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TheCuteFox edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 7 revisions

Welcome the the "Wiki" for Better Enchanting πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

This page contains small instructions on how the mod works, and some recipes exemples, but all of them can be found on tools like JEI and the recipe book in-game, so i will not list every possible recipe for this mod.

What does the mod do ? πŸ“–

The mod is a total conversion to vanilla enchanting table. Just craft the enchanting table as usual and start enjoying the mod. As in vanilla, the more bookshelves you put around the table, the better enchantment you will get (with a max of 15 bookshelves, once again, as in vanilla).

The first thing you will notice upon opening the enchanting table is that it does not look like vanilla, so let's explain it a bit :Β 


Now that you know what you are looking at, let's put an item in the item slot. I didn't modify the list of what items can be enchanted. As you can see, the UI resembles more of a skill tree now. Each different enchantment is a branch, and each entry on that branch is an enchantment level. You will notice, while hovering over the enchantment, that it asks, in addition to levels and lapis lazuli, an ingredient for the enchantment to happen. The item is also visible on top of the enchanting book, when you hover over any specific enchantment.


So, in this example, to put Fire Aspect I on my Iron sword, i need 2 Lapis Lazuli, 5 Levels and 1 Fire Charge. As i didn't put any fire cahrges in the third slot, if i click on it, nothing will happen. The green number under each enchantment is how much level this will cost you (same info as in the tooltip). The grayed enchantments are disabled, either because you do not have the previous enchantment of the same type OR because you are not high level enought :Β 


Here we can see that Sharpness V requires you to be at least level 25 to enchant your sword with it. It will probably not COST you 25 levels, but "you have to be that tall to enter the ride." (More on how costs are calculated and what enchantments are visible later.).

So, going back to our sword, if you pull a fire charge in the solt and you click "Fire Aspect I", your Lapis Lazuli, Fire Charge and Level will be consumed, and your sword will be enchanted with it.


A green checkmark appears on top of the enchantment we just did, and you can continue down the line or put another compatible enchantment (do note how the cost of all enchantments has risen). Rinse and repeat.

What enchantment are visible in the enchanting table ? πŸ“š

The proposed enchantments are the same as in Minecraft with a few additions. Firstly, every allowed enchantment are visible, including Treasure enchantments like Mending or Fros Walk, but also structure-specific ones like Swift Sneak. However, those enchantments require Essences that are pricy or, in the case of Swift Sneak and Soul Speed, that can only be looted where their respective enchanted books could. The secondary enchantments are also visible. It's the one that you could put on an object via a book but not directly enchant them. (e.g.: Efficiency on shears, Thorns on armor other than chestplate). Finally, most Swords enchantments are also available to the Axe.

Does that mean i can have Protection V and Blast Protection V on the same piece of armor ?

Well, I'm glad you asked. Because the answer is no. If you put on the enchanting table an item that already has some enchantment, the table won't propose you enchantments that are incompatible with the ones already present on the item.

How the cost are calculated ? πŸ’°

There are multiple things to take into consideration, and I've wanted to stay closest to how vanilla handles it while expanding on it. The first thing to take notice of is the weight of the enchantment on the enchanting table. The second thing is, of course, the level of the enchantment, Protection I will be cheaper than Protection V. Finally,Β  to balance things a bit, treasure enchantments are more expansive than regular ones.

From this, the mod create four separte values :

  • The Enchantment level requirement
  • The Enchantment Lapis Lazuli cost
  • The Enchantment Level cost
  • The enchantment material cost

Her's a breakdonw on how each of this values are computed :

The enchantment level requirement

βš–οΈ = 10 - Weight + (enchantmentLevel*EnchantmentLevel) The value is then caped at 30, to keep the vanilla feel. (The "10" in the formula is a bit of a "magic number" and may be changed.)

Enchantment Level cost

βš–οΈ = (8/Weight) + enchantmentLevel The cost is then increased by 10% per unique enchantment the item has. So a Mending, Protection I chestplate will increase later enchantment by 20% but Sharpness V Sworld would only increase them by 10%.

This new value is then again raised by the sum of all enchantment levels of the item. A Mending, Protection I chestplate will increase the cost by 2 but Sharpness V Sworld would increase it by 5.

Then, if the enchantment is a Treasure enchantment, its cost is doubled.

