA-Zertifikate in den **Benutzerspeicher** installiert werden. Nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Apps (vor allem Browser) vertrauen CA-Zertifikaten, die im Benutzerspeicher installiert sind, was bedeutet, dass die HTTPS-Filterung nur bei diesen Apps funktioniert. -On rooted devices, you can install a certificate to the **system store**. That will allow AdGuard to filer HTTPS traffic in other apps as well. +Auf gerooteten Geräten können Sie ein Zertifikat im **Systemspeicher** installieren. Dadurch kann AdGuard den HTTPS-Datenverkehr auch in anderen Apps filtern. -Here's how to do that. +Und so geht's. -## How to install AdGuard's certificate to the system store +## So installieren Sie das Zertifikat von AdGuard im Systemspeicher -1. Open *AdGuard → Settings → Filtering → Network → HTTPS filtering → Security certificates*. +1. Öffnen Sie *AdGuard → Einstellungen → Filterung → Netzwerk → HTTPS-Filterung → Sicherheitszertifikate*. -1. Wenn Sie noch kein Zertifikat haben, **installieren Sie die AdGuard Personal CA in den Benutzerspeicher**. Dies ermöglicht es AdGuard, HTTPS-Verkehr in Browsern zu filtern. +1. Wenn Sie noch kein Zertifikat haben, **installieren Sie das AdGuard Personal CA in den Benutzerspeicher**. Dies ermöglicht es AdGuard, HTTPS-Verkehr in Browsern zu filtern. -1. **Installieren Sie die AdGuard Intermediate CA in den Benutzerspeicher**. You'll need it to run the adguardcert Magisk module that allows you to move certificates to the system store. +1. **Installieren Sie das AdGuard Intermediate CA in den Benutzerspeicher**. Sie benötigen es, um das Magisk-Modul adguardcert auszuführen, mit dem Sie Zertifikate in den Systemspeicher verschieben können. ![Zertifikat installieren *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/asx1xksecurity_certificates.png) -1. Install the [latest release of the **adguardcert** Magisk module](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/adguardcert/releases/latest/). +1. Installieren Sie die [neueste Version des Magisk-Moduls **adguardcert**](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/adguardcert/releases/latest/). -1. Open *Magisk → Modules → Install from storage* and select the downloaded **adguardcert** file. The AdGuard Personal CA certificate will be copied to the system store. +1. Öffnen Sie *Magisk → Module → Aus Speicher installieren* und wählen Sie die heruntergeladene **adguardcert-Datei** aus. Das AdGuard Personal CA-Zertifikat wird in den Systemspeicher kopiert. ![Magisk-Module öffnen *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/solving_problems/https-certificate-for-rooted/magisk-module-4.png) @@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ Here's how to do that. ![adguardcert auswählen *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/solving_problems/https-certificate-for-rooted/magisk-module-6.png) -1. Tap **Reboot**. +1. Tippen Sie auf **Neu starten**. ![Gerät neu starten *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/solving_problems/https-certificate-for-rooted/magisk-module-7.png) -After the transfer, the **AdGuard Personal CA** in the system store will allow you to filter HTTPS traffic in apps, while the **AdGuard Intermediate CA** in the user store will allow you to filter HTTPS traffic in Chromium-based browsers (see below why). +Nach der Übertragung ermöglicht das **AdGuard Personal CA** im Systemspeicher die Filterung des HTTPS-Verkehrs in Apps, während das **AdGuard Intermediate CA** im Benutzerspeicher die Filterung des HTTPS-Verkehrs in Chromium-basierten Browsern ermöglicht (siehe unten warum). ## Bekannte Probleme mit Chrome und Chromium-basierten Browsern -Chrome und andere Chromium-basierte Browser erfordern Certificate Transparency (CT)-Protokolle für Zertifikate, die sich im Systemspeicher befinden. Die CT-Protokolle enthalten keine Informationen über Zertifikate, die von Anwendungen zur HTTPS-Filterung ausgestellt wurden. Daher benötigt AdGuard ein zusätzliches Zertifikat im Benutzerspeicher, um den HTTPS-Verkehr in diesen Browsern zu filtern. +Chrome und andere Chromium-basierte Browser erfordern Certificate Transparency (CT)-Protokolle für Zertifikate, die sich im Systemspeicher befinden. Die CT-Protokolle enthalten keine Informationen über Zertifikate, die von Apps zur HTTPS-Filterung ausgestellt wurden. Daher benötigt AdGuard ein zusätzliches Zertifikat im Benutzerspeicher, um den HTTPS-Verkehr in diesen Browsern zu filtern. -### Bromit-Browser +### Bromite-Browser -Zusätzlich zu dem oben genannten Problem vertraut Bromite den Zertifikaten im Benutzerspeicher standardmäßig nicht. To filter HTTPS traffic there, open Bromite, go to `chrome://flags`, and set *Allow user certificates* to *Enabled*. **Dies gilt sowohl für gerootete als auch für nicht gerootete Geräte**. +Zusätzlich zu dem oben genannten Problem vertraut Bromite den Zertifikaten im Benutzerspeicher standardmäßig nicht. Um dort den HTTPS-Verkehr zu filtern, öffnen Sie Bromite, gehen Sie zu `chrome://flags` und setzen Sie *Benutzerzertifikate zulassen* auf *Aktiviert*. **Dies gilt sowohl für gerootete als auch für nicht gerootete Geräte**. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md index 54e22b6ddbc..c235a8c994d 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Hier können Sie den Antworttyp für Domains angeben, die von DNS-Regeln basiere #### Sperrmodus für Hosts-Regeln -Here you can specify the response type for domains blocked by DNS rules based on hosts rule syntax (for instance, ` example.com`). +Hier können Sie den Antworttyp für Domains angeben, die von DNS-Regeln auf der Grundlage der Syntax der Hosts-Regel gesperrt werden (z. B. ` example.com`). - Mit REFUSED antworten - Mit NXDOMAIN antworten @@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ Wird eine OCSP-Prüfung innerhalb der geforderten Zeitspanne abgeschlossen, sper Wenn die Überprüfung zu lange dauert, lässt AdGuard die Verbindung zu, während der Zertifikatsstatus im Hintergrund weiter überprüft wird. Wird das Zertifikat widerrufen, werden aktuelle und zukünftige Verbindungen zu der Domain gesperrt. -#### Redirect DNS-over-HTTPS requests +#### DNS-over-HTTPS-Anfragen umleiten -If this setting is enabled, AdGuard will redirect DNS-over-HTTPS requests to the local DNS proxy in addition to plain DNS requests. Wir empfehlen, Fallback-Upstreams zu deaktivieren und nur verschlüsselte DNS-Server zu verwenden, um die Privatsphäre zu wahren. +Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, leitet AdGuard DNS-over-HTTPS-Anfragen zusätzlich zu einfachen DNS-Anfragen an den lokalen DNS-Proxy um. Wir empfehlen, Fallback-Upstreams zu deaktivieren und nur verschlüsselte DNS-Server zu verwenden, um die Privatsphäre zu wahren. #### HTTP/3 filtern @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, filtert AdGuard zusätzlich zu den anderen Anfr #### Einstellung „DNS-Anfragen filtern“ anzeigen -Wenn dies aktiviert ist, wird der Schalter *DNS-Anfragen filtern* im Dialog *Proxy-Server hinzufügen* angezeigt. Use it to enable filtering of DNS requests passing through the specified proxy. +Wenn dies aktiviert ist, wird der Schalter *DNS-Anfragen filtern* im Dialog *Proxy-Server hinzufügen* angezeigt. Verwenden Sie es, um die Filterung von DNS-Anfragen zu aktivieren, die durch den angegebenen Proxy geleitet werden. ### Schutz @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ Nach einer vom System festgelegten Anzahl erfolgloser Versuche, eine Antwort vom ### Einstellungen des lokalen VPN -#### Recovery delay for revoked VPN +#### Wartezeit für widerrufenes VPN Hier können Sie eine Verzögerungszeit in Millisekunden festlegen, bevor AdGuard versucht, den VPN-Schutz wiederherzustellen, nachdem dieser durch eine VPN-App eines Drittanbieters oder durch Löschen des VPN-Profils aufgehoben wurde. Der Standardwert ist 5000 ms. -#### Reschedule delay for revoked VPN recovery +#### Wartezeit für widerrufenes VPN neu planen -Here you can set the time of a delay in milliseconds before AdGuard reschedules the restoration of VPN protection after it has been revoked by a third-party VPN app or by deleting the VPN profile. Der Standardwert ist 5000 ms. +Hier können Sie eine Verzögerungszeit in Millisekunden festlegen, bevor AdGuard die Wiederherstellung des VPN-Schutzes neu plant, nachdem dieser durch eine VPN-App eines Drittanbieters oder durch Löschen des VPN-Profils aufgehoben wurde. Der Standardwert ist 5000 ms. #### MTU @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, filtert AdGuard alle LAN-Verbindungen, ein #### Alle LAN-IPv4-Verbindungen weiterleiten -If this setting is enabled, AdGuard will exclude LAN connections from filtering for simple networks. This may not work for complex networks. This setting only applies if *Forcibly route LAN IPv4* is disabled. +Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, schließt AdGuard LAN-Verbindungen von der Filterung für einfache Netzwerke aus. Bei komplexen Netzen funktioniert dies möglicherweise nicht. Diese Einstellung gilt nur, wenn *LAN-IPv4 zwangsweise weiterleiten* deaktiviert ist. #### IPv6-Adresse @@ -227,4 +227,4 @@ Hier können Sie die IP-Adresse eingeben, die für die Erstellung einer TUN-Schn #### Samsung Pay erkennen -Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, wird der AdGuard-Schutz pausiert, während Samsung Pay verwendet wird. Korean users require this feature as they experience [issues with Samsung Pay](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea) when AdGuard is enabled. +Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, wird der AdGuard-Schutz pausiert, während Samsung Pay verwendet wird. Koreanische Nutzer benötigen diese Funktion, da sie [Probleme mit Samsung Pay](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea) haben, wenn AdGuard aktiviert ist. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md index c456a6ede7d..97ad68259ea 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: So richten Sie einen ausgehenden Proxy ein +title: Einrichten eines ausgehenden Proxys sidebar_position: 8 --- @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Wenn Ihre Anwendung unten nicht aufgeführt ist, überprüfen Sie bitte die Prox ::: -AdGuard ermöglicht Ihnen das Umleiten des Datenverkehrs Ihres Geräts über einen Proxyserver. To access proxy settings, open **Settings** and then proceed to **Filtering** → **Network** → **Proxy**. +AdGuard ermöglicht Ihnen das Umleiten des Datenverkehrs Ihres Geräts über einen Proxyserver. Um auf die Proxy-Einstellungen zuzugreifen, öffnen Sie **Einstellungen** und gehen dann zu **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy**. ## Beispiele für die Proxy-Konfiguration @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen anhand von Beispielen, wie Sie einige der gä ### So verwenden Sie AdGuard mit Tor -1. Open AdGuard and go to **Settings** → **Filtering** → **Network** → **Proxy**. Download “Orbot: Proxy with Tor” directly from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android&noprocess) or by tapping **Integrate with Tor** and then **Install**. +1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy**. Laden Sie "Orbot: Proxy with Tor" direkt von [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android&noprocess) oder durch Tippen auf **Mit Tor integrieren** und dann **Installieren**. -1. Open Orbot and press the **Start** button on the application's main screen. +1. Öffnen Sie Orbot und drücken Sie die Schaltfläche **Start** auf dem Hauptbildschirm der Anwendung. -1. Go back to the **Proxy** screen of AdGuard. +1. Wechseln Sie zurück zum **Proxy**-Bildschirm von AdGuard. -1. Tap the **Integrate with Tor** button. +1. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche **Mit Tor integrieren**. 1. Alle erforderlichen Felder sind bereits vorausgefüllt: @@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen anhand von Beispielen, wie Sie einige der gä | Proxy-Host | ** | | Proxy-Port | *9050* | - Or you can tap **Proxy server** → **Add proxy server**, enter these values manually, and set Orbot as the default proxy. + Sie können auch auf **Proxy-Server** → **Proxy-Server hinzufügen** tippen, diese Werte manuell eingeben und Orbot als Standard-Proxy festlegen. 1. Aktivieren Sie den Haupt-Proxy-Schalter und den AdGuard-Schutz, um den Datenverkehr Ihres Geräts über den Proxy zu leiten. - Now AdGuard will route all traffic through Orbot. If you disable Orbot, Internet connection will be unavailable until you disable the outbound proxy settings in AdGuard. + Ab jetzt leitet AdGuard den gesamten Datenverkehr über Orbot. Wenn Sie Orbot deaktivieren, wird die Internetverbindung unterbrochen, bis Sie die Einstellungen für den ausgehenden Proxy (Outbound-Proxy) in AdGuard deaktivieren. -### How to use AdGuard with PIA (Private Internet Access) +### So verwenden Sie AdGuard mit PIA (Private Internet Access) -*Here we presume that you are already a PIA VPN client and have it installed on your device.* +*Wir gehen davon aus, dass Sie PIA VPN bereits nutzen und auf Ihrem Gerät installiert haben.* -1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und wechseln Sie zu **Einstellungen** ➜ **Filterung** ➜ **Netzwerk** ➜ **Proxy** ➜ **Proxy-Server**. +1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy** → **Proxy-Server**. -1. Tap the **Add proxy server** button and enter the following data: +1. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche **Proxy-Server hinzufügen** und geben Sie die folgenden Daten ein: | Feld | Wert | | ---------- | ------------------------------------ | @@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen anhand von Beispielen, wie Sie einige der gä | Proxy-Host | *proxy-nl.privateinternetaccess.com* | | Proxy-Port | *1080* | -1. You also need to fill out the **Username/Password** fields. To do so, log in to the [Client Control Panel](https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-sign-in) on the PIA website. Tap the **Generate Password** button under the **Generate PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS Password** section. A username starting with “x” and a random password will be shown. Use them to fill out the **Proxy username** and **Proxy password** fields in AdGuard. +1. Sie müssen ebenfalls die Felder **Benutzername/Passwort** ausfüllen. Melden Sie sich dazu im [Client-Kontrollzentrum](https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-sign-in) auf der PIA-Website an. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche **Passwort generieren** unter dem Abschnitt **PPPTP/L2TP/SOCKS-Passwort generieren**. Es werden ein mit „x“ beginnender Benutzername und ein zufälliges Passwort angezeigt. Verwenden Sie diese, um die Felder **Proxy-Benutzername** und **Proxy-Passwort** in AdGuard auszufüllen. -1. Tap **Save and select**. +1. Tippen Sie auf **Speichern und auswählen**. 1. Aktivieren Sie den Haupt-Proxy-Schalter und den AdGuard-Schutz, um den Datenverkehr Ihres Geräts über den Proxy zu leiten. ### So verwenden Sie AdGuard mit TorGuard -*Hier gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie bereits ein TorGuard-Kunde sind und es auf Ihrem Gerät installiert haben.* +*Hier gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie TorGuard bereits nutzen und es auf Ihrem Gerät installiert haben.* -1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und wechseln Sie zu **Einstellungen** ➜ **Filterung** ➜ **Netzwerk** ➜ **Proxy** ➜ **Proxy-Server**. +1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy** → **Proxy-Server**. -1. Tap the **Add proxy server** button and enter the following data: +1. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche **Proxy-Server hinzufügen** und geben Sie die folgenden Daten ein: | Feld | Wert | | ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen anhand von Beispielen, wie Sie einige der gä | Proxy-Host | *proxy.torguard.org* oder *proxy.torguard.io* | | Proxy-Port | *1080* oder *1085* oder *1090* | -1. For **Username** and **Password** fields, enter your proxy username and proxy password you have chosen at TorGuard signup. +1. In die Felder **Benutzername** und **Passwort** geben Sie Ihren Proxy-Benutzernamen und Ihr Proxy-Passwort ein, die Sie bei der TorGuard-Anmeldung gewählt haben. -1. Tap **Save and select**. +1. Tippen Sie auf **Speichern und auswählen**. 1. Aktivieren Sie den Haupt-Proxy-Schalter und den AdGuard-Schutz, um den Datenverkehr Ihres Geräts über den Proxy zu leiten. @@ -91,25 +91,25 @@ In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen anhand von Beispielen, wie Sie einige der gä 1. Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem NordVPN-Konto an. -1. Go to **Services** → **NordVPN** → **Manual setup** and set up your service credentials manually. +1. Gehen Sie zu **Dienste** → **NordVPN** → **Manuelle Einrichtung** und richten Sie Ihre Dienstanmeldedaten manuell ein. -1. You will receive a verification code on the email address you use for NordVPN. Use it on your NordVPN account as requested, then tap *Apply* and *OK* to save the changes. +1. An die E-Mail-Adresse, die Sie für NordVPN verwenden, erhalten Sie einen Verifizierungscode. Verwenden Sie es für Ihr NordVPN-Konto und tippen Sie dann auf *Anwenden* und *OK*, um die Änderungen zu speichern. ![Manuelle Einrichtung](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/solving_problems/outbound-proxy/nordvpn-manual-setup.png) -1. Open the AdGuard app, go to **Settings** → **Filtering** → **Network** → **Proxy** → **Proxy server** → **Add proxy server**. +1. Öffnen Sie die AdGuard-App und gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy** → **Proxy-Server** → **Proxy-Server hinzufügen**. 1. Geben Sie die folgenden Daten ein: - | Feld | Wert | - | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | - | Proxy-Typ | *SOCKS5* | - | Proxy-Host | Any server from [this list](https://support.nordvpn.com/hc/en-us/articles/20195967385745-NordVPN-proxy-setup-for-qBittorrent) | - | Proxy-Port | *1080* | + | Feld | Wert | + | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | + | Proxy-Typ | *SOCKS5* | + | Proxy-Host | Beliebiger Server aus [dieser Liste](https://support.nordvpn.com/hc/en-us/articles/20195967385745-NordVPN-proxy-setup-for-qBittorrent) | + | Proxy-Port | *1080* | -1. Enter your NordVPN credentials in the **Username** and **Password** fields. +1. Geben Sie Ihre NordVPN-Anmeldedaten in die Felder **Benutzername** und **Passwort** ein. -1. Tap **Save and select**. +1. Tippen Sie auf **Speichern und auswählen**. 1. Aktivieren Sie den Haupt-Proxy-Schalter und den AdGuard-Schutz, um den Datenverkehr Ihres Geräts über den Proxy zu leiten. @@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen anhand von Beispielen, wie Sie einige der gä :::note -You should remove Shadowsocks app from filtering before setting up the process (**App management** → **Shadowsocks** → **Route traffic through AdGuard**) to avoid infinite loops and drops. +Sie sollten die Shadowsocks-App aus der Filterung entfernen, bevor Sie den Prozess einrichten (**App-Verwaltung** →**Shadowsocks** → **Datenverkehr durch AdGuard leiten**), um Endlosschleifen und Verbindungsabbrüche zu vermeiden. ::: -1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und wechseln Sie zu **Einstellungen** ➜ **Filterung** ➜ **Netzwerk** ➜ **Proxy** ➜ **Proxy-Server**. +1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy** → **Proxy-Server**. -1. Tap the **Add proxy server** and fill in the fields: +1. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche **Proxy-Server hinzufügen** und füllen Sie die Felder aus: | Feld | Wert | | ---------- | ----------- | @@ -133,21 +133,21 @@ You should remove Shadowsocks app from filtering before setting up the process ( | Proxy-Host | ** | | Proxy-Port | *1080* | -1. Tap **Save and select**. +1. Tippen Sie auf **Speichern und auswählen**. 1. Aktivieren Sie den Haupt-Proxy-Schalter und den AdGuard-Schutz, um den Datenverkehr Ihres Geräts über den Proxy zu leiten. ### So verwenden Sie AdGuard mit Clash -*Wir gehen hier davon aus, dass Sie bereits ein Clash-Client sind und es auf Ihrem Gerät installiert haben.* +*Wir gehen davon aus, dass Sie Clash bereits auf Ihrem Gerät installiert haben.* -1. Open Clash and go to **Settings** → **Network** → **Route System Traffic** and toggle the switch. Dadurch wird Clash in den Proxy-Modus versetzt. +1. Öffnen Sie Clash und gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Netzwerk** → **Systemverkehr leiten** und schalten Sie den Schalter um. Dadurch wird Clash in den Proxy-Modus versetzt. -1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und wechseln Sie zu **App-Verwaltung**. Choose **Clash For Android** and disable **Route traffic through AdGuard**. This will eliminate traffic looping. +1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard und wechseln Sie zu **App-Verwaltung**. Wählen Sie **Clash For Android** und deaktivieren Sie **Datenverkehr durch AdGuard leiten**. Dadurch werden Endlosschleifen im Datenverkehr vermieden. -1. Then go to **Settings** → **Filtering** → **Network** → **Proxy** → **Proxy server**. +1. Gehen Sie zu **Einstellungen** → **Filterung** → **Netzwerk** → **Proxy** → **Proxy-Server**. -1. Tap **Add proxy server** and fill in the fields: +1. Tippen Sie auf **Proxy-Server hinzufügen** und füllen Sie die Felder aus: | Feld | Wert | | ---------- | ----------- | @@ -157,4 +157,4 @@ You should remove Shadowsocks app from filtering before setting up the process ( ## Beschränkungen -However, at least one factor may prevent certain traffic from being routed through the outbound proxy, even after configuring the AdGuard proxy settings. That would be if the app itself isn't configured to send its traffic through AdGuard. To do it, you need to proceed to **App management**, choose the app, and turn on **Route traffic through AdGuard**. +Es gibt jedoch mindestens einen Faktor, der verhindern kann, dass bestimmter Datenverkehr über den ausgehenden Proxy geleitet wird, selbst wenn die Proxy-Einstellungen von AdGuard konfiguriert wurden. Das wäre der Fall, wenn die App selbst nicht so konfiguriert ist, dass sie ihren Datenverkehr durch AdGuard führt. Dazu müssen Sie zur **App-Verwaltung** wechseln, die App auswählen und die Option **Datenverkehr durch AdGuard leiten** aktivieren. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md index c160a2519ed..abb69946cca 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md @@ -5,54 +5,54 @@ sidebar_position: 1 :::info -Este artículo trata sobre la extensión de navegador AdGuard, que protege solo tu navegador. To protect your entire device, [download the AdGuard app](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) +Este artículo trata sobre la extensión de navegador AdGuard, que protege solo tu navegador. Para proteger todo tu dispositivo, [descarga la aplicación AdGuard](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) ::: -## Features +## Funciones -Here are outlined the main features and settings available in the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Aquí se presentan las principales funciones y configuración disponibles en la Extensión de navegador AdGuard. -[Features](/adguard-browser-extension/features) +[Funciones](/adguard-browser-extension/features) ## Disponibilidad -In this article, you'll learn about the supported browsers and platforms where the extension can be installed. +En este artículo, aprenderás sobre los navegadores y plataformas compatibles donde se puede instalar la extensión. -[Availability](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) +[Disponibilidad](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) -## Installation +## Instalación -The article explains how to install the AdGuard Browser Extension on various supported browsers. +El artículo explica cómo instalar la Extensión de navegador de AdGuard en varios navegadores compatibles. -[Installation](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) +[Instalación](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) ## Compatibilidad con la aplicación independiente -The article explains the compatibility of the AdGuard Browser Extension with the AdGuard desktop apps. +El artículo explica la compatibilidad de la Extensión de navegador AdGuard con las aplicaciones de escritorio de AdGuard. -[Compatibility with the standalone app](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) +[Compatibilidad con la app independiente](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) ## Extensión de navegador AdGuard para Chrome MV3 -This article discusses the AdGuard browser extension for Chrome, which is compatible with the Manifest V3 API, and how it differs from the browser extension based on Manifest V2. +Este artículo discute la extensión de navegador AdGuard para Chrome, que es compatible con la API de Manifest V3, y cómo se diferencia de la extensión del navegador basada en el Manifest V2. -[AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) +[Extensión de navegador de AdGuard para Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) ## Páginas protegidas por el navegador -The article describes how the AdGuard Browser Extension manages protected pages, restricting ad blocking on certain sensitive websites to ensure proper functionality. +El artículo describe cómo la extensión de navegador AdGuard administra páginas protegidas, restringiendo el bloqueo de anuncios en ciertos sitios web sensibles para garantizar la funcionalidad adecuada. -[Browser-protected pages](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) +[Páginas protegidas por el navegador](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) ## Resolución de problemas -This section includes guides addressing known issues and possible solutions. +Esta sección incluye guías que abordan problemas conocidos y posibles soluciones. -[Solving problems](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) +[Resolviendo problemas](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) ## Comparación con aplicaciones independientes -The article highlights the differences in functionality, coverage, and features between the AdGuard extensions and desktop apps. +El artículo destaca las diferencias en funcionalidad, cobertura y características entre las extensiones de AdGuard y las apps de escritorio. -[Comparison to standalone apps](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) +[Comparación con aplicaciones independientes](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md index 6d8648327ce..428143ae4d6 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ Tenemos una extensión independiente para Safari. Desde el lanzamiento de [Safar ::: -**No olvides que la funcionalidad de cada extensión está estrictamente limitada por las capacidades del navegador**. Entonces, si deseas obtener una protección completa, considera instalar un programa independiente para tu computadora. There's [a reason why](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). +**No olvides que la funcionalidad de cada extensión está estrictamente limitada por las capacidades del navegador**. Entonces, si deseas obtener una protección completa, considera instalar un programa independiente para tu computadora. Hay [una razón para ello](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md index dae22dc2d3f..919366eccb2 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Features +title: Funciones sidebar_position: 1 --- @@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ Este artículo trata sobre la extensión del navegador de AdGuard, que protege s ::: -## Main menu +## Menú principal -The article explains the main functions on the pop-up, such as enabling or disabling ad blocking, accessing settings, managing filters, and viewing protection statistics. +El artículo explica las funciones principales en las ventanas emergentes, como habilitar o deshabilitar el bloqueo de anuncios, acceder a la configuración, administrar filtros y ver estadísticas de protección. -[Main menu](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) +[Menú principal](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) ## Filtros -The article describes how AdGuard Browser Extension allows you to customize ad blocking with different filters and custom user rules. +El artículo describe cómo la extensión de navegador AdGuard permite personalizar el bloqueo de anuncios con diferentes filtros y reglas del usuario. -[Filters](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) +[Filtros](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) -## Tracking protection (Stealth Mode) +## Protección de rastreo (Modo sigiloso) -The article explains how this feature enhances privacy by blocking online trackers, hiding user information, and preventing third-party data collection. +El artículo explica cómo esta función mejora la privacidad al bloquear rastreadores en línea, ocultar información del usuario y prevenir la recopilación de datos por terceros. -[Tracking protection (Stealth Mode)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) +[Protección de rastreo (Modo sigiloso)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) ## Otras funciones y opciones -The article describes additional features and information, such as update notifications, filtering log, statistics on blocked ads and trackers, links to privacy documents, and the repository. +El artículo describe funciones e información adicionales, como notificaciones de actualización, registro de filtrado, estadísticas sobre anuncios bloqueados y rastreadores, enlaces a documentos de privacidad y el repositorio. -[Other features and options](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) +[Otras funciones y opciones](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md index 30b25ceda8b..05ed557b395 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Main menu +title: Menú principal sidebar_position: 1 --- diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md index a13058b1b05..3d55cf94955 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Tracking protection (Stealth Mode) +title: Protección de rastreo (Modo sigiloso) sidebar_position: 3 --- diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/installation.md index ba2d66ecff0..3fae145d03b 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/installation.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Installation +title: Instalación sidebar_position: 3 --- diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md index 76e67a5634a..2a8f8a4e30c 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ El número máximo de filtros habilitados simultáneamente es **50**. **Reglas dinámicas:** se impone un límite estricto de **5 000** reglas, que incluye un máximo de 1 000 reglas de expresiones regulares. -If this limit is exceeded, only **5,000 converted rules** will be applied in the following order: first Allowlist, then User rules, Custom filters, and finally — Quick Fixes filter. +Si se supera este límite, sólo se aplicarán **5.000 reglas convertidas** en el siguiente orden: primero Allowlist, luego Reglas del usuario, filtros personalizados y, por último, el filtro Quick Fixes. > **Las reglas convertidas** son reglas que se han transformado > a \[formato DNR] usando el [convertidor declarativo][github-declarative-converter]. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md index 23251b3d6cb..c328b8808b4 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ --- -title: How to debug rules in AdGuard for Chrome MV3 +title: Cómo depurar reglas en AdGuard para Chrome MV3 sidebar_position: 2 --- -In [AdGuard for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version), the Filtering log only shows the approximate rules that were applied, which we call “assumed rules”. This is because the browser doesn’t provide details about which specific declarative rules were used unless the extension is in an “unpacked” format. To get precise information, you’ll need to install the unpacked version of the extension in your browser yourself. +En [AdGuard para Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version), el registro de filtrado solo muestra las reglas aproximadamente aplicadas, las cuales llamamos “reglas supuestas”. Esto se debe a que el navegador no proporciona detalles sobre qué reglas declarativas específicas se utilizaron a menos que la extensión esté en un formato "descomprimido". Para obtener información precisa, deberás instalar la forma “descomprimida” de la extensión en tu navegador. -These instructions are also meant for problematic cases where you want to modify the rules that are bundled with the extension statically. In most cases, using _User rules_ in the extension should be sufficient. +Estas instrucciones también están destinadas a casos problemáticos donde deseas modificar las reglas que están agrupadas con la extensión de forma estática. En la mayoría de los casos, utilizar _Reglas del usuario_ en la extensión debería ser suficiente. -## Prerequisites +## Requisitos previos -1. **Git:** [Install Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) +1. **Git:** [Instalar Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) -2. **Node:** [Install Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager) +2. **Nodo:** [Instalar Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager) -3. **Yarn:** [Install Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install) +3. **Yarn:** [Instalar Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/es/docs/install) -## How to clone extension +## Cómo clonar la extensión -1. Clone the repository: +1. Clona el repositorio: ```bash git clone git@github.com:AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension.git ``` -2. Navigate to the directory: +2. Navegue até o diretório: ```bash cd AdguardBrowserExtension ``` -3. Switch to the `v5.0` branch: +3. Cambia a la branch `v5.0`: ```bash git checkout v5.0 ``` -4. Install dependencies: +4. Instala las dependencias: ```bash yarn install ``` -## How to build extension +## Cómo construir la extensión -1. Switch to the `v5.0` branch: +1. Cambia a la branch `v5.0`: ```bash git checkout v5.0 ``` -2. Run the following command in the terminal: +2. Ejecuta el siguiente comando en la terminal: ```bash yarn dev chrome-mv3 ``` -3. The built extension will be located in the directory: +3. La extensión construida estará ubicada en el directorio: ```bash ./build/dev/chrome-mv3 ``` -## How to install unpacked in the browser +## Cómo instalar la extensión descomprimida en el navegador -1. Turn on developer mode: +1. Activa el modo de desarrollador: - ![Developer mode](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/developer_mode.png) + ![Modo de desarrollador](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/developer_mode.png) -2. Click _Load unpacked_: +2. Haz clic en _Cargar descomprimido_: - ![Load unpacked](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/load_unpacked.png) + ![Cargar deescomprimido](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/load_unpacked.png) -3. Select the extension directory and click `Select`: +3. Selecciona el directorio de la extensión y haz clic en `Seleccionar`: - ![Select](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/select.png) + ![Seleccionar](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/select.png) -That’s it! +¡Eso es todo! -## How to debug rules +## Cómo depurar reglas -1. Find and modify the rule you need in the `./Extension/filters/chromium-mv3` directory in the `.txt` files. +1. Encuentra y modifica la regla que necesitas en el directorio `./Extensión/filtrado/chromium-mv3` en los archivos `.txt`. -2. Convert the rules from txt to declarative form: +2. Convierte las reglas de txt a su forma declarativa: ```bash yarn convert-declarative ``` -3. Build the extension again: +3. Haz el build de la extensión de nuevo: ```bash yarn dev chrome-mv3 ``` -4. Reload the extension in the browser: +4. Recarga la extensión en el navegador: - ![Reload extension](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/reload_extension.png) + ![Recargar la extensión](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/reload_extension.png) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md index b6c8830c661..d030282fb67 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Resolución de problemas sidebar_position: 1 --- -Here are some guides you may need to solve problems with the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Aquí hay algunas guías que puede necesitar para resolver problemas con la extensión de navegador AdGuard. -- [How to export logs from the background page](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) -- [How to debug rules in AdGuard for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) +- [Cómo exportar registros desde la página de fondo](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) +- [Cómo depurar reglas en AdGuard para Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/settings.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/settings.md index 466413ebd7c..985f6a19c93 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/settings.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/settings.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ _Automatización_ te permite administrar AdGuard a través de aplicaciones de ta _Watchdog_ ayuda a proteger AdGuard para que no sea desactivado por el sistema ([leer más sobre el modo de ahorro de batería de Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/)). El valor que ingreses será el intervalo en segundos entre verificaciones del watchdog. -_Nivel de registro_ define qué datos sobre el funcionamiento de la aplicación deben registrarse. De forma predeterminada, la aplicación recopila datos sobre sus eventos. El nivel _Debug_ registra más eventos; habilítalo si el equipo de AdGuard lo solicita para ayudarlos a comprender mejor el problema. [Read more about collecting and sending logs](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/log/) +_Nivel de registro_ define qué datos sobre el funcionamiento de la aplicación deben registrarse. De forma predeterminada, la aplicación recopila datos sobre sus eventos. El nivel _Debug_ registra más eventos; habilítalo si el equipo de AdGuard lo solicita para ayudarlos a comprender mejor el problema. [Más información sobre la recopilación y el envío de registros](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/log/) ![Avanzado \*mobile\_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/vshfnadvanced.png) @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Si activas demasiados filtros, es posible que algunos sitios web funcionen incor ### Userscripts -Userscripts are miniprograms written in JavaScript that extend the functionality of one or more websites. Para instalar scripts de usuario, necesitas un administrador de userscripts especial. AdGuard tiene una funcionalidad de este tipo y te permite añadir usercripts por URL o desde un archivo. +Los scripts de usuario son miniprogramas escritos en JavaScript que amplían la funcionalidad de uno o más sitios web. Para instalar scripts de usuario, necesitas un administrador de userscripts especial. AdGuard tiene una funcionalidad de este tipo y te permite añadir usercripts por URL o desde un archivo. ![Userscripts \*mobile\_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/isv6userscripts.png) @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ En esta sección podrás encontrar información sobre tu licencia y gestionarla: - Compra una licencia de AdGuard para activar [las funciones de la versión completa](/adguard-for-android/features/free-vs-full) - Inicia sesión en tu cuenta AdGuard o ingresa la clave de licencia para activar tu licencia - Regístrate para activar tu período de prueba de 7 días si aún no lo has usado -- Refresh the license status from the three-dots menu (⋮) +- Actualiza el estado de la licencia desde el menú de tres puntos (⋮) - Abre la cuenta AdGuard para administrar tu licencia allí - Restablece tu licencia. Por ejemplo, si has alcanzado el límite de dispositivos para esta licencia y deseas aplicar otra diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md index b3db1ca5903..7b824ec8d59 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Installation +title: Instalación sidebar_position: 2 --- @@ -11,64 +11,64 @@ Este artículo trata sobre AdGuard para Android, un bloqueador de anuncios multi ## Requisitos del sistema -**OS version:** Android 7.0 or higher +**Versión del sistema operativo:** Android 7.0 o superior **RAM:** por lo menos 2 GB -**Free disk space:** 500 MB +**Espacio libre en disco:** 500 MB -## Installation +## Instalación -Most Android-based apps are distributed via Google Play; however, AdGuard is not presented there, because Google prohibits distribution of network-level ad blockers via Google Play, i.e. apps that block commercials in other apps. You will find more information about Google restrictive policy [in our blog](https://adguard.com/blog/adguard-google-play-removal.html). +La mayoría de las apps basadas en Android se distribuyen a través de Google Play; sin embargo, AdGuard no está presente allí, porque Google prohíbe la distribución de bloqueadores de anuncios a nivel de red a través de Google Play, es decir, apps que bloquean comerciales en otras apps. Encontrarás más información sobre la política restrictiva de Google [en nuestro blog](https://adguard.com/blog/adguard-google-play-removal.html). -That’s why you can only install AdGuard for Android manually. To use the app on your mobile device, you will need to do the following. +Por ello, solo puedes instalar AdGuard para Android manualmente. Para usar la app en tu dispositivo móvil, necesitarás hacer lo siguiente: -1. **Download the app on your device**. Here are a few ways you can do this: +1. **Descargar la app en tu dispositivo**. A continuación se muestran algunas formas de hacerlo: - - head over to [our website](https://adguard.com/adguard-android/overview.html) and tap the *Download* button - - start the browser and type in the following URL: [https://adguard.com/apk](https://adguard.com/apk) - - or scan this QR code: + - dirígete a [nuestro sitio web](https://adguard.com/adguard-android/overview.html) y toca el botón *Descargar* + - inicia el navegador y escribe la siguiente URL: [https://adguard.com/apk](https://adguard.com/apk) + - o escanea este código QR: - ![QR code *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst-qr-en-1.png) + ![Código QR *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst-qr-en-1.png) -1. **Allow installing apps from unknown sources**. Once the file download is complete, tap *Open* in the notification. +1. **Permitir la instalación de apps de fuentes desconocidas**. Una vez que la descarga del archivo esté completa, toca *Abrir* en la notificación. - ![Installing apps from unknown sources *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_1.png) + ![Instalando apps de fuentes desconocidas *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_1.png) - A popup will appear. Tap *Settings*, navigate to *Install unknown apps*, and grant permission for the browser you've used to download the file. + Aparecerá una ventana emergente. Toca *Configuración*, navega a *Instalar aplicaciones desconocidas*, y da el permiso para el navegador que has utilizado para descargar el archivo. - ![Installing apps from unknown sources *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_3.png) + ![Instalando apps de fuentes desconocidas *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_3.png) -1. **Install the app**. Once the browser has obtained the necessary permissions, the system will ask you if you want to install the AdGuard app. Tap *Install*. +1. **Instala la aplicación**. Una vez que el navegador haya obtenido los permisos necesarios, el sistema te preguntará si deseas instalar la app. Pulsa *Instalar*. - ![Installing apps from unknown sources *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) + ![Instalando apps de fuentes desconocidas *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) - You will then be asked to read AdGuard's *License agreement* and *Privacy policy*. You can also participate in product development. To do this, check the boxes for *Send crash reports automatically* and *Send technical and interaction data*. Then tap *Continue*. + A continuación, se te pedirá que leas el *Acuerdo de licencia* y la *Política de privacidad* de AdGuard. También puedes participar en el desarrollo del producto. Para ello, marca las casillas de *Enviar informes de error automáticamente* y *Enviar datos técnicos e interacción*. Luego haz clic en *Continuar*. - ![Privacy policy *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_3.png) + ![Política de privacidad *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_3.png) -1. **Create a local VPN**. In order to filter all traffic directly on your device and not route it through a remote server, AdGuard needs to establish a VPN connection. +1. **Crea una VPN local**. Para filtrar todo el tráfico directamente en tu dispositivo y no dirigirlo a través de un servidor remoto, AdGuard necesita establecer una conexión VPN. - ![Create a local VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_2.png) + ![Crear una VPN local *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_2.png) -1. **Enable HTTPS filtering**. It is not a mandatory option, however, we advice to turn it on for the best ad-blocking quality. +1. **Habilita el filtrado HTTPS**. No es una opción obligatoria; sin embargo, recomendamos activarla para obtener la mejor calidad de bloqueo de anuncios. - If your device is running Android 7–9, you'll be prompted to install a root certificate and configure HTTPS filtering after the local VPN setup. + Si tu dispositivo está ejecutando Android 7–9, se te pedirá que instales un certificado y configures el filtrado HTTPS después de la configuración local de la VPN. - ![Enable HTTPS filtering on Android 7-9 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_1.jpg) + ![Habilitar el filtrado HTTPS en Android 7-9 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_1.jpg) - After you tap *Install now*, a prompt will appear asking you to authenticate the certificate installation with a password or fingerprint. + Después de que toques *Instalar ahora*, aparecerá un aviso solicitándote que autentiques la instalación del certificado con una contraseña o huella digital. - ![Enable HTTPS filtering on Android 7-9. Step 2 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_2.jpg) + ![Habilita el filtrado HTTPS en Android 7-9. Paso 2 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_2.jpg) - If you have Android 10+ on your device, then after creating a local VPN, you will see the main app screen with a snack bar at the bottom with a suggestion to enable HTTPS filtering: tap *Enable* and follow the instructions on the next screen or check [the article about certificate installation](solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) for more information. + Si tienes Android 10+ en tu dispositivo, después de crear una VPN local, verás la pantalla principal de la app con un snack bar en la parte inferior con una sugerencia para habilitar el filtrado HTTPS: toca *Habilitar* y sigue las instrucciones en la pantalla siguiente o consulta [el artículo sobre la instalación del certificado](solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) para más información. - ![Enable HTTPS filtering *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_5.png) + ![Habilita el filtrado HTTPS *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_5.png) -## Uninstalling/Reinstalling AdGuard +## Desinstalando/Reinstalando AdGuard -If you need to uninstall AdGuard on your mobile device, open *Settings* and choose *Apps* (Android 7) or *Apps & notifications* (Android 8+). Find AdGuard in the list of installed apps and press *Uninstall*. +Si necesitas desinstalar AdGuard en tu dispositivo móvil, abre *Configuración* y elige *Apps* (Android 7) o *Apps & notificaciones* (Android 8+). Encuentra AdGuard en la lista de apps instaladas y presiona *Desinstalar*. -![Reinstall AdGuard *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) +![Reinstalar AdGuard *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) -To reinstall AdGuard, just download the apk file again and follow the steps outlined in the Installation section. Uninstallation is not required beforehand. +Para reinstalar AdGuard, solo descarga el archivo apk nuevamente y sigue los pasos descritos en la sección de instalación. La desinstalación no es necesaria de antemano. