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File metadata and controls

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Generate Time Series Tool (GenTS)

Converting from history files to time series files used to be painful, but not anymore with GenTS.

Cameron Cummins
Computational Engineer
Contact: [email protected]
Affiliation: Persad Aero-Climate Lab, The University of Texas at Austin

Adam Phillips
Mentor and Advisor
Contact: [email protected]
Affiliation: Climate and Global Dynamics Lab, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Original model output produced by CESM2 is stored by timestep, with multiple geophysical variables stored in a single netCDF file together. These files are referred to as history files as each file effectively represents a snapshot of many variables at separate moments in time. This format is cumbersome for scientists because analysis is often performed over a large number of time steps for only a few variables. A more practical format is to store all the time steps for single variables in separate files. Datasets stored in this manner are known as time series files. GenTS offers a simplified and computationally efficient workflow for converting history files into time series files

How to Install

pip install GenTS

You can view the Python Package Index (PyPI) page here.


Pip should automatically install dependencies, but if you are using the source code directly, ensure that you have the following packages installed. If you are using Casper, activate conda environment "npl-2024b".

  • python >= 3.11.9
  • dask >= 2024.7.0
  • dask_jobqueue >= 0.8.5
  • netCDF4 >= 1.7.1
  • numpy >= 1.26.4

Capabilities and Current Limitations

  • Functional core to convert history file to time series file in parallel with Dask
  • Automatic path parsing
  • Compatible with all model components of CESM
  • Compatible with large ensembles
  • Compatible with non-rectilinear grids
  • Automatic path resolving and group detection (detects different experiments, timesteps, and other sub-directories)
  • Customizable output directory structure that automatically reflects input directory structure
  • Adjustable time chunk size
  • Adjustable time range selection
  • Customizable variable selection
  • Adjustable file compression
  • Resumable process (such as exceeding wall time or encountering an error)
  • Documented API
  • Fully written in Python (no NCO, CDO, or other subprocess commands)
  • (WIP) Verification tools for ensuring file integrity
  • Command line interface
  • (WIP) Automatic cluster configuration/recommendation


GenTS will run with and without Dask. By default, it attempts to find a global Dask Client in your Python instance. If it doesn't exist and you don't specify a Client object as an input parameter, it will proceed (slowly) in serial.

Jupyter Notebook

To use this package in an interactive Jupyter notebook, create a notebook and start a Dask cluster using either a LocalCluster or your HPC's job-queue. Be sure to activate an environment with the correct dependencies (this can be done either at the start of the Jupyter Server or by selecting the appropriate kernel in the bottom left bar). Here is an example of a possible cluster on Casper using the NPL 2024b conda environment and the PBS job scheduler:

from timeseries_generation import ModelOutputDatabase
from dask_jobqueue import PBSCluster
from dask.distributed import Client

cluster = PBSCluster(

client = Client(cluster)

Here, we spin up 200 workers, each on one core with 2 GB of memory (so 200 total cores) with maximum wall clocks of 2 hours (note that this is done in PBS batches of 20 cores per machine). Note that these cores may be spread across multiple machines. This process should not use more than two gigabytes of memory and does not utilize multi-threading (one process per core is optimal). There is no single cluster configuration that fits all problems, experiment and find one that works best for you. If the timeseries generation process is interrupted, it can be resumed without re-generating existing time series data. You can monitor the Dask dashboard using the URL indicated by the client object (run just client in a cell block to get the Jupyter GUI). Once created, you can then initialize a ModelOutputDatabase class object with the appropriate parameters. Here is an example of common parameters you may use:

model_database = ModelOutputDatabase(
        "hist": "proc/tseries"
    file_exclusions=["", "", ".initial_hist."]

The ModelOutputDatabase object centralizes the API and acts as the starting point for all history-to-time-series operations. Creating the database will automatically search the input directories under hf_head_dir and group the history files by ensemble member, model component, timestep, and any other differences between subdirectories and naming patterns. The structures and names are arbitrary, so you can input a directory containing an ensemble of model archives or a single model component from a single run (or a random directory with history files in it, it should be able to handle it). It does not trigger any computation. ts_head_dir tells the class where to create a directory structure that matches the one under hf_head_dir. Only directories with .nc files will be reflected and optionally any other file names that contain the keywords specified by file_exclusions will be excluded. dir_name_swaps takes a Python dictionary with keys equal to directory names found under hf_head_dir that should be renamed. In the example above, all directories named hist/ are renamed to two new directories proc/tseries to remain consistent with current time series generation conventions. There are many other parameters that can be specified to filter out which history files/variables are converted and how the time series files are formatted (see the section below titled ModelOutputDatabase Parameters). To trigger the time series generation process, call .run():

It is good practice to shutdown the cluster after the process is complete. If metadata of the history files needs to be inspected before generating time series (to verify which history files are being detected), .build() can be used to obtain metadata for all history files. This process is parallelized and is lightweight, typically taking less than a minute to run on a large-enough cluster. This function is automatically called by .run() before generating the time series datasets.

You can monitor the Dask dashboard using the URL provided by the client object mentioned previously. This is a good way to track progress and check for errors.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

You can engage with the CLI after installing GenTS by calling the following command:

gents -h

How it Works

When you create ModelOutputDatabase, it recursively searches the directory tree at hf_head_dir. If this tree is large, it may take some time. It is run in serial, so it won't show any information in the Dask dashboard, but you should see some print output. Calling .run() will first check to see if the database has been built, if not, it will automatically call .build() (which you can optionally call before .run() to inspect metadata). The .build() function aggregates the metadata for all of the history files under hf_head_dir. This process is parallelized using the Dask cluster and doesn't read much data, but opens a lot of files. This can take anywhere from less than a minute to 10 minutes depending on how the filesystem is organized. Once the metadata is aggregated in parallel, it is then processed in serial to for the arguments for time series generation. This step shouldn't take more than a few minutes and all progress will be communicated through print statements. After calculating the arguments, the generateTimeSeries is parallelized across the cluster with progress updated in the Dask dashboard. This is the final function call that actually preforms the time series generation by concatenating and merging variable data from the history files and writing them to disk. This process can take minutes to hours depending on the size of the history file output, the number of variables exported, the configuration of the Dask cluster, and traffic on the file system.

