A Chrome extension that, when enabled, captures text from an element of a webpage when clicked over. A visual feedback is also given when hovering over the element. The captured text can be sent to ChatGPT to make something new out of it!
- Clone this repo
- Do npm install or yarn install
- Now create a apiSecret.ts file in popup/components folder. This .ts file will have your ChatGPT apiKey.
- do npm run build or yarn run build, this will create a dist folder.
- Go to chrome://extensions
- make sure developer mode is "ON".
- click on "Load unpacked".
- head over to the "dist" folder of this clone repo and select "dist" folder.
- This will create an extension for you. Now use it 🎉.
If keyboard shortcuts are not automatically enabled, go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts , and use Ctrl+Shift+U for "Run content-script on the current page." field.