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md index cf43ad7736c..ee8a6f4d662 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md @@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ Este artículo trata sobre AdGuard para Android, un bloqueador de anuncios multi Here are some problems you may encounter and workarounds, guides, and instructions you may need. - [Battery and traffic consumption issues](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/battery.md) -- [How to collect debug logs](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/log.md) -- [How to automate AdGuard for Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/tasker.md) -- [How to get system logs](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/logcat.md) -- [How to generate HAR files](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/har.md) -- [Low-level settings guide](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md) -- [How to block ads in the YouTube app](adguard-for-android/solving-problems/youtube-ads.md) -- [How to set up outbound proxy](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md) -- [How to protect AdGuard from being disabled by the system](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md) -- [Problems caused by multiple user profiles](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/multiple-user-profiles.md) -- [Manual installation of the security certificate into the Firefox browser](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/firefox-certificates.md) -- [Certificate installation on devices with Android 11+](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) -- [Certificate installation in a Secure folder](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/secure-folder.md) -- [Moving the CA certificate to the system store on rooted devices](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md) -- [Known compatibility issues with Android apps](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/compatibility-issues.md) -- [How to install AdGuard for Android TV](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/adguard-for-android-tv.md) -- [How to use Samsung Pay with AdGuard in South Korea](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea.md) -- [Problems caused by extending restricted settings](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md) +- [Cómo recoger registros de depuración](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/log.md) +- [Cómo automatizar AdGuard para Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/tasker.md) +- [Cómo obtener registros del sistema](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/logcat.md) +- [Cómo generar archivos HAR](/adguard-para-android/solucion-de-problemas/har.md) +- [Guía de configuración de bajo nivel](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md) +- [Cómo bloquear anuncios en la app de YouTube](adguard-for-android/solving-problems/youtube-ads.md) +- [Cómo configurar un proxy saliente](/adguard-para-android/solucion-de-problemas/proxy-saliente.md) +- [Cómo proteger AdGuard de ser deshabilitado por el sistema](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md) +- [Problemas causados por múltiples perfiles de usuario](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/multiple-user-profiles.md) +- [Instalación manual del certificado de seguridad en el navegador Firefox](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/firefox-certificates.md) +- [Instalación del certificado en dispositivos con Android 11+](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) +- [Instalación de certificado en una carpeta segura](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/secure-folder.md) +- [Cómo mover el certificado CA al almacén del sistema en dispositivos rooteados](/adguard-para-android/solucion-de-problemas/https-certificate-for-rooted.md) +- [Problemas de compatibilidad conocidos con aplicaciones de Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/compatibility-issues.md) +- [Cómo instalar AdGuard para Android TV](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/adguard-for-android-tv.md) +- [Cómo usar Samsung Pay con AdGuard en Corea del Sur](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea.md) +- [Problemas causados por extender la configuración restringida](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/features.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/features.md index 424c397843d..581f4f2721e 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/features.md @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Here you can find the DNS protection settings: available providers, filters, Blo [DNS](/adguard-for-mac/features/dns.md) -## Modo sigiloso +## Modo Stealth [Stealth Mode](/adguard-for-mac/features/stealth.md) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/stealth.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/stealth.md index a20e0d6429e..7d0da5d9efe 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/stealth.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-mac/features/stealth.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Modo sigiloso +title: Modo Stealth sidebar_position: 6 --- diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-windows/features/settings.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-windows/features/settings.md index b0849aa3ec4..858681b9d12 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-windows/features/settings.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-windows/features/settings.md @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ En el módulo Bloqueador de anuncios, podrás: Antes de empezar a escribir manualmente tus propias reglas, lee nuestra detallada [guía de sintaxis](/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters). -### Modo sigiloso +### Modo Stealth Muchos sitios web recopilan información sobre sus visitantes, como sus direcciones IP, información sobre el navegador y el sistema operativo instalado, la resolución de la pantalla e incluso desde qué página llegó o fue redirigido el usuario. Algunas páginas web utilizan cookies para marcar el navegador y guardar tu configuración personal, preferencias de usuario o "reconocerte" en tu próxima visita. El modo oculto protege tu información personal de dichos sistemas de recopilación de datos y estadísticas. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md index fef6c26a1b8..869d861c7ae 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md @@ -5,54 +5,54 @@ sidebar_position: 1 :::info -Cet article concerne l'extension de navigateur AdGuard, qui protège uniquement votre navigateur. To protect your entire device, [download the AdGuard app](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) +Cet article concerne l'extension de navigateur AdGuard, qui protège uniquement votre navigateur. Pour protéger votre appareil entier, [téléchargez l'application AdGuard](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) ::: -## Features +## Fonctionnalités -Here are outlined the main features and settings available in the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Voici les principales fonctionnalités et réglages disponibles dans l'extension de navigateur AdGuard. -[Features](/adguard-browser-extension/features) +[Fonctionnalités](/adguard-browser-extension/features) ## Disponibilité -In this article, you'll learn about the supported browsers and platforms where the extension can be installed. +Dans cet article, vous découvrirez les navigateurs et plateformes compatibles où l'extension peut être installée. -[Availability](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) +[Disponibilité](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) ## Installation -The article explains how to install the AdGuard Browser Extension on various supported browsers. +L'article explique la compatibilité de l'extension de navigateur AdGuard avec les applications AdGuard pour ordinateur. [Installation](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) ## Compatibilité avec l'application autonome -The article explains the compatibility of the AdGuard Browser Extension with the AdGuard desktop apps. +L'article explique comment installer l'extension de navigateur AdGuard sur les différents navigateurs compatibles. -[Compatibility with the standalone app](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) +[Compatibilité avec l'application autonome](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) -## Extension AdGuard pour Chrome MV3 +## Extension de navigateur AdGuard pour Chrome MV3 -This article discusses the AdGuard browser extension for Chrome, which is compatible with the Manifest V3 API, and how it differs from the browser extension based on Manifest V2. +Cet article discute de l'extension de navigateur AdGuard pour Chrome, compatible avec l'API Manifest V3, et des différences avec l'extension basée sur Manifest V2. -[AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) +[Extension de navigateur AdGuard pour Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) ## Pages protégées par le navigateur -The article describes how the AdGuard Browser Extension manages protected pages, restricting ad blocking on certain sensitive websites to ensure proper functionality. +L'article décrit comment l'extension de navigateur AdGuard gère les pages protégées, en restreignant le blocage des publicités sur certains sites sensibles pour garantir leur bon fonctionnement. -[Browser-protected pages](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) +[Pages protégées par le navigateur](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) -## Résoudre les problèmes +## Résolution des problèmes -This section includes guides addressing known issues and possible solutions. +Cette section comprend des guides traitant des problèmes connus et des solutions possibles. -[Solving problems](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) +[Résolution des problèmes](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) ## Comparaison avec les applications autonomes -The article highlights the differences in functionality, coverage, and features between the AdGuard extensions and desktop apps. +L'article met en avant les différences de fonctionnalités, de couverture et d'options entre les extensions AdGuard et les applications pour ordinateur. -[Comparison to standalone apps](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) +[Comparaison avec les applications autonomes](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md index 744bbf8a003..9e929dcaaab 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ Nous avons une extension autonome pour Safari. Depuis la sortie de [Safari 13] ( ::: -**N'oubliez pas que la fonctionnalité de chaque extension est strictement limitée par les capacités du navigateur.** Donc, si vous souhaitez une protection complète, envisagez d'installer un programme autonome sur votre ordinateur. There's [a reason why](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). +**N'oubliez pas que la fonctionnalité de chaque extension est strictement limitée par les capacités du navigateur.** Donc, si vous souhaitez une protection complète, envisagez d'installer un programme autonome sur votre ordinateur. Il y a [une raison à cela](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md index 1ad36da3612..fd132ec5af3 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Features +title: Fonctionnalités sidebar_position: 1 --- @@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ Cet article concerne l'extension de navigateur AdGuard, qui protège uniquement ## Menu principal -The article explains the main functions on the pop-up, such as enabling or disabling ad blocking, accessing settings, managing filters, and viewing protection statistics. +L'article explique les fonctions principales du menu contextuel, telles que l'activation ou la désactivation du blocage des publicités, l'accès aux paramètres, la gestion des filtres et la visualisation des statistiques de protection. -[Main menu](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) +[Menu principal](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) ## Filtres -The article describes how AdGuard Browser Extension allows you to customize ad blocking with different filters and custom user rules. +L'article décrit comment l'extension de navigateur AdGuard vous permet de personnaliser le blocage des publicités avec des filtres différents et des règles utilisateur personnalisées. -[Filters](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) +[Filtres](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) ## Protection contre le suivi (Mode furtif) -The article explains how this feature enhances privacy by blocking online trackers, hiding user information, and preventing third-party data collection. +L'article explique comment cette fonctionnalité renforce la confidentialité en bloquant les traqueurs en ligne, en masquant les informations de l'utilisateur et en empêchant la collecte de données par des tiers. -[Tracking protection (Stealth Mode)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) +[Protection contre le suivi (Mode furtif)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) ## Autres fonctionnalités et options -The article describes additional features and information, such as update notifications, filtering log, statistics on blocked ads and trackers, links to privacy documents, and the repository. +L'article décrit des fonctionnalités et options supplémentaires, telles que les notifications de mise à jour, le journal de filtrage, les statistiques sur les publicités et traqueurs bloqués, ainsi que les liens vers les documents de confidentialité et le dépôt. -[Other features and options](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) +[Autres fonctionnalités et options](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md index 868f8f8b49e..40faa41aab5 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Le nombre maximum de filtres activés simultanément est de **50**. Les **Règles dynamiques :** un plafond strict de **5 000** règles est imposé, ce qui inclut un maximum de 1 000 règles d'expression régulière. -If this limit is exceeded, only **5,000 converted rules** will be applied in the following order: first Allowlist, then User rules, Custom filters, and finally — Quick Fixes filter. +Si cette limite est dépassée, seules **5 000 règles converties** seront appliquées dans l'ordre suivant : d'abord à la Liste autorisée, puis aux Règles utilisateur, aux Filtres personnalisés et enfin — au filtre Quick Fixes des corrections rapides. > **Les règles converties** sont des règles qui ont été transformées > au \[format DNR] à l'aide du [convertisseur déclaratif][github-declarative-converter]. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md index 118d93cb84f..d36833f6977 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Résoudre les problèmes sidebar_position: 1 --- -Here are some guides you may need to solve problems with the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Voici quelques guides qui pourraient vous aider à résoudre des problèmes avec l'extension de navigateur AdGuard. -- [How to export logs from the background page](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) -- [How to debug rules in AdGuard for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) +- [Comment exporter les journaux depuis la page d'arrière-plan](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) +- [Comment déboguer les règles dans AdGuard pour Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md index 5b8517d3afe..36314ccf338 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md @@ -5,54 +5,54 @@ sidebar_position: 1 :::info -Questo articolo riguarda l'Estensione di browser AdGuard, che protegge solo il tuo browser. To protect your entire device, [download the AdGuard app](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) +Questo articolo riguarda l'Estensione di browser AdGuard, che protegge solo il tuo browser. Per proteggere l'intero dispositivo, [scarica l'app AdGuard](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) ::: -## Features +## Funzionalità -Here are outlined the main features and settings available in the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Qui sono delineate le principali caratteristiche e impostazioni disponibili nell'Estensione di browser AdGuard. -[Features](/adguard-browser-extension/features) +[Funzionalità](/adguard-browser-extension/features) ## Disponibilità -In this article, you'll learn about the supported browsers and platforms where the extension can be installed. +In questo articolo, imparerai sui browser e le piattaforme supportati dove l'estensione può essere installata. -[Availability](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) +[Disponibilità](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) ## Installazione -The article explains how to install the AdGuard Browser Extension on various supported browsers. +L'articolo spiega come installare l'Estensione di browser AdGuard su vari browser supportati. -[Installation](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) +[Installazione](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) ## Compatibilità con l'app autonoma -The article explains the compatibility of the AdGuard Browser Extension with the AdGuard desktop apps. +L'articolo spiega la compatibilità dell'Estensione di browser AdGuard con le app desktop AdGuard. -[Compatibility with the standalone app](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) +[Compatibilità con l'app autonoma](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) ## Estensione AdGuard Browser per Chrome MV3 -This article discusses the AdGuard browser extension for Chrome, which is