Errors may occur due to hiccups in file-reads, but they tend to be rare. These errors are not resolved in real-time, but reported to the user so that a smaller second-pass can be preformed to fix any incomplete or missing time series files. You might also notice that some tasks take longer than others or that the rate of progress sometimes slows down. This is likely due to different variable shapes/sizes and variability in disk I/O.

By default, existing files are not overwritten, but this can be configured as shown in ModelOutputDatabase Parameters. Immidiately before the program releases the handle for a time series file, an attribute is appended called timeseries_process as explained in Additional Attributes. This attribute is used to verify that a file was properly created (being the last thing added, it indicates the process completed successfully). If it does not exist in the file with the correct value, the program will assume it is broken and needs to be replaced. This is to protect against unexpected interruptions such as system crashes, I/O errors, or wall-clock limits.

ModelOutputDatabase Parameters

The ModelOutputDatabase constructor has multiple optional parameters that can be customized to fit your use-case:

class ModelOutputDatabase:
    def __init__(self,
                 hf_head_dir: str,
                 ts_head_dir: str,
                 dir_name_swaps: dict = {},
                 file_exclusions: list = [],
                 dir_exclusions: list = ["rest", "logs"],
                 include_variables: list = None,
                 exclude_variables: list = None,
                 year_start: int = None,
                 year_end: int = None,
                 compression_level: int = None,
                 variable_compression_levels: dict = None) -> None:
  • hf_head_dir : Required string/Path object, path to head directory to structure with subdirectories containing history files.
  • ts_head_dir : Required string/Path object, path to head directory where structure reflecting hf_head_dir will be created and time series files will be written to.

Note that for a Python class, the self parameter is an internal parameter skipped when creating the class object (hf_head_dir is the first parameter you can pass to ModelOutputDatabase()). You are only required to provide the first two parameters, hf_head_dir and ts_head_dir, but many assumptions will be made which you can also deduce from the default values in the constructor:

  1. All netCDF files under hf_head_dir, including all sub-directories except for "rest" and "logs", will be treated as history files.
  2. An identical directory structure to that of hf_head_dir will be created under ts_head_dir with the exception of time-step sub-directories (such as "month_1" and "day_1")
  3. The entire time series for all history files will be concatenated.
  4. All variables containing the time dimension will be concatenated and have time series files.
  5. No compression will be used (compression level 0).

These defaults can be overwritten to customize how your time series files are generated:

  • dir_name_swaps : Optional dictionary, dictionary for swapping out keyword directory names in the structure under hf_head_dir (e.g. {"hist" : "proc/tseries"})
  • file_exclusions : Optional list/array, file names containing any of the keywords in this list will be excluded from the database.
  • dir_exclusions : Optional list, directory names containing any of the keywords in this list will be excluded from the database.
  • include_variables : Optional list, variables to include in either creating individual time series files for adding as auxiliary variables.
  • exclude_variables : Optional list, variables to exclude from either creating individual time series files for adding as auxiliary variables.
  • year_start : Optional int, starting year for time series generation, must be later than first history file timestamp to have an effect.
  • year_end : Optional int, ending year for time series generation, must be later than last history file timestamp to have an effect.
  • compression_level : Optional int, compression level to pass to netCDF4 engine when generating time series files.
  • compression_algo : Optional str, compression algorithm to pass to netCDF4 engine when generating time series files.
  • variable_compression_levels : Optional dictionary, compression levels to apply to specific variables (variable name is key and the compression level is the value).
  • verbosity_level : Optional int, controls how much output is printed out. You can view the filtered output using .getLogs() and the unfiltered output using .getFullLogs().

Additional Attributes

When generating a new time series file, two new attributes are created in the global attributes dictionary:

  1. timeseries_software_version - Indicates the version of this software used to produce the time series dataset. This is important for identifying if the data is subject to any bugs that may exist in previous iterations of the code.
  2. timeseries_process - If the process is interrupted, some files may exist but not contain all the data or possibly be corrupted due to early termination of the file handle. This boolean attribute is created at initialization with a False value that is only set to True immediately before the file handle closes (it is the very last operation). When re-building the database after an interruption, this flag is checked to determine whether the file should be skipped or removed and re-computed.

Why not use Xarray?

Xarray is an amazing tool that makes most big data processes run significantly faster with a lot less hassle (and it works seemlessly with Dask). Time series generation, however, has zero analytical computations involved and is almost entirely I/O bound. Data is simply read, concatenated, merged, and written. We tried many different approaches with Xarray, but they all had performance issues that aren't a problem in most other situations. For example, reading the metadata of all of the history files is quite useful for determining which history files go together and what variables are primary versus auxiliary. Reading metadata using xarray is pretty slow at the moment, but that may be due to the fact that it adds so much more functionality on top of standard netCDF operations (which we don't really need for this problem). Xarray calls the netcdf4-Python engine under the hood, so we just use the engine directly instead. There are other features that could potentially make Xarray viable in the future, such as taking advantage of chunking. However, current model output is in the netCDF-3 format, which does not support inherently chunking, and we couldn't figure out how to control which workers recieved specific file-sized chunks using the Xarray API (which is important for synchronization in parallel, otherwise resulting in lots of latency and memory usage).