- Null Safety support
- [breaking change] TitledNavigationBarItem.icon is now of type Widget rather than IconData.
- Added TitledBottomNavigationBar.height
- Added TitledBottomNavigationBar.indicatorHeight
- Added support RTL TextDirection. See (#22)
- TitledNavigationBarItem title can now be any widget
- Added
param to remove the builtin shadow.
- Removed white color bellow the indicator
- Removed initialIndex property. Please use currentIndex instead
- Removed initialIndex property. Use currentIndex instead
- Improved animation duration
- Fixed: on iPhone Devices (iPhone X Above) navigation bar is getting too low behind iPhone's floating bar at bottom
- Fixed: Calling toDouble() on null
- code improvements
- added currentIndex property to updated the Bar by giving an index.
- option to define a custom item background color
- option to define a custom curve animation
- option to show title/icon on selected item (added reverse mode)
- Documentation improved
- Good first version (v1)
- Bug assertion bug fixed
- Added support to notify the parent on item click
- Added support to set indicator color
- Added support to set icon color
- First release (beta)