compatible with the Manifest V3 API, and how it differs from the browser extension based on Manifest V2. +Questo articolo discute dell'Estensione di browser AdGuard per Chrome, che è compatibile con l'API del Manifest V3, e di come differisca dall'estensione del browser basata sul Manifest V2. -[AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) +[Estensione di browser AdGuard per Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) ## Pagine protette dal browser -The article describes how the AdGuard Browser Extension manages protected pages, restricting ad blocking on certain sensitive websites to ensure proper functionality. +L'articolo descrive come l'Estensione di browser AdGuard gestisce le pagine protette, limitando il blocco degli annunci su determinati siti web sensibili per garantirne il corretto funzionamento. -[Browser-protected pages](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) +[Pagine protette dal browser](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) ## Risoluzione problemi -This section includes guides addressing known issues and possible solutions. +Questa sezione include guide che affrontano problemi noti e possibili soluzioni. -[Solving problems](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) +[Risoluzione dei problemi](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) ## Comparazione con le app autonome -The article highlights the differences in functionality, coverage, and features between the AdGuard extensions and desktop apps. +L'articolo evidenzia le differenze in funzionalità, copertura e caratteristiche tra le estensioni di AdGuard e le app desktop. -[Comparison to standalone apps](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) +[Confronto con le app autonome](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md index c33ccc89f64..fa9ad3a6dad 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ Per Safari, abbiamo un'estensione indipendente. Dal rilascio di [Safari 13](http ::: -**Non dimenticare che la funzionalità di ogni estensione è rigorosamente limitata dalle capacità del browser**. Quindi, se desideri ottenere una protezione completa, considera d'installare un programma indipendente per il tuo computer. There's [a reason why](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). +**Non dimenticare che la funzionalità di ogni estensione è rigorosamente limitata dalle capacità del browser**. Quindi, se desideri ottenere una protezione completa, considera d'installare un programma indipendente per il tuo computer. C'è [un motivo per cui](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md index 4c2186df3fd..3917bd0deca 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Features +title: Funzionalità sidebar_position: 1 --- @@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ Questo articolo riguarda l'Estensione di browser AdGuard, che protegge solo il t ::: -## Main menu +## Menu principale -The article explains the main functions on the pop-up, such as enabling or disabling ad blocking, accessing settings, managing filters, and viewing protection statistics. +L'articolo spiega le principali funzioni del popup, come abilitare o disabilitare il blocco degli annunci, accedere alle impostazioni, gestire i filtri e visualizzare le statistiche di protezione. -[Main menu](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) +[Menu prinicpale](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) ## Filtri -The article describes how AdGuard Browser Extension allows you to customize ad blocking with different filters and custom user rules. +L'articolo descrive come l'Estensione di browser AdGuard consente di personalizzare il blocco degli annunci con diversi filtri e regole utente personalizzate. -[Filters](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) +[Filtri](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) -## Tracking protection (Stealth Mode) +## Protezione dal tracciamento (Modalità Invisibile) -The article explains how this feature enhances privacy by blocking online trackers, hiding user information, and preventing third-party data collection. +L'articolo spiega come questa funzione migliora la privacy bloccando i tracker online, nascondendo le informazioni dell'utente e impedendo la raccolta di dati da parte di terze parti. -[Tracking protection (Stealth Mode)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) +[Protezione dal Tracciamento (Modalità Invisibile)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) ## Altre funzionalità e opzioni -The article describes additional features and information, such as update notifications, filtering log, statistics on blocked ads and trackers, links to privacy documents, and the repository. +L'articolo descrive ulteriori funzionalità e informazioni, come le notifiche di aggiornamento, il registro dei filtri, le statistiche sugli annunci e i tracker bloccati, i link ai documenti sulla privacy e il repository. -[Other features and options](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) +[Altre funzionalità e opzioni(/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md index d99cf93a2ff..7fcf8f83e04 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Main menu +title: Menu principale sidebar_position: 1 --- diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md index 399e9662149..b580357f159 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Tracking protection (Stealth Mode) +title: Protezione dal tracciamento (Modalità Invisibile) sidebar_position: 3 --- diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md index 8662c7fa73d..9da866dde88 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Il numero massimo di filtri abilitati contemporaneamente è **50**. **Regole dinamiche:** è imposto un limite massimo di **5.000** regole, che include un massimo di 1.000 regole regex. -If this limit is exceeded, only **5,000 converted rules** will be applied in the following order: first Allowlist, then User rules, Custom filters, and finally — Quick Fixes filter. +Se questo limite viene superato, verranno applicate solo **5.000 regole convertite** nel seguente ordine: prima la Lista consentita, poi le Regole utente, i Filtri personalizzati e infine — il Filtro Quick Fixes delle correzioni rapide. > Le **regole convertite** sono regole che sono state trasformate > in \[formato DNR] utilizzando il [convertitore dichiarativo][github-declarative-converter]. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md index cfa11e1b2dc..d5f620a975c 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Risoluzione problemi sidebar_position: 1 --- -Here are some guides you may need to solve problems with the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Ecco alcune guide che potrebbero esserti utili per risolvere i problemi con l'Estensione di browser AdGuard. -- [How to export logs from the background page](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) -- [How to debug rules in AdGuard for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) +- [Come esportare i registri dalla pagina in background](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) +- [Come eseguire il debug delle regole in AdGuard per Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md index bd5a8a9d401..44745dba324 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/adguard-browser-extension.md @@ -5,54 +5,54 @@ sidebar_position: 1 :::info -Este artigo é sobre a extensão de navegador AdGuard, que protege apenas o seu navegador. To protect your entire device, [download the AdGuard app](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) +Este artigo é sobre a extensão de navegador AdGuard, que protege apenas o seu navegador. Para proteger todo o seu dispositivo, [baixe o aplicativo AdGuard](https://adguard.com/download.html?auto=true) ::: -## Features +## Recursos -Here are outlined the main features and settings available in the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Aqui estão expostos os principais recursos e configurações disponíveis na Extensão de navegador AdGuard. -[Features](/adguard-browser-extension/features) +[Recursos](/adguard-browser-extension/features) ## Disponibilidade -In this article, you'll learn about the supported browsers and platforms where the extension can be installed. +Neste artigo, você aprenderá sobre os navegadores e plataformas compatíveis onde a extensão pode ser instalada. -[Availability](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) +[Disponibilidade](/adguard-browser-extension/availability) ## Instalação -The article explains how to install the AdGuard Browser Extension on various supported browsers. +O artigo explica como instalar a Extensão do AdGuard para navegador em vários navegadores compatíveis. -[Installation](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) +[Instalação](/adguard-browser-extension/installation) ## Compatibilidade com o aplicativo independente -The article explains the compatibility of the AdGuard Browser Extension with the AdGuard desktop apps. +O artigo explica a compatibilidade da extensão de navegador AdGuard com os aplicativos do AdGuard para computador. -[Compatibility with the standalone app](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) +[Compatibilidade com o aplicativo independente](/adguard-browser-extension/compatibility) ## Extensão de navegador AdGuard para Chrome MV3 -This article discusses the AdGuard browser extension for Chrome, which is compatible with the Manifest V3 API, and how it differs from the browser extension based on Manifest V2. +Este artigo discute a extensão do navegador AdGuard para Chrome, que é compatível com a API Manifest V3, e como ela difere da extensão do navegador baseada no Manifest V2. -[AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) +[Extensão de navegador AdGuard para Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version/) ## Páginas protegidas pelo navegador -The article describes how the AdGuard Browser Extension manages protected pages, restricting ad blocking on certain sensitive websites to ensure proper functionality. +O artigo descreve como a extensão do navegador AdGuard gerencia páginas protegidas, restringindo o bloqueio de anúncios em determinados sites confidenciais para garantir a funcionalidade adequada. -[Browser-protected pages](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) +[Páginas protegidas pelo navegador](/adguard-browser-extension/protected-pages) ## Resolvendo problemas -This section includes guides addressing known issues and possible solutions. +Esta seção inclui guias que abordam problemas conhecidos e possíveis soluções. -[Solving problems](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) +[Resolvendo problemas](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems) ## Comparação com apps para desktop -The article highlights the differences in functionality, coverage, and features between the AdGuard extensions and desktop apps. +O artigo destaca as diferenças em funcionalidade, cobertura e recursos entre as extensões do AdGuard e os aplicativos de computador. -[Comparison to standalone apps](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) +[Comparação com aplicativos independentes](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md index db7d9c17f1e..fd7f1ed7b2f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/availability.md @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ Temos uma extensão independente para Safari. Desde o lançamento do [Safari 13] ::: -**Não esqueça que a funcionalidade de cada extensão é estritamente limitada pelas capacidades do navegador.** Então, se você deseja uma proteção completa, considere instalar a versão de desktop para seu computador. There's [a reason why](/adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone). +**Não esqueça que a funcionalidade de cada extensão é estritamente limitada pelas capacidades do navegador.** Então, se você deseja uma proteção completa, considere instalar a versão de desktop para seu computador. Existe um [motivo](adguard-browser-extension/comparison-standalone) para isso. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md index 3f788c5f805..c0b1a3a6941 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/features.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Features +title: Recursos sidebar_position: 1 --- @@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ Este artigo é sobre a extensão de navegador AdGuard, que protege apenas o seu ::: -## Main menu +## Menu principal -The article explains the main functions on the pop-up, such as enabling or disabling ad blocking, accessing settings, managing filters, and viewing protection statistics. +O artigo explica as principais funções do "pop-up", como ativar ou desativar o bloqueio de anúncios, acessar as configurações, gerenciar filtros e visualizar as estatísticas de proteção. -[Main menu](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) +[Menu principal](/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md) ## Filtros -The article describes how AdGuard Browser Extension allows you to customize ad blocking with different filters and custom user rules. -[Filters](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) -## Tracking protection (Stealth Mode) +[Filtros](/adguard-browser-extension/features/filters.md) -The article explains how this feature enhances privacy by blocking online trackers, hiding user information, and preventing third-party data collection. +## Proteção contra rastreamento (Modo invisível) -[Tracking protection (Stealth Mode)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) +O artigo explica como esse recurso melhora a privacidade ao bloquear rastreadores online, ocultar informações do usuário e prevenir a coleta de dados por terceiros. + +[Proteção contra rastreamento (Modo invisível)](/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md) ## Outros recursos e opções -The article describes additional features and information, such as update notifications, filtering log, statistics on blocked ads and trackers, links to privacy documents, and the repository. +O artigo descreve recursos e informações adicionais, como notificações de atualização, registro de filtragem, estatísticas de anúncios e rastreadores bloqueados, links para documentos de privacidade e o repositório. -[Other features and options](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) +[Outros recursos e opções](/adguard-browser-extension/features/other-features.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md index 62a10816e75..dad0b7a7fc7 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/main-menu.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Main menu +title: Menu principal sidebar_position: 1 --- diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md index 9ca8f4f7e7d..7493799af82 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/features/stealth-mode.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Tracking protection (Stealth Mode) +title: Proteção contra rastreamento (Modo invisível) sidebar_position: 3 --- diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md index 7188a512d08..7a87d7572f3 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version.md @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ O número máximo de filtros ativados simultaneamente é **50**. **Regras dinâmicas:** é imposto um limite estrito de **5.000** regras, que inclui um máximo de 1.000 regras regex. -If this limit is exceeded, only **5,000 converted rules** will be applied in the following order: first Allowlist, then User rules, Custom filters, and finally — Quick Fixes filter. +Se esse limite for excedido, apenas **5.000 regras convertidas** serão aplicadas na seguinte ordem: primeiro a lista de permissões, depois as Regras de usuário, filtros personalizados e, finalmente, o filtro Quick Fixes. > **Regras convertidas** são regras que foram transformadas > para o \[formato DNR] usando o [conversor declarativo][github-declarative-converter]. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md index 23251b3d6cb..9f6950ec262 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ --- -title: How to debug rules in AdGuard for Chrome MV3 +title: Como depurar regras no AdGuard para o Chrome MV3 sidebar_position: 2 --- -In [AdGuard for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version), the Filtering log only shows the approximate rules that were applied, which we call “assumed rules”. This is because the browser doesn’t provide details about which specific declarative rules were used unless the extension is in an “unpacked” format. To get precise information, you’ll need to install the unpacked version of the extension in your browser yourself. +No [AdGuard para Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/mv3-version), o log de filtragem mostra apenas as regras aproximadas que foram aplicadas, as quais chamamos de “regras assumidas”. Isso ocorre porque o navegador não fornece detalhes sobre quais regras declarativas específicas foram usadas, a menos que a extensão esteja em um formato "descompactado". Para obter informações precisas, você precisará instalar o formato “descompactado” da extensão no seu navegador. -These instructions are also meant for problematic cases where you want to modify the rules that are bundled with the extension statically. In most cases, using _User rules_ in the extension should be sufficient. +Estas instruções também são destinadas a casos problemáticos em que você deseja modificar as regras incluídas na extensão de forma estática. Na maioria dos casos, usar _Regras de usuário_ na extensão deve ser suficiente. -## Prerequisites +## Pré-requisitos -1. **Git:** [Install Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) +1. **Git:** [Instalar Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) -2. **Node:** [Install Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager) +2. **Node:** [Instalar Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager) -3. **Yarn:** [Install Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install) +3. **Yarn:** [Instalar Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install) -## How to clone extension +## Como clonar a extensão -1. Clone the repository: +1. Clone o repositório: ```bash git clone git@github.com:AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension.git ``` -2. Navigate to the directory: +2. Navegue até o diretório: ```bash cd AdguardBrowserExtension ``` -3. Switch to the `v5.0` branch: +3. Mude para a branch `v5.0`: ```bash git checkout v5.0 ``` -4. Install dependencies: +4. Instale as dependências: ```bash yarn install ``` -## How to build extension +## Como construir a extensão -1. Switch to the `v5.0` branch: +1. Mude para a branch `v5.0`: ```bash git checkout v5.0 ``` -2. Run the following command in the terminal: +2. Execute o seguinte comando no terminal: ```bash - yarn dev chrome-mv3 + # yarn dev chrome-mv3 ``` -3. The built extension will be located in the directory: +3. A extensão construída estará localizada no diretório: ```bash ./build/dev/chrome-mv3 ``` -## How to install unpacked in the browser +## Como instalar o unpacked no navegador -1. Turn on developer mode: +1. Ative o modo de desenvolvedor: - ![Developer mode](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/developer_mode.png) + ![Modo de desenvolvedor](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/developer_mode.png) -2. Click _Load unpacked_: +2. Clique em _Carregar unpacked_: ![Load unpacked](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/load_unpacked.png) -3. Select the extension directory and click `Select`: +3. Selecione o diretório da extensão e clique em `Selecionar`: ![Select](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/select.png) -That’s it! +Tudo pronto! -## How to debug rules +## Como depurar regras -1. Find and modify the rule you need in the `./Extension/filters/chromium-mv3` directory in the `.txt` files. +1. Encontre e modifique a regra que você precisa no diretório `./Extension/filters/chromium-mv3`, nos arquivos `.txt`. -2. Convert the rules from txt to declarative form: +2. Converta as regras de txt para a forma declarativa: ```bash yarn convert-declarative ``` -3. Build the extension again: +3. Faça o build da extensão novamente: ```bash - yarn dev chrome-mv3 + # yarn dev chrome-mv3 ``` -4. Reload the extension in the browser: +4. Recarregue a extensão no navegador: - ![Reload extension](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/reload_extension.png) + ![Recarregar extensão](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/reload_extension.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md index e2489331802..a7a305c9f1e 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/solving-problems.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Resolvendo problemas sidebar_position: 1 --- -Here are some guides you may need to solve problems with the AdGuard Browser Extension. +Aqui estão alguns guias que você pode precisar para resolver problemas com a extensão de navegador AdGuard. -- [How to export logs from the background page](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) -- [How to debug rules in AdGuard for Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) +- [Como exportar registros da página de segundo plano](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md) +- [Como depurar regras no AdGuard para Chrome MV3](/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/debug-rules.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/adguard-for-android.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/adguard-for-android.md index 819c511c515..f861a19c6ee 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/adguard-for-android.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/adguard-for-android.md @@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ Este artigo é sobre o AdGuard para Android, um bloqueador de anúncios multifun ::: -## Features +## Recursos -Here are outlined the main features and settings available in AdGuard for Android. +Aqui estão os principais recursos e configurações disponíveis no AdGuard para Android. -[Features](/adguard-for-android/features/features.md) +[Recursos](/adguard-for-android/features/features.md) ## Instalação -Here, you’ll find the system requirements along with instructions on how to install and uninstall AdGuard for Android. +Aqui, você encontrará os requisitos do sistema, juntamente com instruções sobre como instalar e desinstalar o AdGuard para Android. -[Installation](/adguard-for-android/installation.md) +[Instalação](/adguard-for-android/installation.md) ## Resolvendo problemas -This section includes various articles addressing known issues and possible solutions. +Esta seção inclui vários artigos que abordam problemas conhecidos e possíveis soluções. -[Solving problems](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md) +[Resolvendo problemas](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/app-management.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/app-management.md index 6adc04f6053..08d187868ec 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/app-management.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/app-management.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ No menu de contexto, você também pode acessar as estatísticas do aplicativo. ### Aplicativos “sem problemas” e “problemáticos” -Most apps work correctly when filtered. Para esses aplicativos, o tráfego é roteado pelo AdGuard e filtrado por padrão. +A maioria dos aplicativos funciona corretamente quando a filtragem está ativada. Para esses aplicativos, o tráfego é roteado pelo AdGuard e filtrado por padrão. Alguns aplicativos, como Download Manager, rádio, aplicativos de sistema com UID 1000 e 1001 (por exemplo, Google Play Services), são “problemáticos” e podem funcionar incorretamente quando roteados pelo AdGuard. É por isso que você poderá ver o seguinte aviso ao tentar rotear ou filtrar todos os aplicativos: diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/features.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/features.md index 4f932a2f112..4c79c79e122 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/features.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Features +title: Recursos sidebar_position: 1 --- @@ -11,48 +11,48 @@ Este artigo é sobre o AdGuard para Android, um bloqueador de anúncios multifun ## Proteção -Info on modules in the Protection tab: Ad blocking, Tracking protection, Annoyance blocking, DNS protection, Firewall, and Browsing security. +Informações sobre módulos na aba de proteção: Bloqueio de anúncios, Proteção contra rastreamento, Bloqueio de elementos irritantes, Proteção de DNS, Firewall e Segurança da navegação. -[Protection](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/protection.md) +[Proteção](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/protection.md) ## Gerenciamento de aplicativos -AdGuard for Android offers app management features that allow you to control how AdGuard filters traffic for individual apps, providing options to block ads and trackers or disable protection for selected apps altogether. +O AdGuard para Android oferece recursos de gerenciamento de aplicativos que permitem que você controle como o AdGuard filtra o tráfego para aplicativos individuais, fornecendo opções para bloquear anúncios e rastreadores ou desativar a proteção para aplicativos selecionados completamente. -[App management](/adguard-for-android/features/app-management.md) +[Gerenciamento de aplicativos](/adguard-for-android/features/app-management.md) ## Estatísticas -Detailed statistics on blocked ads, trackers, and saved traffic that allows us to monitor the app’s performance and protection efficiency over time. +Estatísticas detalhadas sobre anúncios bloqueados, rastreadores e tráfego salvo que permitem monitorar o desempenho do aplicativo e a eficiência da proteção ao longo do tempo. -[Statistics](/adguard-for-android/features/statistics.md) +[Estatísticas](/adguard-for-android/features/statistics.md) ## Configurações -Information about customizing settings so you can adjust ad blocking, privacy, and DNS settings to suit your needs. +Informações sobre personalização de configurações para que você possa ajustar o bloqueio de anúncios, privacidade e configurações de DNS para atender às suas necessidades. -[Settings](/adguard-for-android/features/settings.md) +[Configurações](/adguard-for-android/features/settings.md) ## Assistente -Information about a tool that lets you quickly change app or website settings and view statistics without opening the AdGuard interface. +Informações sobre uma ferramenta que permite alterar rapidamente as configurações do aplicativo ou site e visualizar estatísticas sem abrir a interface do AdGuard. -[Assistant](/adguard-for-android/features/assistant.md) +[Assistente do AdGuard](/adguard-for-android/features/assistant.md) ## Versão gratuita vs. versão completa -Comparison of features between the free and paid versions. +Comparação de recursos entre as versões gratuita e paga. -[Free vs. full version](/adguard-for-android/features/free-vs-full.mdx) +[Versão gratuita vs. versão completa](/adguard-for-android/features/free-vs-full.mdx) ## Integração com AdGuard VPN -Information on how the app integrates with VPN services, allowing you to run both AdGuard and AdGuard VPN at the same time without conflict, ensuring ad blocking and privacy protection along with VPN functionality. +Informações sobre como o aplicativo se integra aos serviços de VPN, permitindo que você execute tanto o AdGuard quanto o AdGuard VPN ao mesmo tempo sem conflitos, garantindo o bloqueio de anúncios e a proteção de privacidade juntamente com a funcionalidade de VPN. -[Integration with AdGuard VPN](/adguard-for-android/features/integration-with-vpn.md) +[Integração com AdGuard VPN](/adguard-for-android/features/integration-with-vpn.md) ## Dispositivos enraizados -AdGuard for Android on rooted devices offers advanced features like HTTPS filtering without a certificate installation, automatic ad blocking in apps, and deeper system-wide protection. +AdGuard para Android em dispositivos enraizados oferece recursos avançados como filtragem HTTPS sem a instalação de certificado, bloqueio automático de anúncios em aplicativos e proteção mais profunda em todo o sistema. -[Rooted devices](/adguard-for-android/features/rooted.md) +[Dispositivos rooteados](/adguard-for-android/features/rooted.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/dns-protection.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/dns-protection.md index 66233a50b34..a1c97671b1b 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/dns-protection.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/dns-protection.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ O módulo de proteção DNS pode ser acessado tocando na guia _Proteção_ (segu :::tip -A proteção DNS funciona de maneira diferente do bloqueio normal de anúncios e rastreadores. You can [learn more about it and how it works from a dedicated article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#how-does-dns-filtering-work) +A proteção DNS funciona de maneira diferente do bloqueio normal de anúncios e rastreadores. Você pode [saber mais sobre o assunto e sobre como ela funciona em um artigo dedicado](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#how-does-dns-filtering-work) ::: diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall/firewall.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall/firewall.md index 93263cc5b7d..f401f84194b 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall/firewall.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall/firewall.md @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ Nesta seção, você pode controlar o acesso à Internet para aplicativos espec Para excluir uma regra ou aplicativo de _Regras personalizadas_, deslize-o para a esquerda. -### Notifications +### Notificações -If enabled, this feature notifies you when an app is attempting to violate an applicable firewall rule, e.g. attempts to access mobile data from which it is blocked. You can turn notifications on and off for all apps or for each app separately. +Se ativado, este recurso notifica você quando um aplicativo está tentando violar uma regra de firewall aplicável, por exemplo, tentativas de acessar dados móveis dos quais está bloqueado. Você pode ativar e desativar as notificação para todos os aplicativos ou para cada aplicativo separadamente. -Tap the notification to access the app’s Firewall settings, or temporary disable all Firewall rules for that app by tapping the corresponding button in the notification. You can also mute all Firewall notifications for the app by tapping the _Mute_ button in the notification for that app. +Toque na notificação para acessar as configurações do Firewall do aplicativo ou desative temporariamente todas as regras do Firewall para esse aplicativo tocando no botão correspondente na notificação. Você também pode silenciar todas as notificações do Firewall para o aplicativo tocando no botão _Mudo_ na notificação daquele aplicativo. -Note that if notifications for multiple apps would be displayed, they will be bundled into a single notification instead. +Observe que, se as notificações de vários aplicativos forem exibidas, elas serão agrupadas em uma única notificação. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/protection.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/protection.md index 7bd1b9463c4..7a97c5a421b 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/protection.