Automated Non-Linear Least Squares and Exploratory Data Analysis in R
Download the AutoNLS Reference Manual
AutoNLS is an R package built for automating non-linear regression modeling, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and interactive visualization. Whether you're an analyst or a data scientist, AutoNLS streamlines your workflow with its extensive suite of tools, user-friendly interface, and Shiny-based app for intuitive data exploration and modeling.
Non-Linear Regression:
- Support for 24 pre-defined models (e.g., Hill Equation, Logistic Growth, MichaelisMenten).
- Custom model addition with user-defined formulas.
- Weighted and unweighted regression support.
- Automated model evaluation with metrics like R², AIC, and BIC.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Automated correlation analysis (Pearson vs. Spearman).
- Interactive visualizations using
. - Pairwise scatterplots with GAM (Generalized Additive Model) fits.
- Comparison of model shapes and fits.
- Scatterplots with dynamic GAM smoothing lines.
- Comprehensive interactive plots powered by
Scoring and Prediction:
- Score new datasets using fitted non-linear models.
- Visualize predictions interactively.
Shiny App:
- Intuitive graphical interface for non-linear regression and data analysis.
- Fully integrated with all AutoNLS features, including data preprocessing, eda, model fitting, and scoring.
- Ideal for users who prefer interactive analysis without writing code.
To install the development version from GitHub:
# Install devtools if not already installed
# Install AutoNLS
To run the Shiny app, ensure you have the following packages installed:
, bs4Dash
, readxl
, and DT
You can install them using:
install.packages(c("shiny", "bs4Dash", "readxl", "DT"))
The AutoNLS Shiny App provides an interactive and user-friendly interface for performing non-linear regression analysis without writing code.
Key Features
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Visualize variable distributions with customizable bin sizes and themes.
- Compute and display correlation matrices.
- Explore pairwise relationships using scatterplots and GAM (Generalized Additive Model) fits.
- Model Fitting:
- Select and fit multiple non-linear regression models to your data.
- Evaluate models with metrics like R-squared and RMSE.
- Visualize and compare model fits side-by-side.
- Scoring:
- Use fitted models to make predictions on new datasets.
- Compare scoring plots across multiple models.
- Customization:
- Choose from a variety of plot themes.
- Interactively select variables and adjust model parameters.
How to run the Shiny App:
- Install and load AutoNLS
- Launch the app with:
run_shiny_app(launch_browser = TRUE)
- Interact with the app:
- Use the sidebar to navigate between EDA, Model Fitting, and Scoring pages.
- Upload your dataset in CSV format and follow the prompts to generate insights and models.
Example Walkthrough:
- EDA Page:
- Upload a dataset (e.g., dummy_data.csv).
- Explore variable distributions, compute correlations, and generate scatterplots.
- Model Fitting Page:
- Select predictor (X-Value) and target (Target) variables.
- Choose models to fit (e.g., Hill, Logistic).
- View model metrics and plots.
- Scoring Page:
- Upload new data for scoring.
- Generate scoring plots to evaluate predictions.
- Visual Preview of the App
First, we load the example dataset dummy_data.csv included with the package.
# Load example data
# Display the first few rows
We use the EDA class to compute correlations and create visualizations.
# Initialize EDA
eda <- EDA$new(dummy_data)
# Correlation analysis
correlations <- eda$correlate(target_col = "Target")
# Visualize distributions
distribution_plots <- eda$visualize_distributions(bins = 10)
distribution_plots[[1]] # View the first distribution plot
# Visualize scatterplots with GAM fits
scatter_plots <- eda$visualize_scatterplots(k_values = c(3, 5, 7))
scatter_plots[[1]] # View the first scatterplot
Next, we use the ModelFitter class to fit selected non-linear models to the data.
# Initialize the fitter
fitter <- ModelFitter$new(dummy_data)
# Add models to test
# Fit models
fit_results <- fitter$fit_models(x_col = "X-Value", y_col = "Target")
# Print summary of fit results
Use the ModelEvaluator class to evaluate fitted models and generate plots.
# Initialize evaluator
evaluator <- ModelEvaluator$new(fit_results, data = dummy_data)
# Generate metrics
metrics <- evaluator$generate_metrics(y_col = "Target", x_col = "X-Value")
# Generate comparison plots
comparison_plots <- evaluator$generate_comparison_plot(
data = dummy_data,
x_col = "X-Value",
y_col = "Target"
comparison_plots[[1]] # View the first comparison plot
We use the ModelScorer class to score new data based on the fitted models. For this example, we'll assume new_data.csv is another dataset in the same format as dummy_data.csv.
# Load new data for scoring
# Initialize the scorer
scorer <- ModelScorer$new(fit_results)
# Score new data for all models
score_results <- scorer$score_new_data(
new_data = dummy_data,
x_col = "X-Value",
get_prediction_bounds = FALSE,
lower_bound = 0.025,
upper_bound = 0.975)
# Print scored results
# Generate scoring plots
scoring_plots <- scorer$generate_score_plot("Hill", x_col = "X-Value")
scoring_plots # View the scoring plot for the "Hill" model
If you want to perform a pre-investigation into what the models' shapes look like for a given range of x values, you can use the model_visualizer functionality from the ModelFitter class. This is especially helpful for understanding the behavior of different non-linear models before fitting them to your data.
# Initialize the fitter
fitter <- ModelFitter$new(dummy_data)
# Add models to explore
# Use model visualizer to explore model shapes
x_range <- seq(1, 100, by = 1)
plot <- fitter$model_comparison_plot(
x_range = seq(1, 100, by = 1),
normalize = TRUE,
theme = "westeros")
# Display the plot
In addition to the pre-defined models included in AutoNLS, you can add your own custom models for non-linear regression. This allows you to extend the package's functionality to meet specific needs.
Here’s how to add a custom model:
# Load necessary libraries
# Initialize the ModelFitter
fitter <- ModelFitter$new(dummy_data)
# Add a custom model
custom_formula <- y ~ a * exp(-b * x)
custom_start_params <- list(a = 1, b = 0.1)
name = "CustomExponentialDecay",
formula = custom_formula,
start_params = custom_start_params,
model_function = function(x, params) {
a <- params[["a"]]
b <- params[["b"]]
if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be numeric in model_function.")
a * exp(-b * x)
# Fit the custom model
fit_results <- fitter$fit_models(x_col = "X-Value", y_col = "Target")
# Evaluate the fitted model
evaluator <- ModelEvaluator$new(fit_results, data = dummy_data)
metrics <- evaluator$generate_metrics(y_col = "Target")
# Visualize the fit for the custom model
plots <- evaluator$generate_comparison_plot(
data = dummy_data,
x_col = "X-Value",
y_col = "Target"
AutoNLS relies on the following R packages:
- data.table
- dplyr
- echarts4r
- mgcv
- minpack.lm
- R6
The Shiny App relies on the following R packages:
- shiny
- bs4Dash
- readxl
- DT
We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a feature branch.
- Submit a pull request.
For bugs or feature requests, please open an issue on
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License with additional conditions.