Setup the tech stack
- localforage
- electron-is-dev
- react
- parcel
- babel
- jest
- muicss
- redux
- rxjs
- redux-observable
- react-spinners
Setup Jenkins for Director Console
- Setup API for Jenkins call
- Test all the API applicable for Director console
- Create API views for Director console
- Actions for Director Console only
UI for Jenkins
- [] Base Page
- [] View Page
- [] Build Page
- [] Jobs Page
- [] Queue Page
- [] Settings Page(token)
Integrate the Jenkins Job with UI
- [] Integrate the API and Static UI
Production build for Electron app
- [] Integrate Electron and React App
- [] Integrate production builds
Test-case for all
- [] Test APIs
- [] Test UIs
Alpha-beta test
- [] Internal Team
- [] For everyone applicable
For everyone usage
- [] Make the API dynamic
- [] Create dynamic views for all project