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/protection.md @@ -9,40 +9,40 @@ Este artigo é sobre o AdGuard para Android, um bloqueador de anúncios multifun ::: -This module contains the following settings: +Este módulo contém as seguintes configurações: ## Bloqueio de anúncios -Information on customizing ad blocking, filtering ads and trackers across apps and browsers, with filters and advanced options for system-wide ad blocking. +Informações sobre como personalizar o bloqueio de anúncios, filtragem de anúncios e rastreadores em aplicativos e navegadores, com opções avançadas para bloqueio de anúncios em todo o sistema. -[Ad blocking](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/ad-blocking.md) +[Bloqueio de anúncios](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/ad-blocking.md) ## Proteção contra rastreamento -Information on how to block third-party trackers in apps and websites to protect your privacy and prevent data collection. +Informações sobre como bloquear rastreadores de terceiros em aplicativos e sites para proteger sua privacidade e prevenir a coleta de dados. -[Tracking protection](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/tracking-protection.md) +[Proteção contra rastreamento](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/tracking-protection.md) ## Bloqueio de aborrecimentos -Information on how AdGuard filters block annoyances such as cookie consent pop-ups, banners, and other intrusive elements. +Informações sobre como a filtragem do AdGuard bloqueia incômodos como pop-ups de consentimento de cookies, banners e outros elementos intrusivos. -[Annoyance blocking](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/annoyance-blocking.md) +[Bloqueio de elementos irritantes](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/annoyance-blocking.md) ## Proteção DNS -Information on configuring secure DNS servers to help block ads, trackers, and malicious websites while protecting your privacy. +Informações sobre configuração de servidores DNS seguros para ajudar a bloquear anúncios, rastreadores e sites maliciosos, enquanto protege sua privacidade. -[DNS protection](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/dns-protection.md) +[Proteção de DNS](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/dns-protection.md) ## Firewall -The Firewall feature, which allows users to control Internet access for individual apps, block background data, and monitor network activity for enhanced privacy and data management. +O recurso Firewall, que permite que os usuários controlem o acesso à Internet para aplicativos individuais, bloqueiem dados em segundo plano e monitorem a atividade da rede para maior privacidade e gerenciamento de dados. [Firewall](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/firewall/firewall.md) ## Segurança da navegação -The Browsing security feature helps block access to malicious and phishing websites, protecting you from online threats. +A funcionalidade de Segurança da navegação ajuda a bloquear o acesso a sites maliciosos e de phishing, protegendo você de ameaças online. -[Browsing security](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/browsing-security.md) +[Segurança da navegação](/adguard-for-android/features/protection/browsing-security.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/tracking-protection.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/tracking-protection.md index 84175d6b460..62b7e5611b2 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/tracking-protection.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/protection/tracking-protection.md @@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ Aqui estão os recursos ativos dos níveis pré-configurados: k. _Remover cabeçalho X-Client-Data_. Este recurso impede que o Google Chrome envie informações sobre sua versão e modificações para domínios do Google (incluindo DoubleClick e Google Analytics) -Você pode ajustar configurações individuais em _Proteção contra rastreamento_ e criar uma configuração personalizada. Cada configuração possui uma descrição que o ajudará a entender sua função. [Read more about what the various _Tracking protection_ settings do](/general/stealth-mode) and utilize them cautiously, as some may interfere with the functionality of websites and browser extensions. +Você pode ajustar configurações individuais em _Proteção contra rastreamento_ e criar uma configuração personalizada. Cada configuração possui uma descrição que o ajudará a entender sua função. [Saiba mais sobre o papel de várias configurações de _Proteção contra rastreamento_](/general/stealth-mode) e aborde-as com cautela, pois algumas podem interferir na funcionalidade de sites e extensões de navegador. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/rooted.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/rooted.md index 4da63e79a2b..d58053bacad 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/rooted.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/features/rooted.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ Este artigo aborda o AdGuard para Android, um bloqueador de anúncios multifunci Devido às medidas de segurança do sistema operacional Android, alguns recursos do AdGuard estão disponíveis apenas em dispositivos com acesso root. Aqui está a lista deles: -- In most cases, **HTTPS filtering in apps** requires [installing a CA certificate into the system store](/adguard-for-android/features/settings#security-certificates), as most apps don't trust certificates in the user store +- Na maioria das vezes, a **Filtragem HTTPS em aplicativos** requer a [instalação de um certificado CA no armazenamento do sistema](/adguard-for-android/features/settings#security-certificates), já que a maioria dos aplicativos não confia em certificados no armazenamento do usuário - O [**modo de roteamento proxy automático**](/adguard-for-android/features/settings#routing-mode) requer acesso root devido às restrições do Android na filtragem de tráfego em todo o sistema - O [**modo de roteamento proxy manual**](/adguard-for-android/features/settings#routing-mode) requer acesso root no Android 10 e superior, pois não é mais possível determinar o nome do aplicativo associado a um conexão filtrada pelo AdGuard diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md index 17db528fcda..c5d57e9e78f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/installation.md @@ -43,32 +43,32 @@ A maioria dos aplicativos baseados em Android é distribuída via Google Play; n ![Instalando aplicativos de fontes desconhecidas *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) - Em seguida, você será convidado a ler o *Contrato de licença* e a *Política de privacidade* do AdGuard. Você também pode participar do desenvolvimento de produtos. To do this, check the boxes for *Send crash reports automatically* and *Send technical and interaction data*. Then tap *Continue*. + Em seguida, você será convidado a ler o *Contrato de licença* e a *Política de privacidade* do AdGuard. Você também pode participar do desenvolvimento de produtos. Para fazer isso, selecione as caixas de verificação para *Enviar relatórios de falha automaticamente* e *Enviar dados técnicos e de interação*. Em seguida, toque em *Continuar*. - ![Privacy policy *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_3.png) + ![Política de privacidade *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_3.png) -1. **Create a local VPN**. In order to filter all traffic directly on your device and not route it through a remote server, AdGuard needs to establish a VPN connection. +1. **Criar VPN local**. Para filtrar todo o tráfego diretamente no seu dispositivo e não encaminhá-lo através de um servidor remoto, o AdGuard precisa estabelecer uma conexão VPN. - ![Create a local VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_2.png) + ![Criar uma VPN local *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_2.png) -1. **Enable HTTPS filtering**. It is not a mandatory option, however, we advice to turn it on for the best ad-blocking quality. +1. **Ativar a filtragem HTTPS**. Não é uma opção obrigatória, no entanto, aconselhamos ativá-la para a melhor qualidade de bloqueio de anúncios. - If your device is running Android 7–9, you'll be prompted to install a root certificate and configure HTTPS filtering after the local VPN setup. + Se o seu dispositivo estiver rodando o Android 7–9, você será convidado a instalar um certificado e configurar a filtragem HTTPS após as configurações do VPN local. - ![Enable HTTPS filtering on Android 7-9 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_1.jpg) + ![Ativar filtragem HTTPS no Android 7-9 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_1.jpg) - After you tap *Install now*, a prompt will appear asking you to authenticate the certificate installation with a password or fingerprint. + Após tocar em *Instalar agora*, uma solicitação aparecerá pedindo que você autentique a instalação do certificado com uma senha ou impressão digital. - ![Enable HTTPS filtering on Android 7-9. Step 2 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_2.jpg) + ![Ativar a filtragem HTTPS no Android 7-9. Etapa 2 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/cert_2.jpg) - If you have Android 10+ on your device, then after creating a local VPN, you will see the main app screen with a snack bar at the bottom with a suggestion to enable HTTPS filtering: tap *Enable* and follow the instructions on the next screen or check [the article about certificate installation](solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) for more information. + Se você tiver Android 10+ em seu dispositivo, após criar uma VPN local, será exibida a tela principal do aplicativo com uma barra de aviso na parte inferior sugerindo ativar a Filtragem HTTPS: toque em *Ativar* e siga as instruções na próxima tela ou verifique [o artigo sobre instalação de certificado](solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) para mais informações. - ![Enable HTTPS filtering *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_5.png) + ![Ativar filtragem HTTPS *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/fl_5.png) -## Uninstalling/Reinstalling AdGuard +## Desinstalando/reinstalando o AdGuard -If you need to uninstall AdGuard on your mobile device, open *Settings* and choose *Apps* (Android 7) or *Apps & notifications* (Android 8+). Find AdGuard in the list of installed apps and press *Uninstall*. +Se você precisar desinstalar o AdGuard no seu dispositivo móvel, abra *Configurações* e escolha *Aplicativos* (Android 7) ou *Aplicativos e notificações* (Android 8+). Selecione AdGuard na lista de aplicativos instalados e clique em *Desinstalar*. -![Reinstall AdGuard *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) +![Reinstalar o AdGuard *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/ad_blocker/android/installation/inst_4.png) -To reinstall AdGuard, just download the apk file again and follow the steps outlined in the Installation section. Uninstallation is not required beforehand. +Para reinstalar o AdGuard, basta baixar o arquivo apk novamente e seguir os passos descritos na seção de instalação. Não é necessária desinstalação prévia. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md index 5359a27ebde..87cb3cc1f6f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/solving-problems.md @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ Este artigo é sobre o AdGuard para Android, um bloqueador de anúncios multifun ::: -Here are some problems you may encounter and workarounds, guides, and instructions you may need. +Aqui estão alguns problemas que você pode encontrar e soluções, guias e instruções que pode precisar. -- [Battery and traffic consumption issues](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/battery.md) -- [How to collect debug logs](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/log.md) -- [How to automate AdGuard for Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/tasker.md) -- [How to get system logs](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/logcat.md) -- [How to generate HAR files](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/har.md) -- [Low-level settings guide](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md) -- [How to block ads in the YouTube app](adguard-for-android/solving-problems/youtube-ads.md) -- [How to set up outbound proxy](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md) -- [How to protect AdGuard from being disabled by the system](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md) -- [Problems caused by multiple user profiles](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/multiple-user-profiles.md) -- [Manual installation of the security certificate into the Firefox browser](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/firefox-certificates.md) -- [Certificate installation on devices with Android 11+](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) -- [Certificate installation in a Secure folder](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/secure-folder.md) -- [Moving the CA certificate to the system store on rooted devices](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md) -- [Known compatibility issues with Android apps](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/compatibility-issues.md) -- [How to install AdGuard for Android TV](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/adguard-for-android-tv.md) -- [How to use Samsung Pay with AdGuard in South Korea](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea.md) -- [Problems caused by extending restricted settings](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md) +- [Leia mais sobre problemas de consumo de bateria e tráfego](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/battery.md) +- [Como coletar registros de depuração](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/log.md) +- [Como automatizar o AdGuard para Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/tasker.md) +- [Como obter registros do sistema](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/logcat.md) +- [Como gerar arquivos HAR](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/har.md) +- [Guia de configurações de nível baixo](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md) +- [Como bloquear anúncios no aplicativo YouTube](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/youtube-ads.md) +- [Como configurar um proxy de saída](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/outbound-proxy.md) +- [Como evitar que o AdGuard seja desativado pelo sistema](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md) +- [Problemas causados por vários perfis de usuário](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/multiple-user-profiles.md) +- [Instalação manual do certificado de segurança no navegador Firefox](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/firefox-certificates.md) +- [Instalação do certificado em dispositivos com Android 11+](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/manual-certificate.md) +- [Instalação do certificado em uma pasta segura](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/secure-folder.md) +- [Movendo o certificado CA para o armazenamento do sistema em dispositivos com acesso root](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/https-certificate-for-rooted.md) +- [Problemas de compatibilidade conhecidos com aplicativos Android](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/compatibility-issues.md) +- [Como instalar o AdGuard para Android TV](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/adguard-for-android-tv.md) +- [Como usar o Samsung Pay com o AdGuard na Coreia do Sul](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/samsungpay-with-adguard-in-south-korea.md) +- [Problemas causados por configurações restritas](/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/extending-restricted-settings.md) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-ios/features/features.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-ios/features/features.md index 764a9339efb..5ae6d5e17a8 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-ios/features/features.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-for-ios/features/features.md @@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ The article describes additional features, including widgets, auto-updates, and ## Compatibilidade com o AdGuard VPN -Information on how the app integrates with VPN services, allowing you to run both AdGuard and AdGuard VPN at the same time without conflict, ensuring ad blocking and privacy protection along with VPN functionality. +Informações sobre como o aplicativo se integra aos serviços de VPN, permitindo que você execute tanto o AdGuard quanto o AdGuard VPN ao mesmo tempo sem conflitos, garantindo o bloqueio de anúncios e a proteção de privacidade juntamente com a funcionalidade de VPN. [Compatibility with AdGuard VPN](/adguard-for-ios/features/compatibility-with-adguard-vpn.md) ## Versão gratuita vs. versão completa -Comparison of features between the free and paid versions. +Comparação de recursos entre as versões gratuita e paga. [Free vs. full version](/adguard-for-ios/features/free-vs-full.md) diff --git a/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 155c0267922..2e1b4ef557b 100644 --- a/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 3. Activați _Mod pentru dezvoltatori_. - ![Mod pentru dezvoltatori \*chenar](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/developer_mode1.png) + ![Developer mode \*border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/developer_mode1.png) 4. Da-ți clic pe `background.html`. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md index d762d6371af..fe2c98aa92e 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters.md @@ -999,23 +999,23 @@ $extension="userscript name\, with \"quote\"" - `@@||example.com^$jsinject` отменяет все javascript-правила для страниц на сайте `example.com` и на всех его поддоменах. -##### `$jsinject` modifier limitations {#jsinject-modifier-limitations} +##### Ограничения модификатора `$jsinject` {#jsinject-modifier-limitations} -:::info Limitations +:::info Ограничения -Rules with the [`$jsinject`][jsinject-in-mv3] modifier cannot be converted to DNR in [AdGuard for Chrome MV3][ext-mv3]. We only use them in the [TSUrlFilter][] engine to disable some cosmetic rules. +Правила с модификатором [`$jsinject`][jsinject-in-mv3] не могут быть преобразованы в DNR в [AdGuard для Chrome MV3][ext-mv3]. Мы используем их только в движке [TSUrlFilter][] для отключения некоторых косметических правил. ::: :::info Совместимость -The `$jsinject` modifier is not supported by AdGuard for Chrome MV3 ([yet][jsinject-in-mv3]) and AdGuard Content Blocker. +Модификатор `$jsinject` не поддерживается AdGuard для Chrome MV3 ([пока][jsinject-in-mv3]) и AdGuard Content Blocker. ::: #### **`$stealth`** {#stealth-modifier} -Disables the Tracking protection (formerly Stealth Mode) module for all corresponding pages and requests. +Отключает Защиту от трекинга для всех страниц и запросов, подходящих под это правило. **Синтаксис** @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ Disables the Tracking protection (formerly Stealth Mode) module for all correspo $stealth [= opt1 [| opt2 [| opt3 [...]]]] ``` -`opt(i)` stand for certain Tracking protection options disabled by the modifier. Модификатор может содержать любое количество опций (см. ниже) или не содержать их вовсе. In the latter case the modifier disables all the Tracking protection features. +Здесь `opt(i)` — опции Защиты от трекинга‎, отключённые модификатором. Модификатор может содержать любое количество опций (см. ниже) или не содержать их вовсе. В последнем случае модификатор отключает Защиту от трекинга полностью. Список доступных опций модификатора: @@ -1046,13 +1046,13 @@ $stealth [= opt1 [| opt2 [| opt3 [...]]]] **Примеры** -- `@@||example.com^$stealth` disables Tracking protection for `example.com` (and subdomains) requests, except for blocking cookies and hiding tracking parameters (see below). -- `@@||domain.com^$script,stealth,domain=example.com` disables Tracking protection only for script requests to `domain.com` (and its subdomains) on `example.com` and all its subdomains. +- `@@||example.com^$stealth` полностью отключает Защиту от трекинга для запросов к `example.com` и поддоменам, кроме блокировки куки и скрытия параметров отслеживания (см. ниже). +- `@@||domain.com^$script,stealth,domain=example.com` отключает Защиту от трекинга только для script-запросов к `domain.com` и поддоменам на `example.com` и всех его поддоменах. - `@@||example.com^$stealth=3p-cookie|dpi` отключает блокировку сторонних куки-файлов и меры защиты от DPI для запросов к `example.com`. :::note -Блокировка куки и удаление параметров отслеживания достигается с помощью правил с модификаторами [`$cookie`](#cookie-modifier), [`$urltransform`](#urltransform-modifier) и [`$removeparam`](#removeparam-modifier). Правила-исключения, которые содержат только модификатор `$stealth`, не будут выполнять эти действия. If you want to completely disable all Tracking protection features for a given domain, you must include all three modifiers: `@@||example.org^$stealth,removeparam,cookie`. +Блокировка куки и удаление параметров отслеживания достигается с помощью правил с модификаторами [`$cookie`](#cookie-modifier), [`$urltransform`](#urltransform-modifier) и [`$removeparam`](#removeparam-modifier). Правила-исключения, которые содержат только модификатор `$stealth`, не будут выполнять эти действия. Если вы хотите полностью отключить все функции Защиты от трекинга для определённого домена, нужно включить в правило все три модификатора: `@@||example.org^$stealth,removeparam,cookie`. ::: @@ -1066,8 +1066,8 @@ $stealth [= opt1 [| opt2 [| opt3 [...]]]] :::info Совместимость -- Tracking protection (formerly Stealth Mode) is available in AdGuard for Windows, AdGuard for Mac, AdGuard for Android, and AdGuard Browser Extension for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers, except AdGuard for Chrome MV3. Все остальные продукты будут игнорировать правила с модификатором `$stealth`. -- Rules with `$stealth` modifier with specific options are supported by AdGuard for Windows, AdGuard for Mac, and AdGuard for Android with [CoreLibs][] v1.10 or later, and AdGuard Browser Extension with [TSUrlFilter][] v3.0.0 or later. +- Защита от трекинга доступна в AdGuard для Windows, AdGuard для Mac, AdGuard для Android и расширении AdGuard для Firefox и браузеров на базе Chromium, за исключением AdGuard для Chrome MV3. Все остальные продукты будут игнорировать правила с модификатором `$stealth`. +- Правила с модификатором `$stealth` поддерживаются в AdGuard для Windows, AdGuard для Mac и AdGuard для Android [с CoreLibs][] версии 1.10 или выше и в Браузерном расширении AdGuard [с TSUrlFilter][] версии 3.0.0 или выше. ::: @@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ $stealth [= opt1 [| opt2 [| opt3 [...]]]] - `@@||example.com^$urlblock` — любые запросы, отправленные со страниц сайта `example.com` и всех его поддоменов, не будут блокироваться. -##### `$urlblock` modifier limitations {#urlblock-modifier-limitations} +##### Ограничения модификатора `$urlblock` {#urlblock-modifier-limitations} :::caution Ограничения @@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ $stealth [= opt1 [| opt2 [| opt3 [...]]]] :::info Совместимость -Rules with `$urlblock` modifier are not supported by AdGuard Content Blocker, and AdGuard for Chrome MV3. +Правила с модификатором `$urlblock` не поддерживаются в AdGuard Content Blocker и AdGuard для Chrome MV3. ::: @@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ domain.com###banner - `@@||example.com^$genericblock` отключает базовые правила generic на любых страницах `example.com` и всех поддоменах. -##### `$genericblock` modifier limitations {#genericblock-modifier-limitations} +##### Ограничения модификатора `$genericblock` {#genericblock-modifier-limitations} :::caution Ограничения @@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ domain.com###banner :::info Совместимость -Rules with `$genericblock` modifier are not supported by AdGuard Content Blocker, and AdGuard for Chrome MV3. +Правила с модификатором `$genericblock` не поддерживаются в AdGuard Content Blocker и AdGuard для Chrome MV3. ::: @@ -1232,11 +1232,11 @@ Rules with `$genericblock` modifier are not supported by AdGuard Content Blocker ::: -##### `$all` modifier limitations {#all-modifier-limitations} +##### Ограничения модификатора `$all` {#all-modifier-limitations} :::caution Ограничения -Since `$popup` is a part if `$all`, the `$all` modifier is not supported by AdGuard for Chrome MV3 because of [`$popup` modifier limitations](#popup-modifier-limitations). +Так как `$popup` является частью `$all`, модификатор `$all` не поддерживается в AdGuard для Chrome MV3 из-за ограничений модификатора [`$popup`](#popup-modifier-limitations). ::: @@ -1273,11 +1273,11 @@ Since `$popup` is a part if `$all`, the `$all` modifier is not supported by AdGu - `/some$domain=example.*` отключено для `example.com` и `example.org` правилом `/some$domain=example.com|example.org,badfilter` - `/some$domain=example.com|example.org|example.io` НЕ отключено для `example.com` правилом `/some$domain=example.com|~example.org,badfilter`, поскольку значение модификатора `$domain` содержит отрицание домена -##### `$badfilter` modifier limitations {#badfilter-modifier-limitations} +##### Ограничения модификатора `$badfilter` {#badfilter-modifier-limitations} :::caution Ограничения -In [AdGuard for Chrome MV3][ext-mv3] a rule with the `$badfilter` modifier is applied in DNR only if it fully cancels the source rule. We cannot calculate it if it is only partially canceled. [Examples](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/tsurlfilter/tree/epic/tswebextension/packages/tsurlfilter/src/rules/declarative-converter#badfilter) +В [AdGuard для Chrome MV3][ext-mv3] правило с модификатором `$badfilter` применяется в DNR только в том случае, если оно полностью отменяет исходное правило. Мы не можем рассчитать его, если он отменён лишь частично. [Примеры](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/tsurlfilter/tree/epic/tswebextension/packages/tsurlfilter/src/rules/declarative-converter#badfilter) ::: @@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ $cookie [= name[; maxAge = seconds [; sameSite = strategy ]]] - **`name`** — опционально, строка или регулярное выражение для сопоставления с именем куки. - **`seconds`** — количество секунд, на которое сместится истечение срока действия куки. -- **`strategy`** — string for [Same-Site](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite) strategy to be applied to the cookie. +- **`strategy`** — строка для стратегии [Same-Site](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite), которая будет применена к куки. Например, @@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ $cookie [= name[; maxAge = seconds [; sameSite = strategy ]]] **Экранирование специальных символов** -Если для сопоставления используется регулярное выражение `name`, необходимо экранировать два символа: запятую `,` и знак доллара `$`. Use backslash `\` to escape each of them. Например, экранированная запятая будет выглядеть так: `\,`. +Если для сопоставления используется регулярное выражение `name`, необходимо экранировать два символа: запятую `,` и знак доллара `$`. Используйте для этого обратный слеш `\`. Например, экранированная запятая будет выглядеть так: `\,`. **Примеры** @@ -1336,17 +1336,17 @@ $cookie [= name[; maxAge = seconds [; sameSite = strategy ]]] - `@@||example.org^$cookie=concept` разблокирует один куки-файл с именем `concept` - `@@||example.org^$cookie=/^_ga_/` разблокирует все куки, соответствующие регулярному выражению -##### `$cookie` modifier limitations {#cookie-modifier-limitations} +##### Ограничения модификатора `$cookie` {#cookie-modifier-limitations} :::caution Ограничения -In [AdGuard for Chrome MV3][ext-mv3] we delete cookies in 2 ways: from `content-script` side (to which we have access) and from `onBeforeSendHeaders` listener. Since `onBeforeSendHeaders` and other listeners are no longer blocking, we are not able to delete them in all cases. You can check if a rule works with [this test](https://testcases.agrd.dev/Filters/cookie-rules/test-cookie-rules). +В [AdGuard for Chrome MV3][ext-mv3] мы удаляем куки двумя способами: из `content-script`, к которому у нас есть доступ, и из слушателя событий `onBeforeSendHeaders`. Поскольку `onBeforeSendHeaders` и другие слушатели больше не блокируют выполнение запроса, мы не можем удалить их во всех случаях. Вы можете проверить, работает ли правило, [с помощью этого теста](https://testcases.agrd.dev/Filters/cookie-rules/test-cookie-rules). ::: :::caution Ограничения -`$cookie` rules support these types of modifiers: `$domain`, `$~domain`, `$important`, `$third-party`, `$~third-party`, `strict-third-party`, and `strict-first-party`. +Правила `$cookie` поддерживают эти типы модификаторов: `$domain`, `$~domain`, `$important`, `$third-party`, `$~third-party`, `strict-third-party` и `strict-first-party`. ::: @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ In [AdGuard for Chrome MV3][ext-mv3] we delete cookies in 2 ways: from `content- :::caution Ограничения - Некоторые символы запрещены в значении `$csp`: `,`, `$`. -- `$csp` rules support three types of modifiers: `$domain`, `$important`, `$subdocument`. +- Правила `$csp` поддерживают три типа модификаторов: `$domain`, `$important` и `$subdocument`. - Правила с директивами `report-*` считаются некорректными. ::: @@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ Rules with the `$hls` modifier are supported by AdGuard for Windows, AdGuard for Правила `$jsonprune` модифицируют ответ на соответствующий запрос, удаляя JSON-элементы, которые соответствуют модифицированному выражению [JSONPath](https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/). Эти правила не изменяют ответы, которые не являются действительными JSON-документами. -In AdGuard for Windows, Mac, and Android with [CoreLibs][] v1.11 or later, `$jsonprune` also supports modifying JSONP (padded JSON) documents. +В AdGuard для Windows, Mac и Android [с CoreLibs][] версии 1.11 или выше `$jsonprune` также поддерживает модификацию документов JSONP (padded JSON). **Синтаксис** @@ -1689,7 +1689,7 @@ https://www.site24x7.com/tools/jsonpath-finder-validator.html https://jsonpathfi **Вложенные выражения JSONPath** -In AdGuard for Windows, Mac and Android with [CoreLibs][] v1.11 or later, JSONPath expressions may be used as keys in filter expressions. +В AdGuard для Windows, Mac и Android [с CoreLibs][] версии 1.11 или выше выражения JSONPath могут быть использованы как ключи в выражениях фильтра. - `||example.org^$jsonprune=\$.elems[?(has "\$.a.b.c")]` удаляет всех прямых потомков `elems`, которые обладают свойством, выбираемым JSONPath-выражением `$.a.b.c`. @@ -4769,6 +4769,7 @@ The following scriptlets also may be used for debug purposes: [ext-mv3]: #what-product "Браузерное расширение AdGuard MV3 для Chrome" [ext-mv3]: #what-product "AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3" [ext-mv3]: #what-product "Браузерное расширение AdGuard для Chrome MV3" +[ext-mv3]: #what-product "AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3" [ext-ff]: #what-product "Браузерное расширение AdGuard для Firefox" [ios-app]: #what-product "AdGuard для iOS и AdGuard Pro для iOS" [ios-app]: #what-product "AdGuard for iOS and AdGuard Pro for iOS" @@ -4783,6 +4784,7 @@ The following scriptlets also may be used for debug purposes: [с CoreLibs]: https://adguard.com/en/blog/introducing-corelibs.html [с CoreLibs 1.12 или более поздней версии]: https://adguard.com/ru/blog/introducing-corelibs.html [CoreLibs]: https://adguard.com/en/blog/introducing-corelibs.html +[с CoreLibs]: https://adguard.com/ru/blog/introducing-corelibs.html [с TSUrlFilter]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/tsurlfilter/tree/master/packages/tsurlfilter#tsurlfilter [TSUrlFilter]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/tsurlfilter/tree/master/packages/tsurlfilter#tsurlfilter [TSWebExtension]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/tsurlfilter/tree/master/packages/tswebextension#tswebextension diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md index 98497c2288e..95ef1f14687 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/stealth-mode.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ --- -title: Stealth Mode (Tracking protection) +title: Gizlilik Modu (İzleme koruması) sidebar_position: 4 --- -Birçok site ziyaretçileri hakkında IP adresi, yüklü tarayıcı ve işletim sistemi, ekran çözünürlüğü ve hatta bir ziyaretçinin yönlendirildiği sayfa gibi bilgileri toplar. Some web pages use cookies to mark your browser and save your personal settings and preferences, or to "recognize" you upon your next visit. *Stealth Mode* (or *Tracking protection* in AdGuard for Windows and AdGuard Browser Extension) safeguards your personal information from such data- and statistics-gathering systems. +Birçok site ziyaretçileri hakkında IP adresi, yüklü tarayıcı ve işletim sistemi, ekran çözünürlüğü ve hatta bir ziyaretçinin yönlendirildiği sayfa gibi bilgileri toplar. Some web pages use cookies to mark your browser and save your personal settings and preferences, or to "recognize" you upon your next visit. *Gizlilik Modu* (veya Windows için AdGuard ve AdGuard Tarayıcı Uzantısındaki *İzleme koruması*) kişisel bilgilerinizi bu tür veri ve istatistik toplama sistemlerinden korur. You can flexibly adjust the work of Stealth Mode: for instance, you can prohibit the website from receiving the search request you used to find it on the Internet, automatically delete both third-party and the website's own cookies, turn off browser geolocation sharing that can be used to track your whereabouts, and hide your true IP address or even replace it with an arbitrary one. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ You can set an arbitrary IP address, which you would like others to perceive as It forbids Google Chrome from sending its version and modification information with requests to Google domains (including Double Click and Google Analytics). -### Protect against DPI {#dpi} +### DPİ'ye karşı koruma {#dpi} The Deep Packet Inspection is a system of deep analysis and filtering of traffic by packet content, as well as the accumulation of statistical data. Using this technology, ISPs have the ability to control the passing traffic and limit access to content for their clients.