As a final modification, the mod applie a discount in form of percentage to the cost equal to the enchantability of the item. For exemple, a Golden Helmet with 25 enchentability will result in a 25% discount on the price.

The value is then finally rounded (8.4 becomes 8 but 11.7 becomes 12).

Exemples of calculation :
Let's put Unbreaking I on the Mending, Protection I Iron Chestplate
Unbreaking have a weight of 5
βš–οΈ = (8/5) + 1   => 2.6
We then add 20% of the price
βš–οΈ = 2.6 *1.2  => 3.12
Finaly, we add 2, the total number of enchantments level on this tiem
βš–οΈ = 3.12 + 2  => 5.12
    Iron Chestplate have an enchantability of 9, so a 9% reduction
    βš–οΈ = 5.12 - 9% => 4.65
As Unbreaking is not a treasure enchant, the final cost is 5

Now, let's put Mendig on our Sharpenss V Diamond Sword
Mending as a weight of 2
βš–οΈ = (8/2) + 1   => 5
We then add 10% of the price
βš–οΈ = 5 *1.1  => 5.5
Finaly, we add 5, the total number of enchantments level on this tiem
βš–οΈ = 5.5 + 5  => 10.5
As Mending is a treasure enchant, we double the cost (10.5*2) -> 21
    Diamond Sword have an enchantability of 10, so a 10% reduction
    βš–οΈ = 21 - 10% => 18,9
    The final cost is 19

(The "8" in the formula is a bit of a "magic number" and may be changed.)

Lapis Lazuli cost

βš–οΈ = enchantmentCost / 2 The result is then floored (so 3.8 become 3), but cannot be lower than 1.

Enchantment Ingredient cost

βš–οΈ = weight/2 The result is then floored (and cannot be lower than 1). If the enchantment level on the target enchant is the max level possile (i.e. : Protection IV, Frost Walker II, Mending), the cost is reduced to 1 as it will require an Essence (more on that just after). The value is also caped to the max count of an item stack, to prevent things like 20 honey bottles or 4 swords, as you can't put them in the enchanting table.

Other changes πŸ“‘

  • Anvils no longer require XP to repair items (but still do for renaming).
  • It's no longer possible to combine two enchanted items. It just won't let you do it.
  • Librarians no longer sell enchanted books, but may sell enchantment ingredients of various rarities in place.
  • You can't find enchanted books anywhere, their spawns have been replaced with their respective enchantment essence, or random ones. Due to the anvil rework, you can no longer apply enchantment books to an item.
  • Most tools can be enchanted with their "secondary enchantments" (e.g., Efficiency on sheer or Thorns on all armors), and axes can be enchanted with most of the Swords enchantments.

Essences and how to craft them πŸ’Ž

Every last level of enchantment now requires a unique item, which is called an Essence.Β  Almost every enchantment has a unique one and its own recipe, which often requires difficult or rare materials tied to the game's progression.

At the root of this system are two new ingredients (well, technically, three, you'll see). The first one is called Infused Lapis and is a stronger, more potent form of Lapis Lazulli that needs to be crafted (or bought from a Librarian sometimes).

image (Recipe is shapeless)

You then can craft a Magic Shard


Notice that the shard will be "dull." Indeed, indeed it's going to need to be infused with experience to make it useful. You have two methods to do so, a costly and tiedious one, which is crafting, and a more practical but Xp heavy one : infusing it at an enchantment table.

image The boring and pricy way

image The cool kids way

VoilΓ  ! You now have a full Magic Shard and can use it to craft essences. I won't put every recipe theire, as noted above because there are fully integrated in Minecraft recipe book and JEI (or the likes), but beacause i like you, here a few exemples.

image Essence Of Ice (for Frost walk)

image Essence Of Protection (for Protection V)

image Essence Of Channeling (For ... well, you know what for)

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Final worlds πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

First of all, thank you for reading and taking an interest in my mod. It is still pretty early in its development stage and will probably need a lot of changes, particularly regarding recipe balancing.

I'm planning on adding full support for a few selected mods that add new enchantments to Minecraft, but do note that it's should be compatible with most mods; you just need to edit the config file by adding each new enchant and their ingredients to the config of my mod, so enjoy ;). I will probably keep adding a few other mechanics and redrawing some of the icons that I don't like (I'm looking at you Essence Of The Sea), but yeah, ... That's it πŸ˜ƒΒ 

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